Seven Days: The Game #7

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Seven Days: The Game #7 Page 2

by LP Lovell

  "Please, let me go," she begs and Preston groans.

  "That is not how the game is played, Lily," he says.

  Tobias pulls away from me. "Lily," he says, his eyes locked on mine with such confidence, but there's something dangerous dancing in his eyes, "my little lamb is the one you should be begging, not Preston."

  Tobias' hands slide down my body, tugging at the straps of my dress until my breasts are exposed. The cool air hits my flesh and my nipples tighten.

  "Look at how beautiful our little Ella is, Lily," Preston says, circling behind her like the vulture that he is. "Do you want to be her?"

  She doesn't say a word. Tobias yanks my dress down over my hips, the delicate stitching tearing. He hisses in a breath. "I just had you, but I want more," he whispers, grabbing at my pussy. "And I want her to see what she can..." He lets those words hang in the air and I want to grab him and force them out of him. Can be...can never be? But I can't ask questions. It goes against the sacred rules.

  Tobias drops to his knees in front of me, lifting one of my legs and placing my foot on his shoulder before he leans in and breathes a warm, steady breath over my clit. "She tastes so good. Like honey." He gives me a playful swipe with his tongue and I toss my head back at the contact as I grab at his thick hair.

  His fingers sink inside of me, slowly moving in and out.

  "Fuck me," I plead and Tobias stands up, immediately stripping out of his clothing. He fists my hair, walking around me.

  "So perfect. Broken and perfect. Pliable. Giving. Always willing." Tobias groans. "For me. For Preston. For us both."

  Preston crouches down next to the girl, bringing his lips to her ear. He whispers to her and I can imagine the teasing dirty things he's saying. My dirty words. My filthy promises. "Preston," I say, a plea and a command in one. His eyes lift to mine and that sly smile works over his lips before he kisses her neck gently.

  "Oh, sweet Ella. She's turned into such a demanding little thing," he laughs. "And she was so innocent. Seven days. I think we could desecrate a virgin herself." That cocky smirk plasters over his lips as he stands and stalks toward us. He strokes my cheek and presses his lips to my neck. I stare at the girl over his shoulder. "So possessive," he says.

  Tobias laughs, yanking my head back as he trails his tongue along my neck. "How do you want us to take you, little lamb? On the floor? Against the wall? Do you want to lay across her lap while we fuck you?"

  Staring at him, I fall to my hands and knees. "Just take me," I breathe.

  With a smirk, he steps behind me and drops to his knees. Preston crosses the room, stripping from his clothing. "Oh, sweet Ella," Preston says as he lies on the ground and grabs my hips.

  I straddle him, slowly sinking down on his hard cock and moaning at the way he feels. And then, Tobias sits behind me, holding my waist as he works his cock slowly inside my ass. I groan. These two men. They are mine and I am theirs. I move on top of them, grinding hard over Preston, pushing Tobias deep inside me.

  "Fuck," Tobias groans, his fingers flinching into my hips. "Come for me, Ella. For us. Show her what we do to you."

  Preston grabs my breasts, pinching my nipples and I reach down playing with my clit. That surge of ecstasy bubbles over like a spring and I come. Hard and fast. Violent. My pussy and ass clenching around them both.

  Without warning, Tobias pulls out of me. "Take his legs," he says.

  I grab Preston's legs, hooking them around my arms. "Open him for me, little lamb." A heat surges over me as I spread Preston's legs and wait. I feel Tobias' stomach against my back as he sinks into Preston's ass. Preston's face crumples with the sheer bliss of being filled by Tobias. That transfer of energy, there is nothing like it. "Fuck him hard," I say to Tobias as I ride Preston.

  Tobias picks up his pace and I match it even though my sensitive skin is pleading for me to stop. Tobias' teeth sink into my shoulder and I groan. I look up at the girl. I want her to see. I want her to see them take me. Possess me. I want her to see that they are mine. I need her to envy me.

  I throw my head back against Tobias’ chest and steady myself by wrapping my hand around the back of his neck. His breathing grows ragged as he presses his cheek against mine. Tobias wraps his hand around my throat, possessing me, owning me while he fucks Preston.

  And the entire time, I stare at her. "You will never have this," I say.

  Tobias lets out a low laugh, his fingers tightening around my throat. "Make him come for us, Ella," he whispers against my ear. I force myself over Preston harder, squeezing my pussy in an effort to milk everything from him.

  A loud groan tears up Preston's throat. His fingers dig into my sides and Tobias pants behind me, slamming into him harder and faster until he knocks me down on top of Preston's sweat-slicked chest. He stills behind us in a long, lust-filled groan and here we lay. The three of us, joined together by lust and blood, and dare I


  There's a knock at the door and Tobias stands, grabbing my dress from the floor. "We have a guest," he says on a pant. I watch as he and Preston quickly dress themselves in their suits. The perfect disguise for these two dark men. I slip my dress over my head and smooth out the wrinkles before combing my fingers through my tousled hair.

  "Come in," Preston says.

  The door swings open, the hinges creaking as Three steps in wearing a fine tailored suit and the mask from the ball. "Ah, little toy," he says. I tense, backing toward Tobias. Tobias places his hand on my hip as Three circles around Lily. "A new little toy for us to play with. Game seven is such a festive event, isn't it?"

  I remember the feel of him touching me, fucking me, taking advantage. I clench my fists so hard my nails bite into my palms.

  "She hasn't a clue, does she?" Three asks with a laugh. "Oh, this is grand."

  I feel Tobias' hold on me twitch. Preston steps beside me, threading his fingers through mine. Tobias takes my shoulders, turning me to face him. "Little lamb, this is game seven."

  "The final game, " Preston adds.

  "No matter how this ends, you've done so well." Tobias grins before he turns his attention to Three.

  "Is it time for the big reveal?" Three asks, excitement buzzing in his voice. "The game is simple, pretty. All you have to do is make a choice. You can shoot one person in this room."

  I glare at him. That's easy. I'll shoot Three.

  He reaches up and slowly removes the mask, dipping his chin to his chest. Shadows dance over his face as he raises his head to reveal a sinister grin I know all too well.

  "No," I breathe. "Sawyer?" My heart thumps in my chest, my breaths fall ragged. How could they do this to me? Why would they do this to me? Thump. Thump. Thump. The sound of my banging heart is all I can hear.

  "I missed you," Sawyer says with a smile and everything inside me implodes.

  I cross the distance between us and slam my fist against his chest over and over. "I hate you. You piece of shit!" I scratch at his face and he shoves me with such force I fall to the floor.

  "Enough," he says as I scramble to my feet and rush to the door, but his arm is around my waist before I can react and he's dragging me back to the middle of the room. "You always were one for drama, weren't you, Ella?"

  And how do I react? How should a person react to this…this fucked up situation? I glare at Tobias and Preston and angry tears sting my eyes. It was all a lie. A game. I knew it was a game, but I believed some truth may lie within it, but this, this changes everything, warps everything. I killed because of these men, I fucked these men, I allowed them to unravel the very core of my morals until I was just as filthy and depraved as they were, and every single bit of it was a lie. I want to hit them, choke them, kill them possibly, but what good would that do? I am what they've created regardless now, so I hang my head and hold back the tears on the knowledge that this game isn't a mere seven days. It's been in play for years...years!

  "Sawyer," I whisper.

  "Oh, how fun you have been to play wit
h, my dear Ella," he says, his voice falling into that Southern accent so easily. He smirks as he steps closer to me. "I knew you were special, but to have you make it to this point in the game, to day seven..." The British voice I loathe is back, and I prefer that. That is the voice of the enemy, not the boyfriend I once loved. He shakes his head. "I am surprised."

  I glance at Tobias and can't help the hurt winding tightly around me like a rope. They knew. They knew and they never told me. But what did I expect? After all, it's just a game. Any imagined loyalties are just that, imagined. They are here to win. And I am simply an opponent to be decimated in their lust for a prize.

  Tobias grabs my chin and I attempt to jerk free of his hold. "Stop," he says, and I can't help but obey him. He brings his mouth to mine and kisses me. "I am sorry. I had no idea I could love," he whispers against my lips so quietly I'm unsure what I just heard. Did he just say he loved me?

  I squeeze my eyes shut, fighting back the tears that threaten under the sting of betrayal.

  "Ah, isn't this beautiful?" Sawyer grins. "I should add, Ella, that you can't shoot me. I'm not an option. You must choose between lover boy one." He moves closer and brushes a hand over Tobias' shoulder with a smirk. "It would be a shame though. Such a dreadful waste. Or, lover boy two." He now points at Preston. "And of course,” he walks across the room, “option number three..." He places his hand on top of Lily's head and she whimpers. "The innocent girl, so young, so much to offer this world. So much like yourself only seven short days ago. Oh, how you have fallen, little angel." He walks toward the door and pulls a pistol from his jacket, placing it on a table by the door. "If you chose to shoot no one, then I'll shoot all three of them." And with that, he closes the door.

  My pulse bangs in my head as I walk toward the door and pick up the gun. They've created this—me. This beast of a shadow of what I once was. They've stripped me of morals. Of right and wrong, so would it not be fair to kill them? But why do I care what is fair? Life's not fair. It's short and fleeting and they make it an adrenaline rush every second of every day.

  I love Tobias. I feel for Preston, this girl... I stare at Lily. She doesn't deserve to be here, she doesn't deserve any of this. Deep down I know that Preston and Tobias deserve this far more than her. But she did sign the contract... I scoop up the folded piece of paper that's fallen to the floor. I open it, expecting to see a carbon copy of the contract I signed. It's not. It's an agreement. One night in exchange for half a million dollars. There are no details. No mention of what this night would involve, only that it is a game. It also clearly states that in the event of Lily being unable to receive the funds herself, they would be passed to one Harvey Davis.

  I glance up at her slowly. "Who is Harvey?"

  Tears pouring down her cheeks. "My brother. He's sick."

  I close my eyes, allowing a heavy breath to slip through my lips. She has someone relying on her. The rational part of me—the part that remembers what it was to be a normal girl—recoils violently from the idea of killing her. She's an innocent. I could have been her, and she could have been me. Would she shoot me in this situation? Kill the innocent girl or the monsters whose very game has driven me to this? The choice should be so clear.

  "Please don't make me do this," I beg, still staring at her.

  Tobias sighs. "You have no choice."

  "You've come so far," Preston says.

  "Tobias..." I turn and face him.

  "You've been here before, little lamb. Begging does no good."

  I stare at his green eyes, his lips set in a hard line. "I want out," I say.

  "It's too late."

  "It's not. I quit. You win. I don't want your money."

  "You've come too far," Preston says. "There's only one way out."

  "You'll kill me?" I shout.

  "Three would. He likes his games," Tobias says. “It’s one or all of us now, little lamb. Save two or kill us all.”

  I glance back at the girl crying. Anger bubbles in my chest and I grip the cold metal of the gun in my hands as I step toward Tobias. I choke back the sob as I place the barrel of the gun to his temple. A sly smirk works over his lips. "Am I the chosen one then, my little lamb?" He laughs. "Killed by the only woman to ever pierce this blackened heart. Oh, the irony."

  He loves me..."You lie," I say through clenched teeth.

  "I may be many things, but I would not lie to you about that."

  Preston steps behind me and places his hand on my shoulder. I jump from the sudden contact and Tobias flinches. "Point it at Lily. Just a small slip of the finger, sweet Ella and you win."

  "Pull the trigger," Tobias says. "Shoot me." His eyes flare with a dangerous spark.

  My heart hums in my chest. My throat goes dry, my finger is numb. I close my eyes and all I can see is Tobias. His eyes, his lips. Can I shoot a man that owns my very soul?

  "Bang. Bang," Preston whispers.

  I open my eyes. "You love him, Preston," I say defensively. He does, I know he does. I see it in the way he looks at Tobias sometimes. It's the same way I look at him.

  Preston shrugs. "Love is a perception, sweet Ella. It comes and goes like all other emotions. All we really have is the here and now, the adrenaline of the moment." He grins, spreading his arms wide. "Don't you feel so alive?"


  "Tell me, Ella," Tobias smiles. "Tell me why you can't."

  "I..." The room spins, my chest grows tight. I glance at Lily then at Preston before I stare back at Tobias, the gun threatening to slip from my sweat-slicked palms. “I just…” My head spins and the gun falls to the floor with a clatter. I tense, waiting for it to go off.

  "Tick, tock, little lamb," Tobias says as I bend to pick up the gun.

  Locking my gaze with Tobias, I place the gun beneath my chin, the cool bite of the metal making my hand shake.

  Tobias shakes his head. “Do that and he’ll still kill us.”

  With a frustrated cry I lower the gun. Tears sting my eyes and a sense of desperation claws at me. I can’t do it. I can’t kill them.

  The stress is too much, the tension choking me. I lift the gun and aim, my heart ready to explode from my chest as I pull back on the trigger. Bam. There's the spark of the gun, the smell of the gun powder. Lily screams and Preston claps just before Tobias wraps his arm around my waist and kisses my throat. "I love you, too, little lamb, even if it means you lost."

  My hands shake as I drop the gun to the floor, staring at Lily. "Did I miss?" I whisper.

  "No," Preston says just as the door swings open.

  Sawyer steps inside the room with a disappointed grimace on his face. "So, you shot an innocent girl because..." he sighs. "Seven days, is that really all it takes to make you love someone you should hate?" He glances at Tobias and Preston. "Seven days of your fuckery and she loves you?" He laughs. "Unbelievable." He strides across the room and unties Lily. "Lucky for you, they were blanks. You'll find the money in your account in the morning and if you speak of this to anyone, I will have you killed."

  She nods, tears streaming down her face as she flees from the room.

  "And, as for you," Sawyer says as he walks toward me. "You lost. So sad after all you've been through."

  "Three..." Tobias starts and Sawyer holds up a finger to silence him. Even from here I can feel Tobias bristling with anger.

  "Lucky for you though, Tobias and I struck another deal." He shakes his head. "But he agreed I could come up with the game, didn't you Tobias?"

  "What..." I say as I spin on my heel.

  "What deal did you make?" Preston sighs.

  "Oh, well, you see," Sawyer says, stepping between us. "Little Ella here had such an effect on old Tobias that he felt guilty when I was going to fuck her unconscious body. So, I agreed to change the end game. I agreed he and I could play for her."

  Preston drops his chin to his chest and drags his hand through his hair.

  "Now, Tobias, it's simple really. How selfish is she?" He glances at me. "Really,
how selfish are you? You obviously love him, I mean, willing to kill poor Lily, but are you so selfish that you would put yourself above him? How much of a sacrificial little lamb are you?" He laughs. "Tobias is going to lose someone he loves, but who will it be? You or Preston?"

  I stare at Tobias and I can see the worry etching its way across his beautiful face.

  "You either come with me and take away the only woman able to tame the brutal beast, or you kill Preston."

  There is no decision here. "I won't kill him."

  "Really, so quick to make a decision? What took you so long a few minutes ago?"

  "Sacrificing myself wasn't an option," I say through gritted teeth.

  Sawyer slowly walks over to me. I back up until I bump into Tobias' chest. Sawyer smirks, crowding me as he stares at Tobias. He pinches a strand of my hair between his fingers and drops his face to my neck, inhaling. "Do you remember when I promised to ruin you, pretty toy?" I swallow hard, refusing to answer him. "Well, that was when you had the option of coming willingly. Now, if you want to be the sacrificial lamb I'll be sure to make you bleed."

  Tobias growls, his hands gripping my hips as he pulls me tight against him. Preston steps up beside us and places his hand on Tobias' shoulder. "You have to let her go," he says quietly to Tobias.

  Sawyer grins like he's just won the lottery. My stomach turns and twists.

  "Don't worry, Tobias, she loved me once, and not a love created in seven days. She'll forget about you soon enough, I promise. And you can find a new toy." I fight back bile at the thought of Tobias with another girl. Will he love her just like he loves me? Will he forget me so easily? Will they fuck her the same way they fucked me? Will he call her his little lamb? '

  "She loved a lie," Tobias says. "She's well aware of my demons and yet..." His gaze drifts over to mine and my chest tightens. Does this man love me? Sawyer grabs my arm, yanking me away from Tobias so hard I stagger on my feet.


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