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Burning Desire (Condemned Angels Series #1)

Page 5

by Leigh, Heather

Roxy: What happened to staying away from me?

  Me: Well how am I supposed to when you’ve been basically naked on my bike, without me on it? You owe me Rox.

  Roxy: If I remember correctly, u offered ur bike. U like to play with fire.

  Me: Maybe I like to get burned.

  Roxy: I’ll be there in 10.

  Me: Be careful, and make sure no one is following u.

  Roxy: Yeah, yeah.

  That girl had impeccable timing. Ten minutes on the dot later, I heard her SUV pull up into the driveway. This is what it would look like if she came home to me in this house every day. Damn, I could get used to that shit. Before she could get a knock on the front door- I swung it open. My eyes caught her bikini strings sticking out from her tank top and shorts. Her skin glistened in the summer sun. I’m going to show her exactly how it felt to be teased.

  “So…” she trailed off, playing with the end of her ponytail, a telltale sign of her being nervous.

  “So, are you going to show me some more of those poses?” I leaned on the doorframe with my arms above my head. Leaning closer to her. Her beautiful eyes followed my body language and she seemed to be radiating. Her full pink lips were enticing.

  “You would like that, wouldn’t you?” Rox took a step closer to me, our chests touching. Her firm round globes were pressing into me. Her fingertips skimmed up my torso and up behind my neck, burying themselves into my hair. I dropped my arms down around her. Her eyes were hooded as I pulled her into me by one of the belt loops on her shorts. I could hear the small gasp leaving her lips. I kissed her, hard. Rox all but fell into my body. I pulled her inside and kicked the door closed.

  ~ Roxy ~

  Never separating from him, my hands worked frantically to get his shirt up over his head. I was going to have to admire his body later- right now I just needed him, bad!

  Chase growled into my mouth as I raked my fingernails down his chest, tracing his v cut before his belt buckle. He seemed just as eager as I was to get undressed. He pulled my hands away- and as I pulled away to protest- he tore my tank top up over my head- as my arms came down, I pulled him back down to me, hungry for his mouth. My skin felt like it was on fire- my God, we haven’t even gotten naked yet!

  All of a sudden he grabbed my ass, my cut off jean shorts raised enough so the bottom of my cheeks were hanging out. He started to knead on them. Hmm- must be an ass man. Instinctively, I wrapped my toned thighs around his waist, locking my feet together. The feeling of his hard muscled body against my skin was making my center ache. I want him- no scratch that- I need him, in me.

  Chase walked us up the stairs to what I assume would be his bedroom. He broke our kiss and looked at my chest. He was nearly face-to-face with my ta-tas, he didn’t have to drift his eyes down too far. He immediately stopped his motion.

  “What it is?” Shit. I held the sides of his face, angling his eyes back to mine.

  Chase didn’t say anything as he sat on the edge of his bed, and me now straddling his lap. His hand slowly rose to my right breast. He traced over the bite mark Jake left behind.

  “You let him do this to you?” His eyebrows went into a scowl as he continued to thumb my flesh wound.

  “What do you think?” I was pissed he would even assume that.

  “Then why the fuck am I looking at it? Why is it here? On your body?” I saw Chase’s jaw clench.

  “It was part of my punishment the other night for getting caught kissing this sex-on-a-stick VP from another MC.” I pushed my hips down into his. Feeling his hardness through his jeans and mine. There was a mix between a growl and groan coming from his throat.

  “Oh really? So what would happen if he found out you got thoroughly fucked by that VP?” Chase gripped the sides of my hips.

  “Who fucking cares… as long as it’s a very thorough fucking- I’ll be happy.” I leaned down, catching his full bottom lip between my teeth and tugged.

  He groaned into my mouth and pushed my hips down into his and he grinded upwards. Little did he know that my clitoral hood piercing was getting all the attention it needed- if he didn’t stop I was going to be getting off on dry humping.

  “I swear to God, if he ever does some shit like this to you again. Fucking touches you, looks at you, I’ll fucking kill him.” Chase was territorial. Mmm, sexy.

  “Kind of hard to do that when I’m dating him...”I was cut off as I could feel a shutter run through my body, a climax built up out of nowhere. I rode Chase’s muscular thighs; his name fell from my lips as I bit down on his shoulder.

  “Did you just?” He stared at me with his eyebrows raised and a smirk that I wanted to kiss off him.

  “Shut up! Yes- I have a piercing that makes things…sensitive.” I shrugged, my cheeks burning with embarrassment. I stared down at his chest.

  He pulled my chin up between his pointer finger and thumb. “Come again, a what? That’s so fucking hot. I already want to kill your tattoo artist for touching you. Now someone’s seen my property, up close and personal?”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa, cowboy. I got it in college, and a chick named Rene’ did it. Who was apparently bi-sexual. So, I can assure you, she’s the only one who’s been face to face with my coochie.” I slapped my hand over my mouth- realizing my confession.

  Those eyebrows went up again. Damn him for looking so cute. I tried to climb off his lap. But his grip tightened on my wrist as I stood in front him, still seated on the bed.

  “Well, apparently you haven’t lived. And your man doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing. He must be stupid and blind to not take care of you how he should. Especially physically.” He grasped the back of my thighs, pulling me to him. He kissed the valley between my breasts, then bit the bikini string there..

  “Chase…”my fingers found their familiar spot in his hair. He tugged on the string around my neck, letting the triangles of fabric fall forward. I heard Chase suck in a sharp breath.

  “Goddamn woman, any other piercings I should know about?” He joked as his thumbs grazed the undersides of my breasts.

  “That’ll cover it. Don’t worry, Rene’ did these too.” I pushed my chest forward so he had his hands full. Literally. Chase leaned in taking my right breast into his hand, he was about to close his lips around my…

  His phone starts to ring and he dropped his forehead on my bosom- letting out a frustrated sigh.

  “You better fucking ignore that shit, I swear to God, Chase,” I warned as he reached over to look at his phone.

  “Fuck.” I heard him grumble.

  “Chase!” I bit out as he quickly typed a text to someone.


  “Roxy,” I said to him.

  “What?” he looked confused as I was tying my bikini back on.

  “My name, is Roxy- not Baby. I’m not yours, remember? And I can’t believe you just sent a text in the middle of this!” I pushed off his lap and he threw his phone on the bed next to him.

  “What the fuck is up your ass? It’s club business.” It chimed again- I glanced at the screen as it lit up- Monica. Liar!

  His eyes shot to the phone and then me. “You motherfucker. Club business, my ass!” I stormed out of his bedroom and down the stairs.

  “Rox, it’s club business, you of all people should respect that. I have a certain image to hold up.”

  “Image? I’m sick of coming fucking second to a fucking group of men who think they’re the shit just because they have a little club and they could give two flying fucks about anything else. Well, you can call Monica back and go get your dick wet by her. You know, keep up your “image”. God, you sound like my father and Jake. I’m fucking over this- and you. I’m going home.” I scooped up my tank top and found my flip-flops at the bottom of the staircase- when did I lose these? Whatever.

  “Rox, don’t you ever mention his name under my roof again, do you hear me?” he roared as he grabbed my hand and spun me back to face him. His face was hard, unreadable.

  “Oh what, now yo
u have something to fucking say? You’re about 4 years too late to tell me what I can and can’t do. Why didn’t you just have the fucking balls to standup to my father?” My eyes were burning, tears threatening to seep out. He let my hand go as if it burned his.

  “You’re lucky you’re you right now.” He fisted his hands at his sides. Obviously I hit a nerve. His phone was going off like crazy upstairs. I shook my head.

  “What are you going to do about it, Chase? Yell at me, hit me, punish me- because I’ve been a bad girl?” I yelled at him. He opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off. “Don’t worry, Chase- Jake has all those bases covered. And for your information,” I pulled the corner of my tank top down, showing the bite-mark. “I enjoyed it! At least he takes control of what he wants, and what’s his- me! Something you’ll never have because you weren’t man enough to step-up to the plate.” I spat my words at him like venom.

  “I just about had you. You sure were enjoying getting off on my lap, weren’t you? Tell me you didn’t fucking enjoy it. You don’t know the first thing about what’s going on around you. So naive.” He shook his head.

  “But don’t worry, since I’m not man enough for you, go run along and enjoy Jake. ”

  “I will, and I do- and I did last night!” I yelled at him.

  “Get the fuck out.” He pointed his muscular arm to the door.

  “Gladly!” I headed outside, and spun on my heel- facing him.

  “And forget about anything we ever had- it’s over.”

  “It would have to have started for it to be over, Chase.”

  “Well, thank fuck for that.” He slammed the door shut.


  ~ Roxy ~

  I seriously thought steam was shooting out of my ears. I grunted and stomped to my car. Wrestling my keys out of my pocket, they fell through my fingers onto the ground. “Just fucking great!” I grunted as I got on all fours to reach under my car. That’s when I saw it, a small black box with a blinking red light. “What the fuck?”

  I heard Chase’s front door swing open, and he came running out yelling my name, sounding panicked.

  “Jesus, I’m right here!” I grabbed my keys and pushed off the driveway.

  “Get away from your car.” He ran down the steps and grabbed me.

  “Get your hands off me!” I struggled against him. He threw me over his shoulder and ran up the porch and into the house.

  “Oh what, your sweetbutt Monica didn’t want you anymore, so you have to go all Neanderthal on my ass?” I yelled at him while hanging upside down and he walked us to his living room.

  “Would you just shut up for two fucking seconds?” He took his phone out of his back pocket, and dialed.

  “What the fuck, Chase!” I yelled as he threw me on his couch. I instantly jumped to my feet but he pushed me back down with one hand.

  “Yeah brother, I have her- she’s alright.” I watched him look over at me as he was talking.

  ~ Chase ~

  As soon as she stepped that fine ass out my door, I got a call from Jeremy.

  “They found footage of someone snooping around Roxy’s SUV.” was all Jeremy was able to get out. I threw my phone and ran for Roxy. Fucking-A! I skidded to a halt on the porch in my bare feet and jeans. She wasn’t in sight. I became frantic.

  “Rox!” My heart was pounding. I’ll fucking kill someone if they touch her.

  I heard her small voice- annoyed at me. Thank Christ. I ran for her- I wasn’t sure if being in or near the SUV was safe- so I grabbed her ass and headed inside.

  “Do you have her?” Jeremy yelled as he answered the phone.

  “Yeah brother, I have her- she’s alright.” I looked over my shoulder to make sure she was where I just sat her down- or threw her down rather. She folded her arms over her chest- pissed.

  “Where you at?”

  “My place, she was just heading out.” I let out a breath as I ran my fingers through my hair. That didn’t sound good.

  “Wait, what is she doing there?”

  “Nothing. There isn’t shit going on between us. Never was and never will be. Period,” I said through gritted teeth. I was thankful for the phone between us- he would ring my neck. Before I walked into the kitchen I pinned Rox with a stare- warning her to not move a fucking muscle. She huffed and looked the other way- ignoring me.

  “You’re damn right it better be nothing. How am I supposed to explain this to my Dad? He’s going to flip his shit knowing she was there.

  “We will just make some shit up. Did you figure out who it was?”

  “Nah, we are trying to clean up the security tape- but the dude was good- we can’t make out who it was.”

  “I’ll put some of my guys on it. She needs an escort- she shouldn’t be alone. I’ll go check out her car then I’ll drop her off at the club.”

  “Alright man, and you’re sure nothing is going on that I should know about?”

  “No man, it isn’t even like that. Believe me, it’s not that big of a deal- we are nothing at all. She’s nothing like that to me.”

  “Alright man, we will see you two in a few.”

  “Later.” I hung up and headed back to the living room, only to see Rox standing in the kitchen doorway. I saw her eyes brimming with tears, then transform to anger in the flip of a switch.

  “Just take care of my car so I can get the fuck out of here.”

  “Rox.” I started for her.

  “Don’t.” She put her hand up to stop me. But I didn’t stop- I walked up next to her-feeling her body tense. I walked past her to check out her car. Tracking GPS was the device I pulled from the undercarriage of her car. Who the fuck was tracking her? Something wasn’t right. As soon as I pushed off the driveway, Rox and her head of hair was flying by me.

  “Give this to the guys. It’s a GPS. I’m following you to the club house.” I handed it to her as she avoided eye contact with me.

  “Fine. Be my fucking guest,” she said as she got in her car and waited for me to go back in and grab my shit. Once she saw me coming out, she was reversing out of the driveway.

  ~ Roxy ~

  My heart felt like it had been broken; he said I was nothing to him. I was so stupid to ever think we could be more. What a fucking joke.

  “Son of a bitch,” I cursed as my tears rolled down my face. I quickly wiped them away before Chase caught me.

  As soon as I pulled up, I saw Jake’s bike next to Charlie’s and my Father’s. I ran inside, not even looking back at Chase.

  “Baby girl, you all right?” my father ran to me, taking me into a tight embrace.

  “Yes.” I saw Jake walking up to us, I pulled back and my father kissed my forehead.

  “If anything were to happen to you, I don’t know what I’d do. I promised your mother I’d keep you safe, always.” His hard eyes softened. They always did when he mentioned her.

  “Daddy, it’s okay- I’m fine.” I held onto his wrists as he cupped my face. I’ll always be his little girl.

  “Chase, we need a word, son,” My father said over my shoulder as he released me and I headed straight for Jake. His large frame engulfed me and he lifted my chin- and slammed his mouth down on mine. He was no Chase, but part of me still cared for him.

  “You okay, baby?” He pushed my hair away from my face, and then rested his hands on the curvature of my ass.


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