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Aspirant 2: A Sci-Fi Harem Adventure

Page 25

by Maxx Whittaker

  I have to admit, fucking an alien so hard that she swears off her own people is just about the best thing I’ve ever done. I grip the top of her thighs. “Ready for more?”

  “Broodmother, yes.” Her tongue darts out, flicking up bits of cum from the top of my shaft before retracting. Her eyes half close. “I had almost forgotten how delicious you are.”

  “Just means we have to do this more often,” I say, sliding completely out of her.

  “That remains to be seen,” she says, but at least she doesn’t sound sad anymore. If anything, there’s challenge in her eyes. “It is your turn to convince me to stay.”

  “Let’s start with this,” I grunt, thrusting into her.

  She lets out her little half moan half purr, the same I remember from when Mika and I made love to her on the Citadel. I hadn’t heard it before now, not with her back to me before. But I hear it now, satisfied and ready for whatever I’m about to do. “More,” she goads.

  I pull back, and once again, I concentrate my power. I press another shaft of invisible energy to her second entrance before looking to her eyes to gauge. She came so hard the first time… Is it too much?”

  Sharp teeth worry her lip. “Yes,” she whispers.

  I don’t move as I slowly push my mind into her pussy. But I watch. Her lips part slowly, almost neon orange that darkens as my shaft of energy presses deep. She moans and arches her back, raising her ass so I have a better view.

  It’s enough to drive me wild. Watching her smaller pussy open and convulse as an invisible cock fucks her is definitely a new contender for the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. Her walls are so wet, and the thin sunlight is enough to illuminate every inch of the inside of her pussy as it opens and closes.

  Her face turns to the side and her moans are feral. Blue hair splays across her closed eyes so all I can see are lips parted just enough that her little fangs show. Something about it is almost hotter than anything else; seeing a being whose so in control, so perfectly composed lose it as I pump into her with my mind is amazing.

  I can’t wait any longer. I slide my cock back deep inside, pushing as far as I can. Then I pause and push my shaft of power deep inside and hold it there.

  She lets out a little whine that’s simultaneously completely adorable and incredibly sexy. “Sam…” she begs. “Please…”

  I don’t move. Not yet. Reducing the ultimate badass to a puddle that’s waiting for me to fuck her, watching her lay almost bonelessly as I fill her completely… This is a high I never knew existed until now. Overpowering her, making her beg… My cock is on fire inside her, and feeling her from the inside with my mind…

  I never want this to end.


  I can’t keep her waiting forever.

  I fuck her rhythmically, alternating between my shaft of power and my cock so one is always thrusting inside. The feel of my shaft of energy against my shaft of flesh through the thin walls of her pussy is incredible, like jerking off through her holes.

  She’s completely limp, moaning and shivering as my endless cycle of cock steals her strength. “Sam,” she purrs quietly, over and over. “Oh, Sam…” The S stretches long as her stomach tightens and her tongue lays limp across her cheek.

  Time to finish this. I change rhythm, thrusting together, filling both her holes at the same time. Her body convulses with each thrust as the nerves of both her pussies are lit aflame, and she’s so mindless with pleasure that her eyes roll back so far all I can see are the whites. She reminds of Mika when Syl fucked her with her tongue, insensate with pure liquid pleasure.

  There’s a twinge of pain in my head, a tiny spike of agony. I’m not using much power to do this, but sustaining it… Blood drips from my nose and spatters on her belly. We both ignore it.

  Filling her completely somehow increases the pressure on my cock. Experimentally, I increase the size of my shaft of power the tiniest bit, just enough to stretch her alien pussy. She lets out a little yelp at the change, and I can’t help but match it. It makes her so much tighter that I… I…

  I cum for a third time, slamming hard into her so hard my balls ache. I push my mind shaft in simultaneously, and this time, she screams as her body jerks uncontrollably. We climax together, moaning each other’s names like prayers as she sits up and clings to me. Her head rests next to mine as cum spurts from her and coats my balls. Our orgasms crest and fall together, and when they end we sink to the flat stone surface.

  I roll off her, so sensitive I can’t take the tightness of her pussy anymore. My power evaporates, emptying from her as we lay next to each other gasping.

  The world around us is utterly silent. We’ve scared off any wildlife, and if any players showed up to watch our performance, they’re either gone or silent. I can’t make myself care. My mind is blank. Zenlike.

  “Sam.” Syl’s voice is barely audible. “If I died in this moment, I would not care about the dishonor of not being taken by battle. That was beyond anything I have ever experienced.”

  “Not bad, for a human?”

  “Not bad, for any race.” She shivers. “Twenty-two of your Earth years ago, we made contact with the K’sklar. Their bodies are made for mating. Their male’s sexual organs are as agile as my tongue, and they have two of them. Females are able to control the texture and volume of their vaginal canals.”

  “That sounds… Intriguing.”

  “Indeed. If you have the opportunity, you should attempt to mate with one.”

  “Wait, are you saying that you’ve been with one of these… Sex aliens?” Not sure I’m excited to be compared to a multi-cocked love machine.

  “Only in a simulation. There are only four K’sklar aboard the world ship. A small delegation sent when we left their world. I have not been fortunate enough to make contact with one of them.”


  “Our virtual simulations are very detailed.”

  “So…” I drawl, not sure I like where this is going.

  She trails a single finger along the length of my cock, applying just enough pressure that I can’t help but respond. “I did not think anything in the galaxy could match that simulation.” She grips me and purrs when I moan. “You have proven me incorrect.”

  “Oh God, Syl…” I gasp in regret as she lets me go. “I love you.”

  Something changes. The afterglow fades at my words, and when she pulls away from me it’s almost imperceptible.

  “Hey. What is it?” Not exactly the response a guy hopes for after a confession like that.

  She’s silent a moment. “Love is a much different concept among my people than it is for yours. We mate for survival, and do not take permanent partners.” She touches my hand lightly before pulling away further. “If only they knew what they missed.”

  My heart rises in my throat before I can speak again. “Syl.” My voice is ragged. “Don’t leave.”

  Her body rocks with a silent sob. “I must. Now more than ever. Do you not understand? You mean so much… So much to me. If my presence was the factor that put you in danger… If I were the reason you died…”

  She’s not wrong. I’m willing to fight for her, to die for her, but that’s definitely not how I want this to end. She does paint a target on us everywhere we go. How can we make our way through Lifestream without pissing off everyone we meet? How long until her presence angers someone who’s high enough level that we end up dead?

  There has to be a way to have our cake and eat it, too.

  Then it hits me. “We’ll just put a disguise on you,” I say, giving myself a mental slap. How did I not think of it before? It’s so simple.

  I have the satisfaction of surprising her a second time. Her whole body startles before she turns to me, leaning on one elbow. “What?”

  “If being a Threvian draws unwanted attention, we’ll just disguise you.”


  I motion to my torn clothes. “I know this girl who does wonderful things with fashion. She’s l
ike a savant or something. If she can turn a blob of silver into all this,” I say, patting at my chest, “I’m sure she can disguise you as human.” As we’ve been talking the material has been repairing itself. Even the “cloth” that covered my crotch, which Syl ripped away, has reformed. “Look. It’s even self-repairing.”

  “A disguise.” Syl says the word like a curse. “My people do not… Do not disguise ourselves. Our honor dictates that–”

  “Yeah yeah, honor and courage and pride, yada yada.” I finally sit enough to turn to face her. “If it’s the difference between staying with us or leaving, isn’t it worth it?”

  Unshed tears shimmer in her oversized eyes. “Yes, Sam.” She wipes them away savagely. “Yes. I will wear a disguise to protect my clan.”

  I lean over and hug her tight. Her purring breath tickles my ear as I kiss her cheek. “I thought you might.” Then I grin wide enough that my teeth brush her scales. “See? I told you I could keep you from leaving.”

  She chuckles and pulls away from me. “Infuriating human.”

  “That’s me. Pain in the capital a ess ess.”

  Her smile is faint, and still far too sad for my taste. “I do not know what that means.”

  “Never mind.” I run a finger along the magenta scales of her arm, raking her lightly with my nails. “What is it? Why so sad?”

  She stares into my eyes like she’s searching for salvation. “I am an orphan now.”

  “What do you mean?”

  She’s as haggard as I’ve ever seen. “I have betrayed my people. If we succeed in our mission and come back to life… They will never accept me.” She takes a shuddering breath. “Your people hate me. I have… I have no home.”


  “But it is an acceptable outcome. When our mission is over, I will… I will find a place and–”

  “Syl, if you don’t stop talking nonsense, I’m going to teach you another lesson.”

  She recoils, taken aback by my tone. “What?”

  “You have a home.” I tap my chest. “I am your home. Mika is. Astra. Your clan.” I tap hers. “You are our family. Our life. Screw everyone else.”


  “Besides,” I say with a wink, “saving the world has a way of ingratiating a person with the general populace. And when you help us do it, we will make sure that everyone knows it.”

  “A life on Earth,” she says wistfully. “I do not know…” She trails off, eyes flicking to mine. She gives a little nod. “Before I met you, I never would have entertained the idea. Now…” She sighs. “Yes. I could do that.”

  “Good. Settled. Now, if you ever try to leave us again, I’ll spank you.” I brush her with my power. “You know I can.”

  “I tremble and obey, oh mighty lord,” she says with an absolutely straight face.

  “Syl, was that sarcasm?” I clutch my chest, mock wounded. “God, we’re ruining you in more ways than one.”

  “I find that I enjoy being ruined,” she says, arching her back. Her nipples haven’t retracted, and watching them raise high atop her little tits is enough to get me hot and bothered all over again. She peeks through half lidded eyes and purrs with approval when she notices me noticing. “Perhaps you could ruin me some more.”

  “Put a pin in that til later.” I hop off the rock suddenly, leaving her befuddled. “We don’t have much time.”

  “Time?” she asks, sitting slowly. “Sam, do you have the brain worms? What are you…”

  “You’ll see,” I say. “Just a hunch I have. Here, hop up and put away all your…” I wave at her still engorged pussy, wet and glistening orange in the light. “All that. We’re about to have company.”

  Syl flexes, and her nipples and vulva fold back inside herself. She does it slowly, spreading her legs so I have a perfect view. “You are terrible,” I groan. I slap her ass with my mind to speed her up.

  Her laugh is pure wickedness.

  We hide amongst the black stones, crouched low. Syl keeps sending questioning glances my way, but I don’t take the bait. She grits her teeth and stares daggers.

  Maybe fifteen minutes goes by before she can’t take anymore. She stabs a claw at me. “What are we waiting for? Are you jesting with me?”

  “We are waiting for…” In the distance, I hear it. Perfect timing. “That.”

  “What…” Syl asks, cocking her head to listen.

  That is humming. Low enough that it doesn’t carry too far across the zone and toneless, random noise meant to fill time.

  “What is it?” Syl cranes her neck to look.

  I lower her with a hand to her shoulder. “Just wait. Be ready.”

  She glares like she’s about to cut my head off, but she does as I ask. It’s hard not to burst out laughing at how frustrated she gets… God, I love messing with her. But not to piss her off. Just to bring her out of her shell.

  Like a few minutes ago. God… Just thinking about her long back arching as she slashed the rock, as my power held her down, as she cursed and tried to escape before I dominated her…

  Shit. I have to get my mind out of the gutter or we’re going to miss our chance.

  The humming is right on top of us. Now, I mouth.

  Syl pounces. There’s a shriek of fear, then pain, followed by cursing blue enough to make a sailor blush.

  I come out of my crouch, crossing my arms as I lean back against one of the stones. I grin at the newcomer. “Hello, Wick.”

  The Palico’s eyes dart between me and Syl. “How in the fu... Sam!” he says, trying to master his features. Even with the face of a cat, his surprise is perfect. “You’re alive! I mean… Of course you’re alive!” His whiskers quiver when we don’t answer. “That’s… That’s great! So good to see you, bud! And you, alien girl! You look as pants shittingly scary as ever!”

  Syl lifts him by the scruff of his neck. He squawks as she brings him face to face. “Did you have a reason to believe we would not survive?”

  “What? Noooo!” Wicks nervous laugh is tinged with panic. “You didn’t find the Corroc. That’s okay. We can look tomorrow and–”

  “Oh, we found it,” I say. I reach between the rocks and heft the severed head, plopping it down in front of Wick.

  “How in the FUCK–” Wick coughs. “I mean, holy shit! Amazing! I knew you guys were badass and–”

  Syl shakes him a little harder than she needs to. “Silence.”

  I pace up to him slowly, reveling in this far more than is necessary. “Wick, Wick, Wick… You tried to get us killed, man.” I get so close to him I can feel his panicked breaths. “Gotta say. I’m not a fan of that. Getting killed and all.”

  “No! I would never–”

  Syl shakes him again.

  “I mean, of course there was a chance–”

  A much harder shake.

  Wick shrieks in pain. “Okay, okay!” He winches, whiskers drooping. “It’s how I make scratch, okay? It’s nothing personal.”

  “You have three tries to convince me not to kill you,” I say with a wink to Syl. She rolls her eyes. “Better talk fast. What’s your scam?”

  “The Corroc’s an elite, okay? Like, harder than a normal creature its level. Much harder. Meant for like ten level tens to take on. So, I trick rubes…” His eyes dart to mine, widen at what they see there. “I mean… new players. I trick people not ready for him… They die, I mosey along later and take their starting gear and whatever chips they’ve made. Easy peasy.” Syl’s grip tightens and he moans. “I’m sorry. So sorry. Just trying to make a living.”

  “Why us? We don’t have shit.” I throw my hands out, turn a full circle.

  Wick’s gaze follows me, flicking to my belt as I turn. “You kidding? Are you thick? You have a healing potion, man!”

  “So? I played a lot of Diablo back in the day. Other games with these. Why is that so special in Lifestream?”

  “Dude.” Wick’s eyes stretch so wide I’m afraid they’ll fall out of his sockets. “You don’t kn

  “Just pretend we know jack crap about this place and you won’t be far off the mark,” I say. I slip a noose of power around his neck and gently squeeze. “Now, explain.”

  He coughs as tears run down his cheeks. “They’re ultra-rare okay? There are entire guilds that don’t have even one of those.”


  “Designer choice, I guess. You know, permadeath and all that.” His laugh is bitter. “Lifestream. Real virtual life, real virtual choices.” His voices pitches lower like a TV announcer. “Real virtual consequences.”

  “I understand,” Syl says. “It keeps you careful.”

  “Yeah. You don’t pick fights, don’t make enemies. You gotta be careful, here.”

  I wish I had a knife or something that I could spin casually. As it is, I tighten the noose by a millimeter. “But you weren’t, Wick. Careful, that is. And now you’ve made enemies.”

  “Kill him?” Syl growls, playing the role of bad cop to my also bad cop perfectly.

  “Wait, wait!” Wick whines. “I can help you. I’m… I’ve been everywhere! I know everyone! I know every secret entrance to Acheryx there is, and I know where you can make bank once you’re inside. Let me help you,” he wheezes.

  I nod subtly to Syl, then loosen the noose by a fraction. “How can we trust you? You already escaped Mika and Astra. Unless…” Sudden panic seizes my chest. “Where are they? How did you get away from them?”

  I don’t realize how tight I’ve pulled the noose until Wick coughs, unable to breath. “Fine!” He coughs. “They… Fine…”

  I relent, staring death at him. “You’re coming back with us. They’d better be okay. If they’re not…”

  “You may respawn when you die,” Syl hisses, “but I can make death last a very, very long time.”

  If I could see through his fur, I’m sure Wick would be bone white. His nod is more like a panicked jerk of his head. “They are. They’re good. Promise. I just snuck away. I’m good at that.”

  “In that case…” My mind races. How can we keep him from bolting the second we let him loose? If he disappears somewhere into Lifestream we’ll never find him, and if Mika and Astra aren’t okay…


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