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Forbidden: Alpha Males and Taboo Tales (The Naughty List Bundles Volume Two)

Page 4

by Raminar Dixon

  Danny came to her side and smiled. That was all she needed, slowing the treadmill down until she could step off and follow him back down the shadowy corridor.

  Once again, he locked the door and once again, he invited her to drop her clothes in a pile.

  "Sure," she said, starting to lift her vest. "And you."

  "No, not today."

  "It wasn't a question," Ciara said, lowering her arms and pulling her vest back down.

  For a moment, Danny and Ciara were locked in place, facing each other, holding each other's gaze. Danny broke first, and with a laugh, he stripped off out of his vest and shorts. "There you go. Like what you see?"

  Oh, she most certainly did. He was broad across the chest and had a light sprinkling of chestnut hair, snaking down to his narrow hips and defined thighs. His uncut cock nestled and uncurled as she looked at him. It was thick and veined. Ciara smiled and let her own pants drop to the floor to match his nakedness.

  "Yeah," she said. "Yeah, I like what I see. I want to feel that cock inside me, Danny."

  He shook his head. "You've got to work up to that. You can't run a marathon with no training. You know that. We've got a heap of work to do on your body first."

  Ciara pouted in disappointment. "I'm ready, I'm fit enough."

  Danny walked over to her and ran his hand down her back, coming to a rest on the swell of her ass. "We gave your pussy a good workout last week, but I want to be sure you've got the stamina. Then we've got to work on those tits of yours, and your ass. Then at some point we'll put it all together…but trust me, you're not ready for that yet."

  Ciara wanted to argue, to say no; to demand that he fucked her, clean and straight. But in the corner of her eye she could see the machines with their cocks and their tubes, and she felt herself moisten.

  Danny detected her hesitancy, and with his other hand he tipped her chin up, and bent down to bite at her lower lip. She jumped in surprise as he sucked her mouth violently, then just as suddenly let go, and led her to the same machine as before.

  Her heart was thudding. He had kissed her! And as she sat back on the bench, almost in a trance, she noticed his prick was already hardening.

  Danny set the machine into its now-familiar motion, and her cunt started to pulse in anticipation. More confident about what was about to happen, Ciara reached down and spread her lips wide, urging her pussy open.

  "That's what I like to see," Danny said. "This is just a starter cock, you know."

  Ciara gulped at the thought of taking anything larger than the fat snake pushing its way towards her wet vagina. Her eyes strayed to Danny, where his cock was rearing up and glistening with pre-cum.

  "It's still not the same as real dick," she said.

  Danny stroked his cock, pulling the foreskin back to reveal the shining head. "You want this?"

  "I want it," Ciara breathed. The dildo was butting into her labia now, and she wriggled downwards to meet it. Danny took a step closer to her side. She could nearly touch him.

  "You really want this?"

  The huge rubber schlong was rubbing in and out of her entrance. She moaned and pushed again, trying to fit herself onto it. "Fucking pound me," she begged.

  Then the machine was inside her, stretching her wide and she cried out as it tore into her, hammering and humming.

  And as she slammed back against the bench, hanging onto the rails as the movement became stronger and harder, Danny swung his leg over her head and lowered his cock towards her face.

  "Take it, then. Suck it. Let's see you take two cocks."

  Ciara was struggling to breathe through her gasps as the machine was ramming away at nearly 120 beats a minute, but she gobbled Danny's dick into her mouth. His body loomed over her, a dark weight on her shoulders and forehead, and his balls slapped on her chin as he slammed with his hips.

  Ciara felt the orgasm building already and she lost her rhythm. Danny looked down as the pressure on his cock in her mouth changed, and said, "Don't you cum yet…don't cum…"

  "Mmphh!" Ciara thought there was no way she could hold it back but she concentrated on running her tongue up and down Danny's cock and round the head of the shaft. The machine between her legs was pumping flat out and all she wanted to do was scream and moan, but Danny's dick filled her mouth like the rubber dildo filled her sodden hole.

  Danny's pace increased, nearly matching the hammering machine and she knew he was about to blow. As he jerked forward, shooting hot spunk into her throat, his cries unleashed her own orgasm as she finally came, flailing and screaming and gasping for breath.

  Danny slid his prick out of her mouth and she swallowed, scrabbling upward to escape the relentless pounding of the machine as her hips twitched upwards and her orgasm subsided.

  The machine slowed and stopped.

  Ciara slumped, exhausted and bruised.

  Danny stood by her for a moment, and brushed his fingers over her cheek. "You look stunning like that. Thoroughly fucked."

  She raised a weak smile. "I feel thoroughly fucked."

  "That's really just the start of your induction, you know."

  She sat up a little, and looked around at the machines. "Does the induction cover all of these?"

  "Oh yes."

  Ciara nodded. "And…you?"

  "I am part of the induction process, yes."

  It was all she needed to know. She fell back onto the bench and relaxed as Danny went off for a shower.

  Finally, she had a new target in her life.

  When she finally got Danny's dick inside her, she vowed, she'd have built such muscles that she was going to clamp right down on that sonofabitch and squeeze his cock right off.

  And he was going to enjoy it.

  Ass Attack

  Ciara stared out of the window. Out on the lawn, her husband Frank was carefully clipping the grass. He worked steadily and patiently, as he did in all things. Ciara sighed and refocused to study her reflection in the glass. She was taut, toned, and carefully groomed with honey blonde hair and lips that echoed the plumpness of her breasts. She was starting to realise that she seriously outclassed Frank, who was content to ramble towards a comfortably early middle age.

  Danny was a different matter. She'd had the hots for the young gym instructor for a long time, and last week he'd finally submitted to her charms. But in hindsight, it was she who had submitted to him – completely.

  She blushed as she remembered how he'd laid her down on a bench. She'd expected her hole to be filled – but not by a machine! Her pussy had been well and truly pounded by a massive rubber dildo, and she'd been horrified…and turned on.

  Ever since then, she'd been unable to walk past any kind of mechanical apparatus or machinery without remembering how she'd been violated by a similar thing. She found herself fascinated by pistons as they surged up and down. Springs. Hammers. There was no way she was going to drive past any oilfields because watching the nodding donkeys would be like a new kind of porn flick.

  Ciara was surprised at how sexy it had been. But ultimately, her goal was to get Danny's dick inside her, not some robot's. Danny had said she had to work through his induction process first, and she wondered what was next.

  She closed her eyes and tried to imagine what the suction cups she'd seen would be used for. Clit? Breasts? She grew damp at the thought, and wriggled on the stool, smiling.

  "You look happy!"

  Ciara's eyes snapped open. She hadn't heard Frank come into the kitchen. "Hi dear."

  "You've been so … off… lately," Frank went on, pecking a chaste little kiss on her cheek. "It's nice to see you smile again. Ready for church?"

  "I – ah…well, I was going to pop to the gym instead, Frank. You don't mind, do you? I can get back before you're done, and have your lunch ready on the table for when you walk in the door!"

  Frank's face clouded. "You haven't come to see me preach for a few weeks now, honey. I miss your support."

  "Oh Frank, you know it's just not the thing fo
r me."

  Frank continued to frown. A flicker of unease caught in Ciara's throat. She'd never really been able to rile the placid, infuriatingly understanding Frank, and it made her a little afraid of how he would react when angry. "Ciara," he said with a firm voice she'd only heard him use when the kids were young. "Ciara, you're my wife and you swore to love and obey me. In church. In the sight of god. Now I know we talked about that and how the wording seemed outdated and I was never going to start laying down the law. But I have to tell you that I don't think you're keeping your side of the bargain anymore. I do everything I can for this family and for you. And you know how important the church is to me. So, I'd appreciate a little support, okay?"

  Frank looked ridiculous when he got upset. His pale face reddened around the nose and his eyes watered. An image of Danny rose unbidden in Ciara's mind: he'd be terrifyingly awesome if he were angry. The thought of him laying down the law to her made her knees quiver. She pushed the thought aside. "Frank, please. We don't need to get all het up about this."

  "I am not. But you're always off at that damn gym. I hate to say this, Ciara, but I think you pay more attention to your body than you do your immortal soul!"

  Well, yeah, sure I do! Ciara sneered inwardly. "Frank-"

  "I'll see you in the car in five minutes!" He almost shouted this last sentence as he turned and stalked out of the room, closing the door unnecessarily firmly as he left. Ciara sighed. He'd never been so forceful before. She'd better get some shoes on and go join him.

  Why was it, that Frank being assertive made her want to punch him on the side of the face; but Danny being assertive turned her to putty?

  * * * *

  She endured the sermons but fantasised about Danny the whole way through. She flicked through her bible, trying to find the smutty bits in the Song of Solomon and ignoring all the guff about dutiful wives and the stoning of adulterers. Frank gave a rather pointed sermon about family life and "yokemeets" whatever the hell they were.

  As a sarcastic punishment, Ciara didn't cook the usual roast for lunch, arguing she didn't have the time. She flung some sandwiches together and then went to lie in the garden with a book and some headphones on, pointedly ignoring everything around her. But she couldn't ignore the twitching in her pussy.

  Finally she snapped, grabbed her gym stuff, and while Frank was up in the bathroom, left a note for him on the kitchen counter. Let him wail. Fuck it.

  The gym was always busy on a Sunday. The last few times Ciara had been here, Danny had taken her to his machine sex dungeon and so now as soon as she walked into the hustle of the main room, with the pounding music and the mirrors and the sweat, she felt herself get aroused – just by association. She looked around for Danny, but there was no sign of the young hunk in his blue vest and shorts.

  She hopped up onto a treadmill and set an easy warm-up pace, letting herself relax into the rhythm. The first time Danny took her to the sex machine room, he'd just stood and watched as the machine pounded her cunt. Then, the last time she'd been here, he'd fucked her pussy with a huge rubber cock on a pulsing piston, and fucked her mouth with his own dick. The next time, he promised there would be more – but what more could there be? She felt her lubricated pussy lips slide over each other as she ran. He promised more…and she wanted more. She wanted his cock in her cunt.

  Finally she caught a glimpse of Danny – but he was heading for the door in his tracksuit, a gym bag over his shoulder. She leapt from the treadmill and caught up with him before he managed to leave.


  He turned and a wide grin broke over his smooth face, creasing lines on his cheeks. "Ciara, beautiful, how are you?"

  "I'm good. You?"

  He nodded and jerked his head towards the door. "I'm fine now my shift is over," he laughed.

  She felt her face fall.

  "Hey, cheer up! You came to get fit, not to see me, right?"

  She looked at him through narrowed eyes. "You know why I came. You promised me more of the … induction process."

  He sucked his teeth and glanced up at the clock. "Ahh, no can do I'm afraid. Gotta fly. But I can schedule you in tomorrow lunchtime. You know, I expected you this morning. I was waiting. Like last week?"

  Her heart plummeted. "You were waiting for me?"

  "I had thought it was going to be a regular thing."

  She mentally kicked herself. "Ahh shit, I'm sorry. I had to…" and she stopped. She had to what? I had to go to church with my husband. Oh, man.

  He looked at her and she held his gaze. "Ciara, I'm disappointed. I had hoped you'd take the induction process a little more seriously. But I am prepared to give you another chance. We can … correct your attitude, I'm sure."

  And he was gone.

  Ciara stood in the lobby as people ebbed around her, staring dumbly at the swinging glass door. Correct her attitude? Why does something so sinister make me so fucking wet?

  * * * *

  As she drove home she started to feel a bit bad about how she'd been treating Frank. He was right – everything he did, he did for her. Even though the kids were off at college, he stayed as a devoted father and husband when other men would be having their midlife crises. Christ, he'd even employed a home help to take the pressure off her.

  A home help who was stunningly attractive. A fact that he seemed oblivious to.

  Ciara shook her head. Was he really so squeaky clean? She'd never managed to find his hidden porn stash – either under the bed or online – so he was a saint, or a hell of a lot cleverer than she thought.

  It frustrated her that he was so damn good and nice and straightforward. There was never any chance of a really good clear-the-air row.

  She had to give him some credit. Treat him better.

  She shifted in her seat and knew she was still damp from earlier. She could grit her teeth, think of Danny, and give her husband a bit of marital pleasure tonight, perhaps.

  But oh god, after Danny and his fuck machine, enduring the same old missionary position was the longest thirteen minutes of her life. She tried to head down to Frank's cock but as usual, he steered her back up. He had a thing about blow jobs. Ciara had spent the first few years of their marriage trying to persuade him he'd like it, but he never quite relaxed enough.

  Crissakes. What man didn't like his dick sucked?

  They lay in each other's arms, Frank panting and Ciara wondering what lingerie to wear on Monday. As Frank regained his breath, he said, "Ciara, is everything really all right in our relationship?"

  Oh. One of those conversations.

  "Sure, Frank. I'm happy. Aren't you happy?"

  "Yeah, yeah, honey, I'm happy. But now the kids have left home, I sometimes wonder…I don't know."

  "Wonder? Don't know what?" Ciara propped herself up on an elbow, gathering the Egyptian cotton sheets up around her ample breasts. Being natural, they tended to slide around – a fact which most men enjoyed. Nothing like a bit of bounce and jiggle.

  Frank wasn't most men and he didn't notice her tits. He was too busy worrying. "I wonder if we give each other exactly what we need," he said.

  Ciara knew that he felt he wasn't giving her enough, but she wilfully ignored that fact. "Oh Frank, men like you always need more," she said, turning it back onto him. "I understand that. I know that's why you employed Mobeen and you mustn't be ashamed of your needs and your desires. We women accept that."

  Frank immediately flushed red. "I am perfectly satisfied and I don't need more! Certainly not from the home help! I was talking about you."

  Ciara ran her fingers down his cheek and brushed his lips lightly. He tried to bat her away but he didn't want to seem mean. "Frank, darling. I'm fine."

  "You're hardly ever here," he finally snapped. "You don't support me as a wife, you don't act as a wife, and I'm pretty sure you were faking it just now, too. I may as well have sex with Mobeen."

  The silence roared in between them. Ciara dropped her hand like she'd been stung. Frank had never spo
ken like that before. And he'd certainly never suggested she'd faked it, either.

  She had, of course.

  They locked eyes and the moment drew out, sharp and brittle.

  Ciara was the first to break it. "Go on, then. I dare you to shag the help. A real man would. I would if I were you. I honestly would. So, go on then."

  Frank leapt out of bed, dragging the sheet up as he went, leaving Ciara naked and cold. He wrapped it around himself and looked her up and down. Incensed, she taunted him by rolling onto her back, spreading her legs wide so he could see her gaping snatch.

  He huffed and blew, trying to come up with the most cutting insult he could find, eventually blurting out, "Jezebel!" He grabbed his bible from the bedside table and stormed out of the room.

  Ciara lay back and laughed.

  * * * *

  Monday rolled around overcast and stormy. She went to work in a daze, thinking only of what was in store for her at lunchtime. Danny's words, that he was going to correct her, played in her mind. Punishment? Spanking? Or worse? The thought tantalised her. She'd never managed to get Frank to so much as squeeze her tightly. A previous boyfriend had once put her over his knee. Though that was years ago, the memory still burned with a mix of shame and exhilaration.

  She was at the top of her tree in the company she worked for, answering only to the board of directors. Minions came and went, bowing and scraping in and out of her office. She coasted along, every minute dragging, until she could legitimately disappear for an early lunch – and her appointment at the gym with Danny.

  She walked into the gym with her usual confident stride, head held high, turning glances towards her as she went. She walked with a sassy swing and she knew she was hot.

  But inside…man she was nervous. As soon as she glimpsed Danny her mouth went dry. He nodded a greeting but didn't smile. He gestured to the door at the far end of the gym, and turned away.


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