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Playing for Keeps/Body Check (Rules of the Game)

Page 10

by Heather Peters

  Her body responded to him in ways she couldn’t control. Mia didn’t want to want him, didn’t want to crave his killer kisses, but she admitted to herself that she cared for him. She had a decision to make tonight.

  She'd think about it after the auction.

  Coward, she thought.

  So here she sat, watching him on stage, making jokes, and waiting for the bidding to start.

  Thunders coach Terry Gilbert walked to the podium, looking dashing in his tux. He'd be the caller for the auction.

  "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the New York Thunder charity dinner and auction."

  He waited until the applause died down.

  "We're here at the beautiful Waldorf Astoria to enjoy a fabulous meal, dance the night away, and of course, to raise money for our pet charity, Families Forever.

  "Our first item tonight to be auctioned off is a jersey worn during his rookie year for the Thunder. May I present to you all our teammate and goaltender, not to mention the chairman and founder of Families Forever, Quinn Rafferty."

  Again the crowd stood and applauded as Quinn raised his worn blue and red home jersey, his name and number seventy five emblazoned on the back, bearing small tears in the neck, chest and arm areas, as results from opposing sticks. The front of the worn jersey showed the symbol of the Thunder: a pair of black hockey skates, silver blades shining, with its white laces entwined around the words, New York.

  Mia turned her head to the back of the room, smiled, then turned back to listen and enjoy the auction. She felt suddenly naughty that she'd devised a plan to bid on, and win Quinn's jersey

  "We'll start the bidding at two thousand."

  Someone yelled, "Two thousand!"

  Quinn looked at her and winked, making her lips curve in a smile. She winked back and his blue eyes seem to twinkle.

  "Do I hear twenty five hundred?"

  Mia touched her ear, her eyes on Quinn, who held up his jersey with pride.

  Someone in the back table raised a paddle stamped with the number seventy five to meet the bid.

  Mia tipped the glass to her lips and savored the taste on her tongue, all the while thinking of how gorgeous Quinn looked. That tux made him look like a cover model. Watching him, something down deep in her center throbbed, while ribbons of arousal swirled within.

  "Do I hear three thousand for Quinn Rafferty's rookie jersey?"

  A woman near the front of the room raised a finger to meet the bid and Mia frowned, touching her ear again. Again the hand holding the paddle with number seventy five printed on it raised their banner.

  The crowd cheered and the auctioneer pointed to the person in the back. "I have five thousand; do I hear fifty five hundred?"

  Not another sound for three seconds; Mia could hear a pin drop.

  "Five thousand, once, five thousand twice, sold to the person holding number seventy five, for five thousand dollars."

  Mia took a last sip of champagne, placed her glass on the table, and whispered, “Yes.” Smiling like a Cheshire cat, she anxiously waited for Quinn to re-join their table.


  With the auction a complete success, and Quinn's head still reeling from the five thousand dollar bid on his jersey, he excused himself from Mia to make the rounds and greet the many fans who'd paid a great deal of money to contribute. Quinn always lauded the fact that the Thunder possessed the greatest fans in the world. And shaking hands and talking with many of these people just assured him.

  He spied teammate Adam Pierson standing at the bar and decided to join him.

  Adam was a good guy, a top notch defenseman, a veteran of fifteen seasons with the Thunder, and captain of the team.

  "No date tonight?" Quinn asked as they sipped a beer, and leaned against the bar facing the crowd.

  Adam shook his head. "But I see you're with Mia. Good for you."

  Quinn nodded, his gaze like radar, automatically finding Mia, beyond sexy in that gold flowing dress. Her hair, long and professionally tousled to look as if it was a mess, tumbled over her shoulders. She was talking to one of the wives of his teammates, and her smile was genuine, her laugh warm and inviting. He loved looking at her, knowing she was here with him tonight.

  "Hey, earth to Rafferty, you with us, man?"

  Quinn turned back to Adam and chuckled. "Sorry, that was rude of me."

  Adam shook his head. "You got it bad for her." It wasn’t a question.

  Quinn was not the type to reveal details of his personal life to anyone, but Adam was his best friend. "Yeah, guess I do."

  "The old man giving you shit?"

  "I want to go slow because of what happened with her and Goyette, but she's afraid, you know?"

  "Yeah, that bastard should have been booted out of the league for what he did to Mia, but I guess money talks. At least he was shipped to Toronto. They can have him."

  Adam changed the subject. "You looked good in practice today. Keep that stick hand sharp and we're going to take it all."

  Quinn agreed. "I feel good this year. I'm not a rookie anymore, so the pressure's off. You and Morrissey fit like a glove backing Vail's line. Good work."

  Adam took a last pull of beer, then placed the bottle on the bar surface. "Mia looks gorgeous tonight."

  "Don’t look too hard, Piersson, she's with me."

  "I know that. You know that friend of hers, Elena?"

  Quinn's eyebrows creased. "The chiropractor? Yeah sure I know her. Nice woman, fixed my back a while back. Got magic hands, that’s all I'll say."

  They shared a laugh, then Quinn decided a little teasing of his teammate was in order. "You like her, Piersson?"

  Adam, who wasn’t known as a conversationalist, shrugged. "Let you know."

  Quinn laughed. "Elena's single, gorgeous, successful, what more do you want? I hear she's got the hots for you."

  Rather than answer, Adam took a sip of his beer, then changed the subject. "So what's up with you and Mia?"

  Quinn nodded. "Sometimes I feel like a teenager when I'm with her. Shit, Adam, I'm nearly thirty years old, and I'm treading on eggshells because I don’t want her traumatized. "

  "So what's your solution?"

  "I'm promised to take it slow, but that's not working. You know I'm not a patient guy."

  "Well, then, what are you doing here at the bar? Go dance with her, Bro."

  Placing the empty glass on the bar surface, Quinn nodded. "Sounds like a great idea."

  Telling Adam he'd see him at practice in a couple of days, Quinn made a bee line straight to Mia. He'd missed her for the short time he'd been involved in the auction. Now he wanted her in his arms. Hearing the music, he held out his hand and she took it, squeezed it, and he led her onto the dance floor, holding her close. She smelled like moonlight and roses, her body pressed into his, and Quinn looked into her eyes, beautiful amber orbs that locked with his.

  Moving as one on the dance floor to a lazy ballad, Quinn and Mia needed no words. They just became one with the music. Holding her body close to his as they swayed, Quinn allowed her scent to drive him wild. He pulled her tighter, and closed his eyes. There was nowhere else he'd rather be, than in her arms.


  Hours later, the dinner at an end, Mia found herself facing Quinn in the lobby of her apartment building.

  "I hate saying goodnight to you." He kissed her. "Don’t send me home alone, Mia."

  "Quinn, don’t do this again." She kissed him back, swirling her tongue around his, her resistance breaking apart a piece at a time.

  "I have to put the publicity package together for the dinner and it has to be done tonight."

  He slid his palms down her breasts, teasing her nipples through her dress, making her legs turn to jelly. "You're good at persuasion, you know that?

  "So you'll come home with me?"

  "Please don’t ask me, Quinn, please."

  He tried to keep his impatience in check. Reluctantly he let her go. "Ok, ok, I understand. Damn I shou
ld get an award for this," he said, his joke falling short.

  "Thank you, Q."

  He took her chin in his hand. "I've never waited for any woman, but I'll wait for you. I'll wait. No game tomorrow, no practice until late afternoon." He wiggled his eyebrows, making her smile. "And here's a little incentive."

  He kissed her eyes, nose, one cheek at a time, then her mouth. A deep crushing kiss took her breath and it was all Mia could do to walk away from him.

  "Good night," she barely whispered.

  "I'll be waiting for you, Mia, mine."


  There was a package leaning against her door outside her apartment when she arrived home. Ah, bless Henry's heart. She smiled, lifted it, then unlocked her door, stopped and took a breath.

  Why did she send him away?

  She brought her finger to her mouth, her lips throbbing from his crushing kisses. Her body up in flames, she was hot and sweaty, every fiber of her being wanted him, craved him.

  Why couldn’t she and Quinn be friends and lovers? They didn’t have to get serious, and no one would get hurt. His kisses and his hands made her body come alive when he touched her.

  She pushed open her door, stepped into her apartment, her thoughts never straying far from him.

  She could hear his velvety sexy voice, feel his seductive touch, see those blue eyes of his as they became dark with passion when he touched her.

  "I'll never sleep tonight," she said out loud, and entered her bedroom. "What are you doing to me, Quinn Rafferty?"

  Her body ruling out her mind, she texted her assistant, Henry Richter, thanked him for his work at the auction as she hugged the package he'd left at her door. Then asked him one more favor; would he put the publicity package together without her? He texted her back and told her he'd already completed the task, had all the photos on hand from the fundraiser and auction. It would all be on her desk the next morning.

  Now what?

  Blood rushing through her veins as she made a decision, she slipped out of her gold dress and tall heels, removed her jewelry and underwear, then rushed into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

  Instead of shrugging into her jeans moments later, Mia instead opened the package, slipped the jersey she'd won at the auction over her head, stepped into sneakers, slid into a pair of black lace thongs, grabbed her lined raincoat to keep out the cold and left her apartment.

  It was now or never.

  She'd kept Quinn waiting long enough.


  What possessed her to show up at Quinn's apartment at three a.m. on a cold March morning?

  You know exactly why you're here.

  Mia mulled the answer around in her mind, what little she had left of it, as she looked up and down the hall. She knocked gently, willing her fingers to stop trembling, her heart to slow down from its incessant pounding.

  Garnering second thoughts, she turned to walk away, when the door swung open and she felt herself being pulled in by a strong familiar hand, the door shutting behind her.

  Suddenly assaulted by the smell of soap, heat, and Quinn, she allowed herself to be pulled into a dimly lit room.

  She faced him, and that wicked smile and his blue eyes pierced the distance between them. "Hi." His voice was low and purposefully seductive.

  It was obvious that he'd just come from the shower, evidenced by his wet hair, several soaked strands laying messily over his forehead, which gave him a more wicked appearance.

  The towel that fell low on his hips revealed the full width of his shoulders, and carved planes of his massive chest, sprinkled with damp dark hair.

  She swallowed. "Hi."

  He pulled her into his chest, and the proof of his joy in seeing her was evident by the hardness that tented his towel.

  His legs that pressed into hers were solid and thick. Hard muscled and tight corded and ripped, he was magnificent.

  And if she wanted him, he was all hers.

  "Well, you sure took your sweet time, gorgeous."

  His erection seemed to thicken as she pressed deeper into his embrace. She knew she was welcome.

  Quinn wasted no time in shoving her up against the door. He crushed her mouth against his urging her lips open and swirling her tongue with his own. Her knees weakened at his kiss, and moisture pooled at her center. He was again, weakening her resolve, making all her thoughts of doubt disappear as she realized how much she needed to be with him.

  Her decision was made. There was nothing that was going to keep her from loving him this night.

  Apparently, Quinn was thinking the same thing.

  "If you're here to tease me, Mia, I don’t know how much more I can take. You know how I feel about you. I don’t want to take you up against a door. I want to be inside you, in my bed, where we can love each other, all night long. If that’s not what you want, turn around and leave. Because once I start to love you, I don’t know if I can stop."

  She smiled and tunneled her hands through the wealth of his thick wet hair. She broke the embrace and met his confused gaze.

  His hands clenched at his sides, and Mia knew it was time for the torture to end.

  She opened her coat, dressed only in his rookie jersey and her thong. The jersey she'd secretly bid on and won at the auction.

  "You don’t have to stop, Quinn. I want to be here with you."

  His eyes widened and sparkled at her choice of attire. He nodded, his happiness evident. "Ah, mystery solved. I'm glad you won it. But if you wanted one of my jerseys, all you had to do was ask."

  She smiled coyly, swinging her hips and walking toward him. "I might as well use my untouched trust fund for something worthwhile. I wanted to do it. After all, it's for your favorite charity."

  "I'm burning up at the sight of you in my shirt. Tell me you're naked under it and you’ve made me a very happy man."

  She never thought twice about coming to him. She raised her shirt just enough to show him her tiny black thong. She laughed at his reaction.

  "You little witch." She shivered as his gaze started at her face, then slowly slid down her neck, and lower.

  "I gotta tell you, that shirt never looked that good on me."

  She placed her palm on his lightly stubbled cheek and whispered. "Best money I ever spent."

  "You mean that?"

  Mia nodded, her body responding to him. "I do."

  He gathered her in his arms. "I want you more than my next breath. Want you more than I've ever wanted anything. You know that, don't you?"

  She could tell he was trying to slow down by talking. She adored him for it.

  "So, now that you're wearing my jersey, that must mean you're ready to play."

  "I wasn’t really thinking of hockey right now, Quinn." Her breathing quickened as she waited for him to make a move.

  His palms slid down her back, cupping her rear. "Neither was I."

  She pulled his towel from his hips and threw it to the floor. "Let's play a different kind of game."

  "No more talk." She chuckled softly as he lifted her into his arms and led her to the huge bed, tenderly lowering her to the down filled pillows.

  He followed her down, and began kissing her eyelids, nose, chin, purposely avoiding her mouth.

  He ripped her flimsy thong in one action, and when she opened her legs in invitation, Mia felt him start to lose it. It's what she wanted.

  "Tell me what you want, Mia. Say the words."

  Her voice was a murmur, an invitation to pleasure and desire. "You, Quinn. I want you, all of you."

  He proceeded to pull off her jersey and throw it to the floor.

  Catching his breath, he nodded.

  "Thought you'd never ask."

  "I'm sorry, baby, but I don’t know if I can hold back this time around, I'm too hot and want you too bad. I've waited for this for almost two years, Mia. You feel so good in my arms." His fingers tangled in her hair and he touched her nose to his.

  "Don’t hold back Q," she whispered, breathless and on fir
e. "It's ok."

  She could feel the heat pooling low in her stomach. Mia's breasts swelled and throbbed as Quinn lovingly stroked every inch of her. And Mia knew that he was holding back, giving her time to get used to his weight, his desire.

  He kissed her, his mouth molten hot, trailing down her body, touching her with kisses, down her stomach to her navel, and further.

  Mia writhed on the spacious bed, the pleasure he delivered rendered her speechless. Lower his mouth searched, and found its mark.

  He slid down to her most aching part, and parted her with his thumbs. She lifted her body off the bed when his mouth drove into her like a heated sword.

  Mia was aware of every part of this beautiful man, giving her pleasure in droves.

  "You taste like heaven," he told her, his tongue performing magic on her, driving her high to a place where Mia had never in her life experienced.

  On the brink of orgasm, Quinn licked her clitoris while his hands caressed and pinched her nipples. In seconds, Mia exploded into millions of shards, not sure she ever wanted to be put together again.

  "Oh Quinn, ahh," she cried, as he slid up her body, his erection easing into her while Mia lifted her hips and wrapped her legs around him.

  "Don't be gentle, Quinn. I want you. Just love me."

  She was dying and Quinn was killing her with love, and pleasure.

  Mia wanted to touch him. He was still damp from the shower, but her fingers eagerly started at his neck, down his hard sculpted back, and down to his rounded tight ass, and she pulled him closer to her center, now hot and throbbing with want for him.

  He groaned and slowly eased her legs open, while nipping her neck, and back to her lips.

  "You're more beautiful than in my dreams," he rasped as his hardness found its way to her core. "Ah, you're so wet for me, so ready."

  Mia lifted hips and bid him entrance to her. "Please Quinn…"

  "Please what? Tell me, talk to me."

  "Love me, Quinn. I want you."


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