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In the End (Lifetime #3)

Page 4

by Ariadne Wayne

  That was all it took to hook me.

  Chapter 5


  Me and my big mouth.

  Two drinks and it was running away with me, digging a bigger hole with Sam Mason.

  It didn’t help that he wore a T-shirt that accentuated his fit body. I always was an arms kinda girl, and he had amazing biceps. His hair was short, and he still had that stubble I’d admired a couple of days before. There was no woman with him, and I knew I was making assumptions, but what would it hurt to sit and flirt with him?

  An hour later, we were deep in conversation, the effects of the alcohol wearing off.

  “So you’re a single dad?”

  He nodded. “I guess you could call me that. I’m a single dad without a son.” He took a sip of his beer. “He lives with his mother near Kerikeri.”

  “Oh, that must be tough.” My heart ached at the thought of not having Paige with me.

  Sam shrugged. “I want more with him, but it’s complicated. It’s not like I never see him. I visit every second weekend.” He smiled. “He’s seven, about the same age as Paige.”

  “He doesn’t stay with you at all?”

  He shook his head. “I’m not pushing him. He didn’t meet me until he was three and a half, and he’s very close to his mother and step-father. Plus, he’s got a half-brother and sister. Taking him away from that even for a little while seems rough. At least until he’s ready.”

  My heart went out to him, but after what I went through with Paige’s father and custody, I loved that he was doing what was best for his son and not being selfish about it. “That must be hard, but it’s a wonderful thing you’re doing not rushing him.”

  Sam sighed. “Tonight’s a rare night I’ve done anything but sit at home and plan classwork.” He looked up at me and flashed a smile that, in my slightly tipsy state, left me swooning. “I’m glad I decided to go out.”

  Butterflies in my stomach fluttered. “I don’t get out much either.”

  “And then I monopolise your time.”

  I shrugged. “It’s fine. I’m enjoying myself.”

  “What about you? I don’t know a lot about you apart from where you live and that you have a very smart little girl.”

  I placed my drink on the table. “Well, it’s just Paige and me. My husband and I split two years ago, and it wasn’t very pretty. But since then we’ve done alright for ourselves.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Finn wasn’t born when Ella and I split. I can’t imagine going through that with a child.”

  Despite feeling comfortable with him, my shoulders stiffened. “Dean put us through hell. But we got out and we’re safe, and that’s all that matters.”

  Sam’s brows furrowed. “It was that bad?”

  “He used drugs, and he was violent. I couldn’t let my little girl grow up around that.”

  Sam’s eyes searched mine, and the warmth of his hand covering my fingers made me feel safe somehow. “I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine anyone ever wanting to hurt you.”

  I’d spent the last two years recovering, getting past everything Dean had done. I fought back tears as Sam showed more concern for my feelings than Dean ever had.

  “He cheated too. More than once. I was so empty.” I licked my lips. “And I have no idea why I’m telling you this. I’m not usually one to open up.”

  A smile played on his lips. “Because you’ve had a couple of drinks and you’re relaxed. I feel comfortable with you too.”

  I looked down at my hand, covered by his. At the wrist Dean had broken because dinner wasn’t ready on time. When I closed my eyes, I could still hear the crack of the bones, feel the pain that tore through my arm.

  “Thank you for listening.” That was the best I could come up with.

  “Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me. I can’t imagine it’s easy.”

  “Natasha, are you coming? We’re going into town.”

  I turned to spot Louise waving at me.

  “Go with your friends, enjoy yourself,” Sam said.

  “I was enjoying this.”

  “If you don’t go, I can always give you a lift home.”

  My eyebrows crept up of their own accord. “Haven’t you been drinking?”

  “I’ve been nursing one beer all night. I’m about to abandon it and get a Coke.”

  “Well, I …” His smile grew, and I took a deep breath. “I’ll tell them to go without me. I’d rather stay here.”

  Sam’s eyes lit up, and that was when I knew he was feeling the same way I was. I hadn’t been imagining things. There was an attraction between us that was mutual. The first for both of us in a while, from what he’d told me. I couldn’t leave knowing that.

  “We could always do this another night.” I knew he meant it.

  “I don’t know when I can get my mother to babysit again, so we’re doing this tonight.” My heart thudded as he chuckled.

  “Okay. I get the feeling I wouldn’t be able to talk you out of anything.”

  “Just ask my daughter how bossy I am.” I stood and turned, heading toward Louise. My stomach churned at our exchange. Doing this tonight? What was this? Where the hell had that come from?

  “Are you coming with us or him?” Louise grinned as I approached.

  I rolled my eyes. “I thought I might stay. Sam can take me home. He’s only had one beer.”

  She nudged my elbow with hers. “Good. The only thing I think you need more than a night out is to get laid.”

  I rolled my eyes again. “We’re just talking.”

  “Are you kidding? I see the way he’s looking at you, and I don’t think he wants to be just friends.” She reached out and touched my arm. “Whatever it is, have fun and call me in the morning to tell me what happened.”

  “I will.”

  Taking a deep breath, I turned back toward the table. From across the room, Sam’s eyes were fixed on me, the tension between us palpable. I’d closed down any romantic opportunities these past two years. It had been a matter of survival. By the time I got up the courage to leave Dean, he no longer held my heart. It was empty, drained of all the love I’d had for him. The only people I loved were Paige, Mum, and Dad.

  Maybe this was nothing but a brief flirtation, but I liked the way I felt.

  I crossed the room and sat at the table, smiling at Sam.

  “All sorted?”

  “Sure is. I think they’re going clubbing anyway, and I’m much more a quiet-drink-at-the-pub person.” I sighed. “Not that I’ve done that for a long time.”

  “I haven’t either.” He grinned. “Does that make us both pathetic?”

  Laughing, I cocked my head. “Maybe a little. It could just make us grown up.”

  “Let’s settle for grown up.” Sam had the nicest smile, and it was genuine. Perhaps that was what made me so attracted to him. There was nothing fake about Sam Mason. “Do you want another drink?”

  “Were you switching to Coke? I’ll get one of those.”

  “Sounds like a plan. Wait here and I’ll be right back.”

  I let out a contented sigh as he walked away, his jeans fitting snug around his toned butt and thighs. Stop being a perv. He leaned over the counter, telling the female bartender what he wanted. Even though the music had increased in volume during the last few minutes, and there was a reason for him having to get so close to speak with her, I still had a flicker of jealousy seeing him speak to her in a seemingly intimate way.

  Ugh. Stop it.

  I closed my eyes, listening to the fast beat of the music. It really had been forever since I’d had a night out. Paige was safe, and I could just relax and enjoy myself for a change.

  “Am I so boring you’re falling asleep on me?”

  My eyes flickered open. Sam sat opposite, placing a glass of Coke in front of me, a quirky smile plastered on his face. “Sorry … I ….”

  “It’s okay.” He laughed. “I ordered a pizza because I’m starving. I hope you like meat.”
/>   I twisted my lips as his mouth fell open.

  “I didn’t mean it like that.” The look in his eyes made it clear he did.

  Shrugging, I took a sip of my drink. It was super fizzy and the bubbles got up my nose. I blinked as he chuckled.

  “That was kinda hot.” Sam waggled his eyebrows.

  I shook my head, and took another sip. “Doubt it.”

  “Now you can tell your friends that not only did we drink together, but you snorted Coke.”

  I groaned at his joke, trying not to smile at that self-satisfied grin on his face. “Do you know what a terrible joke that is?”

  He nodded. “I’m great with terrible jokes. It’s why I’m so bad at picking up girls. No one ever likes them.”

  Biting down on my bottom lip, I looked at him through my lashes. “I like them.”

  “You’re nuts, then.”

  “It’s such a dad joke.”

  I never meant to hurt him with those words, but his face fell. I’d hit a nerve, not even thinking about it.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean …”

  He smiled. “It’s okay. I shouldn’t be so sensitive. I guess I’m entitled to make dad jokes seeing as I’m a dad.”

  I licked my lips. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Why not?”

  “If your heart is with your boy, why are you teaching in Auckland?”

  He swallowed hard. I didn’t need an answer to know he’d gone over that in his head. I reached for his hand, and squeezed it.

  “I thought about moving. But then I haven’t wanted to be in his face while he’s young, and there’s a shortage of teachers here. This year the job came up where I am now, and I leapt at the chance.”

  I nodded. “I read about that. There aren’t a lot of male teachers at primary level either. I think what you do is amazing.”

  He shrugged. “Teaching older students turned out not to be that great an idea. The younger kids are awesome, so eager to learn and they’re like little sponges at this age. You can’t make a promise and not keep it—they remember.”

  Laughing, I nodded again. “Tell me about it. Paige has a much better memory than I do.”

  His lips twitched. “She’s a smart girl, your daughter. I’m the senior teacher in our year, and she’s doing so well.”

  I beamed. “That’s awesome to hear, coming from you. I’m so proud of her.”

  “As you should be.”

  “Pizza?” The girl from behind the bar appeared, and slipped the plate on the table with cutlery and napkins.

  “Thanks,” Sam said with a smile.

  The woman turned, and Sam turned his focus on me. “Do you think anyone uses a knife and fork to eat these things?”

  I laughed. “My dad uses a knife and fork for everything. No one else I can think of though.”

  “How does that even work with pizza?” He picked up a slice, tugging at it to break up the cheese.

  “Not very well. I think it’s more that he sees it as being proper table manners. I dunno.”

  “What about you? Are you going to use the cutlery or just pick up a piece?” He took a bite, dropping his head back and moaning. “After a very long day, this is heaven,” he mumbled.

  I picked up a slice. It had probably every type of meat known to man on it, and a thick layer of cheese. I hadn’t bought pizza in forever, and this smelled incredible.

  “Paige and I usually make our own pizza. This is a real treat.” I said, taking a bite. The meats melted together in my mouth, and I understood the moan that Sam had let out. Maybe I could bring Paige down here one day and buy one of these for lunch. She’d go nuts.

  “It must be hard, taking care of everything by yourself.”

  I swallowed, and nodded. “It’s not easy. Mum and Dad are on a pension, and my dad had a stroke a few years ago. Mum nurses him, and they can’t really help a lot.”

  “That’s where Paige is?”

  “Dad’s had a good couple of days. They like to spend time with her when he’s like that.”

  He smiled. “It’s good you have them near, regardless.”

  “Do you have family in Auckland?”

  Sam shook his head. “My parents are down the line.”

  “So you’re all on your own.”

  He shrugged. “It’s not so bad. I do what I want.”

  “Sounds lonely.”

  He picked up another slice. “It can be, but I’m good at being by myself. It’s nice to have some company, though. How about you?”

  “It’s usually Paige and I. We don’t get out a lot. This is one of those stars-align moments.”

  Taking a bite, he kept my gaze as he chewed and swallowed. “I think it must be.”

  There really was something there.

  WE FINISHED our pizza and had one more Coke before we decided to leave. It wasn’t the late night I’d prepared for, but I’d rather spend my time with Sam than getting drunk with the girls.

  He opened the passenger door to the car and I took a step forward. Close to him, I inhaled that manly scent of cologne. The scent was faint, but it was there and it was him.

  My heart thrummed as I sat, and he rounded the car to sit in the driver’s side. I didn’t know him well, but I liked him, I really liked him. He was sweet, and kind, and I got the feeling he liked me too.

  “Straight home?” he asked.

  “That’s probably the best idea.”

  “So no grabbing midnight takeaway food? Or clubbing the rest of the night away?”

  I laughed. “Home for a coffee would probably be more my style.”

  Sam grinned. “Mine too.” He turned the key in the ignition, and I leaned back in my seat, closing my eyes. “Are you going to sleep?”

  “Maybe. It’s been a long day.” The food and the night air made me a little sleepy. Combined with the comfort of the car, it would be easy to nod off.

  The car purred as it came to life, and I let out a sigh. It was the little things like not having a car of my own that drove me crazy, and it was so nice not to have to depend on public transport or spend money on a taxi to get home.

  “You okay?” Sam asked.

  I raised my head and smiled. “Very.”

  The corners of his mouth twitched, and his eyes were happy, like he knew what I was thinking in that moment. I just liked being with him.

  It didn’t take long to get to my place. The drive was quiet, and I took deep breaths as we drew closer to the house.

  “Want to come in for coffee?” I asked. It really was all I meant, his company had been so enjoyable.

  “I’d love to.”

  I unlocked the door which opened straight into the living room. Nodding toward the couch, I walked through to the kitchen. “Take a seat and I’ll make the coffee. How do you take it?”

  “Milk, two sugars, thanks.”

  Plucking two mugs from the cupboard, I spooned coffee and sugar into them, poured the milk, and waited for the water to boil. Of course, it did the thing where it took forever because I was waiting, and for a moment I pondered the man sitting in my living room. Even the thought of him warmed my heart, and the rest of my body was right behind it.

  Sam smiled as I carried in the cups and placed them on the coffee table. I sat beside him on the couch. My cheeks were burning—I could feel the heat in them without raising my hands to touch. He was so close, and I was so nervous.

  Sam slid his arm around my shoulders. “It’s been a long time since I was this close to a woman.”

  “It’s been a while for me too.”

  He chuckled. “Really? How long since you’ve been with a woman?”

  I stared at him in shock. “No, that’s not what I meant. I mean …”

  “I know what you meant.” He leaned over and my heartrate took off as his lips brushed mine.

  For a moment, I thought that was all it would be. He would drink his coffee and leave.

  Then he did it again, pressing harder this time, and raised his hand to my face,
locking his fingers into my hair behind my ear and resting his palm on my cheek.

  “Sam,” I murmured before his lips came crashing down on mine. I’d never been kissed with such urgency before, had never kissed anyone like that as I parted my lips and let his tongue touch mine. They battled for a moment, Sam moaning as he pulled me closer. My body tingled in anticipation, heating me from head to toe.

  We didn’t stop. I couldn’t stop. I hadn’t felt wanted or wanted anyone in so long, and Sam was such a good kisser. Whether it was a good idea or not to get involved with a teacher at my daughter’s school, I didn’t care. He was sweet, and gentle, and kind. Even if it was for just a little while, I liked the idea of a kind man.

  When the kiss came to an end, Sam pulled away, scanning me with his blue eyes. “Maybe I should go home.”

  “You don’t have to,” I whispered.

  He licked his lips. “I really like you, and I think if we rush things we might both regret it.”

  My heart thudded. “I really like you too.”

  Sam chuckled. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but what I’d like is to kiss you goodnight and go. It’s not because I don’t want to sleep with you—Lord knows that’s not true. But I’ve started things by sleeping together on the first night before, and it didn’t end well.”

  I nodded. He was right, even if my body was screaming at me to tell him he was wrong. “I understand.”

  “Do you?” He brushed his lips against mine again. “I like this. I think we’d be good together. How about I call you tomorrow and we can organise something?”

  “I’d like that very much.”

  He let out a breath. “You told me how much you were hurt in the past. I’ve had my own share of emotional pain. I want to take my time getting to know the amazing woman that you are.”

  His eyes were so full of emotion, and I threw caution to the wind, not saying another word, but pressing my lips to his for one last kiss. He responded, his lips massaging mine in an intimate move that left me breathless.

  “Although I’d much rather stay here and kiss you,” he murmured.

  I bit down on my bottom lip. I’d gladly sit and kiss him too. But I knew where he was coming from. Rushing into things in the past had got me into trouble. “I’d like that too, but I get what you’re saying.”


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