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End Of The Road: (A Clean Romance Novella) (Women's Adventure in Alaska Romance Book 3)

Page 32

by Renee Hart

  Chleo was mostly quiet as they went home. She wasn’t pensive, and she wasn’t even nervous. There was nothing to fill the silence that needed to be filled. She had met this person not even 24 hours ago, and she was already comfortable enough with him to be able to share a silence with him. This was new. It was pleasant even. She didn’t get the usual butterflies she got when she was around men. That was usually her sign that it was something passionate and real. Around Arjun, things were comfortable, even though they were both just a bit shy around each other.

  “Wait,” the thought had just occurred to Chleo, “how is Wendy getting home?”

  “A friend of ours was a member of the band playing. He offered to give her a lift.”

  Chleo felt reassured and she nuzzled lower into her seat.

  “What is it that you play?”

  “I actually sing and rap a little…”

  “You rap? This I’ve got to hear,” Chleo said. She hadn’t gotten nice and comfy in her seat before she was already perked up with excitement.

  “It’s more spoken word over a beat. A lot of miscellaneous philosophical word salad,” he chuckled. “I play a bit of guitar for the band sometimes, and I’ve been trying to learn bass. Wendy sings back up and plays keyboard.”

  “You’re a man of many talents, I see.”

  “Not sure about that. I just think it would be fun to try everything once.”

  “Really?” Chleo said right as Arjun turned onto her block. “I’m the same way. I used to want to do absolutely everything. I used to love math, science, debate, dancing, and just a bunch of other things.”

  “What changed?”

  “I don’t know. I guess I just grew up and got so involved with my responsibilities. But there are so many things that I’d love to try. This is my building,” Chleo said. She got silent as Arjun pulled to a stop. She was thinking about her life and how much it had changed since college. She didn’t regret anything. She loved her life, her best friend, and being the manager and accountant of her own business. She just wasn’t sure how she let the time pass without doing much dancing, or going to a planetarium, or checking off anything from her bucket list.

  Arjun looked concerned. He shut off his car and the two sat in silence for a while. They were both thinking about their lives.

  “You know that it’s not too late, right?” Arjun broke the silence with his deep voice. He wasn’t sure how to say that he cared about someone that he just met, but there was a spark in Chleo’s eyes when she was around her cat, and when she talked about the things she loved and what mattered to her.

  “I know. I just wouldn’t know where to start,” Chleo said. She bit her lip and looked up at her apartment building.

  “Start anywhere. Anything that makes you happy; anything that challenges you, try it. What would be something major on your list?”

  “I don’t know,” Chleo shrugged. “Probably something stereotypical like jumping out of a plane.”

  Arjun laughed.

  “That sounds great. You’re really brave for wanting to do that,” he turned to face her and flash her a goofy grin. She didn’t know why, but hearing those words made her feel a bit better. “And what’s something attainable?”

  “Probably getting back into tap dancing.”

  “Perfect. You’ve found where to start. That’s my challenge for you.”

  “Hold up. Aren’t you my cat’s doctor? You can’t prescribe me things to cure my own ailments,” Chleo said. She barely got the words out before bursting into a fit of giggles. She snorted after she said doctor, and Arjun didn’t hear the rest of her sentence. He was too busy taking in the way that she looked when she laughed. Even under the wide rim of her hat he could see that Chleo was glowing with a kind of joy that he always got when he was making music or spending time with his animal patients. She flung her head back and put a hand on her chest as she giggled.

  “I’m just trying to say that I believe in you. You’ve done a lot already. Why slow down now?”

  Chleo stopped her laughing to look at Arjun. She only heard that he believed in her, and that was enough for her.

  “Would it be too bold of me if I asked you to come up with me?”

  “I’m not sure. Do you think you’re being too bold?” Arjun asked.

  “I think it would only seem bold if you’re expecting something more than good conversation and staring lovingly at my big eyed cat,” Chleo said.

  “So if I expect a cup of coffee then you’re pushing your own limit?”

  “Coffee? I was right in my assumptions…you are a wild one.”

  “A wild one huh? You haven’t seen anything yet,” Arjun said. He flashed her a lopsided smile and stepped out of the car.

  “Is that right?” Chleo muttered to herself, eyeing him through the windshield. “I guess we will see, Dr. Vaswani.”

  Chapter 7

  “You like my cat too much.”

  Chleo stepped into the living room with a tray. There were two mugs of coffee and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich balanced in the center. Chleo put the tray down on an ottoman in front of Arjun who was cradling Luna in his arms. She looked very peaceful now that she had company that she recognized. She was half asleep already.

  “I think she trusts me. She seems to like living here,” Arjun said. He gently placed Luna into the box that was placed by his feet.

  “I’m getting used to her. I almost like having her around too.”

  “I think it’s because you have the right kind of energy to want to be around,” he winked.

  “Are you always this nice?” Chleo asked. She picked up a mug from the table and smelled the fresh coffee smell. She blew into the mug and watched the soft steam dance and float towards the ceiling.

  “I’d like to think I can be. I’m not just trying to be nice though. I’m just being myself because I’d like to get to know y-…”

  Chleo’s phone buzzed and rang suddenly. She wasn’t expecting it, and it broke her away from concentrating on her coffee and the gorgeous man now sitting on her couch.

  It was Jessica.

  “Hey baby babe. You miss me?”

  “I do. So much. I’ll call you back though.”

  “Aw man! We haven’t spoken in days! At least let me know Petey didn’t burn down our store or turn it into a drug den.”

  “Petey didn’t burn down our store or turn it into a drug den. Then again, you have two more weeks before you get back, so we’ll see.”

  “Placing bets?”

  “Not quite. But there have been a lot of…interesting things that have been happening as of late,” Chleo paused when she said interesting and looked over at Arjun. He was enjoying a sip of coffee. When Chleo turned to look at him, he paused and looked back at her, offering a sweet smile. He blew a tuft of hair out of his face and went back to enjoying his coffee.

  “Interesting how? Is it a guy?!”

  “I’ll call you back, Jess,” Chleo said as she grinned through her teeth.

  “You bastard! I bet it’s a guy. I hope he’s a really hot guy. I hope he’s treating you nice.”

  “I hate you. Good night.”

  “I love you more,” Jessica said with a maniacal laugh. “Bye!”

  “Sorry about that,” Chleo said when she hung up. “My best friend is on her honeymoon, and she’s as nosy as my mom.”

  “She sounds like a lot of fun.”

  “She is. I’ll tell you all about her some time.”

  “You can add it to your bucket list,” Arjun said. He took a long sip of coffee and sighed silently after he swallowed. Luna wriggled in her box beside him.

  “I have a bucket list?”

  “Sure you do. There are so many things you want to accomplish. I thought I’d find a way to squeeze myself into your plans somewhere. I take care of your cat, and in return we can get to know each other.”

  “So, on the record, you’re saying conversation trumps remuneration in this case?” Chleo cocked an eyebrow his way. She look
ed at him while he jokingly weighed the pros and cons in his head.

  “I think I’ll take the money to be honest. A man’s gotta eat.”

  “Very true. But I’d also like to take you up on that offer.”

  “And which offer is that?”

  “The offer to get to know you. In a single day you and I have met, you’ve hypnotized my cat to the point that she sleeps more than she stares up at me, we’ve debated fate versus coincidence, you’re a self-proclaimed jazz rapper, and…” Chleo paused to think about it. Her eyes floated up to the ceiling just like the steam from her warm coffee cup. Her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. She was sure there was more to the day than she had just stated. She felt like she’d known Arjun for weeks.

  That was the funny thing about time, she thought to herself. Jessica had waited almost 15 years to be reunited with Alfie, and it was like no time had passed at all between them. The two had fallen right back into place. Now it felt like the opposite with Chleo and Arjun. The moment her heart skipped when she saw him at his office felt like so long ago. She almost felt like a changed woman. She felt completely renewed around him. There was a warm seriousness about his humor, and he spent most of his time letting her know that he believed in her. He seemed so genuine.

  “And we’ve kissed…” he said. His deep voice wrapped around her like silk. She of course knew that they had not yet kissed. The offer caught her off guard, but not to the point that it turned her off. Instead, it excited her.

  “That’s very interesting. I don’t recall a kiss. It was something I was considering for that bucket list that I need to write.”

  “And what number would it be on the list?”

  “Right now it falls somewhere above get back into tap dancing and jumping out of a plane. But this kiss that you mentioned. I’m really not sure if I remember it happening. You may need to jog my memory,” Chleo said. She leaned in closer to him. Her eyes moved back and forth between his dark brown eyes and his inviting lips. He had been right all along, she really was bold.

  “I’d be delighted to,” he breathed. He placed a hand on her face, tracing over her cheekbones, dimples, and jawline with his thumb. He studied the way his touch made her feel. She closed her eyes and gave into the moment. She tilted her head back and moved closer to him. The touch of his hand was so gentle against her face that she couldn’t contain her emotions much longer.

  Their lips met, and in that moment, they were more in sync than they had been for the entire day. The way his lips brushed against hers felt right. It was a kiss unlike any other she had experienced. It was like he knew more about what their relationship could be than she did. It truly was as if they had kissed before. Feeling his skin on hers now felt like home.

  Arjun kept his face close to hers when he moved away. His dark eyes were full of wonder. Chleo didn’t want to pull away; she was still so transfixed and caught up in how beautiful the moment was. They understood each other beyond words, and she nodded when he pulled away. She understood.

  Arjun stood up.

  “Thank you very much for the coffee,” he took a slight bow. He took his phone out of his pocket and started to type. Chleo’s phone buzzed and lit up. “Don’t look at it until I’ve left.”


  “Yes. I don’t want to overstay my welcome. I suspect there will be more times in the future for us to show how bold we can be,” he leaned over her and gave her a soft peck on the lips. Chleo blushed in response and nodded again quickly.

  She waited to hear the front door click shut before burying her face in a cushion and squealing. She collected herself and then reached for her phone.

  “Arjun’s Bucket List,” the text message said. “1. Kiss Chleo Matthews. 2. Take her out to dinner. 3. Help her with her bucket list for as long as she’ll allow me to.”

  Chleo couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear. She looked down into the box where her little cat was sleeping soundly. She really was going to have to thank Petey on Monday morning. If it weren’t for trying something new, she would have never met Arjun.

  She was just about to type a message when the phone buzzed in her hand. She expected it to be Arjun, but it was a message coming in from Jessica.

  “If you’re not having sex. Text me! And please, don’t spare any details!!! ;} ”


  Keep reading for the next installment,

  Crazy Sweet Love

  Crazy Sweet Love

  A Sweet Contemporary Romance Novella

  Flower Shop Romance Book One


  Copyright © 2016 by Marisa Logan

  All rights reserved, worldwide.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any printed or electronic form.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


  Arjun Vaswani and Chleo Matthews have properly established their relationship and it’s time to set some ground rules. Rule number one: There are no rules.

  They spend their time helping each other fulfill their adventurous dreams while crossing off things from their joint bucket list. According to Chleo, their relationship is virtually perfect.

  There’s just one problem: Chleo is afraid of what could happen given her past relationships. She’s not ready to take their relationship to the next level yet.

  When Chleo figures out just how much Arjun means to her, he drops a bomb. Could this new development drive a wedge between them?

  Chapter 1

  “I can’t believe you’re making me do this,” Chleo Matthews squeaked. Her hands wrapped so tightly around the man in front of her that her knuckles almost looked white.

  “I’m not making you do anything. I’m not even holding you,” her boyfriend Arjun Vaswani teased. Their heads were covered by white plastic helmets, and they were almost 15 stories high. Wind would have blown their hair around their faces if not for the helmets, and Chleo was still shaking with fright.

  “Are you ready to sit?” Arjun asked her patiently. His hands were on a steel beam above them. They could see the entire city before them as well as the eerie streets below.

  “You know this seemed like a good idea until we actually did this,” Chleo said.

  “Most bucket lists work that way, my dear.”

  Arjun kissed the top of her head, but he was stopped short when he found he was kissing a hard hat.

  “Great. Curiosity plus adrenaline minus will to live equals bucket list,” she said. She was loosening the grip on Arjun now and doing her best not to look down. Arjun in turn wrapped one arm around her waist. It was impossible to pull her in any closer, but he tried just the same.

  “No need to worry. I’m right here with you. Like when your bucket list had steal something expensive and we got that pearl brooch somehow like in Breakfast at Tiffany's. And when your list had run around a block in just underwear. What makes you think that could change now?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. The looming fear of imminent death if either of us takes a tentative step in any direction? And they stole animal masks in Breakfast at Tiffany's. But I think there was a pearl brooch in it somewhere,” Chleo said once she finally released Arjun. “And we ran around the block just last week. Sweet words about staying right here with someone usually requires months or maybe even years of dating.”

  “I thought three months was a good enough time as any; especially since apparently there’s the possibility of imminent death with any tentative step in the wrong direction. Maybe we should sit,” he said. His voice cracked just the slightest bit. Chleo was so concerned about her own fears that she didn’t stop to consider that Arjun could possibly be afraid too.

  Chleo had written 76 things on her bucket list, and Arjun had written 53. Some of their items meshed, and they thought it was
better for them to tackle those together.

  Have lunch on top of an unfinished building was number 51 on Arjun’s list and Have an unusual romantic anniversary dinner was 63rd on Chleo’s. They decided to combine the two and have a picnic on a widened scaffold of a building under construction. They were both harnessed at the waist in case they fell, but that didn’t stop them both from being afraid that they were out in so much open air 15 stories up.

  They were standing on a thick plank that was securely fastened to the steel beam. Chleo sat on it with her legs crossed while Arjun let his feet dangle over the edge. There was a picnic basket with wine and leftover food from the restaurant they were in the night before.

  Arjun had had enough of his helmet, and he took it off of his head. His thick wavy hair flew free with the breeze. His hair was long enough to be tucked behind his ears and it was getting almost long enough to touch his shoulders. His hair was one of Chleo’s favorite things about him. Her hands were constantly in his hair, searching and exploring. It was soft and luscious and always smelled of rosemary mixed with peppermint.

  Chleo watched him run his hands through his hair then. The wind blew it around his face and wouldn’t keep it still no matter how much he tried. He soon gave up and gave into the wind being in control of his hair.

  Arjun had dark piercing eyes, thick eyebrows, and a prominent jawline that made him seem more serious than he really was. His lips were an unusual shade of pink and they looked beautiful against his caramel skin. He had started growing out his beard, and it gave him a different sort of allure. He looked like a scientist so involved in his work that he had no time to worry about frivolous things like shaving a beard and mustache, and Chleo would tease him about it before kissing him on both cheeks and then once on the lips.

  To her (and to anyone who had functioning eyes), Arjun was gorgeous. He stood over 6 feet tall and he looked like something straight out of a magazine. Instead, Arjun was a veterinarian. His passion was medicine, but he also loved all kinds of animals. He decided to mix the two, and that was where his heart was.


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