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Daddy's Bossy Friend

Page 61

by Charlize Starr

  He went around and got into the car, started it up, and pulled out onto the street.

  “You’re acting weird.”

  “How am I acting weird?”

  “I don’t know… just strange. You’re giving me looks.” She twisted in her seat to face him, but he kept his eyes on the traffic in front of him. He probably was giving her looks, because he fucking wanted her more than he’d wanted anyone in a really long time. He wanted to capture her wrists in his hands and make her writhe beneath him, beg for release.

  He ground his teeth together, working to put the image out of his mind. Kellie was off limits. “What kind of ‘looks’?”

  “I don’t know how to describe them. It’s like… do you… Never mind.” She turned and faced forward, dropping the subject.

  Did he what? Did he want her? Was she feeling this pull the same way he was? Jesus, if she wanted him, too… if she gave him any kind of a sign that she was interested in sleeping with him then he wouldn’t be able to stop himself. He’d have her, or die trying.


  Kellie stood in the expansive living room, as pop music played in the background, listening to a man drone on about music videos. From her location, she could see Alex talking to Chase Valentine. She nodded and smiled at the man before her, and tilted her head.

  Alex was childish and annoying, but… She sighed. He was hot. She could admit that she felt an attraction to him. She was a grown woman, and even if she had no intention of acting on it, she could look at the man objectively and think, “Hot damn.”

  She’d caught herself watching him stalk across the room, like a predator, twice tonight. He looked so fine in that black suit. His chest was muscled, his ass tight, and his mouth made her think things she was not comfortable thinking about Alex Leblanc.

  Their gazes locked and she could swear the air around her crackled. “Excuse me,” she muttered to the man who had continued to talk long after she stopped paying attention.

  Kellie walked away, making her way toward Alex. She wanted to ask him again about those looks he was giving her, like right now he looked like he wanted to devour her. And, God help her, she wanted to let him. But she couldn’t ask because she’d been eyeing him herself all night.

  Didn’t matter. Alex would be like any other man. He’d kiss her, and she’d feel absolutely nothing. Sometimes, she wondered if there was something wrong with her.

  If that was the case, that no man could sweep her off her feet, then she’d die a virgin and not regret it. She wanted everything or she wanted nothing.

  Finally, she reached Alex and Chase Valentine. “Introduce us,” she said without breaking eye contact with Alex. The man had such magnetism about him. Finally, she dragged her gaze away and looked at Chase Valentine.

  “This is Kellie Love. Kellie, Chase Valentine.”

  “Your name is apt,” Chase Valentine said to her.

  “In what way?” She offered him a polite smile. He was a troublemaker and she didn’t want to give the impression of anything beyond professional interest.

  “Because you’re so love-ly.”

  Oh, my God, that was a pickup line she’d heard a time or two. She wanted to yawn in his face, but she couldn’t because Alex was courting him. “That’s very kind of you.”

  Valentine turned toward her, and away from Alex, and lowered his voice. “Would you like a tour of the house?”

  Kellie opened her mouth to speak, but Alex beat her to it. “No, she wouldn’t,” he said. “We have another party to attend. Are you ready to go, Kellie?”

  “Um, I suppose so?”

  They had no other party to her knowledge. What was going on with Alex?


  Aidan led Kellie to the door and she followed compliantly enough. He’d heard enough times about how Chase Valentine’s “house tours” ended to know he had no intention of letting Kellie go on one. The man had never heard the word “no.”

  He told himself it was because it would put Kellie in an awkward position, but the real problem was, what would he do if Kellie didn’t say no? What if she slept with Valentine? He couldn’t stomach the idea, and so he’d decided they should leave. He’d met Valentine, developed a rapport with the man. He’d follow up with him tomorrow.

  Outside, they stopped to wait on a valet to bring his car around. Kellie gave him a sideways glance. “We’re going to another party?”

  “It’s complicated.”

  “I’d love to hear how.”

  Just then, the car pulled up and the valet hopped out. Alex put his hand on the small of Kellie’s bare back and the touch jolted down his arm and body, straight to his cock. She gave him a look of surprise then shook her head.

  In the car, she turned to face him. “Well?”

  “I’ve heard things about Valentine. I didn’t want to leave you alone with him.”

  “Feeling protective? I didn’t even think you liked me.”

  He pulled out onto the winding road that would lead him out of the hills and glanced at her. “My feelings about you are… complex. It’s like wine—there are different aspects to it.”

  It was playing with fire, even having this discussion. He didn’t know if he intended to tease her or torture himself.

  “I’m… intrigued. Tell me more.”

  “Kellie, you’re a grown woman and I know you feel there’s something happening here. I can tell by the way you can’t look away from me.” He glanced at her, their gazes locking. “Like now.”

  Her throat worked and she touched a hand to her neck. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Without a second thought, because fuck that, he whipped the car off the road. “You want me to stop, you say so, and I will. I’ll drive you home and see you to your door. I won’t ask why and I won’t try again.”

  “Try what?” Her voice was low, sultry, nearly a whisper.

  He unbuckled the seatbelt and leaned across the expanse between their bucket seats. With heat bouncing back and forth between them, he took her jaw in his hands and held her in place. Guiding her mouth to his, he claimed her mouth in a kiss. Every nerve in his body shot to attention. He wanted her to beg for more. Licking and nibbling at her lips, he assaulted her senses until she opened her mouth to him.

  With a gasp, she pulled back. He searched her face for a moment, waiting for her to tell him he’d made a mistake, misunderstood the tension between them.

  “Don’t stop.” She leaned closer, grabbing at his jacket lapels.

  He moved his head back but carved his fingers into her hair. “Put your arms up, hands behind the head rest.”


  Tugging on her hair, he pulled her head back. “Because I told you to, Kellie.”

  Uncertainty clear in her green eyes, she lifted her arms ever-so-slowly then bent them so her hands rested behind the headrest.

  “Good girl.” Alex plundered her mouth again, but this time he stroked her legs. Soft at first, his touch became more insistent. When he began to tease her inner thighs, Kellie’s knees widened, inch by idle inch. He was in no hurry.

  They were both panting like animals as he pushed her panties aside and let his fingers slip between her folds to circle the bundle of nerves at her center.

  “Oh!” she cried, then began to moan.

  He moved his mouth to her ear, licked it, then whispered, “That’s it, Kellie. Come for me.”

  He had what he wanted; she writhed beneath his ministration, hands clutching the headrest now. Leaning down to sink his teeth into the place where her shoulder met her neck, he stuck a finger inside of her. God, she was so fucking tight. He wanted her, wanted to bury himself in her right now, but first, he wanted to give her a taste of what he had to offer.

  When her walls began to milk his finger, he added another inside, teasing her with his thumb, and she came, crying out with release.

  She let her arms drop and covered her face with her hands as Alex leaned back into his seat. He licked her sweet juice from
his fingertips while she watched between her fingers.

  “Let’s go home,” she said, her voice shaky.

  “Yours or mine?”

  “Don’t care.”

  He buckled his seatbelt, smiling with satisfaction as he gunned the engine to life and pulled back out onto the road.

  Chapter Three

  Kellie rode in the car, switching back and forth between heat flushing her cheeks at her animalistic reaction to Alex’s attention to wonder at going her whole life without feeling something so incredible. The two of them didn’t speak any further, which was okay by her. She needed to collect her thoughts. And compose herself. How could she face this man after the way she’d followed his commands, and reacted so to his touch?

  She would, damn it. She wanted more. From him, more of his touches, and more of the wondrous experiences he promised to offer.

  He pulled into the parking lot of her apartment building. Without hesitation, he bounded around the car and opened her door. Would he want to stay when she told him the truth about her lack of experience? God, she hoped so.

  Holding her hand, he led her back to her place. It would be so easy to just go along with whatever happened next, but she had to be honest with him. She didn’t even know why, just that it seemed unfair not to tell him it was her first time. Some men might not want to take that on, might worry that she expected too much.

  After his previous performance, maybe she did.

  She unlocked the door and walked over to the kitchen area, divided from the living room by a large island with two bar stools. Alex sat down on one of the stools and watched as she pulled vodka from the freezer, then snatched two shot glasses. She poured some of the liquor in each. “Have a drink with me.”

  He gave a small shrug and picked up his glass. She clinked hers against it then swallowed the vodka quickly, burning a trail down her throat to her stomach. She poured them both another shot.

  “What are we drinking to?” he asked. He couldn’t have been more relaxed, leaning against the island and peering at her.

  Every nerve ending in her body sizzled with anticipation. “I have to tell you something.”

  “So, say it.”

  “I’m a virgin.” She downed the glass and swallowed hard once again. “Do you still want me?”

  His gaze raked over her body, from her warm cheeks to her high heels. “Yes. Come here.”

  Kellie walked around the counter to stand in front of him, not sure what to do with her hands. She let them hang limply at her sides and wished she knew how to seduce him.

  He grasped her waist and pulled her onto his lap. Brushing his knuckle over her cheek, he captured her chin and pulled her in to nibble on her bottom lip.

  Closing her eyes, she let herself float away on sensation. His hand on her bare back, his erection pressing into her bottom, his mouth sending darts of pleasure down through her body.

  After a few minutes, he pulled back, eyes narrowed. “How virginal?”

  “Like that was the first time a man has ever touched me in that way.” She lowered her gaze, eyelashes grazing her cheeks.

  “Look at me.” His voice was stern. She raised her gaze and looked into those dark coffee eyes. “How is that possible? You’re so beautiful, Kellie. What were you waiting for?”

  “Let’s just say that I had certain expectations, and no one ever met them, so I waited.” She placed a hand on his broad chest, the stiffness of his suit tickling her fingers. “You… fulfilled them. And I want more.”

  He scooped her up in his arms and stood in one fluid motion. “Bedroom?”

  “End of the hall.” This close, the scent of citrus notes made her want to lick him, to see how he tasted on her tongue.

  He used a foot to push the door opened then put her down on the bed. “Take your dress off. And Kellie?”


  “Leave the fuck-me heels on.”

  Kellie glanced down at her gold strappy stilettos and gave a nod. She wriggled out of her dress and dropped it on the floor. Under, she wore lacy black booty shorts and a camisole.

  “Jesus, you’re perfect.” He sat down on the bed, molding her breasts above the cami with his hands before he stripped her out of it. “Tell me what you want.”

  She sat before him, nearly naked, so damn wet from his attention. Closing her eyes, she gathered the courage to speak. “I want you to take me, to make me come again.”

  “I’m going to teach you everything. How to move when I’m inside you, how to take me into your mouth, how to chase your own orgasm. Do you want to be my lover, or is this a one-night affair?”

  “You’re killing me, Alex.” It took everything in her not to cover herself as his eyes roamed over her, and his hands followed.

  He held her gaze. “Answer me.”

  “I want to be your lover. I want more. I want all of it.” She leaned forward and he rewarded her by devouring her lips.

  “Lay down.” She did as he said, and he stripped her of her panties and camisole.

  His head dipped down, licking and tasting her nipples for a bit before he settled between her legs. He whipped his jacket off, unbuttoned his shirt a few buttons, then unbuckled his pants and pulled out his cock.

  Kellie’s eye grew wide. Alex was very well-endowed. She wasn’t a child—she’d seen them before in pictures, and even that didn’t compare to seeing his, this close to her entrance. He used one hand to slip on a condom he pulled from his wallet. “Will it hurt?”

  “Only for a moment.” He used a hand to grasp her wrists and lift them above her head. For a few minutes, he kissed her, until she strained beneath him, ready, so ready for him to be inside of her.

  Inch-by-inch he filled her. It was uncomfortable, but he let her move instinctually until this delicious building started inside of her. Finally, he began to pump in and out of her, filling and stretching her, then almost leaving her empty.

  Her lungs were on fire, breath grating out of her, until she began to whimper. Still, his hands kept her trapped while he took her, flying higher and higher until she exploded.

  Thrusting harder now, he growled with his own orgasm as he came inside of her. She threw her head back, a strange satisfaction stealing over her. She had made him do that, her body, her movement.


  Alex sat back in his chair during the staff meeting, watching Kellie talk with one of the coordinators. She was beautiful, and she’d be his tonight. For the hundredth time? Thousandth time? He didn’t know, but they’d been unable to keep their hands off of one another for the last six weeks. They’d made love at the office, at his house, her apartment, in the car, and one adventurous afternoon in a dressing room.

  True to his word, Alex had taught her everything he could think of, and she’d been an apt pupil. He’d also found out he really liked her; she was intelligent, funny. Maybe he even cared about her, even if he also wanted to fuck her mindlessly several times a day.

  There were a couple of problems, though, the way he saw it. First, her father would be back at work next week. Kellie intended to stay on, and he could admit he’d been wrong about her. She was damn good at the job and had a few of her own clients now. Second, and this one worried him much more, Kellie seemed to be getting attached to him.

  He’d broken his own rule, about not going back for seconds. She was just too perfect not to continue, to not have an affair with her. He didn’t want to hurt her, and he was far from becoming bored by her. If anything, he was more fascinated than he had been that first night.

  The coordinator thanked Kellie, offered Alex a smile, then exited the conference room. It was a windowless room, and Kellie locked the door behind the staffer. She gave him a secretive grin then crossed the room to settle onto his lap. “I missed you when I woke up this morning.”

  “I thought I’d get here early, make sure we were ready for the politician coming in tomorrow.”

  “Mm.” She lapped at his neck then nibbled with her teeth. “I don’t like it.”
  He leaned back, a frown pulling at his face. “Don’t get used to me being around, Kellie. This will last as long as it’s good for us both… but it won’t be forever.”

  Hurt flashed in her eyes and she pulled back. “What makes you think I want forever with you? You’re so arrogant.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you, honey.”

  She pushed herself off his lap. “I’ve got work to do.”

  He grasped her wrist in his hand and brought it to his lips. “I could’ve said that better.”

  “You damn well could’ve.” She turned away and stalked out of the room. He’d make it up to her later. He never should’ve pushed for more than one night—and he had. He’d asked her if she wanted more that first night.

  He’d learned his lesson last year when he’d had to sell David ten percent of his stock. Don’t get involved, don’t let people need him. He’d only let them down.


  Kellie stormed out into the hallway, trying to school her features into something neutral. She was pissed, but damn it, her heart hurt, too. What was she thinking, taking Alex as a lover—her first and only lover? She’d known for weeks she was falling for him, but he’d been so content to keep seeing her, she’d thought maybe he was feeling the same way.

  Her father had long talked about Alex not being able to stay with one woman for more than two weeks, so when things had continued… she’d believed it was more than just sex. She’d been a fool to give in to him, a known heartbreaker. Her father had warned her how wild Alex had become, sleeping around all the time.

  Kellie stopped by the receptionist’s desk to pick up her messages from her time during the meeting when she realized how distressed the woman looked.

  “Please hold.” With a huff, the receptionist pushed a button and put the receiver down. “Kellie, I’m not sure what to do.”

  “What’s the matter?”

  “Alex asked not to be disturbed this morning and there’s a woman on the phone. Her name’s Adanna. Says she knows Alex will want to talk to her and she won’t take no for an answer.”

  “I’ll take it in Dad’s office.” She made her way down the hall, frowning. Who was this woman and why did she insist on talking to Alex? She wasn’t a client, Kellie knew that. A contact of some sort, possibly, but what if… what if Alex had continued to sleep with other people while the two of them were seeing each other?


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