A New Life Series - Starter Kit

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A New Life Series - Starter Kit Page 27

by Samantha Jacobey

  It took her the customary twenty minutes to make her way to the store, where she let herself in and locked the door behind her. Inside, she went to the office to count the tills from the previous day and fill out the paperwork to verify they were correct. Placing the deposit in the safe at 8:15, she realized she had gotten really fast at completing it, and might not need to come in so early.

  Out on the sales floor, she walked around to inspect the fixtures to see that everything was in order before opening. Rounding the room, she passed the small stage area and came up to the glass counter next to it. Looking up at the row of custom electric guitars, her mind clicked on the idea and her heart began to race.

  Pulling the ring out of her pocket, her fingers trembled as she fitted the key into the lock. Taking down a glossy white instrument, Tori breathed in short quick spasms of excitement. She had learned how they worked through helping customers and selling requirements, but she had not actually tried to play one herself.

  She had learned to play Henry's acoustic when they lived in Brazil, and she always felt a stab of loss when she thought about him and the times she had shared with him as a child, strumming and singing in the afternoons.

  Her mind sinking into the past as she held her new toy, Tori remembered how large the neck had felt when she learned to play. Her hand had barely been big enough to reach around and grasp the frets properly. Henry had been so patient with her, as he always had been; he had instructed her to keep her fingers arched and only press one string at a time with the end of her small digits. Her heart continued to pound as she picked up a standard cord and took the guitar over to the amp beside the small stage area.

  First, Tori plugged one lead into the guitar, her palms tingling as it snapped into place. She turned the volume down on the instrument, and then reached over to set the volume and gain to zero on the amp. She blew a puff of air onto a few strands of loose hair, pulling them back out of the way. A small smile tickling the corners of her mouth, she snapped the other lead into the input slot on the amp.

  She spent the rest of the time adjusting the volume and gain, trying out different sound levels and letting her fingers remember their way up and down the fret board. By the end of the hour, she was hooked. Just as holding Henry's old guitar had been, this made her heart sing, and she planned to pull one down every day from then on if she could.

  Returning the cord to the box after powering everything down, Tori hung the guitar back in place on the wall and locked the rack. Giving the instrument an affectionate stroke, she hummed to herself as she went about opening the registers.

  Max and Derrick arrived before 10:00 am. Things were much friendlier between them, with smiles and good mornings, and the pair noticed her mood seemed exceptionally bright. She gave them the short list of things that needed to be tackled, and they quickly went to work putting out freight and re-shelving the items that were out of place.

  Terry made it in at 11:00 am to take the deposit to the bank. When he returned, he picked up on the lesson over AP. She took to it quickly this time, and he had no trouble explaining how to fill out the payment vouchers and match up the packing slips with the purchase orders and invoices. While she filled in the summary sheet and prepared to complete a check run, she took the opportunity to ask if all businesses worked the same way.

  Giving himself a moment to think, Terry adjusted the printer paper tray and placed the blank check forms in, facing the right direction. Nodding, he explained, “The basics are the same, no matter the business. AP is the money going out to pay bills and buy inventory. AR is money coming in from sales. You know,” he ended the lesson as the run finished, and placed the blank checks back into the safe, “You should think about taking some classes at one of the colleges here.”

  “I can't do that,” she replied flatly. “I’ve never been to school anywhere. I already looked it up, and I have to have a high school diploma to even apply.” She looked at her lap, a little sad, noticing the scars that ran down her uncovered arms.

  “You can,” he insisted, his voice growing softer, “You have a GED certificate, or general equivalency diploma.” Tori looked up at him from her seated position. He nodded, deciding it was time she knew. “Didn't you ever wonder about all those tests they were giving you back in Chicago?”

  She shrugged, turning her left palm up. “I took lots of tests. Who knows what all of them were for?”

  “Hmmm; well, then let's go have lunch, shall we?” his voice sounded chipper as he turned to show her out.

  They locked the office, leaving the checks on the desk to be stuffed when they returned. Putting Derrick in charge, they made their way down the street to the diner Tori and Max had visited her first day on the job, which seemed like such a long time ago after all that had happened.

  Sliding into the booth, she decided to try the pot roast again, having enjoyed it the first time. Terry ordered the same, and they had ice water to drink. Handing the waitress their menus, he shifted in his seat, considering where to begin.

  “Remember the first day you came into the shop, and said I didn’t want you there?” Tori nodded her agreement with a brief smile, so he continued, “I never said that it wasn't true, but I should have. I did want you to come to my store. Sure, Jim had to tell me a lot about you to quote, convince me, but in the end, I knew this would be a good place for you and I had a lot to offer you.” She liked the way he moved his hands when he spoke, adding punctuation to his words.

  “Take teaching you about running a business, for example,” he elaborated. “Someday, you may want to have a shop of some kind and what I’m giving you is a set of tools that could help you accomplish that goal.” He paused, looking at her as she listened intently, thinking how clear and focused she appeared. “It’s ok if you don't, but it’ll be there if you ever want it.”

  Tori considered his words for a moment, and he began explaining to her about her performance in Chicago.

  “Now, from what Jim explained, they gave you a whole battery of exams, starting with some that were just to see if you could read and write. They tested your math skills and what you knew about science, and so on. They found that you are not a fantastic writer.”

  Her disappointed look caused him to backpedal, “Not that you can't write, mind you; let's just say it's not your strongest asset. What they found was,” he stopped, not sure he could put their findings into the right perspective. “Well, they found that you are really, really smart. So, since you already had a wide range of knowledge, they gave you a set of exams for a GED.”

  “Your score averaged seven-forty, which is actually very good. It means you have the equivalent of a high school diploma, and that certificate will be yours when you are emancipated. That’s what the committee is planning on doing. Then, you’ll be able to go to college and learn about whatever career you choose.” Stopping there for their meal that had arrived, he decided that he had gone far enough, opting not to tell her about the rest of the exams and save them for a later date.

  Tori sat silently considering what she had learned while she ate. Being able to go to college did not impress her. The reason she had looked into it at all was to take some classes in things that interested her, not because she wanted a degree or anything.

  However, Terry left her with a feeling that she would be capable of doing whatever she wanted in her future if she put her mind to it, and that being the most important thing. In the end, this gave her a lot to consider, and a better understanding that the path of her life had yet to be decided.

  The pair walked back to the store in a comfortable silence. Tori had come to appreciate the older man with his earnest advice and care for her. A smile on her lips as they ambled along, she felt almost content in her new life now that she had truly accepted being in it.

  “You know,” he said as they covered the last block, “This is a good time to feed your soul. Really put yourself into things that make you feel good.”

  Tori's mind jumped to the white guitar hang
ing on the back wall of the store, causing a brief flicker of a smile.

  “Build something, grow something,” he pulled up short at the doors, “Learn something new. Enjoy your life, Tori. I have a place I would like to take you on Sunday morning, if you want to go. I’m sure you have never been, and I have an old friend I think it’s time you met.”

  Terry never opened the store on Sundays. He liked to keep the day for doing recreational activities. He also enjoyed the shop being quiet so he could work in the back on building the custom guitars in peace. Tori had spent the first few Sunday afternoons there in the workshop with him, learning the process, but he took this opportunity to encourage her to branch out, try other things that nurtured her inner being.

  His offer mysterious, she eyed him curiously, knowing Jim was an old friend, but she already knew him. With a shy smile, she agreed to the outing.

  Terry showed a bit more of his teeth and told her he would pick her up at the house on Sunday then, at 9:30 am, and to wear something clean; whatever she had that was the nicest.

  Tori only owned two types of outfits; workout clothes and jeans with tees. And of course sleeping attire, she had to laugh at the thought, I wonder which type would qualify as… the nicest.

  All My Sins

  The remainder of the week passed smoothly as Tori's new routine had been designed to give her a great deal of support. She rarely spent time alone, unless she opened the store before the rest of the employees arrived. During those times she rushed to get her work done so she could have a few minutes to play with her new shiny friend.

  She loved the way the guitar felt in her hands and the variety of sounds she could make with it. She took the songs Henry had taught her long ago and played them in new ways. She had never learned to read music, and really didn't care to, having a particular talent for reproducing what she heard. Her confidence grew, and she began to branch out, listening to a variety of music and artists on the PA during the day, then recreating what she heard when she played.

  Tori wasn't really hiding the fact that she did this; she just never mentioned it to anyone. She made sure to put everything back in its place before anyone arrived. It became her private time to feed her soul, being one of the few secrets she allowed herself to keep, as she had learned the hard way that keeping things from the people who cared about her could be dangerous for her.

  Sunday morning came, and Tori put on a clean pair of her new jeans and one of the black tees. Since she still did not know where they were going, she made a strong effort to do as he had requested, taking extra care with her grooming of hair and makeup. Applying the cover to her scarred breast, she thought about ways that she might cover it that would be permanent.

  Tori knew she could probably get a tattoo that would conceal the eyesore, not sure she wanted to do that on such a tender part of her body. Not to mention, it would have to be a design she could stand to look at for the rest of her life. For the time being, the makeup worked, and if anyone ever noticed, no one had mentioned it.

  Terry came in through the kitchen entrance at precisely 9:30. Tori sat at the low bar sipping water and talking to Richard about motorcycles. He had become interested in them since she had been in the house, and it fascinated him how much she knew. That particular morning, he had looked up obscure facts about them and tried to stump her, to no avail.

  Terry smiled at them, happy to see her building positive relationships; “Are you ready?”

  Tori nodded, standing to leave. Walking out to his small car, she asked, “So, am I allowed to know where we’re going yet?” He wore a pair of dress pants and a pressed shirt, and it made her a little edgy that he looked so fancy.

  Terry held up his hand in a stopping motion, “You can wait a few minutes more.”

  Fifteen blocks later, they pulled up in front of a small white building with a tall point on the roof. Tori swallowed hard as she looked up at it, realizing she had been inside a church only one other time in her life, and it made her cringe at the thought of what they had done there.

  The Dragons had rolled into a small town just before a huge storm hit. Seeing the lightening cracking the sky, Eddie had started looking for a place for them to crash for the night. Almost all of the houses had lights on inside, so it looked pretty grim, when they saw a small white structure with a playground beside it off in the distance.

  The group rode past it, looping around to hide their bikes on the back side. Kicking in a stained glass window, partially hidden by a bush, one of them scurried inside to open the door and let the others in.

  They made it inside moments before the rains came, and it appeared the storm would last a while. Having a look around, they discovered a small pantry that had snacks in it, like graham crackers and such, which must have been for children, as the room next door had tiny furniture in it.

  Some of the guys ate what they found, and Tori located a partial bottle of Rum in Paul's pack. He let her have some, but it wasn't nearly enough to put her out for the night, which meant she would be awake to endure what was to follow. However, practiced at being convincing when playing her part, she could do it sober if she had to.

  Eventually, the group settled in a room that had a few pieces of furniture in it, like a small lounge, with a long sofa and a couple of stuffed chairs. Tori immediately took off her clothes, not wanting them to be soiled or torn by the grasping hands that would soon be upon her.

  Many of the guys enjoyed watching her undress. Like she did so often, she made a show out of it, swinging her hips as she worked her jeans down. Moving slowly and rubbing her hands over her bare skin, she removed her bra and lacy panties.

  By the time she was naked, her lips were tingling from the liquor. She felt thankful for even that small amount, as it allowed her to take on her role easily, good at playing her part.

  David grew anxious, driven by his need for attention, so he pulled his manhood out, and sat on the couch. The position exposed his hardened desire, which stood straight up in front of him. She could hear the crack and roll of thunder when her gaze fell upon him.

  Using a finger to motion her over, he grinned widely as she knelt down in front of him and began to work on his swollen need. Grasping him firmly with her right hand, she licked him thoroughly, taking him into her mouth and down her throat, and then sliding him out again to tease him with her fingers.

  While Tori busied herself with David, Paul came up behind her and prepared her for the night. She knew that in the cooped up space with the storm outside, there would be nothing for anyone to do, but fuck, and she was ready to take the lot of them if need be.

  She tried to focus on what her lips and tongue were doing as she felt Paul push his way inside her. She could feel him slapping against her wet folds that covered her soft hollow as he grabbed her hips and worked himself against her.

  David stroked her hair as she did her best to please him, not aware he enjoyed his view of what took place behind her as much, if not more than, anything she did to him. He could see Paul moving in and out in quick stabbing motions, and the combination of the two events put a completely satisfied smirk on his face.

  Paul only lasted a few minutes, and Tori could feel his deposit squirt out of her when he withdrew, then the thick fluid that oozed down her leg. She panted heavily, only a moment's break, as the rest of those who intended to have a turn at her were ready in quick succession.

  Tori grasped at David's throbbing organ, continuing to concentrate on the distraction. She began to feel tired as the number grew, with only some of them bothering to reapply the gel that made them slide more easily inside her. Maintaining her façade of acceptance, she did her best to prevent any negative thoughts or feelings from reaching the surface and being exposed, having learned long ago what they expected of her.

  This became quite a challenge for her when Red came up for his turn. He slapped her across her butt cheeks several times, and then grabbed her roughly as he shoved his shaft inside her. Tori gasped for air; her lungs
clamped down with the spasms that rocked her entire body.

  David continued to stroke her head, her cheek pressed against his bare thigh, and a bit of drool dripping onto his flesh. With Tori unable to continue, he took over and began to stroke himself, his left hand still massaging her scalp and pulling at her hair at the same time.

  Red took the time to abuse her breasts in his typical, grasping manner. Desperately, Tori tried to hang on, confident Red would be the last, as he often was. He noticed how David fed on his actions, and he grabbed a fist full of ebony strands to tug her against him more firmly.

  Pulling her up, he cursed her loudly for good measure, “Nasty fucking bitch… Filthy slut… Fucking cunt.” He did not seem to have a particular favorite, and would switch them around randomly as he slighted her. Accustomed to the practice, she appeared unmoved by his insulting tirade; all part of the game he loved to play.

  Red drove her hard, and when David couldn't hold back any longer, he released onto her face and chest where Red held her. Thankfully, seeing this put Red over the edge as well, and he pulsed inside her as he pushed her forward, her face lying against the other man’s lap while he deflated. She allowed a small sigh of relief, confident she had completed the night and would be able to rest.

  She lay panting for several minutes, relaxing and focused on holding her blank expression perfectly. David leveraged his way up and over her, finished with her like an old pair of shoes. She lay with her jaw constrained against the cushions of the couch, small amounts of goo trickling out of her and sliding down her legs as she contemplated where she would sleep for the night.

  Before she had made up her mind, she felt a hand slide up her thigh, squeezing her butt cheek, and then the other being grasped to spread her. Someone pushed his way inside, and she recognized Eddie without even peeking.

  Eddie was Red's identical twin brother, and she exhaled slowly as she prepared for his brand of torture.


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