Dream Travel

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by Janet Gillooly

  Chapter 7

  The night had fallen on Jane like a peaceful, melancholy and frightful state. She did not know whether at times dream traveling was frightening or something to embrace. It was like prayer, very comforting, but the mystery of life could be doom and gloom. Jane would welcome dream traveling but like life sometimes resist it's force.

  She fell asleep not wishing to think of anyone nor anything. She traveled to Dallas, Texas landing onto the mansion of Patrick O'Conner. He was handsome as ever riding his horse in the gleaming sun. He was very pleased when he saw her standing there such an image of beau ty, humility, peace, grace and as usual in deep pensive thought. Her smile was devilish, worldly, intelligent and exposing ignorance as a way of fitting in.

  She was not prone to extreme excitement nor extreme depression but her insides were a different story at times. Her smile was like a fixture one would expect ever ready for any words that might thoughtlessly pass from any person's lips. She knew the dark side of nature so well. Goodness she wore like a gown, decked in jewel s ready to spread her charms across the land.

  It did not matter to her the woes of life for lessons of learning could be obtained anywhere. She looked forward to life to obtain lessons from people, books, writing, praying and music. Life did not usually get boring for her unless she became too isolated from people. Isolation can be such a gift but too much could alarm her system into despair.

  Uneducated she was not, no far from it. She always had heard of different topics that most people did not have knowledge of and if they did it was so limited. People tended to ask stupid questions, usually the snobs, who, think of themselves as better than most. Jane was a genius but few knew. She never paraded her looks nor brains but those who were exposed to her on a regular basis knew of her many gifts.

  Jane could excite her friends with her wisdom and her talent of selecting the right words to convey her meanings. She had musical talents of singing and playing guitar which were now long buried. Her spiritual experiences were real gifts from God that not many were privy to. Anyone could talk to her about their problem s feeling they were safe, understood and certainly not judged.

  She had explored her personal growth more than most. Jane was a real leader but many times did not exercise this role though not lacking confidence nor skill. She remained humble, ignorant to some, but only those who were so full of themselves, jealous or blind to the spiritual filled world.

  Spirits were all around and she knew it. It was felt by her, especially in deep prayer. Most do not seek their spirits because of lack of love for themselves, God and others. It is as natural as breathing to Jane who, always expects to receive protection , guidance and many a purpose in life including the main lesson of becoming more spiritual.

  It is against her beliefs to delve in astrology, new age beliefs and anything that contradicts the bible. She knows many seek false teachers because they do not seek the truth. Truth is usually hidden from the naked eye but to the spiritual eye it sees everything a little bit at a time.

  Jane has no position in life so people give no notice of her nor consider her very important. They consider her odd but her friends had great respect for her. She knows tl1at God does notice her and appreciates her. Jesus had no fame or fortune but is the most thought of as the greatest legend.

  Her humor is one of her greatest gifts. She can laugh at her self and others like no one else can. She appreciates the human folly. Her mind deeply contemplative at many times, even during her sleep. Her thought is funny and light to release her occasionally of the deepness of life. Her calmness of decision rare and during chaos is a leader, calm, decisive, and comforting to many.

  People admire her beauty as well as her intelligence and humility. She is loyal beyond all reason. Her wisdom is God's crown he freely gives to her because she freely asks for it. There is nothing she will not ask God if it pertains to his will for her.

  She knows that questions and answers can change every year.

  Moments can change a thought forever. She loves people and they sense it with all their hearts. Mercy she has shown to the vilest of men. Love is her main objective and will suffer many trials in order to complete this purpose.

  Love shows no partiality in her mind and she expects miracles every day. Every day she is alive witl1 new hopes and dreams. It excites her to touch another life in such a way that they will cry out to God when at no other time would they consider it.

  Closeness excites her like nothing else if this could mean showing her new found friend the glory of God. Miracles are her focus and she is never disappointed when she touches a new life. It is a real gift from God she feels, when, God gives her a new opportunity to excite someone about God.

  She recalled a time driving in the rain at night when she was listening to a Christian radio station. They were praying together in different languages and she was praying with them. God reminded her of all her prayers she prayed for others and intentions because these same Christians were praying the same things. God was thanking her for her prayers and telling her that they did make a difference. It was one of the most rewarding experiences she ever had. She felt God so close to her and felt so safe.

  She has had a number of such experiences in her life, which are a love journal she keeps forever in her mind. Many do not know of this great love of God. She hopes to somehow touch many people to let them know of his many gifts.

  Patrick is very similar to Jane in many ways but tends to be dwelling more on the realistic logical side of life. He does not find fault with dreamers like so many logical people do but does not understand them . This dream travel to him is the closest he has come to being a dreamer. He does not expose the stupidity of others although he finds most people to be very stupid.

  He wishes many times to be left alone. He is a loner and he likes it that way. He does not have great trust for people because he finds most of them to be fickle in thou ght, emotion and deed. He does not dislike people but finds most of tl1em are like a flea he soon hopes to get rid of.

  He finds most peopl e believe everyone is average in intelligence like themselves. He does love to put people in their place with his genius level of intelligence. He grows tired of their gossip, lies and manipulative games. He likes to expose them making himself look ten times bigger than most people. He does not participate in their barbarous ways of deceit and he is disgusted with what joy they play their games.

  He needs no one so he thinks, except God and a woman. He is very self -sufficient but misguided in ways. He does not treasure people maybe the way he should. He has seen goodness and knows it exists. He believes that evil nature of man is not surprising it is the goodness that is.

  He cannot believe that people are surprised at evil but never at good. In this human world it is goodness that is a surprise. This is not heaven and so any goodness shown is what is surprising. He knows people just as well as anyone. There is a part of himself that he however, never knew until Jane appeared to him.

  "I-its Jane, how are you?"

  "I will be sorry to lose you to another woman but I hope it will be possible for us to be friends."

  "I know we will always be special friends," he said.

  "I do hope I can handle it," Jane added.

  ''We will be friends. I do like your friend :Missy. She is very special. I think we will get along fine."

  '"What is your middle name?"

  "My middle name is :Michael."

  "I will try to remember that name if my child is a boy."

  "I will be very honored of the idea even if you do not choose to use my middle name."

  ''Jane you realize that we could have been together very happily if circumstances had been in my favor.I have never known anyone like you and never will again. Missy will probably make me happy but I will always be left with wondering if I would been happier with you."

  ''We cannot afford to give this memory much thought. We were only meant to be together for a time. Friends is all we will eve
r be." This idea puzzled her and provoked fear. Would she someday just disappear never to be found? Sleep would not come. She would have to wait till tonight to find Patrick. A part of her did not want to go asleep ever again.

  Then while they were talking two men came up to both of them and fought them severely. Needles were injected in both Jane and Patrick. They both were taken away in a black car.

  Jane awoke up in bed feeling very scared. She noticed David sleeping next to her and felt comfort. Was she also in Texas in danger with Patrick? Would it come to the point where her body would no longer remain.


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