Seven Days: The Game #7

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Seven Days: The Game #7 Page 1

by LP Lovell

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4


  Seven Days

  The Game #7

  Stevie J. Cole

  LP Lovell


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  5. Tobias



  Groaning, I press my hand to my pounding head. Even with my eyes closed the room seems to spin. When I finally manage to open my eyes, I want to slam them shut again. Serenity blue paint greets me along with the sash window with the flower box outside. The cheap canvas I bought at a flea market hangs on the far wall, the violent brush strokes depicting the Brooklyn Bridge jarring my senses. My apartment. I'm right back here, but—doesn't Sawyer live here? With Maria? Is this not the same apartment I came to just days ago and was nearly sent to jail over? But the paint…

  I sit up and the duvet falls around my waist. I glance down at the dark gray t-shirt covering my body. A man's dark gray t-shirt. I'm truly crazy. I've lost it. Was it all just a vivid dream, a product of my imagination? I get out of bed, go into the bathroom, and stop in front of the mirror. My breath catches in my throat. My heart skips and jumps and my stomach goes all oily when I look at my reflection. Blood. My face is stained red, my hair is tinted a gruesome shade of copper red. Each breath comes as a rapid pant and my heart hammers against my ribs as I reach for the hem of the shirt and tear it over my head. A sob breaks free and my knees go weak when I take stock of my naked body. It looks like I bathed in blood. A burst of images flit through my mind like the stilted trailer to a horror movie. Monsters of all forms and colors, beasts and demons, reality and imagination all blurring together in a horrible nightmare. And then—Preston. Tobias. Three. Were they real? Was any of it real? I glance down at my hands, at the blood and dirt caked under my nails. I feel soiled and tainted in so many ways. Panicking, I turn around and twist the tap for the shower. A gush of scalding water pours out and I step underneath it, scrubbing frantically at my bloody skin until the water runs crimson. It swirls around the drain and mocks me, whispering of what a terrible murderous person I must be. Even if I could ignore all the blood, pretend it were a dream, I killed people. I did things...who am I now? I can't be Ella Taylor. Can a dream change a person? Can a dream send someone crazy? Or perhaps I am crazy already and this is all some warped hallucination concocted by my own mind.

  I stand under the water until the red-hot heat turns icy cold. I shiver, fighting the urge to get out and face whatever reality I now have. Wrapping a thick towel around me, I step out of the bathroom and straight into a firm, broad chest. I clutch at the towel and stagger back before I look up into clear blue eyes and an all-American face. Sawyer. I swallow hard and take another step, holding my free hand up.

  "I swear, I don't know how I got here," I say. The last time I saw him ended with him threatening to call the police...wait...didn't it? He's frowning at me, looking at me like I'm crazy.

  He lifts one eyebrow and reaches for me. Both hands cup my face and he tilts my head back. "Baby, are you okay?" he says, that slight southern twang in his voice.

  "I..." What is happening?

  He brushes his thumb over my jaw and kisses my forehead. "Did you have a bad dream again? You haven't been sleeping well. You should call in today." Call in? His eyes search my face and then he brushes his lips over mine. Soft and sweet and achingly familiar, yet desperately lacking. "I'll try and come home early,” he says. “I love you." He smiles and turns away, walking out of the bedroom.

  He loves me? Where is Maria? Why is he here? Tobias and Preston, they could easily be a dream. They always did seem like something other wordly, something beyond the comprehensible, but Sawyer.....we were over long before Tobias ever approached me. Am I losing my mind? Was it all a trick? Did I win or maybe I lost?

  I step in to my walk-in closet. Everything is exactly the same. Nothing has changed. My apartment is exactly as it was the day before Sawyer walked out. His shirts are in my closet, the scent of his cologne subtly clinging in the air. It's as though time froze and nothing moved except me. I drop the towel, shaking my head and grabbing at my hair. I want to scream, but I can’t, so I grab a pair of jeans and a shirt and quickly get dressed. And now what? Do I just live this life?

  My mind is reeling, screaming. And all I can manage to do is chew at my lip as I attempt to pretend this is all okay. As I pretend that I’m not losing my mind. I go to the kitchen and make myself a cup of coffee, trying to calm my racing thoughts and think rationally. What if it were all just a horrible dream? Then I'd just be Ella. Good, hard-working Ella with her nice boyfriend and a bright future. I wouldn't be the girl that kills people, the girl that begs for two guys to ruin her. That girl scares me, but she's also free. That girl, captive to rules and twisted games was more free than I could ever wish to be in this life, and isn't that a wicked irony?

  I glance toward the window, but my gaze stops at the front door. Sticking out from underneath the door is a white envelope. Even from here I can see that the paper is thick and expensive. Slowly, I walk to the door and bend down, pulling the envelope out. Elegant script adorns the front. Ella. That hand-writing. It's exactly the same as that first envelope I received, that cryptic request to go for an interview.

  Fear and excitement work their way through me. Fear of what this means. Excitement because Tobias is real. He wasn't just a figment of my imagination, but then I knew that. I could never imagine a man as beautiful and cruel yet impossibly addictive as him. I could never dream of loving a man as horrid as he can be, and yet I do...and doesn't love outweigh all things? It tips the balance between sanity and madness. It can make the most heinous acts justifiable and it can cause normality to feel like a lost wish.

  I tear the envelope open and stare at the invitation in front of me. It's identical. The wording exactly the same as the first time I received an invitation signed by Tobias Benton. Tangible, this is tangible proof that I'm not completely insane, but then…why is Sawyer here?

  Rushing back to the bedroom, I go to the closet to find my nice black dress. I put it on and slip my feet into high black heels. I brush out my hair and carefully apply make-up. I primp myself until I look pristine, pretty, superior ...until I look like their little lamb, their favorite toy. I want them. I want their game. I don't want this life. I don't want Sawyer. I want the danger, the thrill, the sense of being absolutely alive that they and they alone can bring.

  I rush out of the apartment and hail a taxi, my heart pounding so hard, anticipation working its way through me as I climb in and give the driver the address. The New York City traffic is at a standstill and with each moment that ticks by, my anxiety grows. By the time we're a block away, I can't bear it any longer. I throw some cash at the driver and clamor out, jogging the last stretch of pavement to the offices of Six Degrees.

  The doors open and the icy air conditioning greets me. I stand in the lobby breathing heavily because I can practically feel them, their presence, the promise of their touch. My heels tap rhythmically over the marble floor as I walk toward the elevator. Someone brushes against my shoulder. An electric crackle buzzes through me. I turn and the scent of whisky and spicy cologne engulfs me, making my heart race. It's Tobias and next to him walks Preston. They don't even acknowledge me and my poor heart squeezes in my chest. The elevator doors open and they step inside. But when Tobias turns around, those murky green eyes lock on me and just before the doors slide shut, I take off in a sprint. I press my hand over the button again and again, my pulse th
rumming in my throat as I wait, watching the numbers on the panel light up. Finally, the other elevator opens with a ding. I rush to it and step inside, slamming my hand over the number 10.

  Just a minute later and the elevator doors open to the broad open space of Tobias and Preston's offices. And then I see him, like a mirage in the desert, my perfect salvation. Tobias. He's talking to his secretary. He glances at me, his expression completely blank before he turns and walks into his office closing the door behind him. My heart sinks to my stomach and sweat beads my palms.

  "Are you here for the interview?" someone asks. I slowly manage to focus again and glance at the secretary staring at me expectantly.

  "Um, yes," I whisper.

  "Would you like anything to drink?" she asks, rounding the desk. No, I don't want anything to fucking drink!

  "No. Thank you," I say through gritted teeth.

  She nods, smiling perfectly as she leads me toward the office doors. With every step I take my heart pounds harder threatening to burst from my chest. Everything seems to shift into slow motion as the door opens and she gestures for me to walk through. And there they are, standing with their backs to me, Manhattan kings in their sky-high palace. Superior. Removed. Better in every way.

  The door clicks shut behind me and all I can hear is the raspy sound of my breaths trickling past my lips. Tobias turns around, his eyes flicking over my body with a detached appreciation. Preston glances at me briefly before looking at his phone and taking a seat on one of the sterile-looking leather sofas.

  "Ms. Taylor," he says. "I'd like to introduce you to my business partner, Preston Lucas."

  I glance at Preston, his messy blond hair piled in a bad boy bun.

  I stare at Tobias, unable to form words. Then the smallest of smirks cracks on his face and his eyes flash dangerously. That's all it takes.

  I cross the space between us, practically running before I throw myself into his arms. He laughs, catching me around the waist. He fists my hair, tilting my head back before he kisses me with all the brutality he has to offer.

  "Sweet Ella," Preston says.

  Tobias pulls away with a smile. "My little lamb, how did you sleep?"

  "I woke up without you," I say. "And with Sawyer…

  "And so now you have everything you wanted. Your life is back to the way it was before it went so terribly wrong." He smirks. "How many people get a second chance, Ella?"

  I shake my head. "I don't want it." I grab handfuls of his jacket, pulling him to me.

  "What did you expect?" Preston asks, stepping behind me, grabbing my neck and yanking my head back. "Tell us, sweet Ella, what you expected?"

  "We worked magic. What more could you want?" Tobias counters.

  "The perfect life, the perfect man," Preston says, "and is that now not good enough for you?"

  I stare into Tobias’ swirling eyes. "Oh, Preston," he says. "I think we've tainted her." And then he laughs.

  I reach behind me, placing my hand on Preston's hip and pulling him closer. "You have," I whisper.

  "Such a shame," Tobias breaths, leaning in close to me. So close I can taste his whisky-tinged breath. "Just like a lamb being dragged to slaughter, you were so innocent and now..." He kisses my lips and it sets off an animalistic reaction of lust.

  "No two men could make you feel like we do, Ella," Preston whispers by my ear, his hand gliding underneath the top of my dress. I turn toward him and his lips brush over mine. This is right, this is home to me now.

  "No one has the power we do," Tobias says as his hands roam over my hips. "And together, the three of us," he laughs, "oh the things we could do. The depravity we could wallow in, but..."

  "But..." I say, panic lacing my voice.

  Tobias glances to Preston and sighs. "I guess we really should get on with this, shouldn't we, Preston?"

  Preston places his arm around my waist and the two of them lead me out of the office. The elevator doors open and we step in. I want to ask where we're going, what happens now, but of course, I don't. Day seven and I'm not about to lose over a strike.

  So as always, I go with it.


  The door to the car closes and here I am, sat between Tobias and Preston. Tobias glances at his watch. "Thirty minutes," he says. And with that, he sinks to the floor, shoves my dress up my legs, and forces my thighs apart. He yanks my underwear to the side, covering my pussy with his mouth. His tongue rolls over my clit and I jump from the sudden warmth, the jolting pleasure.

  "Now, now sweet Ella, don't be so nervous," Preston whispers next to my ear. "You know we'll not let anything happen to you."

  Tobias spreads my pussy with his fingers and thrusts his tongue deep inside. I throw my head back on Preston's shoulder and moan.

  "You look so pretty with your pussy in his mouth," Preston says, kissing along my neck.

  "We just want you to be relaxed," Tobias says before he moves away from me and comes back to sit on the seat. He reaches down and sinks his fingers deep inside me, and I allow my legs to fall even farther open.

  "How wet are you for him, sweet Ella? Let me see." Preston rubs his hand down my side and over my thigh before swiping his finger over my wet pussy. "Oh, so wet." And with that, Preston slips one of his fingers in with Tobias. Something about the two of them like this, both wanting me, both touching me together. It feels too right.

  Their fingers bunch and flex inside me and Preston uses his free hand to draw hot circles over my clit. In a matter of moments, I'm at that edge. Moaning and writhing under their touch. I fist at Tobias' hair as I moan.

  "Do you want to come, little lamb," Tobias asks.

  "Do you want us to make you feel the way only we can?" Preston adds.

  "God yes."

  Preston pulls his finger out and leans over my lap, circling my clit with his hot tongue. Tobias fucks me with his hand, hard and violent, his fingers reaching the end of me and crooking in just the right way. Everything uncoils. The tension melts away and heat consumes me until all I can think about is them and their touch. I groan and buck, swearing as I pull at Tobias' hair.

  "So compliant," Tobias says as he slips his fingers out of me and straight into his mouth. "And so very good." He grins.

  He kisses me. The taste of myself on his lips is intoxicating.

  “Kiss me, sweet Ella,” Preston says and I break the kiss with Tobias, turning and meeting Preston’s soft mouth. He teasingly nips at my bottom lip. "I never tire of the way your pussy feels, sweet Ella," he says, kissing me again.

  "It's almost over, little lamb." Tobias sighs as he cups my face, turning me back to face him. "And the questions I'm sure you'll have…" A sadistic smirk inches over his face as he studies my eyes. "But know, to some things there are no answers."

  The car rolls to a stop outside of a familiar building and my heart gallops in my chest. Tobias and Preston climb out of the car. Tobias grabs my hand to help me out and then I’m led to the entrance of the building. The door groans when it opens it and we step into a familiar corridor, black painted walls and red spot lights making the place feel altogether demonic. We walk down the corridor and turn a corner. At the end is a red door. I know where we are. I know that door. I squeeze Tobias’ hand in mine.

  "It's fine, little lamb," he says. That is the room where I first met Three.

  "You're doing so good, sweet Ella," Preston whispers behind me.

  Tobias stops in front of the door. "You've truly made me proud." He leans down and presses a soft, reverent kiss to my lips before he opens the door. We step inside the dark room, and there, in the middle of the room is a girl. She's on her knees, her hands bound behind her back. That single spotlight is on her, but the rest of the room remains in darkness. Lifting her head, she squints against the light. Her face is stained with mascara. Her dress is rumpled and dirty. Her hair limp. Tobias' arm wraps around me and his hand lands on my hip, tugging me against his side.

  "Game number seven, sweet Ella," Preston says from somewhere
in the darkness.

  "Do you recognize her?" Tobias asks, his lips so close they skim my earlobe. "You should. You picked her."

  I stare at the girl. Lily Davis. A girl with no family and no real prospects. A girl who is failing at life. Just like me. She could be me, but it appears one of us is on one side of this game and one the other.

  "Please," she whimpers. "I don't know why you're doing this, but I...I can pay you."

  "Now, Lily," Tobias says as he pulls something from his breast pocket, "you signed the contract. You said you were game to play."

  A spike of jealousy tears through me as I imagine the things he did to get her to sign that contract. Did he kiss her like he did me? Did he make her come before she agreed to be his little toy? Did Preston touch her to sweeten the deal?

  "But..." she starts.

  "Now, now," Tobias coos. "You shouldn't have agreed to something with such loose terms."

  "Complete submission," Preston ads. "Sweet Lily. Complete submission." I snap my gaze to him, glaring. Sweet Lily? Am I so replaceable to them? Just another sweet lamb led to the slaughter and then discarded, one on a pile of butchered bodies.

  "I told you to pick carefully, little lamb," Tobias says.

  Preston glances at me. "Now you'll see why."

  "It wouldn't have mattered," I say.

  I would have hated her. This girl right here, I would have hated her no matter who she was, because she thinks she can have what is mine. She may not know it. She might have been entranced by the money or maybe even intrigued, but deep down she signed that bit of paper because she was drawn in by Tobias and Preston, by all the things they promise without ever saying a word. It's in a single look, a brutal kiss, a soft caress, in the way they walk and talk, the way they command the very air around them. She cannot have them.

  "Oh," Tobias steps up to me, grabbing my chin in his hand and tilting my head back, "but it does." And then he kisses me, hard and ruthless and I hope that girl can see. She will never be me. She will never be his little lamb.


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