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Short Stop to Love

Page 13

by A. M. Williams

  “You ready for the tour?” Jeremy asked, nuzzling her neck.

  “Yep, whenever you are.”

  They stood and Keri looked around the room again. In the time she’d been there, it had slowly cleared out until she and Jeremy were the only two left. He led her around the room, opening various doors to show her the showers, physical therapy room, and sauna. She was especially intrigued by the cafeteria that boasted its own personal chef to create meals for members of the team.

  He then led her to a dim, upward sloping tunnel. Their footsteps echoed as Jeremy led her to the steadily growing light. Keri gasped as they suddenly stepped into Seattle’s dugout. He smiled and pushed her toward the steps to the field. She slowly walked up them, taking in the field from this vantage point. The majority of the lights in the stadium were already off, leaving just the ones lighting the field.

  She turned in a slow circle as she took it all in. The sun was going down, so the small breeze that blew made her shiver as she surveyed at the immaculate field.

  “This is amazing!” she said, looking at him.

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  “Like it? I love it!”

  She stepped towards him and kissed him. “Thank you.”

  He pointed out a few things on the field, answering her questions.

  “It’s so quiet,” she said after a few minutes.

  “It’s amazing to see this place when everyone is gone. It’s one thing to be here in front of all those people, but another to be the only one on the field.”

  As she looked at the field, she thought back to how he filled out his uniform and how tempting he was fielding balls and swinging the bat. Desire pooled low in her belly. She glanced at Jeremy who was arching a brow at her.

  She licked her lips as she stepped close to him, winding her arms around his neck. He placed his hands on her waist as he looked at her.

  “I want you,” she said, pressing herself as close to him as possible.

  Jeremy gulped, his eyes widening at her words. They flicked down to her lips before meeting her eyes again. Coming to a decision, he pulled his phone out and called someone. He talked to whoever was on the other end, but Keri didn’t listen. She pressed open-mouthed kisses to whatever part of him she could reach. He was wearing a v-neck t-shirt that allowed her to kiss partially onto his chest before working her way up the other side.

  Suddenly, she found herself hanging off Jeremy, her legs around his waist with his hands supporting her. He pressed a hard kiss to her lips and her lips opened. She groaned into his mouth. They started moving, but Keri didn’t pay any attention. She was consumed with her desire and need for Jeremy.

  Jeremy pulled back from her, but before she could say anything, she realized why he stopped. They were back in the dugout. He was sitting on the bench, unwrapping her legs from his waist so she could stand. As she watched, he quickly rid her of her jeans and underwear. He also slid his own pants down, allowing his erection to spring free.

  Keri bit her lip as she took him in. She wanted to taste him so badly, but it seemed Jeremy had other ideas.

  He pulled her to him, helping her straddle his lap. Instead of placing her on his erection, he pressed two fingers into her, groaning when he discovered how wet she was. “Fuck,” he said, thrusting them in and out.

  Keri was so turned on she was already moving her hips in time with his fingers, wanting more friction to move her closer to orgasm. Jeremy chuckled. “Impatient?”

  Keri huffed. “Yes! I had to watch you in that hot fucking uniform, showing off your ass to perfection. Damn right I’m impatient!”

  “Your wish is my command then.”

  Suddenly, he withdrew his fingers, making Keri whimper. He sucked them into his mouth, licking them clean before shifting her so the tip of his erection was at her entrance. With his guidance, Keri sank down onto his hard length. They both groaned at the sensation of him filling her. Once he was fully inside her, she waited a moment before she moved up and down his shaft.

  Jeremy spread his legs a little and he slouched down before he started to thrust up, meeting her each time she came down. She was tried to repress a scream as he continually hit her in all the right spots. She was close and it would only take a few more thrusts to push her over.

  “Come on, baby,” Jeremy ground out. “Give it to me.”

  Keri whimpered as her orgasm suddenly hit her, making her stiffen and throw her head back as shudders ran through her body. She was vaguely aware of Jeremy holding her to him and groaning through his own release. They sat there, panting in the aftermath. After a few moments, Keri carefully stood on shaky legs and pulled her clothes back on.

  Once they were fully dressed, Jeremy pulled Keri into his arms, kissing her lightly on the lips.

  “What are you doing to me?” he asked, looking into her eyes.

  She laughed and shrugged. “I think I should ask what you’re doing to me. You barely touched me and I almost combusted.”

  Jeremy chuckled. “We’ll chalk it up to my wonderfully tight uniform.”

  Keri laughed and hit him on the chest lightly. “Don’t make fun. You seriously look hot in that uniform.”

  “That may be, but I don’t think it’s nearly as hot as you wearing a jersey with my name and number on it.”

  Keri rolled her eyes, brushing his compliment off.

  “You are seriously making me want you again,” Jeremy murmured as he pressed another hard kiss to her lips. “But, we need to get going. I want something to eat before I fuck you into next week.”

  Keri gasped at his words. He just shrugged. “What? I’m just telling you my plans. Don’t want to surprise you.”

  As Jeremy led her back down the tunnel toward the locker room, her laughter rang out around them.

  Joann: How was the tour?

  Keri: Fun.

  Joann: Fun? Just fun?

  Keri: Yep, just fun.

  Joann: I thought for sure you’d have something else to say. You mean you enjoyed touring that place?

  Keri: Who says we toured it?

  Joann:?! Are you…are you implying what I think you’re implying?

  Keri: I don’t know. What am I implying?

  Joann: Don’t do this to me. I need answers!

  Joann: Did you or did you not get down and dirty at that stadium?

  Keri: A lady never tells.



  Glass’s Mystery Woman Identified

  This just in: Glass’s paramour has finally been identified. If you’re like most of Seattle, then you’ve been on Glass-watch, waiting to see where he and his ladylove would pop up next. Until now, we had no clue who the beautiful brunette was. Yesterday was the first time she was seen in public with Glass, even if he was on the baseball field. She was spotted sitting in box seats on the third baseline with Glass’s brother Troy and Joann Gardiner, a reporter at the Times.

  The mystery woman has been identified as Keri Robson. Our sources tell us she’s a native to Washington and grew up just a short distance outside the city. She’s currently a senior editor at one of Seattle’s own independent publishing houses, Next Page Publishing. So far, we don’t know how Glass and Robson met, but they’ve certainly looked cozy the few times we’ve seen them together. Last night, Robson was pictured being led into Seattle’s locker room after the game by a member of Glass’s personal security. A source close to the couple said they were very lovey, kissing and canoodling in the locker room while they waited for people to leave.

  To recap, the two were first photographed together in Peoria, Arizona when Glass was there for spring training in late February. Since his return to Seattle, they’ve been photographed together a few times, but nothing in recent weeks. Yesterday was the first time she’s been seen since the pre-season kicked off and what a game to choose. Glass was on fire on the field, assisting with multiple plays and getting five hits.

  Stay tuned and keep your ears to the ground as we try to find out
more about Glass’s ladylove.

  Keri stared at the article and its accompanying picture. She knew she would be identified by going into the locker room, but being in the morning edition of the paper surprised her. She thought it would make the evening edition at the earliest.

  She looked at her phone to see if Jeremy had texted her. She wasn’t surprised there was no contact since he left early that morning on the team’s jet. He probably wouldn’t be able to speak with her until later in the day, if not until the following day when they left for San Diego.

  She sighed as she returned to the article, looking over it again and eyeing the photos. The first picture was the photo from brunch the previous week. Another from the game yesterday and one from the locker room accompanied it. She put her tablet down and walked to the window as she thought it over. She wanted to know if he’d seen it and what he thought. She didn’t want their relationship to distract him from playing.

  She scanned the buildings across from her apartment before her eyes moved to the sidewalk in front of it. It was overcast and promised rain. It had also cooled off, so she made a note to remember a jacket when she left later. She gasped when she noticed a few photographers lurking outside. Her name wasn’t anywhere on the lease. How did they find out where she lived? She pulled her phone out and dialed Joann.

  “Hey, Keri, what’s up?”

  “Hey, nothing much. I’m just a bit worried.”

  “What’s worrying you?”

  “There are photographers outside our building.”

  “How many?”

  Keri glanced back outside. “Three.”

  Joann was silent for a few moments.

  “Well, they can’t know you live there unless they followed you home last night. They’ll figure it out eventually,” Joann told her. “But, I think this is more them hoping that by staking my place out, they’ll find you at some point.”

  Keri chewed on her lip as she thought over Joann’s words. They made sense. And, she had to agree with Joann: they would eventually find where she lived. That didn’t mean she wanted it to be right now though.

  “I can hear you thinking from here,” Joann told her. “Don’t worry about it. Just don’t leave the apartment today. I’ll stop for take out on the way home. Tomorrow morning, we’ll figure out what to do when it comes time to go to work.”

  Keri sighed. “Ok. Thanks, Joann.”

  “What are friends for?”

  After hanging up with Joann, Keri typed a text to Jeremy.

  Keri: Hey, hope you’ve safely landed in Cincinnati. I can’t wait to hear your voice. Have you seen the paper today?

  She grimaced after she sent it. That last question might be too pointed, but she couldn’t help it. She really wanted to know what he thought. She endeavored to distract herself by starting laundry, washing dishes, and cleaning the apartment. She was jerked out of her cleaning fog by the ringing of her cell phone.

  “Hello?” she answered without checking her caller ID.

  “Hey, baby,” Jeremy said, sounding tired.

  A grin split her face and she dropped what she was doing. “Hey! How are you?”

  “Tired, but that’s to be expected with the sex kitten I found myself having to deal with last night.”

  “I think you need to learn to tame that sex kitten.”

  Jeremy chuckled. “That I do.”

  They were silent for several moments before Jeremy said, “I did see the paper this morning. How are you feeling about it?”

  Keri tried to gather her thoughts. “I don’t know. On the one hand, it was inevitable I’d be identified. But on the other, I’m not thrilled. What bothers me, though, is the source they cite as being close to us.”

  “I agree. There were only a few people in the locker room with us, so there’s only so many people that could have even said something.”

  “Will Allison send out that press release?”

  “I’m not sure. I haven’t talked to her yet today. I think she will. If we give them some information, maybe include a little bit more than they have so far and ask for privacy, it’ll go a long way towards them backing off.”

  Keri nodded, even though Jeremy couldn’t see it. That did make sense to her. She made her way back to the window and looked down at the photographers still camped out. “There are some photographers outside.”


  “There’s only three. I haven’t gone out, so I don’t think they know I’m here. Joann thinks they’re hanging around hoping to see me.”

  Jeremy exhaled loudly. “She’s probably right. I want you to be careful. If they are hoping to get a shot of you, then they’ll be relentless about it. Please pay attention to your surroundings and don’t be afraid to ask for help.”

  “I won’t. I promise I’ll be safe. If I feel even the slightest bit of worry, I’ll try to stay home for the day or have someone help me get out.”

  “Good,” Jeremy said, sounding relieved. “I hate that I won’t see you for several days.”

  “Me too. But, you’ll be back soon and I saw you have two free days next week.”

  “Yeah. I shouldn’t have any press requirements either. If not, want to see about going out on my boat or doing something else together?”

  Keri smiled. “I’d love that.”

  “Great. I’ll get in touch with Liam to see about readying the boat in case the weather cooperates.”

  After chatting for a few more minutes, they hung up so Jeremy could get ready for the game, which would be starting soon for him. Keri couldn’t wipe the grin from her face. She was still worried about the press, but one conversation with Jeremy assuaged those worries.

  The following day Keri was relieved no photographers were outside her apartment. She wasn’t so lucky outside of Next Page though. A pack milled outside the doors and she blanched at the realization she would have to push her way through it. Sighing, she parked her car in the garage and prepared herself to walk through them.

  Upon stepping out of her car, she was taken aback to see a tall man in a business suit standing behind her, his back to her with his hands clasped behind it, scanning the area. He looked vaguely familiar, though she couldn’t place him.

  “Excuse me?” Keri said, nervous. She wished she had pepper spray or something to defend herself if he turned out to be some psycho.

  The man turned and gave Keri a nod. “Ms. Robson, my name is Gabriel McKnight. I’m here to help you in and out of Next Page until the media frenzy dies down.”

  Keri blinked as she took his words in. Now that she had context, she recognized him from the photos of Jeremy with his security. “Did Jeremy send you?”

  Gabriel nodded. “Yes ma’am, just this morning. Ms. Gardiner spoke with him last night and mentioned you might need help.”

  Keri was shocked since Joann hadn’t mentioned anything earlier and she had no idea Joann knew how to contact Jeremy. She wondered what Joann knew that Keri didn’t and why she hadn’t told her.

  Keri: Did you talk to Jeremy about security?

  Joann: Yeah, he called me earlier.

  Keri: And you didn’t think to say anything?

  Joann: What was there to say? He asked if I thought you needed help because of the media. I said it wouldn’t hurt.

  Keri: Heads up next time. Please. There’s some dude here that says Jeremy sent him.

  Joann: Text Jeremy and find out.

  Keri: Thanks, Sherlock. Hadn’t thought of that.

  Joann: Sarcasm is unbecoming on a lady.

  Glancing at Gabriel, she smiled tightly and opened a message to Jeremy.

  Keri: There’s some guy here that claims he works for you.

  Jeremy: Gabriel?

  Keri: Yes. I wanted to check he was legit before going with him.

  Jeremy: Smart. But you could have asked for ID.

  Keri: What if he tried something when he reached for it?

  Jeremy: I’m glad you’re being smart, but come on. What would he do?

p; Keri: I don’t know! I’m a single woman alone in a parking garage with a dude that’s pretty ripped. I’d rather be safe than sorry.

  Jeremy: You’re also standing there texting in front of said guy that could do anything.

  Keri: Shit.

  Keri: You’re right. I’d be dead already.

  Jeremy: Let Gabriel help you. I’ll talk to you later.

  Clearing her throat, she turned back to her car and gathered her purse and tote bag. After locking her car, Gabriel gave her a nod and followed her from the garage. He held the door to the sidewalk open for her, scanning the area as Keri stepped out. They were two blocks away from Next Page, so no one had taken notice of her. But as she drew closer, she noticed the photographers perking up at her appearance.

  Gabriel moved in front of her as they came close enough for Keri to hear the questions they were shouting at her.

  “Ms. Robson! What’s it like dating Jeremy Glass?”

  “How did you manage to bag him?”

  “How serious are you and Jeremy Glass?”

  The questions were all in that vein and Keri endeavored to ignore them, clinging to the back of Gabriel’s coat as he pushed their way through the throng outside the building. Once they were inside, it was eerily quiet after the clambering from outside. Crystal, the receptionist, gaped at her and Gabriel comically.

  “Good morning, Crystal,” Keri said, plastering a smile on her face. “How are you?”

  Crystal’s mouth opened and closed, but no sound came out. Keri breezed by her into a quiet main floor with all eyes on her. She kept the smile on her face as she went to her office. Once she was inside, she closed her door behind her and collapsed into her desk chair.

  Dropping her purse and bag, she put her head in her hands. The looks from her coworkers were something else. Based on the expressions of the few coworkers she noticed as she walked through, surprise was the main emotion, followed by jealousy. She was worried that people would now start to treat her differently since they knew she was now dating one of the most popular men in Seattle. She could already imagine the stilted conversations and the girls trying to be friendly to get an invitation to meet Jeremy or to get juicy gossip.


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