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SEAL's Secret Baby

Page 57

by Ivy Jordan

  “Easy there, man; it’s not your fault.”

  “Why do you think you do that?”

  Caleb thought for a moment while he took a swig of his beer. “I don’t know. I talked to Dr. Brentwood, and he says I’m under a lot of pressure. Which certainly makes sense because I don’t even think about the tournaments until I get to the majors. That’s when things really count. The fear of failure takes over then, and I end up doing exactly what I’m afraid of – losing. My father is ready to throw in the towel with me, I swear.”

  I felt for him. I couldn’t imagine the type of pressure he was under, especially when it came to his father. My parents were definitely unimpressed with my career choice, so I could relate.

  “So, what are you going to do about it?” Mandy asked.

  Matt jumped in. “The doctor told him to focus on things that make him happy. Instead of focusing on the mounting pressure of the day, for example, he will focus on good things and not let the rest get to him.”

  “That sounds like a great idea,” I said, smiling at him.

  “Yeah, hopefully it works,” Caleb said.

  “It will, buddy; we got this one in the bag this time,” Matt stated confidently.

  I loved seeing Matt being so good to Caleb – they were true friends, which was rare to find these days. They were good together, and they always had each other’s back. Our food arrived, and no one spoke until the waiter was gone. Everything looked so delicious that I couldn’t wait to dig in.

  “Let’s get off that depressing topic anyways and on to something better. Let’s talk about Hailey’s blossoming career,” Caleb said.

  I blushed deeply, but I couldn’t help but smile. I looked over at Mandy, who was smiling as well.

  “Oh, I think I’m out of the loop. What’s going on?” asked Matt.

  “Caleb took Hailey to that movie opening the other day, the one for the horror flick. She made some connections, and Rick Bendell wants her to audition for his next film.”

  Matt put his hand up for a high-five, and I gave him one. “Good girl, Hailey, that’s awesome.”

  “Yes, I have your friend to thank for that one.” I grasped his hand under the table and squeezed. I was pleased when he didn’t let it go. “He introduced me to Rick, and, well, we really hit it off.”

  “So, what’s going on with that? Have you heard back from him?” Caleb asked.

  “Well, after you sent over my comp card, he contacted Jillian. They are still in talks about everything right now, but Jillian said he didn’t have enough nice things to say about me. She certainly expects to have an audition date soon.”

  “Whoa, Hailey, that’s awesome. We are going to have another celebrity in our midst, aren’t we, Caleb?”

  Caleb nodded, smiling.

  “I want more than anything for this to work out. I feel like my career has been stalled lately, and I only just got started. It’s kind of scary.” I couldn’t believe that I was saying all that out loud, but I felt comfortable with everyone at the table. I wanted to get it out there and deal with my fears. I didn’t want to be haunted by them anymore.

  “I want to be an actress so badly. To just DO something with myself, you know?”

  “You will get there, Hailey; I totally believe in you,” Mandy stated firmly.

  “Yeah, we all do,” Caleb agreed. I smiled at him. I loved how sweet he could be – you would never know that from reading all the bad stuff about him and women online.

  “Thanks, guys; you have no idea how much that means to have people believe in you. Well, I guess you know what I mean, Caleb.”

  “Yes, definitely.”

  There was a moment of silence as everyone dug into their delicious food. I was lost in thought about everything we had discussed so far. It was really nice being able to talk to them that way. We were all getting to know one another much better and becoming real friends. It made the job a lot easier and definitely a lot more fun. I had no doubt in my mind that we would all stay friends after the job was done. How could we not when we got along so well?

  “So, Mandy, what are you going to do when your sister becomes famous?” Matt asked her.

  “Aside from being insanely proud of her, I plan on going after my own bit of fame.”

  “In what way?” Caleb asked.

  I was working hard on my crab, cracking shells and pulling out delicious meat while I listened to my sister talk about dreams I had heard a million times. I loved hearing about them, though. Just like mine, I wanted her dreams to come true. She deserved it. She worked hard, and having a job in writing was not easy.

  “Well, it’s usually every writer’s dream to hit the New York Times Bestseller list, and that’s my dream, as well. I want to write a book one day and have it go big. It’s always been my dream to be walking through a bookstore and seeing a book that I wrote on the shelf. Just thinking about it makes me excited.”

  “No doubt. That would definitely be very cool,” Matt agreed. “There is so much talent at this table that it’s crazy. What would you write a book about, Mandy?”

  “I think I would like to write children’s books, actually. I think when I’ve had some more life experience I would eventually write a memoir, but for now, I have a lot of interest in children’s books. Mainly, the ages between 9-12, so I could write chapter books; they are a lot of fun.”

  “Wow, that’s insane. Good for you. You’re right, Matt, there is a lot of talent at this table,” Caleb said.

  I looked up from my crab feast and looked at Matt. “What about you, Matt? What are your big dreams.”

  He pondered that for a bit when the waiter stopped at our table. Caleb ordered another round of beer and Matt waited until the waiter left to speak.

  “I guess I would have to say that my big dream right now is just to be content.”

  “Really? Why’s that? Were you not happy before?” I asked.

  “Well, I used to golf like Caleb and, of course, I had the same dream that he did that I would win the majors and have a solid golf career. Then I fucked up my shoulder, and my dreams went crashing down around me.”

  “Oh, Matt, I’m sorry.” And, I was; I could just imagine how I would feel if I knew for sure I could never be an actress. I would be crushed, not knowing what to do next or how to move on past that dream. I didn’t even want to have to think about it. I respected the fact that he was able to move on without being totally devastated over it.

  “Yeah, it was really bad there for awhile,” he said as he nodded to Caleb. “I thought my life was over when the doctor said that my shoulder would never heal enough for me to get back in the game. Even when I play for fun, it often hurts so bad that I have to go soak it or get a massage immediately. It sucks.

  “But these days I’m genuinely happy, and that’s something that I’m really grateful for because I didn’t think that would ever happen. So yeah that’s my dream right now – just being content. Supporting Caleb in his dream and helping him make his dreams come true has really helped me in a lot of ways. I thought it was all over, but it’s not. Helping Caleb has been the best thing that’s ever happened to me because it gave me purpose again.”

  There were tears in my eyes as I listened to Matt speak. It was the most beautiful story of friendship that I had ever heard. To have someone like that supporting your life’s work was amazing, and I knew that because I had Mandy.

  “Wow, Matt, I didn’t realize you were such a softy,” Mandy said jokingly.

  “Yeah, Matt, holy, this day of relaxing is going to turn into a sob fest soon,” Caleb added, laughing.

  I wiped at my tears, and everyone laughed at the gesture. “Sorry, I can’t help it. That was really awesome. You guys are great friends.”

  “Oh, there’s no doubt about that. Cheers to that!” We all lifted out beers and cheered to old friendships and to the new ones that we were developing together.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  After dinner, Hailey and I excused o
urselves from the table to take a walk on the beach. The night was warm, and the beach wasn’t too crowded, so it was the perfect time to take a walk. We left the other two at the table as they continued to eat dessert.

  Mandy and Matt didn’t seem to mind as they sat laughing together at the table. I wasn’t sure if there was a love connection between those two, but they were definitely working on a friendship and got along well together. What more could you ask in this world? Matt was just like me in the sense that he enjoyed being a bachelor. He wasn’t the one being forced into a relationship, so it was unlikely that he would suddenly want to start dating Mandy.

  He may get her to sleep with him, but that was also risky. He wouldn’t want to do anything that would jeopardize my situation with Hailey. If things went badly between him and Mandy, that would be enough for Hailey to pack her things and get out of my life. For that, I would kill him to be sure. So, I doubted he would go there with Mandy unless he was genuinely interested in her.

  It would probably take a pretty special woman to make him give up bachelorhood, but I guessed that Mandy would fit under that category. Both the girls were pretty great. I had to wonder if all Georgia girls had that kind of magic to them. Soon, however, Hailey would be an LA girl and everything would change for her.

  Now that the night was winding down, I just wanted to spend some time alone with Hailey, and a walk on the beach sounded like a perfect idea. My life had been so hectic lately that I couldn’t even remember the last time I had just taken a walk. Before Hailey came, I was so interested in the club scene and going out with Matt that something as simple as walking on one of the many beaches of Miami rarely occurred to me.

  The sun was setting so the view was just beautiful. There were purples and oranges in the sky that contrasted with the blue of the water, creating a mess of wonder that you would be stupid to ignore. It was nice to have someone I could wander the beaches with without an agenda.

  We both took off our sandals and let our feet touch the sand that was starting to cool down from the hot day. The sand between my toes felt nice. We walked in silence for a little bit, listening to the sounds of the waves and just enjoying being in one another’s company. I always used to believe that I had to have something to say to a girl or a date would be a disaster. Maybe that was true for some girls, but I felt comfortable enough with Hailey to know that sometimes I didn’t need to say anything, that we could just be together and that was okay too. I did want to say something to her, though; something that had been on my mind for awhile.

  We continued walking as I began, “Hailey, I just want to tell you how much I appreciate you being here.”

  She looked up at me with surprise, a slow smile forming on her face. I couldn’t read her thoughts; I still didn’t know her looks yet.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I know, I know. It’s your job, but you’ve done such an amazing job already, and the sponsors are just thrilled with everything. The fact is you didn’t just come down here and do the bare minimum to get the job done, which you could have – you genuinely helped me out. It’s been fun having you around, and that’s why I’m thankful. It could have been a nightmare if we didn’t get along.”

  She laughed, “I agree. But you don’t have to thank me. I like being here, and it wasn’t at all what I expected. I was worried that it would be weird or uncomfortable, but it hasn’t been, not for awhile anyway. You have helped me out, as well, and for that, I’m grateful for this opportunity. Things are good for me, too, you know. I’m making money and doors are opening for me. We are helping each other.”

  “Good, I’m glad to have helped you out. I want you to be happy. I think you are really going to go far in life. You’re smart, and you know what you want. Plus, you are beautiful, which is always a bonus in Hollywood.”

  She smiled at the ground, and I could see a blush forming on her cheeks. I don’t think she realized just how beautiful she was or the kind of effect she had on me. The stunning girl was truly one of a kind.

  As we both got lost in our own thoughts, I couldn’t help but think about the night we shared together and how much I wish we could do it again. She was so sexy and free about herself. She wasn’t inhibited at all like so many girls were; she wanted to be pleasured just as much as she wanted to give it.

  Thinking about sex was pretty easy with someone as beautiful as Hailey, especially since I genuinely liked her. She was a great girl with so much to like about her. I was insanely attracted to her, which made it hard not to act on it sometimes. It would be nice to spend the night together knowing that we both wanted it without the excuse that alcohol made us do it.

  I wasn’t sure how possible that would be. She had been firm on the fact that we should just stick to business. I wanted to be close to her so badly, but I didn’t know how to go about doing it without scaring her off. Nor did I want to do anything that would screw up our working together. She had already been so good to me so far; I didn’t need my hormones wrecking anything.

  “It’s just two weeks before the Masters happen in Augusta. I can’t believe how quickly time has passed.” It was scary how close it was coming, but I was determined to focus properly that time and bring home the win.

  She smiled. “I know. I’m really proud of you, and I know you will get through things just fine. You are stronger than you think you are. I’m glad that doctor is helping you to focus on the good things in your life.”

  I smiled down at her. “Thanks, Hailey. That’s cool of you to say.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “You will be by my side, of course, helping to make everyone believe that our love affair is headed for marriage.”

  She laughed nervously – it was the most awkward laugh I’d ever heard. I laughed along with her, not knowing what to say. Maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned marriage. Would that be too soon, in a real relationship, despite how awesome the other person was? I hadn’t dated a girl in so many years that I really didn’t know what expectations there were these days. Lately, I had just been swiping left or right, without a care in the world.

  Hell, it was an awkward situation, so what could you do about it? We had to make people believe that we were marriage-bound, which was definitely out of my comfort zone. People needed to believe that there was more going on between us than just casual dating. We would be okay though; Hailey had done an excellent job so far, so I really wasn’t worried about her ability to convince people of anything. She was one hell of an actress, and if I needed people to believe that we were headed towards marriage, she would make it happen.

  I stopped walking and turned towards her. She stopped as well, looking up at me expectantly. Does she expect me to kiss her? I couldn’t judge her expression at all.

  “Will you come to my place with me tonight? If you’re not comfortable with it, I totally understand. I just thought you could come back and we could do something simple, like watch a movie. Maybe snuggle up and have some popcorn, keep each other warm for the night.”

  I hated myself for wanting to break part of our deal, but I couldn’t help myself. I wanted to be close to Hailey, even if it was just snuggling in front of a movie. She was an incredible girl, and if there was no job, I would have made her mine in an instant. We would be fucking like rabbits every single night. I wanted her by me at all times, and I had tried to keep my cool since we slept together so that I didn’t make her uncomfortable enough to leave, but at that point, I was sure she would stay the course because we were friends now.

  I didn’t want to push my luck, but if she agreed to watch a movie with me, then I would at least be happy with that. If she wasn’t okay with it and wanted to return to her sister’s apartment, I would be disappointed, but I would also respect her decision.

  She looked up at me and smiled. “Sure, I’m all for it,” she said with a laugh. I couldn’t have been happier.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I opened the fridge in the kitc
hen of Caleb’s apartment. We had been watching a movie for most of the night, which had really been a good idea. I loved snuggling against him, though I had a hard time concentrating on the movie the whole time. I couldn’t even remember what the movie was called. My heart beat hard the entire time. Maybe it hadn’t been a great idea to come back to his apartment and watch a movie.

  I finally needed to get up to catch my breath and grab a glass of water. I brought the water jug to the counter and retrieved a glass from the cupboard. I was pouring a glass of water when Caleb came up behind me and wrapped his arms tightly around me. My eyes closed as I reveled in his touch. I felt so safe in his arms and given his reputation, I really shouldn’t have felt safe with him at all. He hugged me tightly, which made me feel completely amazing. He bent down and kissed my shoulder and chills went up my spine. My eyes fluttered closed as I suddenly remembered what it was like when he touched me.

  “You are such a vixen, Hailey,” he whispered his breath against my skin.

  “Oh, am I?”

  “Yes, you have me falling for you, which is very dangerous.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. He is falling for me? I wondered if he was only playing with me in the same way he played with so many other women in his life. Falling for Caleb would be dangerous indeed, he was right about that.

  I was a good girl, and he was definitely a bad boy. Those situations never ended well for the girl. When had a bad boy not broken a girl’s heart? I’m not sure there was ever an instance when it worked out. But there I was with Caleb tight against me, whispering sweet nothings in my ear, and I was falling along with him.

  “Are you just playing with me, Caleb? Because I didn’t think it was possible for the bachelor of the year to fall for anyone,” I said jokingly, hoping to lighten the mood. There were sparks flying everywhere in the kitchen, and I didn’t know how to get a handle on the situation.


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