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Ruth Restrained

Page 12

by Krys Antarakis

  ‘I think you’ve already met my nephew.’ Conrad’s statement was devoid of any overtones, but Ruth felt herself burning with shame as Jack took her hand. It was hard to square this excessive formality with the events of the previous night, when his cock had been buried in her bottom. Jack responded politely to the introduction, only a mere spark of interest in his eyes denoting any recollection of their intimate encounter.

  The normality of the scene was oddly disturbing to Ruth. Elsa and Morgan handed round aperitifs as Jack made conversation about her Beetle while the whole time she relived the intense emotions aroused by being spanked and buggered in public. Her mouth grew dry despite the wine she was sipping as she tried to get a handle on the base and perverse desires possessing her.

  At dinner, Conrad was seated at the head of the table with Ruth on his left. Jack sat opposite her, and meeting his gaze was disconcerting as she toyed with her food. Her hunger lay deeper than her tummy; it was smouldering between her thighs and she was ready to advertise it. She felt no shame, only astonishment at her own increasingly brazen appetites.

  Conrad was an accomplished listener. Ruth found herself readily opening up to him, and in a very short time he had extracted a concise life history from her. He proved to be very knowledgeable about painting and knew of Lewis by reputation.

  ‘So you and he will be officiating at the Quincy sale on Friday? That’s very interesting.’

  ‘We start preparing Broughton tomorrow,’ she heard herself say eagerly. ‘It should take most of Tuesday as well.’

  ‘Will you be staying in the district until the sale?’ Conrad enquired.

  ‘Unfortunately no, we both have to be in London on Wednesday.’

  ‘That is unfortunate, as I would very much like to show you around Highmoor House. It has some special features that will certainly appeal to you, and I would value your opinion on my modest collection of landscapes. I suppose there is no possibility of you joining me for dinner tomorrow evening?’

  Ruth hesitated. The prospect of being alone with this man was immensely appealing. She was increasingly drawn to him despite how nervous he made her feel. ‘It would be very difficult,’ she replied reluctantly. ‘Mr Stone has already made arrangements for us.’

  ‘What a pity. It wouldn’t be possible for Lewis to alter these arrangements, I suppose? I’m certain he’d find my collection of great interest.’

  She grasped at the suggestion. ‘I could always ask him,’ she offered.

  ‘Excellent. Please do, and ring me tomorrow with his response. I’ll leave my private mobile number with you. Tuesday evening would be ideal.’

  Ruth spent the rest of the meal tingling with anticipation; torn between the excitement of visiting Conrad’s home and the possibility that Lewis might demure. She decided she would employ her most potent female wiles to persuade her boss to accept the dinner invitation.

  After the meal the party retired to the lounge for coffee and drinks. From the easy conversation that flowed it was obvious Conrad, Elsa and Judy frequently visited each other’s homes.

  ‘I so enjoy your weekends, Conrad,’ Judy commented. ‘Are you planning another one soon?’

  ‘Yes, next month,’ he informed them. ‘I’ve just finalised the participants, and the invitations are going out this week. You will come, I hope.’

  ‘I wouldn’t miss it for the world,’ Elsa assured him.

  ‘And you, Ruth? Will you be able to come, too?’

  She looked inquisitively at Elsa. ‘What’s involved?’ she asked, a slight tremor in her voice.

  ‘It’s not unlike the affair you attended last night,’ Conrad answered her, ‘but on a larger scale. It usually runs for two days and nights and people come from all over the country.’

  She experienced another shiver of anxious anticipation. ‘I’d be honoured to attend,’ she said quietly.

  ‘How about this evening?’ Morgan asked. ‘Have you some small diversion planned for us, perhaps?’

  Conrad smiled. ‘You know I never travel unprepared, Morgan. In fact, I’ve a prototype that requires testing. Jack, bring the box from the car, please.’ He tossed his nephew a key.

  Jack caught it and left the room, returning a few minutes later with a plastic box in his hands. He set it on the table in front of his uncle, and resumed his seat, his expression unreadable.

  Conrad opened the box and extracted a bundle of straps. ‘I’m calling this the Janus Harness.’ He unravelled the tangled nylon. ‘The webbing is made in my own mill. It’s a simple matter to sew it together, and my present interest is the sensations its wearers will experience. The main shortcoming is that it requires two people of similar heights, such as Ruth and Elsa. Will you lovely girls be my guinea pigs?’

  ‘Of course,’ Ruth replied at once, in her eagerness forgetting she was not authorised to respond for Elsa. ‘What would you have us do?’

  ‘I want you to undress,’ he answered, as casually as he might order a drink at a bar. Ruth stood up and reached for the zip of her dress, but he checked her. ‘If you please, I’d prefer to do that for you. Jack, perhaps you will assist Elsa?’

  Once naked, Ruth and Elsa were positioned back-to-back and the harness was lowered over their heads. The shoulder straps each parted to form an inverted Y-shape that framed their breasts before joining a horizontal band across their chests. At each side were adjusters, and once Conrad was satisfied with the fit, they were locked into place by plastic fasteners.

  Elsa giggled. ‘It’s like sharing a bra.’

  They were indeed joined as one; Ruth could feel Elsa’s shoulder blades against her own, and their buttocks were pressed together, which was a very pleasant sensation. She clenched her cheeks, and caused Elsa to make appreciative sounds in response. They held hands, their fingers curling around each other’s, intensifying the feeling of being one.

  Ruth was anticipating the next stage. It required little imagination, and she parted her thighs in preparation. She felt Elsa follow suit, being obliged to do so by the restriction of the harness, and her libido began to soar. The tight restraint of the strapping was stirring that delectable excitement in the pit of her stomach, a feeling amplified by contact with another woman experiencing the same thing. Then Conrad fastened their wrists together with more straps, before asking with wonderful aplomb, ‘Whose penis would you prefer, Ruth?’

  She glanced around the room, slightly taken aback by the directness of the question, although the prospect of being taken while standing up and bound to her friend appealed to her. ‘I... I’d like it to be yours,’ she whispered shyly.

  ‘And you, Elsa, whose penis would you like?’

  ‘I think Nick’s would work best,’ Judy suggested. ‘Don’t you agree, Morgan?’

  Morgan nodded sagely.

  Ruth had to bend and stretch a little to obtain the right position, which required Elsa to cooperate, and moving in harmony was a very sensuous experience. Unable to assist with Conrad’s penetration, she had to depend on him to prepare her. He stroked her labia and teased it open with one hand while unzipping his trousers with the other, and she thought again how wonderful it was to be held immobile while a man used her.

  She accepted him by rising on tiptoe and lowering herself slowly over his stiff penis. She sighed contentedly as his girth stretched her open, and once he was fully engaged she had to lean back, which required Elsa to adopt a similar stance. Cooperation felt amazingly good. He pushed into her, pressing her close so her breasts were crushed against his chest, and then she felt him reaching around her for Elsa’s nipples. She knew when he found them from the sudden stiffening of her friend’s body against hers even as she moved to accept Nick’s erection. They were so close she could sense every one of Nick’s thrusts behind her through the pressure of Elsa’s back and buttocks, and she was almost able to predict the precise moment when his hands would come around in se
arch of her breasts.

  The two men and the two girls remained locked in a quadruple embrace for a long time. Sensing each other’s needs with finesse, they slipped into a smooth rhythm, the men thrusting and the girls riding. Ruth was moving towards that heavenly state when her whole being felt centred in her pussy and clitoris, and through the haze of pleasure she could feel Elsa’s fingers gripping her own with increasing fervour. Riding the swift penetrations alternately pressed their bodies together and dragged against the harness. They were truly sharing each other’s experience, and it was wonderful. Ruth closed her mind to external distractions, focusing wholly on this glorious act of communal sex. The power, the movement, the tightness of the restraints, all built her climax with breathtaking speed. She held herself in check, however, striving to match Elsa’s rhythm, until her excitement grew too strong to control and she surrendered to it, her mind exploding as her body flooded with perfect bliss.

  Chapter 10

  Lewis Stone surveyed the room with satisfaction. ‘I think we’ve covered everything in here, Ruth,’ he decided. ‘We’ll do the pictures next. You and Oona move on to the banqueting hall while I collect the small pictures from the library.’

  ‘Of course,’ Ruth agreed with brisk efficiency. ‘If you will take the catalogue and clipboard, please Oona, I’ll carry the rest.’ She set off for the dining room with mixed feelings. After the weekend she was unsettled and trying to cover up how she felt with a cool, professional attitude. She missed the potent stimulus of role-playing, yet she was also pleased to be with Lewis again. Oona was an added dilemma. It was good to have her helping, but her presence hampered Ruth’s ability to get really close to Lewis, especially as Oona sported a wedding ring, making Ruth instinctively wary of her; not every woman was as freethinking as Janet Dobson.

  Oona walked ahead of her as they traversed the ground floor corridor. Ruth surveyed the girl’s back critically. Oona was a solicitor’s clerk who had been delegated to unlock the house and keep an eye on their work, and neither she nor Lewis had been inclined to reject her offer to help. After all, more hands made everything move more quickly, which ultimately meant more time to themselves later. Oona was a pretty girl. The close-fitting black trousers and sheer white blouse she was wearing showed off her well-rounded figure. She had a beautifully prominent bottom that flexed delightfully as she walked, and her little lace bra was more decorous than supportive.

  They entered the banqueting hall, a typical piece of Quincy ostentation. It was really only a large dining room, and the two Parry landscapes rather overwhelmed the space. This was where the auction would be conducted on Friday. Tomorrow, the porters would arrive to create more room, erect a rostrum and install seating. The sooner that was done the longer she would have Lewis to herself until they drove to Conrad’s, though as yet she had been unable to extend the master’s invitation to her boss.

  Oona stood gazing around the room, absentmindedly fanning herself with the catalogue. ‘God, it’s hot!’ she exclaimed.

  Ruth agreed.

  Oona tilted her head towards the corridor whilst eyeing Ruth. ‘Your boss is a bit tasty, and so easygoing,’ she said cautiously. ‘Mine would go spare if I showed up to work like that.’

  Ruth was suddenly aware of the way her unfettered breasts were attracting Oona’s attention. ‘I wouldn’t ordinarily dress like this in the office,’ she said defensively.

  ‘But you’ve got lovely breasts,’ Oona said openly, taking Ruth by complete surprise, then before she knew what was happening the pretty girl set her burdens down on the table beside them, pulled up Ruth’s tight T-shirt, and her mouth closed over Ruth’s left breast, sucking it while her tongue laved greedily at her hardening nipple.

  Ruth sighed with astonished delight and stroked Oona’s long brown hair with one hand while holding her shirt up with the other. Then Oona paused, lifting her face to smile up at her. ‘This is lovely,’ she cooed sweetly. ‘It’s been so long since I tasted another girl. Thank you so much.’

  Ruth made no answer except to twist her torso and present Oona’s mouth with her other breast. She then pulled her T-shirt over her head and cast it aside. Freed of the need to hold it up she could give her full attention to the lovely girl, so continuing to stroke Oona’s silky hair with one hand, she opened her blouse. Oona offered no resistance, and the loose silk slipped easily off her shoulders. Ruth then pulled the skimpy bra upward, and let Oona’s firm orbs bounce free. Greedily, she cupped their weight in her hands, strumming the hard teats with her thumbs as the other girl moaned with pleasure.

  Ruth felt Oona’s hands on her thighs, moving upwards and teasing the valley of her buttocks. A delicious hunger boiled up inside her, and she ached for those expressive fingers to explore further, to slip beneath the tight waist of her jeans and tear her flimsy panties away. Her pussy was positively begging for attention, and moistened eagerly when Oona’s firm fingers did just that and burrowed inside and into her panties.

  ‘Oh yes... oh please...’ Ruth’s voice was an ardent whisper. She rolled Oona’s nipples between her thumb and forefinger and felt the girl stiffen in response, which encouraged her to pinch harder.

  Oona gave a little cry and pulled away, and alarm was etched on her face as she tugged her bra back into place. ‘Oh, I’m so sorry!’ she gasped. ‘I’m so sorry!’

  Utterly confused for a moment, Ruth then noticed movement over her shoulder, and saw Lewis framed in the doorway. His eyes sparkled and she smiled at him knowingly.

  ‘Please, don’t apologise for such a pleasant display, my dear,’ he said. ‘Believe me, I fully appreciate the nature of young ladies’ needs.’

  ‘Then you know what I need, sir,’ Ruth said flirtatiously.

  Oona stopped in the act of retrieving her blouse.

  ‘If you will be so good as to properly prepare yourself,’ Lewis spoke coolly, ‘I will endeavour to oblige you.’

  ‘Really, Lewis.’ Ruth assumed a scandalised tone as she unzipped her jeans. ‘Think of Oona. Surely a gentleman would not embarrass a lady by excluding her?’

  He rose to the occasion. Turning to Oona with mock gravity, he said civilly, ‘My dear lady, I beg you to accept my most sincere apologies. I cannot imagine what I was thinking by suggesting I should make love to Ruth whilst leaving you out. I am, of course, more than willing to offer you the same service if you desire it.’

  Oona backed away coquettishly. ‘Sir, how could you think that a respectable married lady would harbour such base desires?’ she asked.

  Ruth was already naked. ‘He knows you’re gasping for it,’ she said frankly. ‘Now let’s have some fun.’

  Lewis laughed, and pure wickedness flashed across Oona’s lovely countenance as she dropped her blouse again and reached for her bra clip.

  ‘Be fair, Lewis,’ Ruth urged. ‘Make both of us come, and then we’ll give you your relief together. Come here, Oona, and lay beside me on the table... that’s right, head to toe, bottoms on the edge. Lewis will have to move back and forth, but the exercise will be good for him.’

  While Lewis was discarding his trousers Ruth settled herself as comfortably as possible on the large dining room table. It felt good being snuggled up next to another girl again.

  ‘Who’ll be first?’ Lewis enquired diplomatically.

  ‘Surely guests take precedence,’ Ruth replied, squeezing Oona’s nipple and caressing the other girl’s breasts so she could feel her back arching as she accepted Lewis’s impressive length. There was a lovely wet sucking sound as he eased out of her pussy, and back in again as Ruth sought her own clitoris, and fingered herself in preparation for the greater pleasure to come.

  She could sense the moment Lewis withdrew; Oona’s sense of loss was almost palpable. Compassionately, her fingers sought Oona’s clitoris. It was easy to find as she was fully aroused, her labia blossoming, her bud full and proud. She touched it and Oona cried out,
her back arching with pleasure again at the very moment that Lewis’s silky, lubricated fullness drove firmly into Ruth’s willing sheath.

  She felt herself soaring towards her peak as his length and girth repeatedly drove her open around it. The wonderful feeling of fullness seemed to spread throughout her entire being while her mind grew comfortable with the knowledge that her life was complete. She abandoned herself to the pleasure, drinking deeply of contentment as ecstasy wove itself through her nerve-endings.

  The prelude to orgasm washed over her, that dreamy, trancelike state when reality fades away and all her senses are concentrated in the vortex of her loins. But in the midst of it Lewis pulled out of her abruptly, and for a fraction of infinity she remained suspended on the crest of her rising climax, and before her joy could ebb, Oona’s fingers fastened on her throbbing clitoris and she soared higher into the warm, rose-coloured world of pure pleasure. As Oona’s fingers played with her clit, Ruth played with hers, and the bud under her fingers grew and stiffened as she felt Lewis’s penis slide in beneath it again. She rubbed it, circling the little stem, forcing it into greater prominence. Oona was wailing now, unable to contain the sensations being wrenched from her body as Lewis thrust vigorously. At the crucial moment he began pulling out, and Ruth played on the hard nubbin between her fingers, assuring Oona’s satisfaction. In the instant Oona’s orgasm burst Lewis pulled out of her completely, and fed his rampant erection back into Ruth, driving deep, slamming his balls against her quim. She gasped, shockwaves of joy surging through her body as his pendulous sac swung against her labia. Then she was lost, once again freefalling through the most amazing experience life has to offer – a mind-blowing orgasm.

  Both girls got up unsteadily while at the head of the table Lewis slumped in a big chair, his hard-working erection still proud. Ruth went to him, and kneeling between his legs kissed his glistening tip while lovingly cupping his balls. He smiled down at her as Oona leaned over the back of the chair to kiss his head, stroking his face with her sensitive fingers.


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