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Spring Equinox

Page 3

by Pendragon, Uther

  "Well," said Mat, "Uther may talk of the desirability of characters who look ordinary, but he certainly turned you into a walking wet dream."

  "He didn't turn me into anything. My hair is longer, that's all."

  "Well, I suppose that he couldn't improve on the model he had." She was beginning to like this guy. His Julie looked better, but his compliments were all directed at her. "But he must have done a lot to himself. The guy we see sure doesn't look seventy."

  "The guy we see doesn't look seventy either. He lives about a mile from campus, and he walks it summer and winter. Never misses a class either; he jokes that shoes start when cars won't. I told you none of his students can believe it. Anyway, his clothing and hair length were transformed; his body is the same one he started with, just as mine is the one I started with."

  "Which probably gave him the idea," said Mat. "He feels like he could last forever, so he says that he has lasted forever. Anyway, here's The Yurt. I bet the showers are easy to find."

  And so they were, but there were sexually-segregated toilets on the way. Susan stopped inside the ladies' room. Their hostess had provided packaged douches if not bidets, and Susan felt much cleaner when she finally got to the showers.

  "Mat," she called. Several showers were running.

  "Right here. You *could* have your own shower. On the other hand, I need someone to scrub my back." She grabbed a shower cap and joined him.

  Their primary activity, after all their intimacy, was scrubbing each other's back. And, after the hay and the woolen dress and cloak, that felt good. Additional contact seemed more fond than arousing, and Mat was even yawning by the time that the shower was over. Meanwhile, squeals and giggles came from a nearby stall. Somebody was feeling more erotic than they were. When they were quite clean, Mat turned off the water and stepped out. She offered to dry his back.

  "Thanks," he said. "I think that I'll need some serious sack time before I'm going to be any good in the sack, if you catch my drift."

  "Well, you were good, if not precisely in the sack. You deserve a rest for what you did for me, let alone my predecessors." He wrapped a towel around him, picked up his clothes, and started towards the door.

  She stopped him for a last kiss. "Thanks Mat," she said. Then she started to dry herself while he wandered off in search of a place to crash.

  At that point the shower stall with all the giggles released two women and a man. The taller woman, an earth-mother type with unshaven underarms and a gravelly voice, grabbed a towel. "You two have driven me absolutely bonkers," she said. "I need to find the food before I perish. I'd tell you to behave while I'm gone, but it's a lost cause."

  "I *always* behave," said the man.

  "Morgan didn't say that he behaves *well*," added the shorter woman. "Need your back dried, love?" The last seemed addressed to Susan, since the man was toweling off the other woman. She didn't wait for an answer but went behind her and began to rub vigorously. "I'm Erin," she continued, "that's Morgan. And you're?"

  "I'm Susan. Thanks, that feels good." Erin was a short slender girl and looked about twenty. She seemed to have no hair at all on her body, and the hair on her head was in a short pixie cut. Indeed, dyed green, she would pass for a pixie. Her breasts, while not particularly abundant, seemed to take exception to the law of gravity. Morgan had dark-blond hair and appeared to be in his forties, despite his boyish laughter.

  "Care to join us?" he asked.

  Why not. Their latest companion seemed to be leaving with no worse damage than a stitch in her side from laughing too much. Still she worried a bit. "I don't really do kink," she said. That depended on one's definition of 'kink,' of course, and on how well she knew her companions. Still, people were much happier when you eased off that statement than when you eased off "I'm open to anything."

  Morgan sighed theatrically. "Damn! That means we have to find a bed."

  She laughed and turned to dry Erin. Morgan took care of himself.

  Somewhat dressed, they left the shower room. Her companions knew the way, and three turns later they were in a hall with doors on each side. The first knob which would turn led to a careless foursome. The second led to an empty room. The bed was queen-sized and stripped of its covers. "Do we need a top sheet?" Erin asked. Morgan looked at Susan.

  "Can't think why. It feels warm enough." Indeed, the temperature was a little warm for her woolen wrap. She helped Erin fit the sheet to the mattress while Morgan pulled pillow cases over several pillows.

  Her dress covered her while she stood, but slid aside every time she bent over. Oh well, they had seen everything anyway. Morgan tossed three pillows on the bed when the last corner of the mattress was forced into the sheet. "Well done," he said. "You deserve a reward." He kissed her very sweetly on the mouth. Soon he was trailing kisses down her neck towards the brooch on her shoulder.

  Suddenly there was a shrill blast of noise just beside her. They jumped apart. "Violation!" Erin cried, waving the sort of whistle that a referee would use. "You can't start the game until you are wearing your uniforms." Presumably, she meant that they needed to be as naked as she was.

  "That's unfair," said Morgan. "We were only warming up." But he undid Susan's brooch and unwrapped her from the dress.

  Erin was short enough that she hardly had to bend to fit her face between Susan's breasts. She kissed her there and then the smoothness to each side. A minute later, Morgan was behind Susan, kissing her neck and ears. He hugged her, and she felt his semi-erection between her butt cheeks. As Erin dropped lower, Morgan's hands found Susan's breasts. She let herself rest against him as a mouth warmed her belly and slender fingers tickled her thighs.

  "Want the bed?" he whispered in her ear.

  She nodded. Really this was delightful, but her legs had supported her long enough.

  "Bed time," he said loudly enough for Erin to hear.

  "Call tops," Erin replied. She backed away , and Morgan helped Susan to the bed.

  They both checked that she looked comfortable. Then Erin began a long, gentle, tongue kiss. Susan discovered how different Morgan's demanding, sucking, kisses on her belly were than Erin's light ones had been. Soon, however, he was between her knees and starting a path of kisses upwards. Erin abandoned Susan's mouth to move to a position above her head. When Erin began kissing her breast, Susan could just reach Erin's. Then Erin adjusted her posture so that they could each get a nipple.

  Meanwhile, Morgan was kissing and licking his way further up her inner thighs. When he finally reached the junction, he skipped the critical area to play for a minute with the hair on her mound. "I like this," he said. "A very nice thatch. Something to play with." He kissed the point of her mound before parting the lips.

  Soon, he was licking each inner lip alternatively. He avoided the critical point too skillfully for it to be an accident. Still, Susan needed him there. She writhed in a futile attempt to get just the right spot under his tongue. She turned aside from Erin's stiff nipple to complain.

  Erin took that opportunity to raise herself. "How does she taste?" she asked.

  "Fine. A trifle vinegary, but she's getting over that." Great! Not only were they discussing her like some salad, but now there was *no* stimulation.

  "Just don't splooge all over it before I get to taste."

  "Hey!" Morgan answered. "You called tops."

  "So I did," Erin said, and she attacked Susan's other nipple.

  Morgan started in on Susan's labia again, but he again avoided her clit. She moaned in frustration, then moaned entirely differently when he found it at last. One of Erin's hands was playing with her ear; the fingers of the other one just brushed the unsucked nipple. One of Morgan's hands was pressed against -- not into, just against -- her anus; and the other one was tickling her thighs. But their mouths were doing the real work.

  She spiraled upwards towards her climax. Licked, sucked, tickled, tweaked, she flew beyond control. And then she was possessed, twitching and moaning. Finally, she pushed them

  "It feels nice when she moans around my breast," Erin commented. "Weird but nice." They lay on either side of her, leaving plenty of room for her to breathe, but snuggled against her arms.

  "I suppose you want to change ends," Morgan said.

  "Yes. But why don't we do front and back first."

  "Then I get front. I had front before and you took it with your stupid whistle."

  "Fine," said Erin. "Women have more erotic zones than are dreamt of in your philosophy. Anyway, I want to end up in front. I have ideas for the finale."

  "You expect this to go on?" Susan was finally able to gasp out.

  "Barely begun, sweet," Morgan answered her. "Turn towards me when you're ready for round two. What with the whistle and all, we haven't really kissed yet."

  Morgan's large hand stroked one thigh while Erin's small one played with her breast or toyed with her hair. Occasionally they switched areas, but each one kept to one side of her body. It was as if there was an invisible line drawn down her center and neither was straying near it. Which meant that no hand was actually touching her mound. Right at that moment, that was more of a relief than a lack.

  Finally, however, she recovered her breath and her interest. After all, Morgan's first kiss had been sweet. She rolled towards him, and then backed up to give him room. The second kiss was as sweet, even though she could taste herself on his lips. Then she could taste only his tongue.

  While Susan's mouth was occupied, Erin kissed and caressed the back of her neck and the very tip of her ear. Then she took a leisurely trip down Susan's back, kissing each vertebra and scratching in all the right places. By the time that Erin was licking in the folds joining Susan's thighs to her hips, Morgan was lipping her nipples and caressing her mound.

  The brush of Erin's fingers on the inner back of her thighs was more ticklish than erotic. Erin's tongue, though, was definitely exciting. So was Morgan's pressure against the very front of her lower lips. Susan wanted more stimulation, and got a little more. Soon, however, she wanted a lot more. Erin licked the extreme back portion of her inner lips. Susan moaned.

  "Ready for the next stage?" Morgan asked.

  "Oh yes."

  "Then see if you can turn over right here," Erin said.

  The other two didn't leave her much room, but Susan managed. When she was lying on her right side, Erin moved Susan's right leg up into a high-stepping pose. Then she rested her head on that thigh. "Turn a little towards me, love," Erin said.

  When Susan did, Morgan slipped into her from behind. He took forever, but Erin's weight on her thigh prevented Susan from pushing herself backwards. Finally, when Morgan was pressed against Susan's butt and had penetrated her deeply, Erin began licking the front of her labia.

  "Put your top leg on top of mine," Morgan said. When Susan did, he eased a millimeter deeper. "Told you it tasted delightful," Morgan continued.

  "Mm hmm," Erin said. It seemed to be agreement, and the buzz from Erin's lips certainly intensified Susan's excitement. Erin's tongue licked the labia which were distended by Morgan's erection; it had to be licking Morgan as well. That might account for his beginning to move in and out in time to that slow licking. Morgan found just the right spot, and Susan spiraled upwards.

  The stimulation went on and on. Whenever she returned from one peak, the multiple frictions would drive her to another. Finally, one especially strong spasm drove Morgan out of her. Her movements dislodged Erin as well. Susan collapsed onto her back. Her breath sounded like a steam engine to her own ears, and she didn't know if she would ever recover her breath. She was held in strong arms about her shoulders. Occasionally a shudder ran through her body, but otherwise nothing moved but her chest.

  Her breathing finally quieted. She relaxed into the supporting arms. Someone covered her with a sheet.

  "We did need a top sheet after all," said Erin. "Are you coming?" She couldn't move, could hardly keep awake. But the sentence must have been addressed to another.

  Morgan eased his arms from around her. "Sleep tight, love," he said.

  "That's right," Erin said. "Sleep for a bit and you'll feel chipper again. I *do* hate to eat and run, but you don't need us." Susan waved her hand to tell them that it was all right, and then relaxed completely. She never heard the door shut.

  When she finally woke up, Susan stripped the bed and staggered to the shower room once again. Cleaned inside and out, she found the remains of the buffet. Then she searched out Prof. Somehow, after her experience with Morgan and Erin, she didn't need any more partners just then.

  She heard Prof before she saw him. "Both of you! This is sharp-edged weapon of war. You are *not* to try to take it from the other; you might get hurt. Now, Thomas, Keda is going to get some turns. You've had plenty of chances." There were some indistinct murmurs after this.

  "She did want to watch at first. And aren't you glad that she watched you play. Indeed, she watched so long that she is going to get fewer turns than you did. However, nothing in my offer implied that she had to take it up just then. And knights don't talk about their sisters that way."

  By the time that she reached the doorway, the boy was back from the action. Instead of struggling over the spear dangerously, the girl was using it in Prof-approved play. That is to say that she was charging Prof with the spear pointing towards his legs. He used his scabbarded sword to deflect the spear at the last minute. Then the girl collided with him.

  "I'm glad," Susan said, "that she isn't doing anything dangerous with that spear."

  "So am I," Prof answered. "The two of them were wrestling with the butt end not two minutes ago. Have you eaten? We could go soon, if you're ready."

  "I'm ready. I just hope you have had some time with people your own age."

  "None of them around," Prof answered. "But I did get some time with women over the age of consent, if that is what you meant."

  A few minutes later, he said: "Last charge Keda. Make it a good one." He let her get much closer that time, swept the spear away, and picked her up as she charged into him. He kissed the top of her head.

  "Put me down," the girl said, laughing. Instantly, Prof did so. Keda stopped laughing.

  "You got what you asked for," Prof pointed out. "Give me your hand." He took it and kissed the back, quite formally. "My lady, fare thee well." He reached out a hand towards the boy, who paused before offering his own. Prof merely shook this hand, however. "Thomas. Fare thee well also. Come with us, both of you. I promised to return you to a responsible adult."

  They found the entire family waiting for the kids. "We got to play with Uther's spear," Thomas told Pat. She didn't look completely happy at the news.

  "They weren't in danger," Prof assured her. "If he's still interested after three days, try a length of thick doweling a foot taller than he is. The iron point is unnecessary for practice. Paint a target on a tree, and his worst danger is falling over."

  The entire family said goodbye with hugs. When she got to Julie, Susan felt inspired. "Kiss Mat goodbye for me," she whispered in Julie's ear. She got a speculative look, but a nod followed that. Her Castle lover kissed her full on the mouth, Keda threw herself into Susan's arms, and then they left the Yurt.

  The air cooled as they ascended the path. She thought of the day. Morgan and Erin had treated her wonderfully, but it was still a game to them. Mat, on the other hand, had been as loving as her hero had. None of that had affected her preference one iota. "Prof, am I going to remember this?" she asked.

  "Probably not."

  "Remind me to be kinder to Joe, okay?"

  "Does he want you to be kinder to him?" he asked.

  "He wants an exclusive relationship, and now I understand that feeling. I wish I knew that he loved me, I wish I just knew his name."

  "I can't help with the name." Prof seemed to understand that the subject had shifted. "But he does love you. Your problem is that he loves many other people. Some think he and Pat are the embodiment of eros, but actually philadelphia is th
eir strong suit."

  "Thanks," she answered, and then a pause. "I think."

  "I can't see the point," he said, "of giving Joe more of what you've given him in abundance, simply because he wants what you aren't going to give him. Would more kindness from Keda's father really make you happier?"

  It took them ten more minutes to reach the slit in the rock, but she still hadn't answered that question -- not even to herself.

  The End

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