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Pieces of Camden (Hole-Hearted #1)

Page 22

by Yessi Smith

Camden releases a long breath and nods. “Do you remember when Yan and I were teenagers, and you told me that, when the time came, you’d give me permission to marry Yan?”

  My hands go to my chest, holding my heart in its place, as he looks from my mom to my dad.

  “You’re my parents. Yanelys is my heart.”

  His eyes meet mine, and I push back the threatening tears.

  “She’s my family. I want to marry her. I want to spend the rest of my life loving her and devoting my life to her. I want to give Livvy brothers and sisters.”

  Despite my best efforts, tears spill from my eyes, but still, he doesn’t move toward me.

  “Mom, Dad”—his voice catches in his throat—“I want your permission to marry my best friend.”

  “I told you our answer was yes, that it’d always be yes,” my dad answers while my mom clings to his arm, shedding her own tears.

  “Yes.” My mom nods when Camden looks at her.

  Camden walks to me, taking my trembling hand in his fingers, and he places a gentle kiss on my knuckles.

  “My beautiful girl,” he whispers, his voice shaking.

  I sniffle, standing in front of him.

  “I don’t have a ring to give you right now, but you have my heart. You’ve always had my heart because you are my heart. I don’t know how I ever survived without you, but I didn’t start living again until the day I almost died in a fire, and you came back into my life. Be my wife,” he says, bringing his lips to my ears, making me tremble when his hot breath touches my skin. “I’ll spend the rest of my life loving and treasuring you.”

  “Say yes, Mom!” Olivia shouts, bouncing on the heels of her feet.

  I laugh while Camden wipes my tears away. “Yes,” I whisper.

  “Yes?” he asks, his eyes widening in shock.

  “Of course, yes!” I throw myself into his arms, and Olivia joins us.

  Camden picks her up and refuses to put her down as my parents congratulate us through their own tears of joy.

  “Dad?” Olivia’s voice comes out shy, not at all like the exuberant girl we all know.

  Hearing her call him dad, Camden’s breath hitches, and his throat bobs as he fights back his emotions, but his feelings come through as tears begin to stream down his face.

  “Yeah, baby girl?” he whispers into her hair.

  “Can I be the flower girl?”

  “I’d like that, Livvy.” He chuckles. “I’d actually really love that.”

  “Okay,” she says, kissing his tear-streaked cheeks, “Dad.”



  Nervous energy bounces in my stomach, ricocheting against my ribs, as I ring Yanelys and Camden’s doorbell, holding on to the presents I brought. I’ve spoken several times with Camden since the evening he showed up on my doorstep with a surprise that knocked me on my ass.

  I have a son, and not only did I miss his entire upbringing, but I also left him in the hands of a man who abused and tormented him and the woman I loved, so much so that I didn’t even recognize the diseased woman who had taken over Maureen’s mind and body.

  But I’m not done with her. I turned away from her once and left her to a fate that destroyed her. Luckily, Camden had Yanelys and her family to help him pull through it. Although from the limited information he’s entrusted me with, it hasn’t been easy.

  It won’t be easy with Maureen either, but she’s worth it. If I have to tie her to a chair to get her clean, I’ll do it.

  Camden’s face greets me when he opens the door, and he eyes me with the same jumbled nerves tumbling inside me.

  “Hey,” I say.

  “Hi,” he replies, opening the door wider so that I can go in.

  “Dad”—my granddaughter’s voice rings from another room, and Camden’s eyes shine with pride as my heart hammers inside my chest—“is that Pastor Floyd?”

  “No, baby girl,” he answers, leading me to their living room that is full of presents. “But it is someone I’d like you to meet.”

  Olivia bounces into the room and assesses me. I stand there, awestruck, staring at the little girl who’s the perfect combination of Camden and Yanelys. But her eyes…her eyes and the energy behind them are all Maureen.

  “You’re Camden’s real dad.” She twists her mouth.

  I kneel down in front of her. “Yeah,” I agree, “and you’re my granddaughter.” I look back at Camden, nervous that I might’ve said the wrong thing.

  “Does that mean I can call you Pop-Pop?” she asks.

  Unable to find my voice, I nod.

  “You hear that, Dad?” She beams at Camden, who looks back at me with sincerity. “My friend Kara has a Pop-Pop, and now, so do I.”

  Camden chuckles, and I follow suit, pushing back the lump forming in my throat. In less than a week, I’ve gained a son and a granddaughter and, once again, lost the love of my life.

  “Mom, Pop-Pop is here,” Olivia calls.

  “Why am I not surprised that you’ve already given Edward a nickname?” Yanelys walks into the living room, followed by who I assume are her parents.

  She gives me a warm hug. Then, I shake her parents’ hands, who introduce themselves as Santiago and Carmen, and laugh when Olivia asks if she can finally open her presents.

  “You didn’t have to wait for me,” I tell Camden as he watches his daughter tear into her presents.

  “Yan’s pretty strict about her rules, and she said none of us were allowed to open our presents until everyone in our family was here.”

  Emotions clog my throat, and I cough to clear it.

  “Thank you for including me, Cam,” I say, watching Olivia bounce from one present to the other. “You said you never met the woman I fell in love with.” I cautiously eye him, making sure he’s okay with what I’m saying. I only continue when he nods, “That little girl, your daughter, is your mom. Her enthusiasm and energy? That’s your mom. That’s the woman I love.” I leave out my plans of bringing her back, just in case I fail.

  “I always wondered where she got all that energy.” Yanelys smiles. “We got you something,” she adds when Olivia finishes opening her presents. “Livvy, why don’t you hand out the presents?”

  Olivia jumps from her sitting position on the floor and gives Yanelys’s parents their gifts first. She waits for them to open them before she goes to the next person.

  Taking advantage of her being distracted, I hand Camden his present. It’s big and awkward, and I hope he likes it.

  He carefully takes it from my hands, surprise crossing behind his eyes, and I wonder how many presents he got as a kid. He unwraps it, slowly at first, and when he realizes what it is, he tears into it with the same enthusiasm Olivia exhibited earlier.

  “A fishing pole.” He grins.

  I smile back at him. “I thought we could go fishing some day.”

  “Yeah.” His smile grows, and he puts his arms around me in a tentative hug.

  I hold on to him, my hands closing into tight fists, and I wish the moment would last longer than it does.

  “Your turn.” Olivia shoves her present toward me.

  I gingerly take it from her outstretched hand and watch her skip away to give out more gifts. My heart stills when I unwrap my gift to find a frame with several pictures of Camden throughout the years. Yanelys stands behind me and points to two empty slots.

  “I thought you could fill those on your own.”

  I nod and lick my suddenly dry lips. “Maybe you could take a picture of us,” I say, my voice trembling through my uncertainty.

  “Of course.” She smiles.

  Camden stands next to me, his posture as stiff as mine, and I nearly break down when he puts an uncertain hand on my shoulder. I wrap an arm around his back and we both smile for Yanelys as she takes the picture.

  The man who has taken care of Camden, even when he was away from Yanelys, walks in with a boy I immediately recognize.


  My heart constricts and I choke
on the sudden despair coiling itself around my lungs.

  Carmen puts a gentle hand on my shoulder, and squeezes in silent understanding. But she doesn’t understand. How can she? “It’s a lot to take in, but Cam’s worth it.”

  I nod, swallowing down the bitterness. The hands of time have shifted once again and a past life screams about a deserted yesterday I long to bury.

  “Who’s that boy?” I ask even though I know the answer.

  “His name’s Jeremy,” she replies. “Pastor Floyd takes care of him the same way he took care of Cam.”

  “His mom, though?” I spit out, and she curiously eyes me. “I mean, doesn’t he have parents?”

  “The police took him away a few years ago. Pastor Floyd has been taking care of him since.”

  Again, my head bobs up and down. The simmering anger of a woman that betrayed me opens to the burning rage of the little boy I left behind in the guise of self-preservation. Twice in my life, I have abandoned people who have needed me and twice those choices have been proven wrong.

  Leaving Camden and Maureen in the hands of my brother is something I can never forgive myself.

  I watch their exchange, and once again, I’m grateful Camden has so many people in his life who love him so dearly. Yanelys was right when she told Maureen that she should’ve protected Camden, but what Yanelys failed to see was that, his whole life, Camden had people watching out for him and loving him while Maureen had no one.

  Until now.

  I’m back in her life, and I’ll be damned if I allow her addiction to take her away from me. I’ll walk through the very flames of hell to bring her back to me. I’ll fight her. I’ll fight for her. Because she’s worth it.

  She’s my girl. She’s always been my girl, and I’m not letting her go a second time.

  But Jeremy…

  A long time ago, I loved him as my own. For years, his mom and I dated and a month before we were to get married I found out about years of infidelity. I left her. I left the boy as if he didn’t matter.

  My hand braces the side of my throbbing head, and without uttering a word to anyone, I walk outside. I can’t stop the thoughts swarming in my head. Thrashing, abusing, teasing the last bit of my sanity.

  I left Camden, Maureen, and Jeremy in the cruel hands of fate. Those are my sins, and no matter how hard I’ll try to make things right, I don’t know if I can ever atone them.

  Author Note

  While Pieces of Camden wasn't a pretty story at times, it was a tale worth telling. Camden’s strength and the love he found in the family he created was beautiful. I’m eternally grateful he sought me out, and through many tears, we were able to share his story.

  So many times, we pass strangers on the street, not knowing the demons they fight or how hard it is for them to simply live. If you or anyone you know suffers from abuse, whether it’s physical, emotional, or substance, please ask for help.

  Thank you for taking part in Camden's story.


  Where would I be without God and the many blessings He’s bestowed upon me? All glory belongs to Him, always.

  My guys…Chase’s sweet laugh, Dustin’s insane imagination, Derrick’s constant belief in me. You guys are my superheroes.

  Mady Valle-G, the sister God gave me about twenty years too late. Thank you for being so enthusiastic about all of stories and for the many wine nights that work as some pretty great ideas for books.

  Jill Sava, there aren’t enough words to accurately describe what you mean to me. You don’t just work tirelessly to help me and so many other authors; you’re also an incredible friend I treasure.

  Lee Casey, you were the first to read Camden and the first to love him. Your suggestions sparked what I hope are great ideas and transformed this story into so much more than I ever imagined.

  Mary Johnson, you, my friend, are the type of friend every girl needs in her life. True, kind, and funny, I don’t know what I’d do without you.

  Tammy Matson Norris…the Thelma to my Louise, you always manage to brighten my day. One day, we’ll meet in person for a crazy girls’ weekend that’ll leave our husbands wondering if we should ever meet again. Or in jail. Either way, it’ll be a great time!

  Alison Evans-Maxwell, I love and appreciate your enthusiasm, friendship, and suggestions. But mainly your friendship. You’re one in a trillion.

  Makenzie Smith, authors make the best critique partners because we think so differently than anyone else. I value your input and admire your work as an author. Thank you for going into so much detail while beta reading and putting forth the extra effort that helped make Camden something I’m so incredibly proud of.

  My parents, grandma, and sister, your unwavering support in me leaves me speechless.

  Stacy Kestwick, Logan Keys, and Neeny Boucher, three amazingly, talented authors and woman. I’m grateful to know you, and I appreciate everything you did to help me with this story.

  Carmen Reyes and Tesrin Afzal, what can I say? You girls really came through for me, and I can’t thank you enough for taking time to read Camden’s story and letting me know your thoughts.

  Maria de la Cruz, one of the first people I met after my debut, and I’m still in shock you’ve stuck it out with me this long. Thank you for the awesomeness you’ve sent me. You know I’m dying for a canvas of Pieces of Camden, too, right??? Now, it’s your turn to let the world see your amazing talents. P.S. I want more Emmett!!!

  LJ Anderson at Mayhem Cover Creations, I should probably dedicate this book to you for being so patient with me. I had a particular cover idea when it came to this book that then changed to a different idea. Thank you for bringing my idea to life. As usual, you outdid yourself.

  Jovana Shirley at Unforeseen Editing, wow, just wow! Jovana, you’re incredible. Truly. Working with you is a dream. I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again. I am never, ever, ever using another editor. Ever.

  Jennifer Van Wyk, your attention to detail when proofing Camden made such a huge difference. Your feedback was spot-on and very much appreciated.

  My wonderful Sadistic Sweethearts, some of you have been with me from the beginning and others I’ve met along the way. The friends I’ve made in this group will last a lifetime. I’m grateful for each and every one of you. Your constant support keeps me moving.

  Bloggers and reviewers, you guys rock! I can’t thank you enough for your support and encouragement. Your work is endless, in reading, reviewing, and promoting, and I hope each one of you knows how valuable you are to fellow authors. With my whole heart, thank you.

  If I’ve missed anyone, please know it wasn’t intentional. Ask anyone who knows me, I’m a scatterbrain—so much so that Yanelys, Olivia, and Camden’s eye and hair color changed sporadically throughout this story.


  Yessi Smith lives in South Florida with her husband and two sons. She is also owned by a neurotic Border Collie and “ferocious” Rottweiler.

  She has a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management and a Master’s in Human Resource Management and has held several jobs, from picking up dog poop to upper management positions. And now she hopes to leave the business world behind so she can live full time in a world that does not exist until she places her fingers on a keyboard and brings them to fruition.

  Other work by Yessi include:

  Life’s A Cappella

  Love, Always

  New Forever

  Life Interrupted








  Or you can email her at She loves hearing from her readers!




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