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Ruth Restrained

Page 19

by Krys Antarakis

  The phone bids were still active, as were Judy’s and Elsa’s, inching the price ever upward. So far, nothing from Conrad.

  The action slowed. The price had already exceeded Ruth’s wildest estimate, and Lewis was preparing to sell. Then Conrad upped the bid. Judy bid against him, but was once again outbid by Conrad. Ruth buried her head in her hands to shut out this mad dream. More bids came over the phones, but Conrad topped them all. Finally, she heard the hammer fall and Lewis declared the sale. The price was beyond belief.

  Ruth rushed to the rostrum. ‘What does this mean?’ she asked in a brittle tone, angry at Lewis for not explaining to her what was going on.

  ‘It’s my wedding present to you,’ he said. ‘You now have the means to buy into the York shop.’

  She stared at him in disbelief. ‘This was a rigged sale? That’s unethical!’

  ‘Darling, do you rate me so low? Would I risk my reputation on such a dodge, even for the person I love most? I assure you, the price resulted from a fair and open sale.’

  ‘But who was bidding over the phone?’

  ‘Two of America’s principal dealers in erotic art. I rang them yesterday. They were buying a Fischer, not you, but had they been successful, you might have become an international celebrity.’

  Ruth capitulated, secure once more in Lewis’s regard. She could scarcely comprehend that another part of her future was now assured.

  Conrad approached the rostrum, and said in his rich and sensuous voice, ‘At last I possess the perfection that is Ruth Parrish.’

  ‘I hope I bring you much pleasure,’ she replied quietly, aware of sounding awkward.

  Conrad’s fingers pressed a fraction more firmly over hers. ‘You will, my dear, many, many years of deep fulfilling pleasure, every moment of which is to be anticipated and savoured like a fine wine. But now you must excuse me. I must settle the bill.’

  She stared after him, drawn to him by a mysterious, irresistible force. She had felt the same attraction the day she met Jack Thorpe, but this was infinitely more compelling. She fought it, concentrating her thoughts on Lewis to break its grip over her. She wanted to wrap her arms around her lover and use him as a shield against such demanding power.

  With a supreme effort, she shook herself free of the invisible bonds between her and Conrad. There were things to be done; only the sale was over, not her responsibilities. As she turned away she stole one more glance at the master. Now she understood the nature of the chains that bound Zelda, Corinne and Lisette. There were no tangible links. It was something far stronger, unbreakable emotional shackles they themselves had forged.

  The next morning Lewis drove them to York. They went first to the gallery to enter a formal offer in Ruth’s name, and with that done, they toured agencies in search of houses. Lewis had concluded it was quite feasible for him to commute to London, since his presence in the office was not essential every day. Ruth was ecstatic about this, all her quandaries resolved. Also, Conrad would be accessible. Although yesterday’s flush of passion had dissipated, she remained determined to get closer to the enigmatic man. And the best thing was, she knew Lewis understood how she felt.

  At a restaurant in the centre of the city they ate a light lunch, mindful of the comprehensive menu Elsa was sure to provide that evening.

  ‘What shall I wear tonight?’ Ruth asked.

  ‘No bra and no panties, that much is certain.’

  ‘Oh, sir, you’re so strict,’ she teased happily. ‘Not even a little thong to preserve a girl’s dignity?’

  ‘Slaves have no right to dignity,’ he replied soberly, enjoying his meal. ‘I’ve a good mind to send you to the affair stark naked. That would tell everyone what a little tart you really are.’

  ‘And will you send me as a common whore ready to serve all and sundry?’ She tried to suppress her eagerness at the prospect.

  ‘No, tonight you must seduce Andrew, for Oona’s sake. Concentrate on that.’

  ‘But I’ve been on very short rations today,’ she protested. ‘And after last night I have an appetite for some serious confinement.’

  ‘Slaves are not allowed requests. You must be obedient.’

  ‘Then tell me what to wear, sir.’

  ‘I suggest we shop for something suitable after lunch.’

  ‘Not in role tonight?’ Elsa asked, surveying her guest with envious approval. Ruth looked stunning in shimmering electric blue. The dress boasted a high neckline and a plunging back, and the ankle-length skirt was slit to the hip, outrageous and yet elegant.

  ‘I’m a lady of quality with a mission,’ Ruth explained.

  ‘Oh yes? Come on, you can tell me.’

  ‘Tonight I must liberate Oona.’

  ‘Good for you! I like Oona, she’s nice and she’s more than up for it. I invited them early to ease Andrew into a party mood. I’ve put them in the sitting room with a porno video and some drinks. I’ll send Helen in later to help widen his perceptions a little.’

  ‘Good thinking,’ Ruth said approvingly, looking around for her new blonde friend. Helen was naked except for a collar and the mandatory slave bracelet. She walked over to her. ‘Hello Helen, you look gorgeous. I could eat you alive.’

  ‘Of course, madam, whatever you desire.’ Helen stuck her tongue out at her mischievously.

  ‘Show a little more respect, girl,’ Ruth retorted playfully. ‘Remember your position.’

  ‘My position is bent over with my legs spread. What’s yours?’

  ‘Mine’s a bit different tonight.’ Ruth turned away, a gleam in her eyes.

  In the sitting room Oona and Andrew were intent on the blue movie. Ruth glanced at the screen. She knew the film, which was unusual in that it had plenty of action built around a strong plot and well-rounded characters. Andrew seemed to be engrossed, for he made only a perfunctory acknowledgement when Oona introduced them. Ruth assessed him carefully. In looks and build, he reminded her of her discarded Stanford, though his general demeanour and his taste in clothes showed him to be a bit more down-to-earth. He seemed personable and fit, but one did not have to look very far to see he was deeply involved with himself and rather conventional.

  Oona looked delightful, filling her simple dress to perfection. It was the sort of dress you could buy in any chain store, but on Oona’s luscious figure it looked exclusive.

  Ruth seated herself on the sofa with Lewis on her right and Andrew on her left, separating herself from Oona, whom she gave an encouragingly smile as she quickly summed up the situation. Andrew was drinking freely and was absorbed in the film; he should be easy to manipulate. ‘Oh, this bit’s good!’ she exclaimed. ‘Watch the girl’s face when he enters her. Is that great acting, or does it really feel that good?’

  ‘It looks real to me,’ Oona cast her fervent vote.

  ‘Rubbish,’ Andrew said sharply. ‘It’s all simulated. It has to be, for technical reasons.’

  ‘I beg to differ,’ Ruth argued. ‘There’s something really special about the moment when a really hard prick goes in, the way it stretches and fills you. It’s hard to fake that reaction. Don’t you agree, Oona?’

  ‘Yes, especially if it’s a really big hard prick.’

  Andrew looked at her curiously.

  ‘Like Andy’s,’ she added quickly. ‘You’d know if you’d had him, Ruth.’

  He scowled, but gave Ruth more attention than the occasion deserved before turning back to the film.

  Ruth bided her time.

  The film had entered its final sequence when Helen arrived. Andrew stared at her, his eyes flitting rapidly between her nipples and her crotch. She stood with her legs slightly parted as she enquired whether anyone wanted more drinks, while on the screen a group of naked bodies vigorously continued copulating. His attention was hopelessly torn between the living girl and the shagging actresses, and Helen’s position was su
ch that part of his view was framed by the twin peaks of her labia. When he took his re-filled glass from her, he was almost panting.

  Helen refilled Lewis’s glass standing before him in the same way.

  ‘Quite delightful,’ Lewis said as he accepted the drink with one hand and with the other reached up to stroke her pussy.

  ‘Bloody hell!’ Andrew murmured.

  Helen smiled, spread her legs wider, and Lewis inserted two fingers into the beautiful blonde. She thrust her pelvis forward invitingly. ‘Do you want to fuck me, sir?’ she asked sweetly.

  ‘Naturally,’ Lewis replied. ‘Bring me a lead.’

  Helen curtsied and trotted away, returning in moments with a leash she held out in both hands.

  Lewis took it from her. ‘Down,’ he ordered.

  She dropped obediently onto all fours.

  He clipped the lead to her collar. ‘Walk,’ he commanded, and then led her away just like an obedient pet.

  ‘Bloody Hell!’ Andrew said again, more loudly.

  ‘Let’s see the end of the film,’ Oona insisted. She had put the action on pause while his attention was diverted.

  Ruth edged closer to him, letting her skirt fall open so she could press her bare leg against his. On his other side Oona laid her hand on his thigh close to his groin, and Ruth felt him stiffen as he glanced down at the increasingly prominent bulge in his trousers. ‘I love this ending,’ she said, sighing. ‘It’s so licentious. It really turns me on. And look at that girl... have you ever seen such a gorgeous bush?’

  Oona seized the cue. ‘And look at him. God, his cock is huge. That would put a smile on my face for sure.’

  Andrew rose predictably to the bait, breaking off from his preoccupation with the onscreen action. ‘What is it about women, this obsession with size?’ he demanded testily.

  ‘Believe me, size matters,’ Ruth assured him.

  ‘You should try Andrew,’ Oona repeated generously. ‘He’s enormous.’

  Andrew turned on her again. ‘Stop twittering. I’m trying to watch the movie.’

  ‘Then watch this bit,’ Ruth commanded.

  The camera closed in on the huge prick nosing its way into a soaking quim. The stark, explicit detail drew crude comments from Andrew, which grew more animated as the action developed to a vigorous shafting. Then the angle shifted, tracking over the woman’s navel, loitering suggestively on her wobbling breasts before moving quickly up to her face, just as a ripe pussy descended over her mouth. The picture flicked back and forth between the two vulvas, one full of cock the other full of tongue, faithfully recording the escalating action as the supine woman pleasured a man and a woman at the same time. The slurping, gasping, grunting soundtrack flooded the imagination as a triple orgasm built, and broke.

  The credits began rolling and Ruth pressed her body against Andrew. ‘I need some of that,’ she whispered. ‘It’s hours since I had a good fuck.’ Her tone challenged him.

  Oona had one hand inside her panties while the other kneaded her husband’s very prominent bulge, and she made no protest when Ruth’s hand closed in to take over. ‘And it’s centuries since I felt a woman’s tongue in my pussy,’ she declared, tugging off her panties.

  Ruth could see Andrew’s internal battle reflected in his eyes. He was trying to speak, but no words issued from his lips, and he made no protest when Ruth eased down his zipper.

  Oona was naked now, and she sprang forward to help her friend strip her dazed spouse. Then she knelt to take his erection in her mouth while Ruth slipped out of her dress.

  Andrew stared at the blue fabric shimmering its way down to the floor. ‘You’re not wearing kickers!’ he blurted.

  She winked at him. ‘There’s no point when I’m partying with real men.’ She lifted Oona from behind, her hands cupping her breasts. ‘Come away, now, I want to lick that pretty pussy of yours.’

  Oona obeyed slowly, holding Andrew tenaciously so that he slid forward off the couch and onto his knees. The couple was still interlocked as Ruth spread herself on her back and wriggled, feet first, beneath Oona, enclosing Andrew with her legs. Then she reached up and pinched Oona’s hard nipples. The girl cried out in shocked surprise, letting go of Andrew at the same moment a tongue drilled into her pussy. ‘Oh, my God!’ she groaned, squatting over Ruth’s face.

  Ruth’s tongue responded urgently as she moved her hands from Oona’s breasts in search of Andrew’s cock, groping blindly for it until she finally closed over his warm hardness. She heard him groan, and felt his erection’s powerful jerk in her grip.

  ‘Yes, oh yes...’ Oona sat bolt upright, pushing her hungry sex onto Ruth’s busy tongue while cupping her own breasts to pinch her nipples sharply as she moaned, ‘Oh, God, that’s incredible... more, please, give me more...’

  Ruth spread her legs open, urging Andrew towards her ravenous pussy. She felt his hands playing with her breasts, and then his fiery tip parted her labia and nosed at her opening. She lifted her lips, her hunger growing as he breached her opening.

  Oona leaned back and supported herself with her arms to flaunt her treasures, making certain Andrew saw her open sex and Ruth’s powerful tongue darting swiftly from her labia to her clitoris.

  ‘Fucking hell,’ he said, and Ruth’s breath was forced from her in an explosive gasp as he rammed into her, lifting her bodily and making his balls slap against her labia. Abandoning self-control he surrendered to his lust, pounding her savagely as she wrapped her legs around him, riding his wild bucking thrusts while still managing to give Oona head. Such passion could not last long, and she vaguely wondered who would come first.

  Andrew’s motions grew desperate. He drove himself home with a single piercing thrust that jarred Ruth to the bone. His rigid cock jerked inside her like some great lever, and his ejaculation felt like a hose aimed straight at her cervix. Only moments later Oona threw herself sideways and fell back across the carpet, writhing and yelling as she, too, was overwhelmed by a massive orgasm.

  Ruth lay still with Andrew slumped against her, breathing heavily. She felt content, but a long way from satisfaction. Instinctively she deployed her abdominal muscles. With so much use they were becoming stronger and more skilful, and she was rewarded by a flicker of response from the hot, thick weapon still lodged inside her. He groaned, burying his face in her breasts as she squeezed him again, milking him and feeling him rapidly regaining his stiffness.

  Oona sat up, her knees bent, her ripe pussy on full view. ‘That was incredible,’ she said dreamily. ‘And I want it all again. God, I just want to be fucked silly!’

  Andrew raised his head. ‘Fucking hell, you two are like bleeding rabbits.’

  ‘Go on, Andy, give her a good shagging,’ Ruth urged. ‘You’re stiff enough.’ She bore down on his shaft, squeezing it rhythmically with her inner muscles until he groaned with pleasure. ‘Look how ready she is, Andy. She’s like a ripe fig just begging for your gorgeous prick to burst her open. I want to see your spunk gushing from her cunt.’

  ‘You’re a bloody witch,’ he accused, pulling out of her and grabbing for his wife. She leapt away from him and crouched on her hands and knees, lifting her bottom towards him while offering him her ripe cleft. Kneeling behind her, he gripped her hips and drove into her without ceremony, ramming her deep and hard and making her shout with surprise and pleasure.

  As Ruth watched the couple, the heat in her sex flared up and became almost unbearable. In wild desperation she grabbed an empty mixer bottle from the drinks’ table and rolled over to squat before Oona, spreading her legs wantonly.

  ‘What are you doing?’ Oona gasped.

  ‘I need to be filled. Help me push.’

  Oona tried to take the bottle. It was awkward, for Andrew was thrusting madly into her and her hands were fully occupied keeping her balance. Valiantly she made an effort to present the bottle’s slim neck to Ruth’s
palpitating opening.

  ‘No, the other way around, base first!’ Ruth begged. ‘Give it to me!’ She grabbed the bottle and jammed its blunt base against her vagina.

  Oona was babbling incoherently as she watched Ruth’s labia stretch to engulf the trophy. Then lowering her head she pushed the bottle deeper into Ruth with her forehead, feeling the smooth, slippery insertion.

  ‘Hold it in!’ Ruth pleaded. ‘Oh yes... oh yes, I’m coming... I’m coming... oh, God, I’m coming!’

  Andrew, committed to his own conclusion, drove relentlessly into his wife, who also wailed her ecstasy as the three of them emulated the blue movie and came together.

  Oona was the first to regain control of herself. Andrew was lying on his back in a trancelike state, breathing heavily. Ruth was lying with her knees drawn up, her eyes fixed on the ceiling as though mesmerised with it. Oona crawled over and knelt between them. With one hand she played with Ruth’s nipples, taking Andrew’s flaccid cock in the other.

  They stayed like that for some time, until Andrew regained some degree of lucidity. He sat up and gazed at Ruth, who was still cruising in her private world, her eyes closed as she fingered herself.

  ‘Should we wake her up?’ he asked.

  ‘No, she’s really happy.’ Oona planted a kiss on his knob, and took it into her mouth.

  He moaned with pleasure. ‘If you’d told me it would be like this, I wouldn’t have agreed to come.’

  ‘I hope that wasn’t a pun,’ she mumbled, her mouth full of his cock. Then she suddenly stopped sucking and looked sharply up at him. ‘You’re not taking me home.’ It was a challenge, not a question.

  ‘I ought to, but you seem to be enjoying yourself.’

  ‘I am. And I want to enjoy myself some more. You’ve had Ruth, so I want to have someone else, too. Fair’s fair.’

  ‘What’s happening here?’ he demanded uncertainly. ‘No one’s been to see us since that girl went off with Lewis. Should we mingle, or what?’


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