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Dream Travel

Page 12

by Janet Gillooly

  Chapter 4

  Jane was pondering over the information she had read on the subject of, ghosts and paranormal activities. She remembered Edgar Cayce meditated, fell asleep and learned his lessons through osmosis. Jane realized that it was here that jokes have been passed on and to others in past generations with this same experience. She remembered that many writers experienced cosmic consciousness through meditation.

  Jane had done a lot of meditating with her focus on Christ, Mary, angels and many saints. Her main focus was Christ. She had received many messages predicting her future, due to her intense concentration on these answers. She had been in a state of rapture many times like the saints. She did not think she was a saint in the eyes of the world, but through the eyes of God. Was not a saint someone who devoted their life to prayer, improving their soul? Christ was her main focus and even when she was not praying, she was thinking of Jesus.

  Many people persecuted Jane with their odd notions of the religious type. People tended to stereotype her, containing her in a little box with no way out. People did not understand how enjoyable prayer is and how it does release psychic ability in all. Love and devotion is all that is necessary, having faith in being united in Christ very intimately.

  Jane mostly felt sad for people who would not explore and enjoy the greatest gift, which is prayer. They accused her of being compulsive, rigid and crazy for wasting her time. They wanted to know why she was wasting her time, when she could have been doing other things. Her mother wanted to know what she was trying to prove. Many attacked her because tl1ey did not pray enough.

  It was sad to her because even though she planted a few seeds, many were planted on unfertile soil. She placed her pearls of prayer before swine's. Prayer is what makes saints, but many people see them as born that way. She knew desperation is what brought her to Christ and she was thankful. It saddens her that she did not do more for Christ.

  It is sad to her that many see Christians in a bad light. God's name is taken in vain as if it is a new fad, admired by many. Many that is forever.

  Three men would be joining Jane, Megan and Maria on a trip to the house of hell. Dr. Brent a parapsychologist, would be one of these men, an expert in his field. An Indian, named Tenskwatawa, a native of the Shawnee tribe, would also be joining them, using his experience with the ghost dance.

  The Indian is an expert on inducing himself and others into a trance and communication with ghosts. He uses drugs to induce such a state within himself. He wears a jacket with stars and birds, as a part of his costume and a part of his religious customs in order to conjure up ghosts. He believes the dead can be resurrected through this dance of charm and music.

  The third man involved is a Catholic priest. His name is Father Brian and his main concern is the demonic influence, in this house that could cause further possession and death. He does not look forward to this encounter, because he knows the grave danger involved.

  The priest has his holy water and his costume for his religious customs. He believes that having control over such matter is not always a guarantee. It is hard to know what will happen but he believes God will win in the end. The question is however, when is the end?

  The parapsychologist would be able to sense any presence beyond the ordinary man. He too has the power of focus and the power of God. God would be the main one going with all of them to this house of torment.

  Maria has a lukewarm faith, which she is now exploring. She is feeling regret toward her indifference to God. She went to the church, to light candles asking for God's help and forgiveness.

  Megan realizes that the moment of truth is about to invade all of their lives but she feels especially her life. It is a time a fear, uncertainty and maybe death. She does not want to know the truth but yet she must know. Megan falls asleep relying on God to give her strength to deal with this dilemma.

  Megan dream travels again toward s the house. She is standing in the bedroom, where the murders took place. She smells a foul odor, that of death. She wishes she could escape but seems to have been sent there.

  She sees the little girl glowing, laughing, witl1 a hideous laugh.

  There is another sound of laughter coming from behind the little girl, that of a devil. Megan wants to move, but she is frozen in her steps. She puts her hand s on her rosary, which is around her neck.

  The little girl shouts that nothing will save her. The little girl cries that she needs to be at peace. She utters that it is not fair that anyone else should have peace.

  Megan awakes from her dream, with the lingering smell of death. Her rosary breaks in half violently, as if the little girl is still with her. This event would have to be told to the three wise men.

  Megan would be meeting with everyone for a briefing on what to expect, with this supernatural phenomenon. She could not wait for this meeting. It is time for her to tell her grandmotl1er.

  Jane is not scared for herself but for Megan and Maria. She wished her life could have remained simple. Is simplicity and love too much to want for her family?

  Jane recalls the death of her husband with a deep sadness, but also a longing to see him again. It surely is time for her to go to be with him. He was the best thing that ever happened to her.

  Time is lost. Never again will she have certain joys with her husband. Megan is her main concern. She wants to protect her, which is like protecting her son.

  Megan informs her grandmother about her latest dream travel. They contact the three men insisting, that they need to meet earlier. It is agreed for everyone to meet in an hour at the residence of Tenske, for a shorter version of his Indian name.

  The six of them have come together at Tenske's house. Three men and three women come to form a circle and a special bond. It is a time of sharing, comfort and a realistic aim towards something that may control them. Wisdom is a comfort in time of danger, but if the circle be broken then all is lost.

  The six are hovered together talking low but distinct and strong. These circle are to do battle with themselves and with a force that may take control. The warnings are given in detail and how to handle tl1emselves going into this house. There are many things that can be said of this great event. The conversation was done and now it was time to drink and be merry.

  The six laughed as if there was no tomorrow. Jokes were told of ghosts, such as the ghost of Dr. Mudd. One would of thought that death was funny to all these six. They did not seem to be scared or worried. It was as if they were going to a parade. They would go away to pack and leave tomorrow for this house of mystery.

  The six slept in separate beds. They were their separate space they called home. It would be soon that all six would form one circle.

  It was getting close and now they were all on their way by plane, to this house in Texas. They all laughed when it was getting closer to land. Danger and doom can make you laugh as if it were better than crying. The laughing made them strong and confident.

  The six ones entered the house slowly, but focused. The Indian began his dance of chants and the priest sprinkled holy water with every step he took. The parapsychologist was in a deep trance, but aware of his surroundings. The six were praying all in a different way but still prayer.

  The incantation s could be heard echoing throughout the still house. They all approached the bedroom where the murders took place. Megan, Maria and Jane were reciting Hail Marys. It was a fight between two boundaries of good and evil. It was a line between the physical and spiritual worlds.

  The six saw visions of the murders that took place. The little girl appeared before them, glowing brightly. Laughing consumed the house, drowning out the prayers. The prayers continued but the laughter was louder.

  The little girl cried out that she is mine. It was frightful and Jane clutched Megan. The six protected her from this spirit. The girl cried out that God is not just. She screamed for them to cease their prayers, but the prayers continued.

  Dr. Brent began talking to her trying to reason with her.
He was asking the little girl, why she did not have peace. She told him that her father brought this curse upon her. He should not have done his evil deeds and someone must pay.

  The Indian danced in a rhythmic fashion but with a strong gait and power. Smoke was being sent up by the Indian and priest. The parapsychologist continued to talk to the little ghost. Father Brian thought her a little demon.

  The rituals continued but the laughing and screaming got louder and louder. The little girl screamed demanding that they release Megan. Megan was not about to move forward. The circle had not yet been broken.

  The priest began to use the name of Jesus to ban the evil away. He made the blessing of the Trinity, with a chanting melody, harmonizing with the Indian's chants. There was a harmony among all of them, including the Hail Mary's, which were harmonizing along with the chants. The parapsychologist was making his humming noises of transcendental meditation.

  Jane insisted that the little girl not make innocent people suffer. She wanted to offer herself instead of Megan. She was silenced by Megan and tl1e rest told her to be silent. The little girl laughed and said she would have Megan.

  Objects began to fly at all of the six and the priest motioned for them to leave. The objects were flying and a book hit Maria on the side of her face. She fell but was retrieved by the women helping her to leave this house.

  The objects continued to fly and the laughter became hideous beyond belief. It was so scary that the six tried, to proceed faster to get out. The smell stifled everyone but they continued to move chanting louder and stronger.

  The six finally were out of the house. An object came smashing out of the window, almost hitting Megan. They all agreed it would take several visits to this house in order to protect Megan. They all left to get dinner, drinks and relax. Then all would go back to this house and do it all over again.

  It was astonishing to Jane and all of tl1em tl1at this was really happening. Jane decided she wou ld take a camera and get a photograph of this ghost. It was agreed that a camera would be a good idea.

  The night was enjoyed by all as they ate and drank feeling powerful, that they had survived this ordeal. The dinner and drinks were a comfort to their shaken nerves but the conversation is what made the most impact. The six sat joking again almost denying the power of ghosts. They would not believe this little girl had more power than prayers.

  The priest cautioned them not to be so sure of the outcome. He told tl1em he had seen many things like this go bad or end bad. They assured him tl1at they were not feeling cocky but strong. It was a miracle that God brought six souls together -who are wise, strong and pure.

  Jane was in bed trying asleep. She was thinking about all her close times with God. It was amazing to her that God gave her life purpose, fulfillment and meaning. She had for a long time, had things to do to, help her be productive and it was all due to God.

  There was a time in her life when she was very sad, bored and had no interest in life. She only had hope that things would get be tter. She also knew she would be better. It was a shame she had not devoted herself to God earlier, sparing herself unnecessary suffering. She felt sad for anyone, who had no hope for happiness in tl1is life. Endings say a lot for a person just like beginnings.


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