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Men Out of Uniform: 6 Book Omnibus

Page 35

by Rhonda Russell

  Hurting her feelings had been small and mean and, unaccustomed to feeling regret when it came to a female, it had taken Guy a few seconds to realize that was exactly what had made him so damned uncomfortable on the drive over to Olson Hall.

  Furthermore, she intrigued the hell out of him.

  Guy had been around enough women to know the usual score. No brag just fact, but he had good instincts, had always relied on them and he’d always been particularly good at sizing a person up. He could spot a needy chick at twenty paces, a liar in fifty. He could tell who was jonesing for revenge sex, who was simply horny, and who was looking for a husband. He’d never met a woman he couldn’t read, couldn’t gauge in an instant...and yet he couldn’t get a firm line on Julia Beckam.

  She was so damned proper-looking he wanted to shake her and, though it could only be wishful thinking on his part, he got the distinct impression that she wanted someone to rock her world. That she was waiting for it. Odd, he knew, when she looked wound tighter than an eight-day clock. That bun she’d screwed that beautiful hair into worked his last nerve. Didn’t she know it only made a guy want to take it down and mess it up? His fingers practically itched to do just that.

  Among other things.

  His cell rang from the clip at his waist, snagging his attention, which was just as well because she’d mounted the steps to the porch and would be going in where he couldn’t puzzle over her anymore.

  At least, not until dinner.

  “McCann,” he said, his typical greeting.

  “How’s it going?” Payne asked.

  Guy moved away from the window and dropped heavily into a recliner. “It blows.” And that was putting it mildly.

  Evidently realizing just that, Payne asked the right question. “Any surprises?”

  “Julia Beckam,” Guy drawled.

  Silence, then, “Who is Julia Beckam?”

  “That’s exactly what I asked Garret. She’s a relationship therapist he’s brought in as my co-instructor.” He could hear the sarcasm in his own voice.

  “He didn’t tell you about her?”

  Guy blew out a breath. “That’s why it was a surprise.”

  “A relationship therapist for a special forces team?” Payne asked skeptically.

  “Garrett wants these boys to feel married in all but the biblical sense,” Guy said. “And this is not just any special forces team. It’s Project Chameleon’s replacement.”

  “You’re shittin’ me.”

  He wished, Guy thought. Logic told him that the Army would have immediately wanted to reassemble a replacement unit to supplant theirs, but the idea of another group of men assuming Project Chameleon was somehow disheartening. Ego, most likely. Hell, guys like him didn’t sign up to do the hard work without the necessary ego to back it up. He smiled. It was part of their charm. Or so he’d been told.

  While he admittedly missed parts of the old lifestyle, Guy knew he didn’t have any desire to go back to work for Uncle Sam. Simply being back on base made him feel like he was smothering in regret and failure. Dealing with Danny’s death was painful enough, but for reasons which escaped him, being here--in this place--made it worse. Too many good memories mixed in with the bad, he supposed.

  Furthermore, while he was thankful to the Army for everything he’d learned--the discipline, values and education--he’d adjusted to civilian life without incident. He was close enough to Alabama to visit his mother when he wanted, but far enough away that she wouldn’t cling. As for his father--instant hatred welled inside him--Guy didn’t give a damn if he ever saw that sorry sack of shit ever again. He could rot in hell and the sooner the better, as far as Guy was concerned.

  Hard? Maybe so. But not as hard as his father used to hit him.

  Respect was earned--not a parental right--and his old man would never have his.

  “Want me to come over there and help you?” Payne asked. “Jamie’s here for the moment. I could get away for a few days.”

  The offer was nothing less than what he would expect from his friend, but Guy found himself uncharacteristically touched all the same. Payne and Jamie were like the brothers he’d never had, his adopted family. Danny had been, too, which had made Guy’s ultimate betrayal all the more difficult. Being responsible for any death was a blow, but that of a friend, of a person you loved and had loved you...

  Guy cleared his throat. “No, but thanks.”

  “Is there anything I can do here on this end?”

  Actually... “Run a background check on Julia Beckam,” Guy said, thinking about that enigmatic “unavoidably detained” comment she’d made this morning. Forewarned was forearmed and he wanted to know exactly who he was dealing with before they went to dinner. “If you can get back with me before six that would be great.”

  “Will do,” Payne told him. “What about Garrett? Have you discovered his angle yet?”

  Garrett hadn’t cashed in a single favor where it hadn’t directly benefited him, so there was no reason to suspect that he’d change the status quo with Guy. On the surface, asking him to come in and teach a trust-building class for a special forces team seemed harmless, but they’d all learned the hard way that Garrett didn’t do anything without motive. He definitely had something to gain by ensuring Guy’s participation. The million-dollar question of course was what.

  “Not yet,” Guy finally told him. “I’m gonna do a little digging around here and see what the rumor mill is churning.”

  “Shit, most likely,” Payne said, chuckling.

  Guy laughed, conceding the point. “So long as nothing’s changed.”

  “Listen,” Payne said, hesitating enough to indicate a subject change. “I need to make sure that you’re going to be back here on Saturday.”

  “Sure,” Guy said, puzzled by the remark and slight...nervousness he detected in his friend’s voice. Payne? Nervous? He frowned. “My last class is over at noon on Friday, so I should be home that night. Why?”

  “I’m getting married Saturday.” Matter of fact, in typical Payne form, as though he hadn’t just announced something huge.

  Particularly considering that Payne swore to never marry.

  His parents had set a lousy example for the institution and his father had routinely been swindled out of millions of Payne’s ultimate inheritance by greedy women.

  Guy knew that Payne had proposed to Emma and he also knew that Payne was never a man to go back on his word. When it came to moral fiber, The Specialist had it in spades. He wouldn’t have proposed to Emma had he not wanted to marry her, but Payne was a methodical planner by nature and if he’d had anything in the works, Guy had certainly not heard anything about it.

  “I knew you were getting married, but I didn’t realize you’d set a date yet.”

  “It was a spur of the moment decision.”

  Payne? Spur of the moment? A sneaking suspicion began to form. “Has something happened to hasten your plans?” Guy asked suspiciously.

  “She’s not pregnant,” Payne told him, following Guy’s line of thinking. “Though I’d be thrilled if she was.” “Then what’s the hurry? I thought you wanted to wait until summer. You know, while she was on summer vacation.” She’d enrolled in vet school shortly after moving to Atlanta with Payne.

  “That was the original plan and she has no idea that it’s changed, so just show up and keep your mouth shut when you get here.”

  Guy felt his eyes bug. “You mean she doesn’t know you’re getting married on Saturday?” he asked, astounded. “Don’t you think you’d better check with her first?” He leaned forward in his chair. “Isn’t that something the bride should be aware of?”

  “It’s a surprise, smart ass. I’ve booked The Atrium and I’ve talked to her mother. She came into town a few days ago and she and Emma went shopping for her gown under the pretense of ‘being prepared.’ It’s all arranged.”

  It certainly sounded like it. What other people spent more than a year planning, he’d pulled together in less than a we
ek. Just another example of money talks. God only knows what Payne had forked over to make this wedding happen this quickly. What the hell had happened? Guy wondered. What had prompted him to deviate from “the plan” and tie the knot now?

  “It’s killing you, isn’t it?” Payne asked, laughing softly and seemingly pleased with himself.

  “It’s out of character, that’s for damned sure. And yes, dammit,” he admitted, exasperated. “I’m curious. What happened? Why now?”

  “You won’t understand.”

  “Try me.”

  He hesitated for a moment. “A couple of nights ago, we were sitting on the couch watching TV--something pointless but entertaining--and she was curled up next to me, her hand in mine and...” He laughed softly. “And I looked down and thought, what the hell am I waiting for? I love this woman. I saw our future and that was that. Honestly, Guy, I proposed because I was afraid of losing her. I wanted to marry her, of course--I wouldn’t have asked otherwise--but...” He let go a breath. “I’m not afraid anymore, if that makes sense.”

  Naturally he couldn’t relate, but it did make sense. “Of course,” Guy said. “Congratulations, man. I’m happy for you.” A thought struck. “What about a tux?” Payne owned one, but he and Jamie had never had the need.

  “No worries. I took some things from your closet for measurements. It might not be the best fit, but nobody’s gonna be looking at you anyway.”

  Guy laughed. “Bastard.”

  “Maybe. But I’m a happy bastard.”

  “Call me when you get that info on Julia, will you?”

  “I will. Julia,” he repeated consideringly. “It’s an old-fashioned name.”

  Fishing and not too subtly, Guy thought, mildly exasperated. He knew where this was going and he didn’t like it one damned bit. “She’s not old.” He’d find out soon enough, anyway when he ran the background check. There was no point in lying.

  Payne hummed under his breath. “Pretty?”

  “You could say that.” He could, too, but wasn’t going to be baited into it. Besides, pretty didn’t begin to cover it. She was breathtaking.

  “Should we worry?”

  “Worry about your wedding. I’m good here.”

  “I’ll be in touch,” Payne told him.

  He was counting on it, Guy thought. He didn’t know what he expected Payne to find on Julia but the tingling in his gut--one he knew better than to ignore--told him he was onto something. Hell, everyone had secrets. A smile caught the corner of his mouth.

  Some were just more interesting than others.

  * * *

  Julia stood in the living room of her duplex, looked around in a vain attempt to find something else to do, but ultimately conceded defeat. Her cheeks puffed as she exhaled heavily and she settled herself on one end of the couch, tucking her feet up under her. She was at a loss and knew where her mind would take her if she let it run amok. Instead she reviewed her progress.

  She’d unpacked, been to the grocery store and stocked up on a few things, the most important of which was tea. She preferred hot tea in the mornings as opposed to coffee and was secretly pleased that she’d have a kitchen. She’d never bought into the whole what’s-the-point-of-cooking-for-one mentality. She loved good food and she loved to cook. Eating alone was hard enough, without throwing a generic frozen dinner into the mix. A smile quirked her lips. She’d have grilled salmon with mango chutney and a nice white wine, thank you very much. If she was going to eat alone, she might as well enjoy it.

  Furthermore, cooking would guarantee no more dinner rendezvous’ with Guy. She’d never been a girl scout, but that hadn’t prevented her from learning how to be prepared.

  The duplex was lovely, an old two-story house which had been divided for the sake of efficiency. A large eat-in kitchen, living room and a half-bath downstairs, two bedrooms and full bath up. Beat-up hardwood floors and tall ceilings added character and a host of mismatched furniture provided extra charm. It was cozy, Julia decided, and much preferred to a sterile hotel room.

  In many ways it reminded her of home. She’d bought a little craftsmen fixer-upper just outside of Atlanta three years ago and had been painstakingly restoring things a room at a time. She was a room away from being finished--a guest bedroom--and then she planned to start working more on the landscaping.

  Presently she kept a small herb garden with only tomatoes and peppers, but she longed for more room and more vegetables. Actually, she wanted to plant a few rows of corn, but couldn’t see her neighbors appreciating that.

  Wow, Julia thought, marveling at her train of thought. It looked like she was prepared to go to extreme lengths to avoid thinking about Guy McCann being right next door. Even this was a new one for her--hot guy or planting corn?

  Sheesh, she thought with a silent whimper. She was in trouble.

  She’d hurried around getting everything in order--her fix for stress--and the whole time she’d been annoyingly aware of the fact that only a wall separated them, when it didn’t seem potent enough to stop his appeal. In less than fifteen minutes he’d knock at her door and collect her for dinner, the one Garrett had suggested, so she couldn’t very well refuse.

  In truth, Julia realized that their meeting before their classes started in the morning was a good idea. Professional and all that. But keeping it professional with a guy like him... Well, that was going to be the true test of her character and, considering she desperately needed to rip a seam in her moral fiber to fix her sexual performance--and he was exactly the type of guy she needed to do it for her--she knew she was wading into uncharted waters.

  Hot water, no doubt, she thought, if that incinerating stare she’d felt as she’d walked up the sidewalk a little while ago was any indication.

  She didn’t have to look up to know that he’d been standing at the window watching her. Just like before, she could feel it. Not the typical someone’s-looking-at-me sensation, either. This was more potent. Lethal. It made her spine tingle, her breasts quicken and her belly inflate with fizzy air.

  Quite honestly, she didn’t think she’d ever been around a man who affected her more. She wanted to chalk it up to her recent plan to find a sexual instructor, but instinctively knew that wasn’t the case.

  Guy McCann elicited strong emotions from her and thus far they’d run the gamut of wanting to slap his smug face to wanting to kiss the irreverent smile right off his lips. Unaccustomed to not being in complete control of her emotions, Julia knew her ability to reason had been severely compromised as well, otherwise she wouldn’t be fantasizing about making Guy her sex tutor.

  It was out of the question, she told herself. Ludicrous. She was here in a professional capacity for chrissakes, representing her father. To use this convenient opportunity away from home for her own personal gain had to be wrong. Sure, it wasn’t like they’d be doing it in the classroom in front of their pupils, but still... If she took advantage of him, it would be after she’d already conducted her lesson for the day, when her time was her own, but--

  A knock sounded at her front door, preventing her from completing the thought. Julia’s gaze darted to her watch and she tamped down a surge of irritation, then got up and opened the door.

  Looking freshly showered, devastatingly sexy and a little too confident and amused for her comfort, Guy stood on her front porch. “You’re early,” Julia said by way of greeting.

  Guy consulted his cell phone for the time and frowned. “Sorry. Do you want me to come back in three minutes?”

  “No,” she said. He kept glancing from her to his cell phone and back as though doing some sort of comparison. Julia paused. “Is something wrong?”

  “No, no,” Guy said, scrutinizing the image on his cell phone again. He held it up for her inspection and the picture she saw there made her belly tip in a nauseated roll.

  Her mugshot.

  How in God’s name had he--

  “Personally, I think you should have just left your hair down instead of using the wig
, but I have to admit it’s pretty damned sexy.” He flashed a grin that would have made a rose bloom in the artic circle and a hopeful furrow emerged between his brows. “You didn’t happen to bring that dress, did you?”


  They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but Guy would have to deem this particular photo priceless. He grinned.

  Because it matched the look on her face.

  Julia gaped, eyes wide, and high color rose in her cheeks. “Where did you get that?” she demanded, albeit weakly.

  He snapped his phone shut. “A friend. I’m famished,” he said, retracing his steps off her porch. He looked around and took a deep cleansing breath, as though all was right with his world. “Are you hungry?”

  She hurriedly locked her door, then scrambled along behind him. He decided he liked it, her chasing after him for a change. Go ahead, he thought. Check out my ass. I happen to like it.

  “What friend?” she wanted to know.

  Guy chuckled under his breath and opened the passenger door for her. “Boy when you said ‘unavoidably detained’ you meant it, didn’t you? The guy who bailed you out of jail, this Warren, is he your boyfriend?”

  Surely not, Guy had thought skeptically when he’d first seen his picture as well. Bless Payne’s thorough heart, he’d run a check on him, too. The guy looked about as fun as watching paint dry, downright maudlin. He’d dubbed him Eeyore, and one look at him had told him that the guy didn’t possess the necessary skill to rock her world.


  With him?

  What? Did she have a “boring” fetish?

  Unfortunately, since it was his house she’d been arrested for attempted B&E--dressed up like a comic-book bombshell, no less--and he’d been the guy she’d called to the rescue, Guy had come to unhappy conclusion that Eeyore had to be her boyfriend.


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