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SEAL's Secret Baby

Page 18

by Ivy Jordan

  “What is the point in waiting though?” he laughed.

  “Exactly,” I perked up at his encouragement.

  “How are you going to do it?” he asked.

  “I’m helping with the games, so maybe I could have one rigged?” I suggested.

  Aiden’s face lit up.

  “That’s brilliant,” he gasped.

  “I need to talk to Holly and Maria though, get some ideas on how to pull this off and make sure they are onboard, of course,” I smiled.

  Maria had been so sweet lately, it felt as though she’d already given me her stamp of approval, and I knew Holly wouldn’t object. I did want to make sure they were included though, and of course, their ideas would be appreciated.

  “Sounds like a good plan,” Aiden agreed.

  I got up from the bed and walked to the kitchen, pulling two beers from the fridge. Aiden followed me to the porch, where we found Bill on his way up to the door.

  “Care if I join you fellows?” Bill asked.

  I slapped my hand on the empty seat next to me and cracked open the beer in my hand.

  “You want a beer?” I offered.

  “No, thanks,” Bill sighed, taking his seat.

  “Are you gonna tell him?” Aiden asked.

  “Tell me what?” Bill asked.

  “Well, since you’re here. I’m planning on asking Alyssa to marry me,” I blurted out.

  “Congratulations. I can help you find the perfect ring,” Bill exclaimed, slapping me on the back with encouragement.

  “You already did,” I smirked, sliding the box from my pocket.

  Bill’s face flushed red, and his eyes filled with emotion.

  “I always knew you two kids would end up together. We all hated it when you left,” he sighed.

  My phone buzzed inside my pocket, vibrating my thigh. I pulled it out, noticed it was Holly, and quickly slid to answer.

  “Hey, kiddo,” I said cheerfully.

  “Mom’s sick; something is wrong,” she panicked.

  My heart beat hard against my chest, and the blood rushed from my face, leaving me pale. Aiden and Bill watched me, both trying to find out what was happening as I listened to my daughter cry on the other end of the phone.

  “We’re on our way to the hospital now; the ambulance took mom,” she sobbed.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, already headed into the house to grab my jacket and keys.

  “We don’t know,” Holly cried.

  “I’ll meet you there,” I promised, and then hung up the phone. “It’s Alyssa, she’s been taken to the hospital in an ambulance,” I explained, my face as pale as the moon.

  “I’ll drive,” Aiden said quickly, grabbing my keys from my hand.

  “I’ll lock up here; just go,” Bill instructed, picking up the beer bottles from the floor of the porch.

  This couldn’t be happening. I couldn’t lose her, not just after I finally got her back.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  “It’s not a big deal,” I argued with Liam and Holly, who were hovering like crazy.

  They were sweet to worry, but they were driving me nuts.

  “We just want to help,” Liam said, stroking my hair from my face.

  “You have. I didn’t need my appendix anyway. They do these surgeries all day long,” I explained calmly.

  “Yes, on other people, not you,” Liam pointed out.

  They had been there all night, no one conceding to go home and rest. I slept; after surgery, I was out like a light, and even when I’d wake up, it was only for a few moments.

  “Let me help,” Liam insisted, pushing his way through the nurses and standing in front of my wheelchair.

  It felt like too much. I was fine. The surgery was simple, and everything went great. I didn’t need this wheelchair, the nurse delivering me to my mom’s car, or Liam trying to help into it. I could get up on my own.

  “Owwww,” I cried out as I stubbornly tried to stand on my own.

  Liam’s eyes widened, and the fear in his eyes was priceless.

  “It’s okay. I’m okay. It’s just sore. I tried to move too fast, that’s all,” I assured him.

  I couldn’t even see Holly, but I knew she was behind me, freaking out as badly as her father. I laughed to myself. Her father. It still felt so surreal to say that.

  “Liam, let the nurse help,” Maria had had enough of all the fussing.

  She ordered Liam out of the way, which, surprisingly, he obliged, and the nurse helped load me into the car.

  Aiden had left late the night before, once the surgery was over, and stranded Liam without a truck. I tried to get him to let my mom take him home, but he refused, swearing he’d never leave my side.

  Liam climbed into the back seat with Holly, and Mom reached across the console and squeezed my hand.

  “At least we know what was making you so sick,” she sighed with relief.

  It was a huge relief to me as well, especially after the pregnancy scare. I’d never told anyone about that, except Holly, who’d busted me. But, it wasn’t pregnancy: it was a rupturing appendix. Thank God!

  The entire ride home, Liam and Holly were suffocating. They rolled up all the windows and asked me how the temperature was over and over as they continued to adjust the knobs. At one point, I thought my mom would pull over and put them out on the street, but she kept it together until we got home.

  Liam helped me inside, which I appreciated. He was strong, which made me feel secure to lean against him. Holly fluffed pillows, spread blankets on the couch, and hurried into the kitchen to get me a glass of water.

  “Why don’t you two go get some food for Alyssa? She’s probably starving,” Maria said, I knew partially to get rid of them for a moment.

  I was grateful.

  “Yes, I’m hungry, and I’m sure there’s nothing I can eat here,” I agreed, knowing I wasn’t really hungry, but a break was well deserved at this point.

  “Okay. What do you want?” Liam asked me.

  “I don’t care. Mom has a list of what I can eat,” I pointed to her standing in the kitchen doorway.

  She pulled a sheet of paper from her purse, shoving it towards Liam.

  “Take Holly with you so she can help. I’ll get Alyssa settled in here,” Maria promised.

  Liam looked hesitant to leave me, and Holly looked even more hesitant to tag along.

  “It’ll be fine,” I promised, shooing them away.

  My mom laughed as they closed the door behind them.

  “Love hurts,” she chuckled.

  “No shit,” I laughed.

  Ow, it hurt to laugh.

  “At least you’re not pregnant,” Maria smirked.

  “You knew about that?” I gasped.

  “There’s not much I don’t know,” she warned with a nod and an eerie smile.

  “Why didn’t you say something?” I asked.

  “Say what?” she laughed.

  I leaned back on the couch, positioning the pillow where it propped me up. My mom covered me with the blanket, smiled, and leaned in for a quick kiss on the forehead.

  “Get some rest while you can. Before you know it, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum will be back,” she laughed.

  I closed my eyes, enjoying the peace and quiet. My mom was right. It wasn’t long before they returned, and they carried in so many bags, I thought they bought out the entire grocery store.

  “You know I’m only on this diet for a couple days,” I explained.

  “I know. We got some other stuff too, for when you’re better,” Liam grinned as he pulled out a container of moose tracks ice cream, my favorite.

  “I can have the ice cream now,” I whined.

  “No, not until you’ve eaten other foods to make sure you can handle it. You don’t want to get sick with that incision,” Liam warned.

  The incision. I didn’t mean to be vain, but it was bothering me that they hacked me open, leaving a nasty scar on my belly.

�You can have applesauce,” Holly smiled, holding up the container of liquid gunk. I hated applesauce.

  “Do you need something to drink?” Liam asked.

  “No, I’m good,” I responded.

  “Do you want something to eat now?” Holly asked.

  “No, I can wait,” I replied.

  “Is your pillow okay?” Liam asked.

  “Yes,” I replied.

  “Are you cold?” Holly asked.

  “No, I’m perfect,” I responded.

  Oh my God!

  “How about a movie?” Liam asked, pulling a DVD from his jacket.

  “That would be good. I just want to relax,” I explained.

  Liam put in the movie and sat at the end of the couch rubbing my feet, and Holly sat at the top end, stroking my hair gently as I fell asleep.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  It was Friday night, and Alyssa had been stuck in either the hospital or home since Tuesday. I knew she wasn’t used to not working, not getting out, so I wanted to do something special.

  “I’m making dinner at my house tonight,” I announced to Holly, Alyssa, and Maria.

  “You think she should be out? I can just make something here.” Maria quickly protested.

  “No, that sounds great,” Alyssa piped up, suddenly showing some enthusiasm.

  “Okay then. I’ll invite Aiden and Bill too,” I added, and then stood up to leave.

  I leaned over Alyssa, kissing her gently on the lips. I’d missed holding her in my arms, but it was hard to get any privacy at Maria’s.

  This would be a great opportunity to talk to Holly and Maria about my plans. I could get Bill and Aiden to distract Alyssa long enough for me to spring it on them, and then they could help me plan the surprise.

  I gave Holly a quick hug and then leaned in to embrace Maria. It was still awkward trying to be affectionate with her, but we were growing closer, even closer than before I left.

  “Hey, man,” I greeted Aiden as he answered his phone.

  I was in my truck, driving to the grocery store to pick up the steaks. I knew Alyssa was excited to get back to a regular diet, so I wanted her first meal to be a good one.

  “What’s up?” Aiden asked.

  “I’m having dinner at my house tonight; I want you to come,” I offered.

  “I’d love to. Anything I can bring?” he asked.

  “Nope. Just do me a favor. Keep Alyssa occupied after we eat; maybe you and Bill can distract her long enough for me to tell Maria and Holly my plan,” I asked.

  “I can do that,” he agreed.

  I gave him the time and hung up. I found a spot to park in the busy grocery parking lot, the only market in our small town.

  As I climbed out of my truck, Senator Kline pulled in beside me.

  “Liam,” he greeted me enthusiastically.

  “Good to see ya, sir,” I smiled.

  “I’m looking forward to starting up next week,” he grinned.

  “Me too,” I agreed, and then waved as he pulled off to find a place to park.

  I was thankful that I hadn’t started yet. It was nice being able to stay with Alyssa and take care of her during the day when Holly was at school. I did wish she had chosen to stay at her house though, so maybe we could’ve had some alone time. Maria was always hovering, and it made it hard to have any real heart-to-hearts with her.

  Maybe I can get her to stay at my house tonight.

  Inside the store, the aisles were crowded, and the two lanes that were open were backed up fifty feet. What the hell?

  I moved to the back near the butcher and picked out the steaks, all filets, Alyssa’s favorite.

  “Special occasion?” the butcher asked.

  I shook my head, not ready to divulge to a stranger my plan. I was smart enough to know that in this town, everyone knew everyone, and even if you didn’t know them personally, they were connected to you somehow.

  Baked potatoes, the fixings for toppings, and a couple salad mix kits, and I was ready to check out. The lanes were moving quickly, and another one opened just as I approached, the older gentleman cashier waving me over to his lane. I moved over quickly, bypassing the ones who’d stood much longer in wait. Normally, I would’ve stayed behind, giving the spot to someone more deserving, but I was in a rush to plan this dinner, and I only had a few items compared to their cart full.

  Finally, at home, I cleaned up the place, making sure everything looked nice for my company. I ran next door, invited Bill, who was delighted to come, and started up the grill.

  Aiden was the first to arrive, and Bill just a few moments after him. I knew Bill was lonely, probably waiting for the first car so he could come over and join the company.

  “So, did you tell Bill the plan?” Aiden asked.

  I hadn’t.

  I quickly filled him in, just as Holly, Alyssa, and Maria entered.

  “It smells terrific in here,” Maria complimented.

  I noticed Bill eyeing her. They were about the same age, both single or widowed. Why hadn’t I thought of that before?

  “Grab a beer, or glass of wine, and make yourself at home,” I smiled at my guests, quickly making my way to Alyssa.

  She was walking much better, but I knew she was still in pain.

  “Here, you have a seat here,” I guided her to the lounger with a thick cushion and adjustable back.

  “Is this new?” she asked.

  “It is. I bought it for you,” I grinned.

  I loved to see her smile. It lit up my life. I couldn’t wait to call her my wife, something I should’ve made happen over a decade ago.

  Holly bounced around me, asking what she could do. I sent her into the kitchen to find a large bowl and to start the salad, and insisted Maria sit next to Bill while Aiden grabbed them both a glass of wine.

  I manned the grill, something I hadn’t done in a while, and was surprised at how well the steaks turned out. Everyone ate, talked about Alyssa’s surgery, how the town changed, Holly’s achievements in school, Aiden’s business, and my new job. There wasn’t a topic that was left unsaid, except the one.

  “Let me help you clean up,” Maria insisted.

  She and Bill were getting along really well, but I needed to get her and Holly alone.

  “Okay. Holly, can you help too?” I asked.

  Aiden and Bill caught my look, and they knew to keep Alyssa busy.

  “Let me help,” Alyssa insisted, trying to get up.

  “Let them do it. I haven’t talked to you in what feels like ages; stay out here and talk to me,” Aiden persuaded.

  In the kitchen, Maria started to clean, so I stopped her.

  “I have to talk to you two,” I took a deep breath.

  “What’s wrong?” Maria asked.

  “Nothing’s wrong. Everything’s great, actually,” I grinned, lifting the lid to the cookie jar on my counter.

  I pulled out the ring box, opening it so they both could see the ring I’d chosen.

  Holly squealed but quickly covered her mouth.

  Maria just stared at the ring but didn’t show any excitement.

  “I want to ask Alyssa to marry me, finally,” I sighed.

  “You don’t think it’s too soon?” Maria questioned.

  “It’s not really, if you think about it. We’ve been in love for as long as I can remember, and even twelve years apart couldn’t kill our love,” I explained.

  Holly wrapped her arms around my waist, squeezing tightly.

  “When?” Maria asked.

  “The carnival. I thought you two could help me plan something, like a rigged game or something,” I said.

  “You should wait,” Maria advised.

  “I want to be a family,” I said sternly.

  “I understand, but you left before; this could be too soon,” Maria warned.

  I knew there was a chance of spooking Alyssa, but I was willing to take that chance. Things had been going well, and I had no reason not to believe they
wouldn’t continue to go well.

  “I bought this ring twelve years ago. I didn’t ask her for fear of ruining her life. After her brother died, I couldn’t ask her to wait for me, worrying all the time,” I explained.

  Maria’s eyes started to well up with tears. She opened her arms and pulled me in, her perfume so thick it nearly choked me.

  “I just hope it isn’t too soon. But I’ll help any way I can,” she smiled.

  We started cleaning, still whispering about ideas, plans, and the big event. Holly was ecstatic, and even Maria was showing more emotion now.

  “You and Bill seem to be getting along,” I noted, checking for a reaction from Maria.

  Her cheeks turned a slight shade pinker, and she quickly diverted her eyes from mine.

  “He’s nice,” Maria blushed.

  “You two would make a great couple,” I urged.

  “I don’t know,” she sighed.

  “You’ll never know unless you take a chance,” I pushed, gaining a wide smile from her.

  I must’ve hit the right nerve.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  Fall was finally setting in. The leaves had changed color, the air was brisk, and the smell of apple pie, caramel, and pumpkin were the new scents in the office.

  It was good to be back to work, but I couldn’t concentrate on anything except Liam. Luckily, it was a slow day, giving me plenty of time to daydream while stocking the medicine cabinets.

  I was in love, full-blown in love. I knew I’d never really stopped loving Liam, but it was nice not having to hide it anymore. I didn’t care if the entire town knew. Let em’ stare all they wanted. We were happy. I was happy.

  Liam had delivered all the games and booths to the church, and the carnival was just a week away. Holly wanted to dress up, and Aiden agreed to help us find the perfect outfit since Liam had to work.

  It was exciting, his new job, and I was proud of him for making such a success of himself, even if he did it away from here, without me. He was mine now, and I couldn’t wait to spend the rest of my life with him. Oh my God, did I just think that? It was true. I wanted to spend my life with Liam.

  After work, I picked Holly up from school, and we met Aiden at the Halloween store.


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