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Lisa's Gift

Page 17

by Mackenzie McKade

  It was only sex. She reminded herself consistently as she let the stranger touch her in ways she had expected Nicolas to do tonight—wanted him to do tonight.

  Jana inched her way off Master Trent’s legs, feeling his fingers glide across her ass once more. What had Nicolas expected, placing her in a foursome? She had only attempted to please him, make him proud of her, and once again it blew up in her face.

  The silly thought left her dumbfounded, not knowing why it really mattered or what she was supposed to do now. She felt stupid and inadequate. Given one task to remove a man’s boots and she’d failed, while Lisa moved with such ease, turning Nicolas on like a light bulb, if the bulge in his pants could be used as a gauge.

  She stroked Master Trent’s loins with her gaze, thrilled with the rise that appeared between his thighs.

  Look what I did! she silently boasted. I’m not a complete loser.

  “Over here and kneel between us,” Nicolas growled.

  Talk about confusing. It wasn’t her fault that Nicolas got a case of jealousy. He should have thought about that before he put her in this situation. She couldn’t help the excitement coursing through her. Nicolas was jealous.

  She swayed, sinking to her knees between the men’s lounges, not an easy feat wearing three-inch heels. Master Trent rolled to his side and began to run his fingers through her hair.

  “Silk. Pure silk.” Trent grazed her bare shoulder with his knuckles, and then went back to stroking her hair.

  “Feed me a strawberry,” Nicolas barked.

  Damn Nicolas. For two cents she’d cram one into his face. Instead she chose a strawberry slightly on the green side. When he opened his mouth to speak she popped it inside.

  The minute he bit down his cheeks sank in, his lips puckered. His expression almost made Jana laugh. Then Nicolas’s menacing frown stole the enjoyment from the moment.

  “You’ve earned a punishment,” he growled again, as he swallowed.

  Well bully, bully. Jana was already getting tired of being pushed around like a second-class citizen. Her knees were hurting, becoming one with the hard marble floor she knelt on. She wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for him and now he was taking it out on her. Men could be idiots.

  What an awkward position she was in. Two sexy men stared at her; Trent with sexual hunger, and Nicolas with a look like he could strangle her.

  Dammit! I didn’t do anything wrong. Well, besides the tart strawberry.

  “Bind her, Lisa,” Nicolas snarled. His dark sapphire eyes pinned Jana with a threat she didn’t want to think about. “From the ceiling and floor,” he added sending a chill up her spine.

  She fought down the fear flowing like ice water through her veins. Nicolas’s words rang in her ears. Trust me. I won’t hurt you or let anyone else hurt you tonight. She took a deep breath.

  Lisa’s lips parted as she began to speak, but an upheld hand from Nicolas kept her quiet.

  Jana hated being helpless. As Lisa assisted her to her feet, she prayed she could trust Nicolas. Lisa gathered Jana’s leash in her hand and led her to the corner of the room where the foreboding chains hung. A sudden tremor shook Jana.

  Lisa rubbed her cheek along Jana’s as she released the leash and pressed her lips softly against Jana’s skin. She said, “You know I’ve always fantasized about having two men?”

  Lisa slid her palm up Jana’s arms raising her wrists. Cold metal touched her skin and she jerked back, but Lisa held her firmly, securing her wrists together with a cuff connected to a chain hanging from the ceiling.

  “You have?” Jana swallowed hard trying not to concentrate on what Lisa was doing, but failing miserably. I don’t know if I can do this.

  Her friend laid her soft cheek against hers again and she murmured, “Yeah. One to clean and one to cook.”

  Nervous laughter leaked from Jana’s taut lips.

  “Now don’t you feel better?” Lisa’s teasing smile turned warm as she jerked her head toward the men. “Look at them, Jana.” Her voice dropped. “What would it feel like to have two powerful men want you? Caress you? Fuck you? They both want you. See the way they look at you, desire you. Relax. Enjoy. If at any time you want to quit, you only have to say your safe word. ‘Red’ is what you chose.” She kissed Jana on the cheek again. “Trust me. Trust Nicolas. I do.” Then, with her soft palms on Jana’s body, Lisa slid down to her knees.

  When Lisa’s hands slipped between her legs to position them further apart, Jana’s gaze shot downward.

  Trust me, her friend mouthed again.

  A chain rattled as Lisa reached for it, drawing it and a manacle across the floor, before securing the metal around Jana’s ankle, and then the next one, until she was spread-eagle, an X of surrender. Jana felt vulnerable, but if she was truthful to herself, excited as well.

  It was heady knowing two men wanted her. She could even feel the air of competition between them, but knew who would win in the end—or at least she prayed would win in the end.

  Oh, God. She realized just how turned on she was when moisture dampened her thong. The tightening of her nipples as they drew to taut nubs confirmed the fact.

  “Now remove her corset,” Nicolas demanded.

  Jana felt as if her eyes actually popped out of their sockets like a cartoon character. Dressed, she felt a reasonable amount of confidence. Naked, she would be totally exposed. She jerked her head up, pinning Nicolas with a hot glare.

  Lisa braced herself against Jana’s thigh as she rose. As she reached to unfasten the rhinestones, Nicolas said, “No. Reveal her slowly. Sensuously. Stand behind her so I can see her face as your hands move across her skin.”

  Inch by inch Nicolas stripped Jana’s defenses away. She wasn’t sure she liked this game anymore with a stranger in the mix. Jana had to admit when Lisa’s soft touch splayed across her abdomen, a thrill went through her. She swallowed hard.

  Jana didn’t have time to think as Lisa pulled on the jewels and slowly they began to dislodge, slithering across Jana’s chest, causing hundreds of goose bumps to rise. Only then did she look at Nicolas. His eyes were heavy-lidded, dark. The bulge between his legs moved and Jana couldn’t help but wish it was him removing her clothing.

  As the final rhinestone slipped from its loop, the satin corset parted, revealing the swells of her breasts. Slowly, Lisa’s fingertips slipped the material across her aching nubs.

  Jana gasped at how sensitive her nipples were to the cloth, how cool the air felt caressing her breasts and how aware she was of the collar around her neck and the dangling leash. Not to mention how surprisingly sensuous it felt to be bound and stripped in front of two men. Men with fire in their eyes—fire for her.

  Something about the situation made Jana feel powerful. Sexy. Desired.

  “Milord. I can’t strip her completely since she’s bound.” Lisa soft voice floated over Jana’s shoulder.

  Nicolas growled, deep and low, revealing his frustration. “Then just push back the corset further, I want to see her breasts.”

  “What about her thong?” Lisa moved beside Jana, a sparkle lighting her eyes. Nicolas’s spur-of-the-moment punishment hadn’t been planned efficiently. He hadn’t requested that Lisa disrobe Jana before securing her. By the tightness of Lisa’s lips as she fought back a smile, Jana knew her friend was enjoying Nicolas’s dilemma as much as she was.

  “Leave it.” A note of disappointment rose in his voice.

  Jana realized that having her clothes ripped off would have been provocative—wild—like the brunette bound to the St. Andrew’s cross earlier. A waste of money, but exciting. Just the thought elevated her breathing. Her nipples puckered, a rush of warm moisture dampened her panties.

  With an intense expression, Nicolas rose and approached. He stood quietly before her, his gaze stroking her body as if he dragged a flame across it. Her nipples were so tight they ached. Her body felt like a furnace.

  Then Nicolas said, “Baby, come to me.”

  Without delay Lisa m
oved from beside Jana and walked into Nicolas’s waiting arms. Slowly he began to undress her, touching her friend gently as if she would break, almost reverently. His pride in Lisa was evident by the way he kissed her as the corset slipped off one shoulder and then the other. Large hands smoothed across her porcelain skin.

  Lisa’s soft sighs of delight as she was caressed and cherished made Jana envious. Was this what Lisa had felt when she had been bound and forced to watch Jana receive pleasure while Lisa’s was withheld?

  It didn’t take long to strip Lisa naked. Trent joined Nicolas and both men began a sensuous attack, stroking and kissing Lisa’s lips and body. Slowly, they took turns disrobing while the other caressed the woman between them. Lisa’s head fell back on a moan. Her eyes closed. The blissful expression on her face made Jana pull against her bindings, wanting to join them, wanting to feel four strong hands move across her body.

  As if each man knew what the other was thinking, they began to manipulate their positions, moving Lisa closer to the huge bed with each touch, each kiss. Their bodies slid up and down Lisa’s, her steps appearing unconscious as if she would follow them anywhere they led. It was Trent whose knees came in contact with the bed first, pulling Lisa down upon him, while Nicolas reached for one of the small square packets sitting alongside a jar positioned on a nightstand off to the right. “Would you like to fuck Master Trent, baby?” he asked, handing her one of the packets containing a condom. He reached for another condom and sheathed his thick, hard cock, before grasping the jar and unscrewing the top.

  “If it would please you, Milord.” Lisa’s response was breathy as she ripped open the shrink-wrap, extracted the latex, and then began to place it on Trent’s erection, which nearly touched his navel. Her lithe body writhed seductively across his strong, muscular form as she leaned into his kiss.

  “Straddle Master Trent. But don’t take him in your body. Not just yet.” Nicolas dipped his fingers into the jar, and then set it back on the nightstand. “Instead, rub your pussy along his cock.” Jana heard Nicolas hiss as he applied the cool blue gel to his own jutting erection. His lips parted. His eyes shuttered as he began to stroke. Voice dropping an octave, he said, “And do not climax without my permission.”

  For the love of God. Both of them were going to fuck Lisa and make Jana watch. Her throat tightened. There were only three orifices on a woman for a man to invade. Since Nicolas’s cock was slick with lubricant, she doubted that Lisa’s mouth was going to be one of the openings invaded. The thought both alarmed Jana and excited her.

  What would it feel like to have two men fill her body, sandwiched between them? She jerked against her bindings. Damn these chains. Damn Nicolas for forcing me to stand helplessly watching, instead of participating.

  The thought took her back. Who would have guessed that she would even consider a four-way, much less a ménage with her best friend? But then who would have ever thought she’d have sex with a woman?

  Just how did she get in this position?

  Better yet, did she want out?

  As her body went up in flames, she knew the answer was no. She wanted to be on the bed with Nicolas, Lisa, and even Trent.

  Trent cupped Lisa’s breasts. His fingers tugged, pulled and pinched, eliciting soft whimpers from her. She arched her back pressing her globes deeper into his palms as she continued to caress him with her juices sliding along his thick, hard shaft.

  Nicolas reached for a tissue and wiped the excess gel off his palms before tossing the tissue aside. Then he moved behind Lisa, his strong hands smoothing over her hips as his hot gaze stroked her ass. The muscles in his back tensed. Then he looked over his shoulder and his eyes met Jana’s. Raw heat burned in their depths.

  “You have earned a reward for your good behavior, baby. I’m going to fuck your lovely ass, while Master Trent fucks your pussy,” he said, never releasing the visible hold he had on Jana.

  She held her breath.

  Without breaking eye contact with Jana, he gripped his cock in one hand and slowly guided it to Lisa’s tight rosebud. Trent followed his lead thrusting into Lisa’s slit, again and again. She threw back her head and cried out in ecstasy.

  Nicolas took care in entering Lisa. His movements were slow and cautious. Even though his attention appeared to be on Jana, she felt sure that he proceeded with thought to Lisa’s comfort. Or perhaps it was to drag out Jana’s punishment. Kill her with the knowledge that she wouldn’t feel Nicolas’s cock buried deep inside her.

  With each of Lisa’s moans, Jana felt the emptiness between her thighs grow. Then Nicolas began to move, slipping in and out between Lisa’s slick cheeks. While he screwed her ass, he fucked Jana with his hot gaze. Fire licked across her skin, tightening her nipples to an unbearable ache. When his gaze dropped, caressing her neck, she couldn’t help the loll of her head as it fell back, exposing her throat and giving him more access. Her breasts grew impossibly heavier as he stroked them with his eyes, moving across her belly, down and across the vee of her thighs covered by the black thong she wore. God, she couldn’t believe that with a heated expression he set off small spasms to explode inside her pussy.

  As the three people on the bed moved in unison, Jana suffered. Nicolas ensured it by holding her in his hot glare. Her mouth was dry. Her sex wet. She hungered for the feel of a man, one man in particular.

  Jana saw Lisa’s body quiver and heard her breath catch.

  “Don’t come until I give you permission,” Nicolas growled through clenched teeth. The tendons and muscles in his arms bulged. His hips flexed, creating hollows in his ass cheeks just below the small of his back. Man, what she would give to smooth her hand over the area and touch it with her lips.

  Jana was burning up inside. And just when she didn’t think she could take any more Nicolas yelled, “Now! Come for me now.”

  Jana knew that he spoke to Lisa, but still spasms filtered through Jana’s pussy as her climax rolled through her like a sudden storm. She jerked against the chains, setting them to rattle. Wave after wave of ecstasy coursed through her so that her body trembled and shook beneath Nicolas’s aroused glare, which only intensified the effect.

  His chest expanded and he released a groan torn from somewhere deep within. Fingers dug into Lisa’s hips as he pumped several times and then stilled. His chest rose and set rapidly.

  Amazing. As the last of the tremors subsided Jana was left bewildered, but strangely sated. This had never happened to her, an orgasm without even being touched. It must have been the fact that she was restrained, while watching three people fuck. Or was it the desire reflecting in Nicolas’s eyes that made her feel she was the one between the two men and not Lisa.

  Gaze still affixed to Jana’s, Nicolas took one step back, withdrawing from Lisa’s body. As he rolled off the condom and disposed of it in a trashcan next to the nightstand, he said, “You have earned another punishment.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Jana was extraordinary.

  Nicolas couldn’t believe that she had climaxed on his command without even touching her. He watched her blissful expression turn cold as he threatened her with punishment for disobedience. Although he had told Lisa she could come, he hadn’t told Jana.

  But Lord knew he had willed it.

  She was beautiful, standing in the corner of Trent’s playroom, her wrists bound together high above her head, her legs spread shackled to the floor. His collar around her slender neck, the leash dangling at her side was the picture of dominance. But it was the arousing image of the black corset spread wide baring her breasts, black panties and three-inch stilettos that turned him on. A selection of playthings behind her reminded him of the delicious things he could do to her.

  Without a word he moved away from Lisa and Trent, who continued to kiss and fondle one another, and went to stand before Jana. “I didn’t give you permission to climax.”


  “Silence!” Her jaws snapped shut at his command. “You don’t have permissio
n to speak.” A fire sparked in her blue eyes. He loved the fight she possessed within. She was a survivor.

  He’d never want to crush her spirit or thoroughly control her. No. More than anything he only wanted her to understand her weaknesses and strengths—pain and pleasure—and to know that both were just a part of life and meant to be savored.

  He moved behind her, out of her line of sight and she twisted her neck, trying to follow him, but failed. Her perfect ass tightened with tension and for a moment he stood there and caressed her with his gaze.

  She was sleek and beautiful and all his.

  From the wall, Nicolas selected a flogger made up of synthetic polyamide products similar to elastic. The light thongs could tickle lightly as well as leave a sting of enjoyment. As he ran the whip over his palm, felt the coolness against his skin, he caught the look of hesitation in Lisa’s eyes as she drew to a sitting position next to Trent. Concern flashed across her face as Trent pulled her into the vee of his legs and began to stroke her breast. Jana must have connected with Lisa, because Lisa’s frown faltered and her lips pulled into a smile. She mouthed something he couldn’t quite make out. But he was sure it was words of assurance for her friend.

  Moving closer to Jana’s back, he stopped to where he could feel her body heat. Leaning next to her ear he whispered, “You’ve been a very bad girl, doll.” She shivered, the tremor sending a sense of delight through his body. “Very bad.” He let the thongs of the flogger tease the beginning swell of her ass. “Do you know what I do to bad girls?”

  “No.” Her voice was almost inaudible.

  “No?” He firmed his response.

  “No, Milord,” she corrected.

  He paused, building her anticipation, while he allowed the flogger to slip down her legs and sway across her calves. “Bad girls get punished.”


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