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Chemistry Lessons

Page 17

by Jae

  And then she stopped thinking as Regan slid her fingers up the back of her neck and into her hair and deepened the kiss. She tasted faintly of chocolate and something else, equally addictive.

  Heat sizzled over Ky’s skin. Her moan mingled with Regan’s. She wobbled on her knees and clutched Regan’s hips with both hands to keep herself upright. Their bodies pressed together along their lengths, turning up the temperature even more.

  Finally, Regan broke the kiss with a gasp, and Ky became aware that the throbbing in her body wasn’t just the pleasant kind. “Ouch. My knees are killing me.”

  Regan smiled, her lips still lingering against Ky’s. “Yeah. Mine too. Maybe we should have picked a different place for our first kiss. Well, second kiss.”

  “No,” Ky said. “This was perfect.”

  “Yeah?” Regan murmured against her mouth, and Ky could hear the same faint insecurity in her voice that remained deep inside of her.


  Their lips met again, and this time, there was nothing tentative about their kiss. It lasted until Ky was breathless and could no longer ignore the pain in her knees.

  They sank onto the wooden floor and lay on their backs next to each other, holding hands in their tree house, like teenagers. With the butterflies fluttering in her belly, Ky certainly felt like one.

  Regan turned her head and looked at her. Her cheeks were flushed, her lips red from their kisses, and a leaf had gotten caught in her hair.

  Ky reached out to remove it, then remembered that she no longer needed an excuse to touch her. Besides, Regan looked good like that—carefree and happy.

  “I realize this might take some getting used to,” Regan said quietly. “But if you want to touch me, you can.”

  Ky’s cheeks burned. “It’s not that.” She bit her kiss-swollen bottom lip. Great. Two seconds into this relationship and she was already making a mess of things. “I mean, of course I want to touch you.” She reached out her free hand and tenderly traced Regan’s cheekbone with her fingertips. God, her skin was incredibly soft.

  Regan’s eyes fluttered closed, then opened. She sent Ky a questioning look as if sensing that there was more.

  Oh. Ky had lost her train of thought. “You’ve got a leaf stuck in your hair.”

  “Where?” Regan patted her locks on the wrong side of her head. “You’d better remove it, or my parents will think we had a little tumble in the tree house.”

  Ky groaned and hid her face in the bend of her elbow. “Oh God.” She wasn’t sure she could sit down at the dinner table with the Romanos after kissing their daughter. “Do you think we can get away with sneaking out to the car?”

  Regan laughed.

  The booming, happy sound made Ky tingle all over.

  “You basically grew up with them, so I think you know the answer to that.”

  Ky sighed. “They would show up on my doorstep with the leftovers, wouldn’t they?”

  “The leftovers and a guilt trip the size of a blue whale.”

  Ky reached over and tenderly removed the leaf from Regan’s hair, then let her hand linger, just because she now could. “Do you want to tell them? I mean, today?”

  “Do you?”

  They looked at each other, then shook their heads at the same time.

  “Part of me wants to call everyone in my contacts list and tell them right this minute,” Regan said with the most adorable grin. “But my family and all of our friends have been up in our business for years. Maybe it would be nice if this”—she touched her own chest, then laid her hand on Ky’s, right above her heart, which promptly picked up its pace—“could grow without being the focus of everyone’s attention for a while. What do you think?”

  Ky put her hand on top of Regan’s. “I think you are a wise woman.”

  “Oh, you think I’m wise again now?” Regan’s eyes twinkled as she leaned over her. “I thought I was impulsive?”

  “That too. But I kinda love that about you.” Damn, that had practically been a declaration of love just minutes after their second kiss. But Ky didn’t want to play games with Regan and pretend she didn’t care when she really, really did.



  God, this was intense. Their eye contact made it hard to breathe.

  Then one corner of Regan’s mouth curled up into a playful smile as if she knew Ky needed to ease up on the emotional intensity. “So if you like my impulsiveness, you might like this…” With her hand still on Ky’s upper chest, she leaned down and—

  “Girls?” Joe’s voice drifted up through the opening in the platform. “Are you up there? Your mom said to leave you alone, but Kylie hasn’t had anything to eat yet.”

  Regan let her head fall against Ky’s shoulder and moaned into the cotton of her shirt. “You were right. We should have tried to sneak out.”

  “Too late.” Ky ran her fingers through Regan’s hair and enjoyed the shiver she felt go through her. “Come on. Let’s go get some dessert.” She would have preferred more kisses, but for now, some chocolate panna cotta would have to do.

  * * *

  The sun was starting to set when Regan pulled into the parking lot in front of Ky’s apartment building. She shut off the engine, and they both turned and looked at each other without saying anything.

  Regan couldn’t believe how much had changed since the last time she and Ky had been in her car together, less than twenty-four hours ago. She felt as if she could float all the way home, yet at the same time, a heavy weight settled on her chest because she was very much aware of how much this mattered. It wasn’t like the start of any other relationship since emotions were already higher and they both had so much more to lose—or to gain.

  Ky took her hand, then studied their intertwined fingers with the same look of wonder on her face that Regan felt. “This is…”

  “Yeah,” Regan said on a long exhale.

  Ky cocked her head and smiled at her. “How do you know what I wanted to say when I haven’t even decided on the right words yet?”

  “Surreal, wonderful, scary. Pick any of them. I think they all apply, for me anyway.”

  “Yeah, for me too.”

  Being able to be completely honest with each other once again felt so freeing. Holding back anything from Ky, even for a little while, had been excruciating.

  “So,” Regan finally said, “what do we do now?” It had been easier up in the tree house because it was their safe spot, removed from their adult lives.

  Ky gave her a crooked smile. “I have no idea.”

  Maybe that answer should have scared Regan even more, but instead, it gave her hope. She knew how hard it had been for Ky to make herself vulnerable in past relationships, and it was a relief to see that the trust they had built as friends still existed.

  “Do you, um, want to come in?” Ky tilted her head toward her front door.

  Mutual teasing had always been a part of their relationship, so Regan didn’t even try to hold back the joking reply that was on the tip of her tongue. “Isn’t that a little fast, considering we haven’t even had a real date yet?”

  Ky’s cheeks took on the loveliest tinge of red. “Get your mind out of the gutter, Regan Romano. I meant for a hot chocolate or something. Besides, we’ve had three dates. You kissed me after the third, and I’ve already been introduced to the family too.”

  “Hmm, maybe I should come in, then.” But Regan didn’t undo her seat belt. As tempting as it was, this was a big change for both of them, and they needed some time to adjust.

  “Seriously, though, could I interest you?” Ky’s eyes widened, and she quickly added, “Uh, I meant, can I interest you in going on a date? Not in coming in for…um…”

  Regan couldn’t help smiling. Such cuteness. How had she managed not to fall in love with her years ago? Then it was her turn to freeze, wide-eyed. Had she really just thought that? But was it that much of a surprise? She had loved Ky deeply for years, and she wouldn’t have risked their bo
nd for a hookup or a little crush.

  “Regan?” Ky swiped her thumb along Regan’s index finger, sending a tingle up her arm.

  “Um, sorry. Yes.”

  “Yes to what?”

  To everything. Out loud, she said: “To a date.” She trailed her own thumb along the web of Ky’s fingers. “For now.”

  Ky shivered visibly and cleared her throat. “Great. And this time, we won’t set out to prove that there’s no chemistry between us.”

  Regan chuckled. “No, I think it’s safe to say that experiment was a complete failure.”

  “Depends on your point of view.” Ky’s voice dropped an octave. “I’d say it was an outright success.”

  Their gazes locked, and the temperature in the car seemed to climb a few degrees.

  Finally, Regan blinked, interrupting their intense eye contact. “Friday?”

  “Sounds like a plan. Where would you like to go?” Ky asked. “If we want to keep this…us…to ourselves for a while, it should probably be somewhere where we won’t run into anyone we know.”

  “I’ve got this. I know the perfect place—and don’t worry, it’s not my parents’ restaurant.”

  Ky laughed. “Phew. What about Saturday? Are we still on for Netflix night?”

  “Of course,” Regan said. “I mean, we’re still best friends, right? That doesn’t have to change because we…um…we’re dating now. Or do you want things to change?”

  “No! I just wasn’t sure what the rules are for dating your best friend.”

  “I don’t think there’s a rule book, Ky. We’ll have to make it up as we go along.”

  Ky sent her an affectionate smile. “Well, you’ve always been great at improvising.”

  “And you’re great at following my lead,” Regan answered. “We’ll be fine.”

  They looked at each other for a while.

  “I should get home,” Regan finally said. “As much as I’d love to spend more time with you, I’ve got a stack of papers as tall as me to grade.”

  Ky opened her mouth, a twinkle in her eyes.

  With a faux stern look, Regan pressed a finger to Ky’s lips. “No jokes about my height.”

  “Wouldn’t think of it,” Ky murmured. Her breath tickled the pad of Regan’s finger. “You’re perfect, height and all.”

  They had bantered about Regan’s shorter frame for years, but now every inside joke seemed to have taken on a new, deeper meaning.

  Slowly, Regan slid her finger from Ky’s lips, but her gaze lingered for a moment longer before it darted to the brightly lit kitchen window. Damn. Ky’s eagle-eyed roommate was likely home, and if she walked past the window, she would have a perfect view of the car.

  How were they supposed to say goodbye now? A casual “see you tomorrow”? A hug? A kiss?

  “Huh.” Ky rubbed her eyebrow. “This is kinda complicated.”

  Or maybe they were making it more complicated than it needed to be. They were two consenting adults. If she wanted to kiss her girlfriend, she would. She had already reached for Ky but then froze with her hand halfway to Ky’s shoulder. “Oh wow.”

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah.” Regan shook her head and laughed. “I just realized you’re my girlfriend now.”

  Ky looked at her the way she had when Regan had given her some of the Pokémon cards from her own collection for her birthday when they’d been ten. “Which also makes you my girlfriend.”

  “That would be a correct conclusion.”

  “So if I wanted to kiss you good night…” Ky’s voice lowered with every word as she undid her seat belt and leaned across the center console.

  Regan tried to pretend her breath didn’t catch. “Well, if you must…” She let out a long-suffering sigh and puckered her lips.

  Ky burst out laughing. “You goof.” Her laughter faded away as she ran her fingers up Regan’s arm and across her shoulder, raising a trail of goose bumps. She stroked up the side of Regan’s neck, then touched a single fingertip to the corner of Regan’s mouth in a gesture that was tender yet incredibly erotic.

  Heat coursed through Regan, and her playful mood instantly shifted. Ky. Please.

  As if hearing the silent plea, Ky bridged the final inch between them and brushed her lips against Regan’s in a featherlight caress.

  Regan cupped the back of Ky’s neck and pulled her closer. Her mouth parted beneath Ky’s.

  Ky traced the curve of Regan’s upper lip with the tip of her tongue before slipping inside. She explored with gentle strokes that quickly grew more confident.

  Regan returned each touch and raked her fingers through Ky’s hair.

  A low groan escaped Ky, sending a thrill through Regan.

  The taste, feel, and sound of her made Regan’s head spin in ways she had never expected.

  Finally, after one last, lingering kiss, Ky pulled back. “Good night,” she whispered, her voice husky.

  By the time Regan regained the power of speech, Ky had opened the door and climbed out on legs that looked a little unsteady.

  “Good night,” Regan answered through a dry throat. She stared after Ky as she closed the passenger door and walked toward her apartment.

  When she reached it, she turned and lifted one hand.

  Regan mirrored the gesture.

  Somehow, Ky managed to unlock the door without fully turning toward it or breaking their eye contact. They stared at each other from across the parking lot for a few seconds longer before Ky stepped inside.

  Regan slumped against the back of the seat and touched the corner of her mouth, recreating Ky’s earlier caress.

  Wow. Who knew?

  Chapter 14

  On Friday, every student at Hamilton High seemed to be in the mood for pizza, and Ky felt as if she had single-handedly fed all one thousand thirty-six of them, even though not all of them ate in the cafeteria.

  Finally, the stream of kids slowed to a trickle.

  Ky checked the line to see if the cheese pizza would last.

  A sixth sense drew her attention toward the double doors, which swung open.

  Regan entered the cafeteria. Her energy filled the lunchroom as she smoothly sidestepped a group of students. She wore one of Ky’s favorite outfits, a navy-blue wrap skirt and a simple white T-shirt. God, she looked good.

  Ky drank her in as she approached. While they had talked on the phone for a few minutes every day, they had barely seen each other all week. With less than two weeks until senior finals, Regan had been busy creating study guides and review booklets. The sight of her was a special treat that brightened Ky’s day.

  As they made eye contact from across the room, a smile lit up Regan’s face.

  “Hey,” the kid in front of Ky said as she handed him a tray without looking. “I wanted cheese pizza.”

  Grudgingly, Ky looked away from Regan and checked the tray. Oops. She’d handed him a slice of pepperoni pizza, Regan’s usual choice. She switched it for cheese pizza and forced herself to focus on work but was very much aware of Regan as she made her way through the line toward her.

  Finally, Regan reached her. Her gaze swept over Ky, making her flush more than the heat lamps that kept the pizza warm.

  Ky had never cared how she looked in her work outfit, but now she cursed the unattractive apron and gloves and the baseball cap she wore to contain her hair.

  “Hi.” Regan tucked a curly strand of hair behind her ear. Tiny shreds of paper from the perforated edge of a spiral notebook stuck to her forearm.

  Ky struggled not to reach across the counter and brush them off. While their school was pretty liberal, the principal supportive, and their co-workers aware she and Regan were queer, they had never before been queer together, and Ky had no idea how they would navigate their relationship at work now that the rumors weren’t only rumors anymore. With all the students surrounding them, even the most platonic of touches was probably out.

  “Hi,” she said as casually as possible. “I should have known pizza day woul
d lure you over.”

  “Of course. I’m Italian after all.” But the look in Regan’s eyes said that it hadn’t been the pizza that had lured her to the cafeteria.

  Someone in line behind Regan cleared their throat.

  Ky kicked herself into motion, picked the most delicious-looking slice of pepperoni pizza, and slid the tray in front of Regan. “Here you go.”

  The corners of Regan’s lips twitched into a smile. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

  Ky stared at her. Did Regan really expect her to…?

  “Fruit,” Regan said. “Every lunch must include a serving of fruit or veggies, right?”

  “Oh. Right.” Ky added an orange to the tray, careful not to let their fingers brush.

  “Thank you. See you tonight,” Regan said but didn’t seem in a hurry to walk away.

  Tonight… The thought of their date made Ky’s heart hammer with equal parts excitement and nervousness. This time, it would be real, not just going through the motions to prove a point to their friends. Her emotions would be out there for Regan to see.

  “Kylie,” Fran called from the back. “Can you come over here for a second?”

  As Lilia slid in next to her to take over, Ky sent Regan a regretful look and a quick wave before crossing the kitchen to see what her boss wanted.

  Fran glanced up from her ever-present clipboard. “I just found out that the district food service coordinator will drop by later today. If you want that promotion, you might want to stick around.”

  Ky froze. In the past, she’d been afraid to let herself want more, scared that it would mean she would never be happy with what she had, like her parents. But now she had taken a huge leap of faith with Regan—and was happier than ever, so maybe wanting more wasn’t always a bad thing.

  The question was just: Did she want this?

  Regan’s words echoed through Ky’s mind: If you really wanted it, you would know.

  “Um, about that…” When Fran lowered her clipboard, Ky leaned against one of the stainless-steel worktables for support. “I’m honored by your trust in me, but I’ve decided not to take the promotion.”


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