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Daddy's Bossy Friend

Page 67

by Charlize Starr

  “I don’t know why you keep asking me to dinner. Look what happened last time. We need to keep this a business relationship, Carter.” She stared at the computer screen while she spoke but I saw the doubt filling her eyes.

  “There’s nothing about this that is a business relationship, Vivian. I think you’re a great PA, though. Does that count?” She shot me a dark look. “Come have dinner with me.”

  “I need to keep my work and private life separate from each other, Carter. We work together and nothing more.”

  I ignored her. I blatantly touched her every chance I could and while she’d protest half the time, I knew that she liked it. I was going to wear her down because I knew that I got to her. It was that simple. Shane kept goading me about the bet, which I was on the way to losing.

  It didn’t matter. Vivian mattered to me now and I wanted to get her back into my life. I didn’t need the money from the bet and I’d stopped paying attention to other women altogether. It was an odd feeling for me but one that I liked. I flirted with her and charmed her every chance I could find.

  I could tell that she was private about her life. My parents had never said anything about her and I never asked. When I first came here, I was only interested in my new life in the city. It wasn’t until I realized how empty every woman I met was that I started thinking about Vivian. I chalked us up to being young and passionate, but she was more than that. A lot of women were into sex with me and I slept with too many to remember. Being the hockey star made it easy to score girls in high school and then moving to New York offered me more women than I could have ever imagined.

  Now I was growing tired of all of that. I had the pressure of the bet and the fake fiancée arrangement weighing on my shoulders while she kept telling me no to dinner. There were a few kisses at work that she managed to wriggle away from but we never got alone time.

  The week was ending when I sent her a text about the trip, highlighting the fun part of going to LA with me as my PA. I didn’t want to tell her about the fake fiancée part over the phone, so I was saving that for when we saw each other to discuss it.

  There was no response and I looked at the clock. It was evening and she worked tomorrow, so she couldn’t be out. Vivian wasn’t the type to go out at all. I leaned back on my couch, hating the feeling that she prompted in me.

  Vivian was under my skin and the cause of my constant jerking off. I had women who would allow me to do anything to them throwing themselves at me blatantly every day. But I wanted her. I wanted Vivian.

  After an hour with no response to the text, I grabbed my keys and headed down to the garage. I was going to her house to ask her about the trip in person and possibly get her in bed so my cock could finally relax.

  Chapter 9 - Vivian

  I watched as Mason played with Sally, a neighbor girl. Lainie had introduced me to Sally’s mother, Rachel. She was a single mom too, and we were on the way to becoming fast friends. The kids were watching a popular movie and acting out the scenes in the way that children do, with no inhibitions or fear. It was all about creativity and fun at their age of five, and it made me jealous.

  I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket and pulled it out to look at the screen. It was Carter.

  I sipped the coffee that Rachel had fixed for us and glanced over to see her get up to help the kids with something. I read his message. He wanted me to take a two-day trip to LA with him. Tomorrow.

  My mouth dropped open. Was he insane? I had a son and a life to handle. I ignored the text and smiled as Rachel came back over, making some small talk. We talked about school and some of the upcoming events in the neighborhood but I couldn’t help but think about Carter’s text and wonder what he wanted from me. He played the visit to LA off as a business trip, but I knew what we were doing at the office. I knew that I was a few beats shy of giving in and jumping him, both with my body and my heart.

  The feelings were still there.

  That was what scared me the most. I let the kids finish the movie and then walked back home with Mason to do the usual bedtime routine. That was when I saw someone walking up to the steps at the same time. It was Carter and he looked like he was in a bad mood. He climbed the short staircase and approached the door.

  “I want some hot chocolate, Mommy,” Mason said sleepily, spoiled by the treats he enjoyed with Sally.

  Carter turned his head and spotted us. My heart jumped to my throat. This was the moment that I never wanted to happen and now I couldn’t avoid it. “It’s too late, bub. You need to go to bed.”

  Carter strode towards me, searching my face before he looked down at Mason. I froze as he looked him over, confusion in his eyes. “Vivian?”

  “What are you doing here?” I asked. I walked towards the door to get us inside. Carter followed and I pushed down the anxiety rising in my chest as I walked to the stairs. I would just tell Mason to get inside the apartment and talk to Carter in the hallway. I didn’t need him seeing any more of his son than he already had.

  “I need to talk to you about the trip,” he said as he cleared his throat. I unlocked my door and told Mason that I would be inside in a few minutes. I closed my front door and turned to face Carter. “I need to know your answer.”

  “You only just asked me. I’d appreciate some more time to think about it. I can’t just leave, I have things to arrange, Carter.” I felt my voice rising as he glanced at the door again.

  “He’s your son?” Carter asked. I nodded and crossed my arms over my chest. “Look, this is a critical trip, Vivian. I only found out about it recently myself and I’ll need your company. All expenses paid.”

  I didn’t have much of a choice. I knew that this was my job on the line. A job that was providing for Mason and our life together.

  “Fine. I’ll make arrangements. Are we leaving the office?” I asked in a low voice as he looked at me with a wary gaze.

  “The limo to get you to the airport will pick you up at seven.” At seven? Well, hell. This was the last time that this would be happening.

  “There’s one more thing, Vivian.”

  “What?” I asked as he smirked at me.

  “I’ve been told to get a more family-friendly vibe to my business, you know, now I’m getting older and all.” I stared at him accusingly, wondering where he was going with this. “You’re going as more than my PA. You’ll be attending as my fiancée who assists me in the firm. We’re getting married in three months so act like it.”

  “Your…what?” I barked out. This was ten kinds of wrong and I knew that things were getting really risky now. But it was my job. I didn’t know if he was vindictive enough to fire me for not going along with his plans.

  I would do this, for now.

  “Fiancée. I have a ring for you to wear that I’ll give you tomorrow.” He looked at the door again.

  “Fine. I’ll be ready.” I felt numb inside at the idea of faking it with him.

  “I’ll see you at the airport.” Carter gave me a long look and then glanced around the hallway before pressing a soft kiss to my lips. I was too shocked to do anything as he walked away.

  I heard a door open on the other end of the hallway. “Viv?” It was Lainie, staring at my heated face as I blinked slowly. “Are you alright?”

  “Yes…sort of.” I quickly told her that I needed her to take care of Mason for the next couple of days and nights, and she agreed, all the while giving me questioning looks. We went into my apartment, explaining to Mason that he’d be staying with Lainie because I needed to go on a work trip. I had never left him for more than an evening, and I hated having to leave him now. But this was for the job that was putting food on the table. I’d tell Carter exactly where to stick it once we were alone. Lainie dragged me out to the living room as Mason got some things ready.

  “Explain now,” she demanded, looking down the hallway to make sure that Mason was out of earshot.

  “Oh, boy. So, that’s my boss. I was originally going to interview with another manager b
ut he needed a PA and here I am,” I licked my lips. “He’s also my ex from Vermont and is trying to get things going again.” Her eyes widened as she looked down the hallway again. I lowered my voice and leaned forward. “He’s Mason’s dad and doesn’t know it.”

  “Holy shit,” she breathed. “Did you know that you’d see him again?”

  “I knew that I was interviewing with his company but had no idea that it would be with him. I looked into it extensively when I heard about the job and I thought that I was safe. So now I’m in this job that is otherwise amazing for Mase and me but I have to work with…him.” I shrugged. “He’s taking it to the extreme and I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to lose my job.”

  “How about giving it a second chance?” Her words were soft and I shot her a scared glance. “He’s hot and he seems…caring?”

  “That’s a lot to consider. I can’t just throw Mason’s world off, and besides, I have no idea whether Carter even wants to be a dad. It’s been so long,” I whispered as Mason walked into the room with his backpack and an additional duffel bag. Tears filled my eyes as I walked over to hug him. “I’m going to miss you, Mase. So much. I love you.”

  “I love you, Mommy.” His voice was so sweet and solemn and I felt my heart turn into hot goo.

  “Be good to Lainie, okay?” I faked a bright smile and he nodded. I walked them to the door and hugged him again before thanking Lainie for watching him.

  I locked the door and leaned against it as I took a deep breath. My apartment was empty and my heart felt empty right now. I wanted to call Mason back and take him to Lainie’s house in the morning, but I still needed to pack and catch a plane tomorrow.

  That little boy had been with me for the last five years, and inside of my stomach before that. This was going to be damn near impossible. I took a deep breath, blinking back the tears that I felt coming again. I walked into my small bedroom to change into some pajamas before I started to pack for the trip.

  Business trip…for real this time. I assumed that there would be events and meals and maybe also some downtime, so I needed to bring different types of clothing. I grabbed a couple of casual dresses and some more professional ones. I also packed some jeans and a couple of t-shirts, as well as some shorts and shirts to sleep in. Most of the clothes were second-hand; I had purchased them when I started looking for work. I decided to pack my toiletries in the morning and settled in my lonely bed in my quiet room with my Kindle to catch up on some reading.

  Screw Carter. I had agreed to go on this trip with him, but I’d draw the line from now on. I couldn’t afford to lose my job, but if he wouldn’t listen to me, I needed to look for other options. I picked the same steamy book from before but got annoyed half a page in, because I was placing Carter in the place of the book boyfriend and got aroused. I reminded myself that I needed to hate him, not want him. The effect that this man still had on me was unreal.

  I dropped the Kindle to the mattress and stared at the clock. Mason would be asleep by now. I needed to get a few hours of sleep too.

  Ugh. I needed to address the situation between Carter and me before it got any worse.

  Chapter 10 - Carter

  I went home after informing Vivian of the trip, feeling a little bad that I had told her so last minute. I had meant to do it over dinner but she kept turning me down, so I had to go to her apartment. I was surprised to see her with a little boy, not expecting that at all.

  I thought about him as I walked through the front door and frowned. He was a cute kid and looked familiar somehow, though I couldn’t place it.

  I went into my room to pack, placing my Louis Vuitton suitcase on the bed. I walked to the dresser and grabbed socks and briefs, tucking them in before I added some t-shirts and a pair of worn jeans. I walked to the closet and found a couple of suits. I’d pack them now and have the hotel staff prepare them for me later.

  I couldn’t get Vivian out of my mind. She had looked so surprised to see me, holding her son’s hand. I frowned as I tried to guess his age, feeling something deep down that bothered me. My parents never told me she had a child. Come to think of it, Vivian hadn’t even mentioned his name tonight. No introduction or barely an acknowledgment of me before she shuffled him inside. I just knew that he liked hot chocolate since he asked for some.

  I finished packing and put on some shorts to rest in bed, watching a little television, but I soon got distracted. I couldn’t put my finger on what was bothering me. I had an early morning and I needed to get some rest. This was a legit trip and we’d be going to lunches, dinners and presentations.

  There would also be a hotel room that we’d be sharing for two nights. I used the excuse of the fiancée to get a nice suite with a living room, massive bedroom with king-sized bed, kitchen and bathroom. We’d be sleeping together if she didn’t insist on sleeping on the couch or worse yet, kick me out. I looked forward to being that close to her, hopefully finally touching her and getting to feel her again.

  My cock hardened as I thought about it, playing the fantasy through my head. Fuck. I wanted her so bad and I reached down to slide my hand in my shorts and grip myself firmly. I couldn’t get enough of jerking off when I fantasized about Vivian. I started moving my hand as my eyes dropped closed.

  I grabbed a tissue when I came, wrapping it around my cock to catch most of the mess. I hoped that I wouldn’t need this in LA tomorrow night. I was hoping for the real thing.

  I went to the kitchen for some water before returning to bed. I saw my phone lit up on the comforter as I sat back down. It was Shane. He was being a dick about the fact that I hadn’t slept with Vivian yet. He knew that he might win the bet but I had one more night plus a luxurious hotel room to push her over the edge. It had worked wonders in the past.

  I answered the call and Shane immediately asked if I’d hit it yet. This was getting old because Vivian was more than just a warm pussy to me. I hadn’t said that to Shane yet though. I held in my annoyance and tried to sound casual as I leaned back. “Close, but we’re going on a business trip together tomorrow. That will definitely do the trick.”

  “I think that you’re losing your touch, Carter. You’ve had women faster than this in the past. Is she a prude or is she just not that into you?” His words were like a punch to my face. I hated him in this moment but tried to hold in my racing emotions. I took a deep breath to steady myself.

  “She is. There’s no doubt about that.” I said blandly. “We work together. That’s what’s holding her back.”

  “Uh huh. Haven’t you slept with colleagues before?” Of course, I had. But Shane wouldn’t understand that Vivian was special. He didn’t know the meaning of the word.

  He told me about his latest conquest, who was a waitress at a local bar. She was in an estranged marriage. I warned him not to get involved, but Shane was tunnel minded when it came to women. He wouldn’t listen when I told him that one of these days, some jealous man was going to kick his ass. I asked him to give me a call when that happened so that I could make popcorn and watch the scene.

  I ended the call with the excuse that I needed to get to sleep and dropped the phone onto the floor. I didn’t want to see it again tonight. The alarm for the next morning was already set.

  I settled comfortably in the pillows and watched an interview with a new singer. I was feeling tired and drifted off to sleep, only to continue my fantasy in my head.

  I needed to work her out of my system. I needed to act professionally during the trip and get the deal done.

  I slept fitfully until the alarm went off in the morning. I rolled over to grab the phone and hit snooze. I made coffee and showered before dressing in jeans and a button up shirt. I wanted to be comfortable and casual before the suits needed to come out. Ned was going to pick me up and then we’d get Vivian. I was looking forward to seeing her again and tossed some toiletries into the suitcase as I hummed a song that was playing through my head.

  Oddly enough, it was a song that played at my high
school hockey games and it reminded me a great deal of Vivian. It was stuck in my head and I allowed myself a moment to think back in time.

  I mentally kicked myself for not treating her better in high school. I thought back to the other girls and cringed, realizing how hurt she must have been. I could only chalk it up to being young and stupid, and I wondered whether she’d give me a second chance.

  What if this was more than a bet?

  I locked the door to my apartment before I rolled the luggage to the elevator. I approached the limo with my bag and greeted Ned as he stepped out to load it for me.

  Vivian’s son came to mind again and I wondered why he looked so familiar. There had been an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach since I saw him. I assumed that Vivian was raising him alone. How hard must that be? She was doing it all on her own and I hated the guy who abandoned her for a second. No wonder she was so scared of losing everything by making one wrong move. I was going to assure her that nothing like that would happen. Through all my seduction efforts, I noticed that she was a good PA and did her job well. Worst case scenario, she could transfer within my huge company or seek employment elsewhere with a glowing recommendation.

  I slumped in the seat at the thought of her not being a part of my life and vowed to make her mine this weekend. We pulled away from the curb and I reached for the radio controls to get the fucking song out of my mind, settling for some easy jazz to soothe my soul. I didn’t like where my mind was taking me and I tried to shake it off. I never worried about women leaving me. I worried about them staying and wanting things that I couldn’t give them.

  This time, though, it seemed like I wanted a woman to stay and I wondered what was happening to me.

  Chapter 11 - Vivian

  I rolled my suitcase out of my bedroom and tried to dispel the worries that were growing larger in my head by the moment. This trip was going to be a huge mistake, especially with the fake fiancée lie that Carter wanted me to play along with. I wondered if it was just a ploy on his part to draw me further into his web. He seemed like the kind of man to do that in the name of the business and the idea made me sad.


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