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1 God - Poems on God , Creator - volume 2

Page 5

by Nikhil Parekh

  The best way to tackle the hideous looking burglar, was to welcome him with a glass of chilled coke and smiles; depicting to him that you weren't a trifle perturbed by his vicious onslaught into the house,

  The best way to tackle a sore throat; was to sing at the top of your lungs any tune that struck your heart; drowning yourself completely in the rhapsody of the sound; thereby converting your affliction into a beautiful asset,

  The best way to tackle a stream of negativity lingering inevitably in your mind; was to resolutely iterate that you were going to win; the first thing as you woke up at the blossoming of dawn,

  The best way to tackle the incessant stammering you did in front of your beloved; was to stand tall to your full height; hold back your breath for long seconds of time; before you audaciously blurted out "I love you"; with fire blazing in your eyes,

  The best way to tackle the stormy sea; was to swim against the choppy waves with insurmountable fervor; greet each swirl of water as it rose with a yell catapulting you to victory,

  The best way to tackle your tears from oozing every second; was to resiliently drink them clenching your teeth; as soon as they arose,

  The best way to tackle the uncouth world; was to be least affected by the lecherous society; keep surging ahead relentlessly; till the last iota of your mission was accomplished,

  The best way to tackle the wildly swishing cricket ball; was to whip it left, right and center; with swashbuckling strokes of your bat,

  The best way to tackle pain; was to turn a blind eye to it whenever it happened; considering yourself unsurpassably lucky in comparison to those who had already died,

  The best way to tackle your urge to keep living immortally; was to realize that there wasn’t a single household in the entire universe; with all its members breathing alive,

  And the best way to tackle life; was to execute your daily tasks to the pinnacle of your ability; help as many people as you encountered on the streets in some way or the other; and then leave the rest to the Almighty Creator.












  Life is as sweet as a chocolate; go and greedily crunch it, 

  Life is as ravishing as the choppy ocean; go and swim in it, 

  Life is as dense as the deciduous forest; go and voraciously philander in it, 

  Life is as perspicuous as the scintillating mirror; go and sight your reflection in it, 

  Life is as green as the sprawling grasses; go and exuberantly roll in it, 

  Life is as impeccable as frosty cows milk; go and perseveringly gulp it, 

  Life is as fragrant as the mesmerizing scarlet rose; go and smell it, 

  Life is as warm as the cozy quilt; go and comfortably snuggle in it, 

  Life is as voluptuous as brown chunks of mud; go and ebulliently plough it, 

  Life is as vivid as the rainbow in the cosmos; go and surreptitiously perceive it, 

  Life is as surreal as blissful heaven; go and inexorably fantasize about it, 

  Life is as contemporary as the swanky car; go and drive it, 

  Life is as slippery as the slimy oyster shells; go and intensely feel it, 

  Life is as thorny as the gigantic cactus; go and prick it, 

  Life is as poignant as green chili; go and tenaciously chew it, 

  Life is as heavy as the mammoth boulder; go and skillfully hoist it, 

  Life is as strong as the formidable fortress wall; go and wrestle with it, 

  Life is as grandiloquent as the bombastic palace; go and languish in it, 

  Life is as brilliant as the dazzling sun; go and bask directly beneath it, 

  Life is as dark as the cloistered well; go and dip your persona in it, 

  Life is as enchanting as the placid moon; go and profoundly admire it, 

  Life is as blistering as the scorching deserts; go and run unrelentingly in it, 

  Life is as beautiful as the dainty fairy; go and gently caress it, 

  Life is as incredulous as the conventional aircraft; go and fly high in it, 

  Life is as comic as the circus clown; go and tumultuously laugh with it, 

  Life is as steep as the lanky mountain; go and adroitly clamber it, 

  Life is as tingling as the gushing mountain stream; go and uninhibitedly bathe in it, 

  Life is as intricate as the mothers womb; go and worship it, 

  Life is as horrendous as the swirling whirlpool; go and audaciously confront it, 

  Life is as enigmatic as the meticulously spun spiders web; go and entangle it, 

  Life is as simple as a line drawn on the floor; go and vigorously enjoy it, 

  Life is as savage as a sword; go and fight valiantly with it, 

  Life is as vibrant as the majestic peacock spreading its feathers; go and supremely relish it, 

  Life is as romantic as the person you care for; go and incorrigibly love it, 

  Life is as sacrosanct as the omnipotent creator; go and wholesomely lead it. 



  The first time I saw a blind man groping wildly in daylight; I felt like running away; profoundly appalled by the pathetic sight,

  Although the next instant when I realized that I had eyes; was bestowed upon by the creator with pellucid sight; I maneuvered him benevolently to cross the crowded street. 

  The first time I saw a dumb man; trying to convey messages frantically waving his arms; I felt asphyxiated for breath; almost swooned heavily on the ground, Although the next instant when I realized that I had a tongue; I opened my mouth whenever he wanted to speak; to portray his message articulately to the world. 

  The first time I saw a maimed woman slithering helplessly on the ground; I felt globules of water well up my eyes, started to cry hysterically,

  Although the next instant when I realized that I had a robust body; spurts of exhilaration circulating rampantly through my veins; I hoisted her deftly on my shoulders; transported her safely to her destination. 

  The first time I saw a grizzly haired old man with an abysmally shriveled skin; the cane stick he held shivering uncontrollably in his hands; I almost puked out the meal I had consumed for breakfast,

  Although the next instant when I realized that I had enough skin on my knuckles; I solidly entwined my palms in his; commanded him immediately to emancipate his walking stick. 

  The first time I saw a deaf girl who didn’t budge an inch even after hearing the obstreperous horns of the train behind; I collapsed in a bedraggled heap; witnessing her sheer numbness to sound,

  Although the next instant when I realized that I could decipher the most intricate of sound; I snatched her far away from the path of the stridently blaring train. 

  The first time I saw a mad man incoherently banging his fists against acrid glass; trespassing naked through the civilized streets; I cursed destiny under my breath for making him imbecile,

  Although the next instant when I realized that I had a sagacious mind of my own; I draped him in somber clothes; placed him immediately under psychiatric care.

  The first time I saw a leper begging with an empty container on the road; I let out a gasp; sobbing profusely in my heart,

  Although the next instant when I realized that I possessed immaculate skin; I decided to scrape it from my body; to graft the same on him as he inevitably needed it. 

  The first time I saw an injured man lying under a conglomerate of debris and wrought iron; I felt gasps of nervous exhaustion feverishly escaping my nostrils,

  Although the next instant when I realized that I had raw energy incarcerated in my tenacious bones; I utilized it wholeheartedly for extricating him; against all odds from the rubble. 

  And the first time I saw the acrimonious world; with blood sucking indiv
iduals marauding freely around; the corrupt society depriving the destitute; I thought of ending life there itself,

  Although the next instant when I realized that the creator had blessed me with astronomical knowledge; the prudent ability to distinguish between the good and evil; I decided to fight audaciously; with my heart taking two beats at a time till I was successful in changing the complexion of this earth.




  He was the towering pinnacle of the mountain; while we were all minuscule bits of stone strewn all around the surface in tandem,

  He was the spiraling flame of fire towards the sky; while we were all obsolete wisps of smoke gasping for breath in vicinity,

  He was the blistering island of majestic sun; while we were all his infinite rays,

  He was the entire opulence in the universe; while we were just his proprietors to judiciously dispense it,

  He was the entire assemblage of sea water rising high with turbulent storms; while we were his boundless fish that sank to the bottom,

  He was the mammoth boulder of scintillating diamond; while we were the glow he emanated; soon to fade in dying light,

  He was the fortified and invincible wall of the fortress; while we were his half burnt and red bricks,

  He was the colossal battlefield which stretched till eternity; while we were his valiant soldiers fighting to protect our country,

  He was the vast desert with golden brown sands; while we were his thorny cactus; that defended his territory,

  He was the countless sheep wandering around the globe; while we were the droplets of frosty milk which he yielded for survival,

  He was the tree that sky rocketed beyond all limits of comprehension in the cosmos; while we were his succulent and energy imparting fruits,

  He was the gargantuan beehive that inhabited every corner of this earth; while we were the rivulets of honey that oozed from his surface intermittently,

  He was the solitary lotus mesmerizing all in the pond; while we were his several petals floating nimbly on the surface of transparent water,

  He was the singular and biggest animal in the world; while we were many of his timid mice; which he had procreated to evolve earth,

  He was the longest biscuit of sugar ever found on the planet; while we were unfathomable sweetness he produced; to titillate the atmosphere,

  He was the most melodious bird flying towards unsurpassable victory; while we were all his different tunes and moods,

  He was the all the heat that existed in the world; while we were all his multiple globules of sweat dribbling down in synchronized harmony,

  He was the robust mass of flesh marching a billion steps at a time; while we were his conglomerate of bones which assumed different shapes; proportions and color,

  And he was the first father of this Planet; the very first entity who put his foot on this earth; the first person to propagate language all around; the first individual to segregate wild mass of water and land into enchanting continents; and the deity from whom all of us molecules spawned and evolved; he was our Creator.






  Ordinarily I would have fallen on every step I took; stumbling scornfully on every pebble I encountered in my way; as I hadn't slept a wink since a hundred nights,

  But today I had the capacity to traverse barefoot even till the peak of the Himalayas; as I had the photo of my God in my pocket. 

  Ordinarily I would have sat completely dumbfounded; relinquishing all capacity to embody a single alphabet on the sheet of paper; as my fingers had violent traces of deadly cancer,

  But today I had the capacity to compile boundless volumes of ethnic literature in just a single day; as I had the photo of my God in my pocket. 

  Ordinarily I would have failed miserably in the exams; scoring an obnoxious zero in every section that I answered; as I wasn’t even apprised the slightest as to which subject was I appearing for,

  But today I wrote all the answers at lightening speeds; handing over the answer sheet to my examiner even before he gave me the questions; as I had the photo of my God in my pocket. 

  Ordinarily I would have gasped for words; looked like a perfect idiot in front of people; as my half chopped tongue; miserably faltered to utter a word further,

  But today I held millions thronging in the audience with my spell binding speech; drowning them in the eloquence of my songs; as I had the photo of my God in my pocket. 

  Ordinarily I would have sunk to the bottom of the ocean blending with the tiny fish; as the ship was struck by a tumultuous storm,

  But today I swam gallantly against the treacherous waves; with a broad smile encompassing the contours of my face; as I had the photo of my God in my pocket. 

  Ordinarily I would have been pulverized to inconspicuous bits of dust; as the car I was traveling in; plunged head on into the deep gorge,

  But today I swerved it through the winding lanes of the hill; conquered the zenith of the mountain escaping without a scratch; as I had the photo of my God in my pocket.

  Ordinarily I would have been a scattered pair of bones; sprawled in infinite directions; as I jumped from the edge of the 100th floor,

  But today I stood on the ground with my shoulders upright; started playing cricket immediately after landing on the soil; as I had the photo of my God in my pocket. 

  Ordinarily I would have broken down into a billion droplets of sweat on witnessing the marching army; with the adrenaline circulating violently in my body; and the hair on my scalp standing up in trepidation; viewing the gleaming swords,

  But today I massacred the entire battalion of warriors single handed; with the nonchalant ease of a sleeping prince; as I had the photo of my God in my pocket. 

  And ordinarily I would have hesitated several times on proposing to the girl I loved; falling in a timid stupor on her feet in front of her parents; every time I felt like whispering the same,

  But today I banged the door of her home after midnight; revived the man sleeping dormantly in me for years; screamed in her ear; as well as to the entire world; that I loved her; as I had the photo of my God in my pocket




  There were lids to protect my eyes; shield them against the most turbulent of storm and dust,

  There were lips to protect my teeth; accentuate their beauty as they flirtatiously smiled,

  There was flesh to protect my bones; ensure that they stayed in perfect synchronization; and my demeanor looked robust and fine,

  There was hair to protect my scalp; comfort it against body blows and buzzing fly,

  There was stomach to protect my food; churn exquisite dishes from all over the continent into one stream,

  There was an obdurate skull to protect my brain; thereby facilitate me to evolve ideas at lightening speeds,

  There were nails to protect my fingers and toes; see to it that I defended myself in the acrid times of war,

  There were clothes to protect my body; save me from bitter cold and the tiniest of embarrassment,

  There were shoes to protect my feet; engendering me to walk even on the smoldering embers of scarlet fire,

  There were mesmerizing flamingoes to protect my happiness; prevent me from entering into clouds of gloom,

  There was rain to protect my thirst; keep my throat always moist and incredulously tender,

  There was a tongue to protect my speech; make me speak the most perfect of words at the most perfect of times,

  There was sweat to protect my skin; stop it from drying into a shriveled and an inconspicuous heap,

  There were Sun and Moon to protect my perception of time; depict to me exactly every hour I walked on the surface of this earth,

  There were mystical lines on my palm to protect my destiny; mold and harness the purpose of my existence,


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