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Daddy's Bossy Friend

Page 97

by Charlize Starr

  Fuck if I wasn’t hard all over again.

  Chapter Four - Alyssa

  I took my plate to the sink and washed everything before I made my own cup of coffee before wandering into the big den to find something on television. I wasn’t used to a lot of idle time since my work habits mirrored my dad’s. I told myself that down time was healthy and that it was good to just sit and watch television as I searched through the extensive channel list. I found a holiday film that Mom and I used to love and settled back as my thoughts drifted back to the kiss. It was nothing compared to ones in the past, not as aggressive. But while those were aggressive, they were also clumsy and without any of the feelings that Nathan gave me. Just a brush of his soft lips, hardly anything - and I was so turned on that I couldn’t stand it. I hated it when he pulled away and wondered if I wanted it to go further.

  No, it couldn’t. Nathan was older, a lot older even if he still looked at least ten years younger than his actual age. That was wrong, or was it?

  I imagined his mouth claiming mine in a harder kiss as I squeezed my legs together with a sigh. I wanted his tongue against mine, stroking it as he gave fuel to the fire that was growing inside of me. I wanted his hands on me, stripping me and touching me as his lips moved down my skin. I let out a moan, feeling the need inside of me as I blinked and looked around.

  The television was playing infomercials, and I realized that I must’ve fallen asleep. I stretched and saw a piece of paper flutter to the floor in the dim light. I reached down for it, finding a note from Nathan including his number. I stared at it before shoving it into my pocket. I stood up and shut off the television before walking upstairs to my room, taking note of how quiet the house was. Dad must be asleep, and Nathan likely went home.

  Once there, I locked my door and changed into a pair of pajama pants and t-shirt before I dropped on the bed. I saw that it was past one in the morning and I stretched as I played back the erotic dream that I was having when I woke up. I remembered a kiss that felt real, and I pressed my fingers against my mouth, wondering if that’s what woke me up.

  I waited for a moment before I slipped off my pants and got under my covers. I looked at my locked door and at the moonlight shining through the window before I moved my hand down my stomach and into my underwear, finding my folds slick and hot. “Oh, God,” I murmured as I stroked myself, finding the sensitive nub that I was seeking as I arched my back. I knew how close I already was to coming as I slipped two fingers inside and pressed my palm against my clit as I let my mouth drop open. It was intense, building up inside of me from within as I fucked myself harder and finally shot up to the ceiling.

  The release pulsed through me as I rocked against my hand. I recovered slowly and stared at my walls as I wondered if that was what sex felt like. I didn’t know. More to the point, I wondered if that’s what sex with Nathan would feel like.

  When I felt like I could walk, I made my way to the bathroom that was attached to my room and cleaned up. I looked into the mirror to see the dewy look to my skin and the wonder in my eyes. I washed the day off of my face before dabbing it dry with a towel and walked back to bed to try and get some more sleep. I had made plans with some high school friends to go to lunch and shopping, which wasn’t a great day for me. It sounded better than staying home and staring at the walls, though.

  I slept fitfully before I heard my alarm and rolled over to shut it off. I dreamed about Nathan all night and got myself off again, though with slightly less intensity. The girls were going to come and pick me up in a couple of hours, so I went to make some coffee while I took a shower. Sherry was the only one home, and she greeted me as I pressed the button for my drink. I took my time showering and got out as I wrapped a robe around my body and dried my hair. I reached for my pants that were on the floor, digging into the pocket for the note as I glanced at my phone charging on the nightstand. I brushed my hair as I read Nathan’s suggestive invitation to contact him anytime, nibbling on my lip as I reached for my phone. I sent him a simple good morning text and went to brush my hair as I waited for a response.

  I giggled as he responded and asked how I slept. I told him well as I walked down to the kitchen to get my coffee and reheat it. The phone was in my pocket, and I made some toast as Sherry worked on meals for the week, since I was here. I nibbled on it at the bistro table as I sent texts back and forth to Nathan, smiling with each one. “Who is that?”

  “Just a friend from home,” I responded as she looked curiously at me. “I swear.”

  “You’re smiling so much that I thought it might be a boyfriend of sorts.” I blushed and shook my head with a laugh, assuring her that I worked too much for that.

  I hurried upstairs and dressed as he asked me if I’d like to stay in the city tonight and have dinner with him. It seemed so sudden, but it felt right as I pulled on jeans and another cashmere sweater, this time in a dark plum. I slid some cute boots over my thick calves and applied a little makeup as I kept glancing at his texts and the time on my phone.

  I was outside waiting when my friends pulled up, and I gave them an awkward group hug before I climbed into the back of the Escalade. We talked about life after graduation, jobs and boys as we drove and laughed, most of which was fake on my part. I wanted to get to our destination and text Nathan back more than anything else. We parked near Bloomingdales and walked down the street as I looked around with the same wide eyes that I always had in the city. As much as I didn’t want to live here, it still took my breath away during visits.

  We wandered around the store and looked at clothes as we kept chatting, all the while with my mind wandered to later. What was going to happen? Could it just be a dinner and nothing more? “You seem distracted today,” Melissa told me as I glanced at her with an apologetic smile.

  “I’m so sorry. I’m used to working nearly all of the time, and this is strange. I need to learn to enjoy it.” Some of the girls didn’t have jobs and probably did every day. I was never that kind of person, but I could fake it for the next couple of weeks.

  They wanted to go to Bosie Tea for lunch, and I thanked God that I was having dinner later today. I liked food a lot, which was evident and small bites of this and that didn’t do it for me. The other girls were all smaller, some too skinny for my taste but I followed them in and chatted through the appetizers that were served to us. We went to one of the malls for a few hours and shopped as I grabbed a few things for Dad and Sherry for Christmas. I would make a private trip for the family later, and I grabbed a few shirts and pants off of the rack to try on.

  I ended up with some beautiful things, particularly a shirt that I would wear later. I had my green pea jacket on that I could wear over it since it was thinner than a sweater and sexy with its dip in the front and dark red color.

  The girls headed back to Long Island for family stuff about an hour before I was supposed to meet Nathan, and I gave them all hugs. It seemed like we had a lot more in common before, which made me wonder if I was them before. I waved as they walked back to the car and turned to do a little window shopping. I was meeting Nathan at the Empire Diner, which I loved and I had a little time before I had to change.

  I stepped into a bathroom as an art store, switching out my shirts and adding some matte red lipstick to my lips before I ruffled my loose curls. I headed out with my bags and my purse slung over my shoulder to the diner. I walked inside and looked around as my skin warmed up, meeting Nathan’s eyes as I watched him look me over hungrily.

  Chapter Five - Nathan

  I watched her walk over with that red lipstick, more taken aback than I was the night before. She was beautiful and looked older than she was right now, a fact that I found reassuring. When she reached the table, I observed her as she dropped her coat to reveal a clingy red shirt that made me shift in my seat. Part of Alyssa’s gorgeous curves were her heavy breasts that strained against the material in the best way possible, even offering a hint of her cleavage.

  Alyssa looked at me as she
slid in across from me after getting her bags settled. “Is Dad going home tonight?” She asked as he frowned and ran a hand through his tousled dark hair.

  “Your dad has been seeing a woman here in the city for the past six months or so.” I felt bad telling her, but she didn’t seem sad about it as she smiled. “He stays in between places.”

  “That’s good. Dad needs more in his life than just work,” Alyssa said as she sipped the water on the table. A waitress came by and we ordered some wine and looked over the menus. I decided to go with the bacon cheeseburger, planning a longer time in the gym silently and Alyssa chose the lobster macaroni and cheese. She looked at me as the wine was set in front of us and a nervous expression crossed her face. “So, what is this?”

  “Dinner,” I replied as she nodded and looked around the restaurant.

  “Is that it?” She sipped the wine and watched me as I felt the energy fill the air again, making me wonder if I’d be over Alyssa if I just slept with her one time. I pushed the idea away as I let the guilt wash over me. This was Alyssa, not some woman to toss aside. “Why did you leave me the note?”

  I stared at her for a moment before responding. “I wanted to give you a kiss good night, and I slipped it in as a bonus.” I saw her panicked look and smiled. “He was in his office, and I was on my way out, Alyssa. I didn’t stay.”

  “I wish you had,” she murmured as I leaned closer and looked at her. Alyssa blushed, and she realized that she’d spoken out loud and shook her head. “Sorry.”

  “Do you, though?” I asked as she nodded. “Same.”

  “I…” She looked around the room before leaning over, just as the waitress stopped by again. Alyssa blushed, and I ordered for both of us before leaning forward again. She seemed to reconsider what she was going to say and pressed her lips together. “I went upstairs after I woke up and touched myself,” I told my cock to calm down and watched as her face softened. “It’s never felt like that before, and I think that it was the dream that I was having about you.” There was a soft smile on her face, and I stared at her as she looked at me. “I think I felt your kiss last night.”

  “There’s a lot more where that came from,” I told her as she sipped from her wine glass again. “What dreams?”

  “Oh, there were several. They were crazy,” Alyssa said to me vaguely as she shook her head. “I’m a virgin, though not because I’m some religious nut or anything. I just haven’t wanted anybody before now, not like this.” She gave me a fearful look as if she thought that I was going to get up and leave the table.

  “Do you want that with me?” I asked her as she nodded and gave me a nervous smile. “I just wonder if it’s wrong.”

  “I’d never force you to do something that you didn’t want to do.” I looked into her eyes as I spoke, knowing it was the truth. I didn’t want to hurt Alyssa or traumatize her for later in life since this would be just a fling. “I’ve done the same thing remembering our kiss, more than once. I don’t know what it is about you, but you’re beautiful. You always were, but you’ve grown up now. We’re both adults, Alyssa. We can agree to this, and nobody has to know.”

  “I don’t want Dad to find out,” she said as the waitress swung by to set our plates down in front of us.

  “He has nothing to say about it. You’re an adult, but I respect your wishes.” I watched her nod as she picked at her meal with a fork, knowing that she was scared to disappoint him. I could see in her face that she thought she already was and it angered me since Alyssa did nothing wrong. She was just a girl that lost her mother and father in the same time frame and missed them. Part of me wished that I didn’t want her physically, that I could just comfort her and be a friend. I could make it worse bringing this to a sexual level, but my body wanted her, and I could see that she felt the same as she stared at me across the table.

  The meal was relatively quiet, both of us aware of the sexual tension rising in the air around us. I finished my burger and pushed the plate away as I licked my lips. Alyssa was eating slowly, looking at me with those eyes and making me ache under the table. “I have an apartment here in the city, for the incredibly late nights and early mornings. Will you come there with me?”

  “I will,” Alyssa responded as she took her last bite and set the fork inside of the bowl. She sipped her wine, and I saw her face pale for a moment before she smiled. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to use the restroom and clean up.” I paid the bill while she was gone and piled our plates up as I waited anxiously for her to return. I noted that she was gone a bit longer than expected and I saw the flush on her face as she returned, making me step forward and take her hand in mine to sniff as her eyes darkened. I glanced around quickly before I drew her finger into my mouth to taste her, hearing her moan vibrate through every bone in my body, making me hard as a rock as I closed my lips around her two fingers. She stared at me as I dragged my teeth over her skin before I dropped her hand and cupped her face for a kiss. Alyssa moaned and tilted her face against mine as I deepened it, forgetting where we were as well as who we were. “Nathan,” she whispered pulling away from me with lipstick smeared all over her face. She’d reapplied it in the bathroom, looking sexy as she came back to me so flushed and wobbly. I reached down for a napkin and dampened it with water from one of our glasses before gently cleaning her face before she washed mine.

  We left quietly, looking down at the floor as she walked out ahead of me, slipping on her jacket. I followed her into the street, feeling the rush of cold air as she turned to look at me. “Let’s get a cab. I’m already parked at the apartment.”

  “You knew that I’d go with you,” she stated as I stared into her face and memorized the innocence in her eyes, mixed with her desire.

  “Hoped. I would’ve taken you home if you wanted as well. No pressure,” I assured Alyssa as she nodded. “Come,” I urged her, pulling her by the hand as I flagged down a taxi and told the man my address. Alyssa snuggled next to me as I wrapped my arm around her, nudging me with her cold nose until I turned my head and kissed her. It grew heated quickly, and we were both flustered by the time we arrived at the brownstone, hurrying out after I threw some bills into the front seat. I took her hand and greeted the doorman as I led her to the elevator, pushing the button as she cleared her throat.

  “What if we’re seen?” I heard her ask as logic set in my mind and I dropped her hand. She looked a little shocked, and I stepped into the elevator just as it opened, receiving a glare from the woman leaving with her dog as she brushed past Alyssa.

  “I’m not a celebrity, Alyssa. I don’t think I would be recognized unless it was someone with the firm.” I looked at her. They would know both of us, though I didn’t run into anyone too often on the streets. “However, we should be cautious. Let’s just go upstairs and discuss it there.”

  The elevator opened up on the top floor, and I walked out to my door, one of four. Alyssa looked around and stared at me. “Four apartments?”

  “I own a penthouse,” I told her as I unlocked my door and entered.

  “Wow,” she said as she looked around the large foyer into the spacious sunken living room. Admittedly it was a beautiful place, but more of an investment for me. I’d considered moving here and selling in Long Island several times since the divorce and the look on her face made me want to call an agent right this moment. I thought about the times we could have in private here until I remembered she lived in California. She wouldn’t be here in three weeks, a thought that made me sad for a moment. I was distracted from my thoughts as she reached for me, pulling my mouth to hers in an avaricious gesture; wrapping her arms around my neck to keep me there. I pushed Alyssa against the wall as I claimed her, tasting the wine on her tongue and the way that her fingers tasted in the corners of her mouth as I ate her lips for all of the offerings.

  Alyssa moaned as I slid my hands down her body slowly, ending on her hips as I tugged her closer to me. She was hungry for me, and I lifted her into my arms quickly as I carried he
r down the hall to my master bedroom. She clung to me, wrapping her legs around me as my cock hardened further against the apex of her thighs, reminding myself not to move so fast. Alyssa was pure and innocent, but I wanted nothing more than to dirty her up, make her scream my name.

  “How hard did you come back there?” I asked her as we fell to the bed in a tangle of arms and legs.

  “In the bathroom? Hard…I have since this started,” Alyssa whispered as she dropped onto her back in the room lit only by one lamp, just enough to see how sexy she looked on my bed. “I don’t know what’s coming over me.”

  I slipped back and unbuttoned her jeans to pull them down as she lay weak before me. I took her in, pale and open as I spread her legs. Her bare pussy was pink and slick with her juices as I stared at her, trying to imagine her fingers bringing her to orgasm as I jerked inside of my pants. “I want to see you. Touch yourself,” I growled as the dominant side of me came out, threatening to not be gentle. I tried to reign it in as she slipped a hand down between her legs, biting her lip as she slipped her fingers between her folds. Alyssa let out a whimper as she willingly searched for her clit, moaning as she found it and began circling it as I watched closely.

  I could see her getting wetter and I shoved my jeans down to take my cock into my hand, stroking slowly as I gazed at her hand. God, I wanted to push myself inside of her and thrust until she was screaming my name. I let her bring herself to that point instead, stroking hard and fast as she cried out my name and jerked against her hand.


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