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Short Stop to Love

Page 16

by A. M. Williams

Joann: You ready for some baseball?!

  Keri: Why are you so chipper?

  Joann: Lots of coffee.

  Keri: Should have known. Troy doesn’t know you’re like a rabbit if you drink that, does he?

  Joann: Nope. I think he’s caught on to me though.

  Keri: I wish him luck. He’ll need it to wrangle you.

  The regular season started with a full week of away games, first in Houston and then Los Angeles. Thankfully, he would be home for several weeks after, although he had games most days. Keri had made a point to text Jeremy throughout the day and call him each night if possible. While it was hard, she felt the distance worked in their favor because they were forced to communicate. In turn, they were more intimate, even if it wasn’t physical intimacy.

  On top of Jeremy’s traveling, Heather had been quiet. No other articles were printed and Jeremy said he hadn’t heard from her. Keri hoped that stayed true, but she would pop up at the most inconvenient time with Jeremy in Seattle for a home series. Keri pushed that from her mind. She was getting ready to attend another game with Joann and Troy. A strange sense of foreboding hung over her as she got ready.

  Since Jeremy was sending a car for her, she couldn’t even vent her worries to Joann ahead of time. Shortly before the car was to arrive, Keri double-checked how she looked in the mirror. By the time she made her way downstairs, a black town car was sitting at the curb. Gabriel was standing next to it.

  She smiled and cocked a brow at him. “Chauffeur duty?”

  Gabriel shrugged and opened the door for her. A few minutes later, they were gliding through the Seattle streets on the way to the field. It was another beautiful late spring day and Keri was glad to be spending it at the ballpark.

  Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as they drew closer. The hired car was waved through the gate after displaying a placard, coming to a stop just outside the designated area where Keri was to meet Jacob.

  Gabriel opened Keri’s door, helping her from the car. She smiled her thanks and stepped to will call to claim her ticket since Jacob was not in sight. Before she could get to the window, she heard her name.

  “Ms. Robson,” Jacob called from her right.

  She looked at him and smiled. “Jacob, I thought you would be with Jeremy.”

  “Mr. Glass sent me to escort you inside. If you’ll follow me.”

  She moved out of line and fell into step behind Jacob, who led her past the main gates to a smaller entrance that was away from the parking lot where the zealous fans were tailgating. He passed a card in front of an electronic scanner, opening the gate for Keri. He then opened a door and led her inside the stadium. She wasn’t sure, but she thought she was near the locker rooms because it looked familiar from the last time she was here.

  “If you’ll wait here,” Jacob said, opening a door that led to a small conference room.

  She stepped inside and looked around in confusion. There was a small conference table with the team logo on it surrounded by several rolling desk chairs. The windows were covered by closed blinds, so Keri wasn’t entirely sure where she was in the complex. She was nervous as she waited. She assumed Jeremy was going to see her, but she wasn’t sure.

  A few minutes later, there was a brief knock on the door and it opened to reveal Jeremy already dressed for the game. She eyed him as he stepped into the dimly lit room, closing the door behind him. Today he was wearing a navy-blue jersey tucked into dark gray baseball pants. She could see his teal socks poking out where his cleats didn’t quite cover his ankle. She had never seen him in a uniform up close and she realized that while he looked good on the field, he looked even better up close. She licked her lips as her eyes raked over him. Desire tugged in her belly and she wanted nothing more than to pull him to her for a hard kiss.

  She opened her mouth to speak, but Jeremy surprised her by pulling her to him and pressing his lips to hers. Keri sighed and melted into his arms, reveling in the feel of being held. He pressed his tongue against her lips, asking for entrance, which she happily granted, groaning as their tongues battled for dominance.

  Teeth clashed and their tongues dueled as their hands wandered over each other. She shivered as his fingers brushed the outside of her breast. Jeremy groaned lowly as she lightly caressed the bulge in his pants.

  She pulled back, panting as her eyes met his desirous ones. “Wow,” she said, swallowing thickly.

  “Wow indeed.”

  He licked his lips as he stepped back. “I didn’t mean to maul you, but I realized I had to see you before the game today.”

  Keri stepped closer and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Well, I’m glad you couldn’t wait. I’m happy to see you too.”

  She leaned up and pressed her lips against his in a soft kiss that quickly morphed into something all consuming. Jeremy’s hands reached down to cup Keri’s ass, pulling her closer to him. She wanted nothing more than to do something about her arousal, but she knew they didn’t have the time.

  She forced herself to pull back, laying her head against Jeremy’s chest. She could hear his heart beating fast, matching the rhythm of her own. They stayed this way for several moments before Jeremy stepped back. “Can I see you after the game?”

  Keri nodded. “Where should I meet you?”

  Jeremy looked thoughtful before wincing. “I just remembered, I have to participate in the press conference after. I’m not sure what time I’ll be done. Damnit!”

  “If you can’t see me, that’s fine,” she assured him. Yes, she wanted to see him after the game, but he had obligations and she wouldn’t make it more difficult for him.

  Jeremy was silent for several moments before asking, “How about you wait for me at my place?”

  Keri blinked at him in surprise. She’d been there before, obviously, but she’d never been by herself. This seemed like a big step.

  “I could meet you there later? Or just see you tomorrow maybe?”

  “No, I want you waiting for me. I’ll have Gabriel take you home to pack a bag and then drop you at my place.”

  Keri thought it over for several moments. She looked at Jeremy and saw the earnestness in his expression, so she nodded. “Ok, that works.”

  He grinned at her and pressed a hard kiss to her lips. “Great! I’ll let Jacob know. I have to get going. You need to get to your seat.”

  With a wink and another kiss, Jeremy left. She took a few moments to get herself together before stepping outside. She faintly heard the clack of Jeremy’s cleats fade and realized he was rushing to meet back up with his team. Jacob was waiting outside the door stoically.

  “Are you ready, Ms. Robson?” he asked her.

  She nodded and followed behind him as he led her through the echoing underbelly of the stadium. As they neared the concourse, Keri could hear the dull roar of the crowd mixed with the music pumping through the park. They eventually reached a door that Jacob held open for her and she found herself thrust into the middle of the concourse.

  There were crowds of people walking around with food and drink. Jacob started walking with her and surprised her when he came to a stop before one of the concession stands. “Mr. Glass told me to have you order some food, whatever you'd like. His treat.”

  Keri shook her head. “Oh, no. I can’t let him do that…”

  Jacob smiled. “I’m sure he appreciates that, but I’ve got my orders.”

  She argued with him, but Jacob wouldn’t budge. Resigning herself, Keri stepped up and ordered a cheeseburger, fries, and a beer. She waited the few minutes for it to be ready and against her protests, Jacob took it and led her to her previous seat. Once they reached it, Jacob had Keri sit before passing her the food.

  With a nod, he walked off, leaving Keri alone. She glanced around and was surprised to not see Joann and Troy. She thought they would be here since it was only about fifteen minutes until the first pitch. Shrugging, she turned to her food, unwrapped her burger and started to eat.

  As she ate, the seats around her
slowly filled. Soon she heard Troy’s laugh and turned to see him and Joann approaching with their own food and drinks. They greeted each other as they settled into their seats.

  They made small talk as they ate and waited for the announcer to list the starting lineups. A few minutes later, the music faded out and the starting lineup was announced. She smiled as Jeremy jogged onto the field, taking his place on the diamond. Throughout the game, Keri found her eyes glued to Jeremy as he fielded and threw the ball, watching him gracefully move around the field. When he was at bat, she watched his body coil and strike as he swung the bat.

  As she watched him throughout the game, she could feel her desire for him grow. Watching him play baseball was such a turn on because he was so confident on the field, ruling the infield.

  When the seventh inning was starting, there was a commotion behind them. They turned to see a blonde fuming at the top of the stairs leading to their seats. There was an attendant and two security guards blocking her way. Keri was almost positive it was Heather, but she couldn’t see her clearly. She saw enough though. Her eyes flicked over Heather, appraising the woman. Heather’s hair was gathered into a high ponytail and she had large sunglasses covering her eyes. Her body looked like it was squeezed into a Seattle baseball shirt that was a size too small. The same could be said for her jeans. Her feet were clad in black stilettos and Keri honestly wondered how she was able to stand without falling over.

  She heard Troy mutter, “Shit!”

  She glanced at him as he placed his food down and walked to the top of the stairs, blocking her view of Heather.

  She turned to Joann, who looked confused.

  “Do you know what’s going on?” she asked Keri.

  Keri shrugged. “I think I do, but I’m not sure what she’s doing here.”

  Joann looked at her in question. Keri sighed. “I’m pretty sure that’s Jeremy’s ex, Heather.”

  “The bitch that’s trolling you in the media?”

  “One and the same.”

  “What do you think she’s doing here?”

  Keri shrugged. “Jeremy and I think she wants him back and will do whatever she thinks she needs to in order to make it happen.”

  She heard raised voices and turned her attention back to Heather and Troy, her eyes widening as she noticed the crowd was now larger. As she watched, two guards grasped Heather around her arm and led her away. Troy made his way back down, looking weary as he dropped back into his seat.

  He sighed as he grabbed his cup of beer and took a big gulp.

  “Everything okay?” Joann asked him eventually, looking at him worriedly.

  “Yeah, it’s fine.” He shook his head and muttered, “I can’t believe the nerve of her.”

  “What did she want?” Keri asked worriedly.

  “Well, she wanted to sit here. Obviously, that didn’t happen.”

  Keri’s brows furrowed. “Why did she think she’d be able to sit here.”

  Troy shrugged. “I’m not sure. She had a ticket for the game, but it was for somewhere farther up. I guess maybe she thought she could flirt her way through? Or that maybe it was late enough they wouldn’t care?”

  Keri rolled her eyes.

  “She sounds desperate,” Joann said, voicing Keri’s thoughts.

  “I think she is also,” Troy said. “The things she was saying up there…it’s hard to believe she’s the same person I grew up with.”

  “You grew up with her?” Joann asked.

  “Yeah, I’ll fill you in later, but I’ve known her since I was about eight or nine.”

  Troy lapsed into silence and Joann looked at Keri. “Are you okay?”

  Keri nodded her head. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Well, she is Jeremy’s ex. We’ve all seen the articles she’s sold. I would feel some kind of way, that’s for sure.”

  Keri thought over what Joann was saying. “If I had to give you an emotion, it’d be annoyed. Annoyed that she doesn’t understand that she isn’t with him and won’t be with him.”

  Joann nodded. “I can see what you mean. Now, why don’t we forget her and enjoy the rest of game?”

  Keri laughed and nodded. With that, she forgot about Heather and turned her attention back to the game. By the time the game was over and Jacob was escorting her away from the crowds, Keri had all but forgotten about Heather. Instead, she was thinking ahead to what she hoped the rest of her night might hold once Jeremy joined her.

  As Gabriel drove her through the traffic leaving the game, she thought about what she wanted to pack from her apartment. She thought over some of the sexy lingerie she owned. She decided to surprise him with it. Upon reaching her apartment, she dashed upstairs to quickly gather her things.

  Just as fast, she was back downstairs and in the car on the way to Jeremy’s penthouse. When they pulled into the underground garage, Gabriel carried her bag as they rode up in the elevator. When they reached the penthouse, Gabriel set Keri’s bag in Jeremy’s room before joining her in the great room.

  “Mr. Glass should be home in a few hours.”

  She nodded, so he continued, “He told me to ask that you make yourself at home and he’ll let you know when he’s on his way.”

  With that, Gabriel left her alone. She tried to remember where everything was and wandered into the kitchen. She opened a few cabinets before finding Jeremy’s wine glasses. She grabbed one and pulled an open bottle of white wine from the fridge. After pouring herself a glass, she made her way into his bedroom and put her bag on the bed, opening it to pull her lingerie out.

  She selected a see-through lace number in plum. Before putting it on, she took her wine into the bathroom, setting it on the vanity as she ran a bath in the large tub. Once it was full, she stripped, grabbed her wine glass, and slowly sank into the hot water. She sighed as she relaxed, sipping her wine and letting her mind wander over the day.

  Heather being at the stadium had thrown Keri for a loop. She was aware that Heather was lurking in the background, but she thought she wouldn’t be as bold as she was today. It didn’t surprise her at the same time considering the articles she was pushing.

  Sighing, Keri pushed Heather from her mind as she drained her wine and the water, drying herself with one of Jeremy’s fluffy towels. She pulled the plum-colored bra and panty set on, checking herself out in the full-length mirror in Jeremy’s closet. The dark purple looked nice against her pale skin and she hoped Jeremy would like it.

  She slid into the matching light robe, making sure it was tied tightly before taking her now empty wineglass into the kitchen. She returned to the great room and grabbed the TV remote, turning to ESPN, hoping she hadn’t missed Jeremy’s press conference.

  SportsCenter was on. Keri fought the urge to either change the channel or turn the TV off since they were covering teams from the east coast. They then cut to a view of Seattle’s press conference and Keri smiled when she saw Jeremy. She noticed that this was a replay, which meant she had missed the live version, but that also meant he was probably on his way home.

  She tuned in to hear a reporter ask Jeremy, “How does it feel winning today after coming off of three straight losses against LA?”

  Jeremy was silent for several moments before replying, “As always, when we win, it’s an amazing feeling. It’s even more amazing this time because it was hard coming home after those losses. We were all a bit depressed, but as a team we agreed that we just had to go on the field today and remember it was a new day and a new game. We couldn’t let those losses define us and we didn’t. We all played a great game and I’m glad that we’re on the other side with a win.”

  ESPN showed a few more clips before they cut to the top ten plays of the evening. Keri flicked the TV off and sat in silence, wondering when Jeremy would be home. She suddenly remembered Jeremy said he’d text when he was on the way and her phone was in his bedroom. She was walking to get it when she the elevator dinged, announcing his arrival.

  She stood and moved so she
could see him step out. He was now dressed casually in a pair of shorts, a light blue T-shirt, and a pair of sandals.

  He smiled when he saw her.

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” he said as he stepped closer and pulled her into his arms.

  She sighed as his arms closed around her, feeling safe and happy as they embraced. She eventually pulled back, causing Jeremy to look at her. She watched as his eyes moved over her, taking in her state of dress.

  “You look comfortable,” he said as he fingered the sleeve of her robe.

  Keri shrugged. “Well, you told me to make myself at home.”

  He quirked a brow at her.

  “I did indeed. I have to wonder, though,” he said, slowly pressing against her and walking her backwards until her back hit a wall. “How comfortable are you underneath it?”

  Keri bit her lip as Jeremy’s hands reached for the bow holding her robe closed. She held his gaze as he slowly tugged on the strands, pulling the knot out and dropping it, allowing her robe to gape open. He pressed a light kiss to her lips before he moved back enough to take her in. She saw his eyes widen slightly as they raked her body before springing up to meet hers again.

  “If this isn’t sexy, then I don’t know what is,” he said, tugging her forward and pushing her robe from her shoulders.

  “You like it?” she asked nervously.

  “Baby, I love it.”

  He pulled her to him, brushing his lips against hers, making her gasp. He took advantage of her open mouth and thrust his tongue inside. Like in the conference room earlier, Keri could feel the evidence of his arousal pressed against her stomach. However, now they didn’t have to stop.

  Keri wound her arms around Jeremy’s neck, threading her fingers through his hair and tugging slightly, making him groan into her mouth. His hands ran up and down her sides. She shivered as his hands cupped her ass, pulling her forcefully against him.

  He tore his mouth away from hers.

  “Come on,” he panted, pulling her behind him towards his room.

  She scampered behind him, excited at what would be coming next. Once in his room, he shut the door behind them and pushed her against it, claiming her mouth again. He palmed her breasts through her bra before pulling the cups down, exposing her nipples to the air. Her nipples tightened and pebbled at the cool air. He used both hands to tug on her nipples and she groaned at the delicious feelings he evoked in her. She worked on ridding him of his clothes.


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