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Page 6

by Janine Ashbless

  They are up close again, as if this is where they have always been. Eyes closed, breasts pressed together. Kara tickles Odette’s lips with the tip of her tongue; and with a low, soft moan of pleasure Odette wraps her arms round Kara and pushes her soft wet tongue into Kara’s mouth so they are sucking on each other, neither of them worried about who might see. It must look pretty damn hot because it sure feels perfect. They jerk and writhe in a kind of dance. Odette keeps her leg hooked round Kara, pushing closer. Her pussy rubs on Kara’s, and it’s delicious.

  Kara has touched herself so many times in the dark but she’s had no one to envisage. No one to fuel her fantasies. There’s nothing to compare to someone else’s body, someone else’s fingers on you. She is pulsing down there. Her heat, her honey must be mingling with the pool water. God, she wants this woman.

  “We’ve come to an agreement!”

  Henri’s voice booms from the terrace. Odette and Kara part reluctantly, and spin lazily round to rest their chins on their arms as Henri and a hectically flushed Suki come dancing down the lawn. “Where’s Francois?” Kara whispers, using the excuse to nibble Odette’s ear.

  Odette flutters her eyelashes against Kara’s cheek, making Kara shudder with renewed pleasure. “Henri’s probably elbowed him out of the way and tasted your friend for himself. So there’s no need to feel any guilt for what I’m going to do to you later.”

  Henri kicks off his shorts and shirt and dives right over their heads into the pool. Suki watches him with undisguised admiration then plunges in after him.

  The master of the house surfaces at last, with Suki hanging on to his huge shoulders like a baby monkey.

  “These two cute little kittens can stay with us on one condition.” Henri lifts Suki bodily out of the water and the playfully drops her back in. “That they serve the drinks at the party tomorrow night.”

  Kara tries to catch her friend’s eye, but the world has shifted and gone mad. Everyone has changed places.


  Their two faces are wide eyed in the huge hall mirror. Fairy lights are twinkling all around the twilit garden. Tables are laid with food and wine, and huge cushions are scattered all over the lawns and under the trees for the guests. A crunching of gravel on the drive announces the first chauffeurs delivering their VIPs from Cap Ferrat and St. Tropez.

  “Is this a dream, K?” asks Suki, running her finger around the rosebud lips that Kara has just painted pink to match Suki’s pale pink mini dress. “This house is like some kind of enchanted castle. Henri’s a kind of Bluebeard. Odette is the wicked stepmother. Francois is the handsome prince—”

  “And we are the damsels in de dresses!” Kara tweaks her strappy sea green sheath just enough to show the eager swell of her tits. Tonight has to be the night that Odette sucks on those. She picks up her tray of glasses. “It’s real life on the Riviera, Suki, and I for one can’t get enough!”

  They take their positions on either side of the garden door, hopping excitedly on their high heels. The swimming pool is floodlit and rows of iron braziers, their flames standing straight up and barely flickering in the balmy air, make a fiery path across the lawn towards a little gate which leads down to the private beach where Francois is firing up the barbecue for his friends.

  The evening spins past in an tipsy whirl of famous faces. Suki hands out drinks and canapés for about an hour, then disappears down to the beach. Kara takes her role more seriously, especially as she is being watched by both Monsieur and Madame, but she prefers to stay near the pool. Her feet in the killer heels are killing her and she wonders when she can kick them off.

  “You look ravishing ce soir, cherie.” Kara feels something soft pressing up against her arm. She looks down to see large, round breasts encased in scarlet lace. The sophisticated lady of the manor looks exotic and dangerous tonight in a tight, red dress. “I’ve been counting the minutes until I can get you to myself.”

  This simple, sexy remark, in Odette’s throaty voice makes Kara spark with startling, intense pleasure. She can’t take her eyes off the breasts spilling out of the lace. Lust stirs inside her as she compares Odette’s luscious, nut-brown pair—and that dark, inviting valley between them—with her own paler cleavage.

  “I’m flattered,” she murmurs. “You’re pretty sensational yourself.”

  “Come on then. I dare you to do something outrageous.” Odette glances at her remaining guests, her plump lips parted in a huge grin. Kara has an unsettling image of them wrapped round a giant phallus, giving stupendous head. No doubt that’s what every man thinks when he looks at Odette’s mouth. “I’ll race you to the pool.”

  Kara hesitates. Most of the guests are either down on the beach or have left. At this precise moment there is no-one around. She lifts her dress over her knees and races after Odette’s brown, toned legs. They push past a knot of drunken couples and reach the edge of the glittering oval pool. It’s so enticing in the moonlight, sparkling turquoise liquid illuminated by the underwater floodlights. Some rhythmic music throbs from inside the open plan sitting room whose doors are open to the terrace

  “Henri has a terrible taste in music,” giggles Odette, grabbing Kara, and before Kara can take a breath she is pulled fully clothed into the water with a shriek and a splash. The water is body heat. Steam rises towards the already black sky. The water laps at her gently as Odette swims underneath and springs up in front of her, black hair sleek against her scalp, emphasizing her enormous eyes and making her look even more mysterious, not less.

  More familiar, not less. Kara has been unable to think of anyone but Odette for the last two days.

  “Best to take this lovely dress off, cherie. It will survive if it’s not in the chlorine for too long.”

  The mistress of the house turns and lifts her long wet hair. She doesn’t have to say any more. Kara eagerly unzips her red lace dress. Odette doesn’t move, so Kara pushes the dress off her shoulders. It clings as tightly as the bathing suit did, and is even more delicate. It must be already ruined. Kara fiddles at the buttons at the front of the dress and it suddenly slips off, so that her fingers brush against Odette’s breasts once again. The lust twangs so sharply inside, communicates so directly to her own nipples, that she bites down on her lip. Odette’s head tips slightly, obviously aroused by the contact. God, Kara wants to touch her. She wants to go much further than that this time.

  “So touch me” says Odette, as if Kara has spoken out loud. “Let them watch. It’s why they come to these parties. Touch my breasts, cherie.” She presses herself, curvy and soft, into Kara’s hands for a moment. Really lingers, her lips parted with lazy pleasure as if she and Kara already know each other intimately.

  Then she dodges sideways, pulls her red dress right off and tosses it onto a lounger.

  “Show them how sexy you are. They’re all watching. This is a pool party, cherie. Let yourself go!”

  She pulls off Kara’s dainty dress, then kisses her on the lips. As she swims away from her through the steaming water Kara gazes at her bare shoulders, the stretch of her neck, the black hair streaming back. Again there’s the sensation that she’s known this woman all her life. She glances up. They are not alone. Some of the guests have noticed movement in the pool, the two naked women circling one another.

  Odette reaches the deep end and rests against the tiled side, arms outstretched along the edge, her big tits bobbing like air-filled buoys on the surface of the water. Steam rises as the water shifts, her breasts teasing in and out of the water.

  Excitement kicks inside Kara’s belly. The other guests are pretending not to watch as they help themselves to the drinks still left on the trays. Francois, Suki, and some other youngsters are still on the beach. The rest of the staff have gone home.

  Odette is on a mission. She beckons Kara over and wraps her arms round Kara’s waist. Kara knows she’s not the first woman Odette has played with like
this. She wonders what the others are, or were, like. Is it her red hair that attracts Odette? Her white, limber body? Or just something behind the eyes that has woken up and said come and get me?

  Odette has probably tried everything under the sun at least once. And that’s what Kara wants to do.

  The two women’s faces are up close. Kara runs her hands over Odette’s hips, over her ribcage. She can feel no bone, just soft, yielding flesh, and then those gorgeous breasts nuzzling into her hands. That’s why they are called puppies! She looks down, pinches the long brown nipples into stiffness, and her own grow hard as nuts as if they are being fondled as well. As Kara teases each taut tip, Odette arches her back so that everyone can see what Kara is doing to her.

  Odette’s legs encircle Kara’s waist and their two bodies, two pussies, brush together. Kara smiles. Puppies and pussies. How cute is that? Hard nipple scrapes across hard nipple and the tight ball of desire inside Kara starts to unravel.

  Odette wraps her arms around Kara’s neck and kisses her, her big, generous lips tickling, her tongue flicking. Kara sucks the older woman’s tongue into her mouth and as they circle in the steaming water they writhe and grind against each other, pussy lips parting, burning clits emerging, seeking friction.

  Kara keeps her eyes closed, imagining the watching faces, but what she doesn’t expect is audience participation. Suddenly there’s a mighty splash at the other end of the pool. The women pause then pull apart slowly, allowing their tongues to linger in a little slick of saliva, before they turn lazily to see who is joining them. Another girl, perhaps?

  Henri is swimming across the pool, already naked. The handful of guests are gathered round the pool, sitting on loungers or standing, intrigued by the promise of aqueous synchrony.

  “Where’s little Suki?” Henri asks, coming up behind his wife. Kara experiences a furious jolt of frustration as her interrupted excitement starts to ebb away. “Is she on the beach?”

  “Who cares? You’re interrupting us, Henri. Go away,” Odette snaps, winking at Kara.

  Henri takes hold of Odette’s shoulders and gives them a little shake. “Did you know Serge has decided to show up, too? He’ll never miss a free party. He was going straight down to the beach find Francois.”

  Odette stretches her arm towards Kara. “How lovely! The whole family together!”

  “But Suki won’t know they’re brothers, will she? What if there’s a fight?”

  “You better get your big stick out, Henri, get down there and stop them if you want her for yourself?”

  But Henri doesn’t move. His hands slide off Odette’s shoulders, down her sides and under the water. “My big stick is already out, Odette. You better watch out.”

  Kara’s frustration coils into jealousy as he pushes himself against his wife and there’s an answering leap of desire in Odette’s eyes.

  “I thought you weren’t into anything over thirty these days?” taunts Odette as her husband’s big hands reappear to stroke her breasts. “After all, I’m only your wife.”

  “Yes, but something has fired up your lagging appetite since we arrived here.”

  The competition, now that Henri has joined them, makes Kara all the more determined to win back Odette’s attention. Under the cover of the water she edges her hand between Odette’s legs, parting the soft lips with her fingers. Smiling and gasping with surprise Odette falls back against Henri, hooking her ankles loosely round Kara’s thighs so that her body rises to the surface of the pool like an offering.

  “I’m tempted to stay right here,” Henri replies, hands moving possessively over his wife’s breasts. The guests crane forwards, and another man Kara hasn’t seen before, casually dressed, pulls off his shorts and Breton jersey and dives in to the pool. Kara assumes everyone will join now, but the others stay on dry land, assuming this is all part of the entertainment.

  The new guy swims up and circles them like a shark. Henri looks so astonished that he doesn’t stop his thickset, unshaven rival, from joining in. Kara can see there’s some kind of power struggle going on between the two men, but she has her own power struggle going on now. She wants to fight them for Odette’s lovely body. Pushing her fingers inside Odette, she leans forward over Odette’s bare belly, pushes Henri’s hand out of the way and bites down on one taut nipple. Henri and the other man fall away to watch. The bud enters Kara’s mouth, thrusting up against her teeth, and Kara sucks on it, blinded by the wicked excitement searing through her.

  There’s an answering pull on her fingers as Odette’s cunt tightens. She starts to fidget in the water, and Kara sucks harder on the tight nipples, thrusting her fingers in and out of Odette until she comes, moaning in surprise, her head splashing back in the water.

  Everyone on the edge of the pool starts clapping.

  The two men waste no time in tugging Kara and a limp Odette to the shallow end. Maybe now’s the time to scramble out of the pool. But the men are just getting started. The shallower the water gets, the higher their torsos rise from the water, until Henri’s cock shoots upwards out of the water and bangs against Odette’s face. At the same time, the second man comes up behind Kara, his big hands on her hips. She tries to pull away, but Henri shakes his head.

  “You stay right there and do as you’re told,” he says, cradling Odette so that she is floating on her back in front of him. “And watch what I do to my wife when she has been naughty.”

  Standing to one side of Odette, Henri pokes the swollen head of his massive dick into the corner of her mouth.

  For a moment Odette remains motionless as if she is asleep, then her mouth opens slowly. Her tongue slips out and welcomes the round knob, sucking it in. Those lips that Kara was just kissing, and so beautifully made for blowjobs, start pulling on her husband’s stiff cock. Not even an expert mouth like hers could take in the entire length without choking, and the sight of at least a third of his length sliding in and out of Odette’s mouth turns Kara to jelly as she absently strokes Odette’s legs.

  She wants to be out of the pool, on a big warm bed away from everybody, rolling her body to fit with Odette’s. She wants to abandon herself to the experience of feeling Odette’s big lips kissing her again, going down on her snatch, nibbling her clit, tonguing her cunt—she wants it all.

  But she’s not going to get it, at least not this minute, because the other man has pushed up and bent her over Odette’s prone body so that now her face is between Odette’s floating thighs. She kisses the other woman there, parting her legs to reveal the plump, delicious crevice; and as she bends to lick her mistress, the second man pulls Kara’s legs apart and she’s so excited and so wet that when he pushes himself inside she is ready.

  Kara tries to focus on licking her lovely Odette but she is losing control. Her aroused body responds to the man’s brutal, rough stimulation. His big fingers under the water somehow muffle the roughness, but a fierce renewed lust still kicks inside her.

  Her bottom is tipped up out of the water and into the air for everyone to see. The man opens her up, pushes his hard cock into her. Then, as her body loosens and lets him in, his strong hands rock her violently back and forth as he thrusts hard and fast, and now all Kara can think about and see and hear are her own groans of lust, Odette’s muffled moans, and the bestial grunting of the men.

  “Doucement,” growls the man in Kara’s ear. “God, you feel as good as our hostess!”

  Kara’s not sure she’s heard right, but she can’t think further than the cock filling her, its accelerating, determined thrusts, pushing her forwards so that her face grinds into Odette’s pussy. What an incredible combination they must make. Two men, two women. A sexual chain, a novel kind of line dance. The working parts of a sex machine.

  Kara gives herself up to this debauchery. Odette is in her hands. Everything is fine. More than fine. Odette opens her mouth to show us the stream of her husband’s cum and that starts
the chain reaction of the others, until they are all coming, lifting and splashing in the water in a shuddering sequence.

  There is a brief silence, just the panting of the participants and the splashing of the water against the edge of the pool. Then the laughter and clapping starts again. The men swim silently to the edge, shaking the water from their hair. Kara edges herself up close to Odette even as the men climb out of the pool, their buttocks taut and muscled, their heavy cocks and juicy balls still bouncing and swinging as they strut to the chairs to pick up their clothes.

  “Who the hell was that?” Kara gasps, pointing at the rough guy now giving a jovial high five to Henri.

  “That’s my friend with the art gallery,” laughs Odette, kissing her softly and reaching for a towel. “Come and meet him properly!”


  Down on the beach the barbecue has been abandoned, the remains of steaks and salads and beer bottles cluster here and there amid shreds of aromatic smoke. The sea is a dark silky sheet with frills of foamy white as the waves turn on the beach. Suki is on her own, knee deep in the shallows, lifting her pale pink dress right over her bare butt and shivering as cold droplets touch her skin. Francois and this older boy who turned up earlier in a white motorboat are frolicking further out, ducking and diving and obviously vying for her attention.

  Suki is sulking slightly, because Henri went up to the house ages ago and hasn’t come back. She likes knowing he is watching her all the time. She has never been fucked by someone old enough to be her father before, and last night, when he came and stole her from the bedroom she shared with Kara while the others were sleeping, was mind-blowing.

  She is just kicking at the waves when she feels herself hoisted into the air like a doll and carried over to a rug on the beach beside the embers of a bonfire. She is handed a cold beer and, with a few chunks of wood, the fire quickly blazes to life once more.


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