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Page 5

by H. P. Mallory

  “I am,” she responded.

  “Interesting,” I continued as I took a deep breath and focused my power on myself, dissipating the remnants of the pain that still swam through my head. “I thought the Supreme Elder of my people killed you on the battlefield in our training camp. At least, it sure looked that way.”

  “Looks can be deceiving,” the woman responded stonily.


  Then we both fell silent as we awaited word to enter the “Green Room.” The authorization arrived maybe five minutes later. I didn’t hear a voice letting us know that it was okay to enter, so I supposed whoever okayed it had done so silently. Mercedes nudged me forward, and a few steps later, my mind was suddenly flooded with thoughts that weren’t my own. I could only assume they were the thoughts of the people inside the room.

  In another few seconds, my sight was restored. I blinked a few times, trying to get accustomed to the overhead lights, which were incredibly bright. Looking out through a pair of French doors that led to a balcony, I noticed that night had darkened the sky. I returned my attention to the room and admired the handsome shade of sage that covered the walls. No wonder this was called the Green Room ... Jolie was sitting behind a desk in the center of the room while the rest of it was comprised of amphitheater-style, rowed seating.

  Mercedes led me to the far side of the room where Sinjin was standing alone. As soon as I made eye contact with him, he smiled at me lasciviously. I looked away, turning my attention instead to the rest of the people who were in attendance.

  “Would you mind keeping an eye on her?” Mercedes asked Sinjin as I glanced back at him and frowned. “I must attend to the needs of the queen.”

  His eyes never left mine. “With pleasure,” he replied as he gripped me around my upper arm tightly. I couldn’t take so much as a step. Mercedes simply nodded and returned to the other side of the room, where she stood beside Jolie. I watched Rand walk through the double doors and up to Jolie, pulling the chair out beside her.

  Physically speaking, Rand was striking. He was decently tall, though not as tall as Sinjin, but his shoulders and chest were probably a bit broader than the vampire’s. His tan complexion gave him a Mediterranean look, but his accent left no question as to his nationality. He was as British as the most annoying vampire I’d ever had the misfortune of meeting. Rand’s face was every bit as handsome as Sinjin’s. Well, almost … maybe. His chocolate brown hair was the same hue as his eyes although his eyes were a shade or two darker. With his angular face, Roman nose, clefted chin and dimples, he was certainly a looker, and then some.

  I couldn’t help noticing the way Rand kept his eyes fastened on my sister. He looked at her like she was the only person in the room. His gaze was so filled with love and adoration, I suddenly felt hollow and empty. No one had ever looked at me like that.

  “Watch it,” I barked at Sinjin as soon as he pulled me into the length of him. He was so close, I could feel his cold breath on my cheeks.

  “Our prisoner must not escape her confines,” he said in a whisper that tickled my ear.

  I didn’t respond, but faced forward, scanning my surroundings. I had to catch my breath, which was infuriating because Sinjin was demonstrating a knack for stealing it. He also had a way of making my heartbeat race until I was consumed with feelings of anxiety. And I never did well with anxiety.

  Seated in the first row were the people I guessed were Jolie’s panel of advisors. One of the most enormous men I’d ever seen was sitting directly in front of me. His bulky shoulders and the girth of his barrel chest would have obscured anyone behind him from view. He was dressed only in a kilt, which suggested he was probably Scottish or maybe Irish. I couldn’t seem to keep my eyes from the swells and valleys of his well-developed, muscular chest. As someone who considered exercising just as important as breathing and eating, I could appreciate his beautifully sculpted body. His long, blond hair fell to his waist, and shone like spun gold. His handsome face resembled that of a lion—solid, angular planes with a strong jaw. His eyes were deeply set, wide and the color of amber. They were currently riveted on me and his jaw was tight. As soon as I made eye contact with him, I could hear his thoughts.

  The lass is verra bonnie! Aye, Odran mah man, boot ye moost not forget, she’s yer enemy! Och aye, Ah willnae forget. Boot look at her breasts an’ the lines o’ her hips … Aye, Ah would like ta bed her. An’ mayhap she would fight meh a wee bit. Aye, she’s a tigress, that one. Ah should like ta put her in her place an’ teach her how ta soobmit ta the king o’ the fae.

  So that solved the puzzle of who the gargantuan blond lion was: Odran, the king of the fae. Interesting. And the accent with which he’d spoken in his head said he was decidedly Scottish. Next my attention shifted to the much smaller man sitting beside the Scottish king. His build was stocky, but powerful. His widely set brown eyes, high cheekbones, overly generous nose and full mouth made him appealing, but in no way as striking as Odran or Sinjin. Sensing something canine about him, I wondered if he were some sort of were. Judging by the way he was glaring at me, however, it became pretty obvious his thoughts weren’t going to be especially friendly.

  Who does this little bitch think she is? She better hope to hell she doesn’t find herself alone with me ’cause I’ll force every secret she ever had out of her and what’s more, I’ll enjoy every second of it. He continued to study me, a scowl coloring his features. Yeah, she looks a lot like Jolie. Hmm, maybe I’ll pick up with this one where I left off with the queen ...

  I made a mental note to keep an eye on that one. The more I studied him, the more I got the feeling that he was a were. It was an uncanny canine vibe that reverberated through me and convinced me he had to be a werewolf. And werewolves didn’t intimidate me. Not by a longshot.

  “Ah, it appears you have showered, my little fury,” Sinjin’s voice sounded in my ear.

  “I have,” I answered icily.

  “And I did not fail to notice that you are wearing the clothing I recently procured for you,” he added. I could hear the smile in his voice. “I am flattered.”

  “Don’t be. If my sister had even an ounce of fashion sense, I would have happily worn her stuff.”

  “Be that as it may,” Sinjin continued as I pulled away and turned around to glare at him. He immediately gripped my right arm, as if to remind me he was my keeper and intended to do a good job of keeping me. He didn’t say anything, but his gaze traveled down my face and rested on my bust. Then it traveled even lower still and settled on the area between my thighs. “You make that ensemble appear even more erotic than I imagined it could be.”

  “If you’re expecting me to say thank you, don’t hold your breath,” I grumbled before adding, “that is, if you had any breath to hold.”

  “I expect nothing more than unbridled hostility and misguided aggression from you, my little hellion,” he replied with a hearty chuckle.

  “And stop looking at me like that.”

  “Like what?” he inquired, giving me an expression of pure innocence.

  “Like I’m a bag of O positive and you’re starving,” I snapped, spearing him with my narrowed gaze.

  “I cannot help it, princess, if the unique flavor of your blood pervades my memories. I do so achingly long for another taste of you.” He glanced down the line of my body again. “All of you.”

  “You try to sink your teeth into me, and I’ll be wearing them as a necklace.”

  He just chuckled as if he weren’t concerned with losing his teeth. I faced forward again, hoping my threat had reached home. Gripping my waist, Sinjin pulled me back against him, but I didn’t even try to fight him. I knew better. Resistance was exactly what he wanted. He was one of those predators who enjoyed the game of cat and mouse. Well, I’d prove to him that this wasn’t any ordinary mouse he was playing with.

  “Thank you all for coming,” Jolie suddenly piped up.

  “Ah, so the meeting begins,” Sinjin whispered in my ear.

/>   Not wanting to focus on the vampire, I looked at the remaining people in the room. Standing on the far side, I spotted a man who was clearly a vampire. He was unnaturally tall and gaunt. He had bright orange hair and anemic white skin that almost appeared translucent, with visible blue veins beneath it. He glared at me with fury in his eyes. I honed in on him, but couldn’t read his thoughts.

  Standing next to him was another vampire, but this one was a female. She was very pretty with bright, blue eyes and long, dark hair that reached the middle of her back. Even though she was also staring at me, I sensed more curiosity than anger in her expression.

  She’s the spitting image of the queen! she thought in a Texan accent. Well, she would be if she had Jolie’s blond hair, anyway. The female vamp continued to study me, and her thoughts echoed through my mind. She’s beautiful! And the way Sinjin’s scoping out her ass, I’m sure he’d agree with me. Leave it to Sinjin to find the newest flavor of the month … it’s a good thing he’s my friend because otherwise, I don’t know how I’d put up with his womanizing. Hopefully, this chick won’t fall for him or she’ll find herself landing hard with no one to catch her.

  No worries of that, I thought back to her. Sinjin is no more than a thorn in my side.

  Her face revealed her shock as her mouth dropped open and she stared at me, looking aghast. You can read my thoughts? she asked.

  So it appears, I responded in a bored tone before offering her a quick, smug smile and facing Jolie again.

  “As you have, no doubt, figured out already,” Jolie continued, “I have a twin sister.” She addressed everyone in the room before settling her attention on me and smiling. “And currently, she is being entertained in the guesthouse of Kinloch Kirk.” She took a deep breath. “I can’t keep her there forever though, so the purpose of this meeting is to ask if there are any volunteers who would … perform the role of her guardian?”

  “What?” I demanded, as anger flooded me.


  “Guardian?” I repeated, both shocked and annoyed at the very idea that any privacy I might have previously had was about to be encroached upon.

  “You can’t stay inside that guestroom forever, Bryn,” Jolie explained as she turned to face me. “You said yourself that prolonged confinement was jeopardizing your sanity.”

  “I also have no interest in someone babysitting me,” I spat back at her as I crossed my arms over my chest and realized she was right—I most definitely would lose my mind if I had to spend another minute locked away in that twelve-by-twelve prison. However, that wasn’t to say that I wanted to be escorted around like an inmate or a pet dog.

  I heard the fae king chuckle in a deep baritone. I speared him with an angry expression, narrowing my eyes into mere slivers. His amber eyes widened momentarily as soon as I glared at him, but he quickly stopped chuckling, leaving only the hint of a smile to replace his obvious amusement. I could admit he was a good-looking guy, but there was also something about him that broadcasted “shameless womanizer.”

  “Then you would prefer to remain incarcerated?” Rand asked. When I turned my attention to him, I found him studying me pointedly. His tone was matter of fact, like it was of little interest to him whether I wasted away in confinement or not. Rand didn’t trust me and he didn’t like me—I could read as much in his sharp gaze.

  Clearing my throat, I suddenly felt the penetration of everyone’s eyes on me. For a split second, I felt slightly intimidated but then I beat the feeling away and stood up straight, to my full five-foot-six height. “No, I wouldn’t prefer to remain incarcerated,” I repeated, spitting his words back at him. Then I faced Jolie again and said telepathically: you could have discussed this situation with me in private, without everyone overhearing. I wanted her to know that I didn’t appreciate our audience.

  I preferred to introduce you to everyone as my sister, Bryn, but as their queen, I have to acknowledge that you are first and foremost, my prisoner. I can’t treat you differently than any other prisoner; although, truthfully, I already have. She paused for a moment and took a deep breath. Trust me, I’ve thought long and hard about the best way forward. Then I was flooded by her emotions—she was physically torn between treating me like her own flesh and blood or considering me her enemy. She also didn’t want any of her subjects to think she’d gone soft, which wouldn’t bode well for her position as queen. I understood where she was coming from, although I didn’t like having this guardianship business sprung on me. I’m trying to make this easy on you, Bryn, she continued, I know you don’t want to be locked up forever, but I also can’t grant you your freedom. Not yet, anyway. Not before I know what your true intentions are.

  I never expected to be granted freedom, I snapped immediately. It made me uncomfortable that she was even considering what my true intentions were. They should have been obvious to her. I wanted to return to my people, where I belonged. The sooner she realized that, the better.

  I couldn’t help imagine that Jolie lived in an idealistic dream world, where she must have assumed that she and I would eventually become bosom buddies, wearing matching outfits like twins, and talking about any and everything girly. But that was not my reality. And it never would be. It just wasn’t in the cards for the two of us to be anything besides lifelong enemies, whether we shared the same blood or not.

  Jolie’s face became like a mask, revealing nothing, although her lips were tight. Well, then, the choice is yours: either remain locked up or you can get a little more autonomy with a guardian. She faced me expectantly with her eyebrows raised.

  “If the prisoner prefers not to be removed from her confines, the subject is clearly over,” the prophetess suddenly piped up, taking a step toward us. Her mannerisms, alone, made it pretty clear that she ranked high on the social ladder. “We cannot spare the time to argue the matter further.”

  My expression intimated that I wasn’t too thrilled with her interruption, much less with her in general. And I didn’t give a rat’s ass how high she ranked on the Underworld’s social ladder, prophetess or not. As far as her powers went, they were no match to Luce’s. That much had been methodically displayed on the battlefield of our camp. However, of one thing I was certain regarding this woman: she would make things tougher for me. She wasn’t a fan of mine by any stretch of the imagination—I could read as much in her eyes. She viewed me purely as an enemy, not as the queen’s sister.

  And, rightly so.

  I faced my sister again and realized I needed to make a decision before my slim chance of freedom was rescinded just as quickly as it had been offered. Okay, I thought to Jolie, having a hard time consenting to further submission. Some freedom is better than none, I guess.

  Jolie smiled optimistically, holding my gaze for a few seconds before she faced the rest of the room. “My sister has agreed to accepting a guardian appointed by me.” She inhaled and glanced around the room, as if trying to decide who would make a good one. “Would anyone like to volunteer for the position?”

  With the exception of Sinjin and Rand, all the other men in the room raised their hands immediately. I shook my head and sighed with exasperation. Glancing at the fae king and then the werewolf beside him, it was more than obvious to me that I’d now have to deal with egos that were way out of control, tied with machismo. And on top of that, I’d also probably have to ward off the sexual advances of whomever my sister chose to leave me with. One thing I’d repeatedly heard regarding the male creatures of the Underworld was that they couldn’t control their libidos. But luckily for me, and unluckily for them, I knew how to defend myself.

  “Ah would like ta offer mahself for the position,” the fae king announced, nodding. His long mane of golden hair hung around him like a thick curtain.

  “And I also volunteer,” the stocky were beside him piped up, with pursed lips and a hard expression. “A wolf can keep her in line better than any other creature.” Yep, this one definitely intended to give me a hard time; but hopefully, my sister wouldn’t c
onsider that a good thing. I absolutely didn’t want to be left in his charge. There was just something about him that seemed sneaky and untrustworthy.

  “There is no creature more powerful than the vampire,” the gaunt vampire with the orange hair retorted with a snide look at the werewolf. The differences regarding the factions of the creatures of the Underworld were just as obvious as they were between my own people. In general, Daywalkers and Elementals didn’t exactly like each other, but tolerated one another just because we were ordered to. Any unions between the two, however, were strictly forbidden.

  “My sister will require a guardian both day and night,” Jolie continued, taking turns facing everyone in the room. Then she glanced at Sinjin and her expression softened. It was clear that she harbored some sort of soft spot for the incorrigible vampire. “I’m appointing you, Sinjin, to watch over Bryn during the evenings.”

  “My queen,” Sinjin said as he took a step toward her. I sensed an argument in his tone, which irritated me. Especially, when it seemed like everyone else was frothing at the bit for the opportunity to become my keeper. “As I am your protector …” he began, still addressing my sister.

  But Jolie shook her head and gave us both a strange, knowing smile. “Klaasje is perfectly able to protect and defend me,” she continued as she glanced at the dark-haired, pretty vampire and smiled. Then she returned her attention to me, before focusing entirely on Sinjin. “I don’t trust anyone to watch my sister as much as I trust you, Sinjin.”

  He cleared his throat and shook his head. “I appreciate the compliment, my queen, but I must argue in support of my continuing to protect you.” He was quiet for a second or two. “You, my queen, are of the utmost importance …”

  I huffed out my irritation, not exactly glad to be considered less “important” than my sister. But I reminded myself that I had no interest in Sinjin becoming my guardian anyway. Of all the people I’d met here thus far, he was hands-down the most irritating. And if he came up with one more idiotic nickname for me, I’d have to off myself.


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