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The Creek Series: Complete Set: Parts I, II, & III

Page 18

by Abbie St. Claire

  We approached the separate office beside the pull-through drive. “Please get me the keys to whatever I’m driving and give me whatever phone you want me to use. I’m leaving now.”


  That’s it? No damn explanation?

  He walked away from me and disappeared into the house, while I propped against his sports car in the drive. I didn’t smoke, hated it actually, but right then I could’ve used a long drag of something to take the edge off my frustration and pain.

  Chapter 29

  I stopped by my house, grabbed a laundry basket, stuffed a few clothes in it, and shoved it in the back seat of the gray Avalanche that Dane had provided for me. When I walked back into my house, something just didn’t sit well with me. What was wrong with driving my mom’s car? Why did he want me in one of his?

  Screw that.

  I gathered up my laundry basket, book bag, computer, and study materials and put them in my mom’s car. I left Dane’s truck parked out on the street, so the rest of the world would think I was still in my house. With a brief note to Karina saying Justin needed me, I left Texas in my rearview mirror.

  Not having a phone drove me insane, not having Dane’s phone gave my stubborn streak a victory dance. I’d never let a man order me around, and I wasn’t about to pick up the habit. In my mind, if Dane and Asher wanted to keep me safe, they could’ve, at the very least, explained my enemy. It was a world they were familiar with. I was a country girl, and my roots were well grounded.

  Then my mind started playing Dane’s words in my head, over and over.

  “Death threats.”

  I pulled over on the side of the road.

  What if he wasn’t over-reacting? What if someone really wanted to harm the baby or me?

  I drove to the convenience store at the next exit and tried to calm myself with my favorite comfort food, barbeque potato chips, but that didn’t work. The panic attack hit me hard.

  Once I settled down, I started focusing on protecting my baby and myself. I stopped on the way home and bought groceries to last for a while, using the last bit of cash I had. It was late by the time I crossed the bridge, and something told me to close the gate on our property—something we never did, unless we had a brilliant cow that had become an escape artist and figured out it was an easy route off the land.

  I unloaded my things then put the car in the barn.

  The moment I walked back into the house, Justin was standing in the kitchen with a loaded gun on the counter, his hand in close proximity. “What the hell, Wrenn?”

  “Long story.” I sat down in a chair at the table and buried my head in my arms.

  “I got nothin’ but time.”

  I raised up and watched as he took the seat beside me and removed his ball cap.

  “The cliff note version is that Dane and I are going to have a baby. But, someone in his corporation threatened our lives this morning. He and his grandfather gave me little information, so I left them, my phone, and everything behind while they figure it out.”

  “Are they coming here?”

  “No, they don’t know where ‘here’ is, and I’m not going to tell them. Why did you show up with a gun?”

  “I put a laser beam alert on the front and back gates, since I can’t see them from my house. The front gate alarm kept beeping, and I snuck down here on foot to see what was going on.”

  “That was me locking the gate. We need to put a road in between our houses.” I tried to give him a smile.

  “I know. I’ve been wanting to ask you about that. Need to do it before winter if we’re going to.” He paused and then surprised me when he reached out and patted my arm. Physical contact was something he rarely offered. “So, tell me what it’s like to have a baby on the way.”


  “Boy or girl?”

  “Don’t know yet. Which reminds me, I need to add finding a new doctor to the top of my list.”

  “I’m wore out and sun-up is coming soon. Do you need me to stay here or are you good by yourself?”

  “I’m good,” I lied.

  Nothing about me was good right then. My nerves were shot, my blood pressure was too high, and my trust was at an all-time low. So much for finding my happy place.

  The sound of footsteps on the front porch startled me, and for a moment, I didn’t realize where I was. I heard the twisting of the handle, but the room was still dark. I heard more footsteps. Then the knock.

  I sat up on the sofa and strained my ears trying to hear the slightest sound. I couldn’t see a thing, since it was still dark.

  Damn dream. I’d been having them ever since I’d found out I was pregnant. I refused to let Dane’s shenanigans have me living in fear, but I wanted to protect myself.

  Stephan’s pistol.

  I went upstairs and found the box containing his gun and ammunition in my bedside table. I made sure it was loaded and turned the safety off. The gun was way too big for me to carry around, so I added another item to my shopping list for the next outing.

  I tried to go back to sleep, but my attempts were fruitless. As I laid there on the sofa, I wondered what Mom would think of me now. Would she be excited about a grandbaby? Or would the happenings of my life define who I was?

  A stupid hick girl goes to the big city and gets knocked up by the first boy she meets. Girl meets boy, girl loses boy, but unlike the movies, girl doesn’t necessarily get boy back happily-ever-after.

  With boards coming in a couple of weeks, I turned on the lamp and pulled the old trunk away from the corner, using it as a coffee table.

  Scratch that, I covered it with my notebooks and study guides. It was the perfect study table, leaving me plenty of room for my Yeti coffee cup.

  After sunrise, I wasn’t surprised when Justin knocked on the door.

  “I saw your light on. You do okay last night?”

  “I’m fine. I’m a big girl. Just doin’ some studying for boards.”

  “I smell coffee. Mind if I steal a cup, I’m out, but I’ve got it on my grocery list.”

  “You can have some of mine. I’ll be going into town just as soon as I make a doctor’s appointment, so give me your list if you want.”

  We sat down in the living room, and he picked up a diagram I had laying on the trunk. “So, this is what my heart looks like?”


  He laid the diagram back down on the table. “You draw that?”

  “Yes, late one night after three pots of coffee. It was for a test, and Karina and I filled the trash can with failed attempts.” I laughed at the memory. Oh, how I missed her. Would she be disappointed in me too?

  “Speaking of coffee, what kind of cup are you drinking out of?”

  “Oh gosh, these are phenomenal. It’s called a Yeti, and it will keep stuff hot or cold forever… I mean like a whole day. It was a graduation gift from my advisor. She wrote the cutest note and gave me a funny cartoon. My first thought was that after two years, she gives me a cup. But oh, what a cup it is. I’ll have to get you one.”

  While he examined my fancy cup, I fished around in my book bag to find the comic copy of two mosquitos. One was normal and the other really fat like an orange. The caption read: Pull back, pull back, you’ve hit an artery. It was a little nursing/medical humor, but when I handed it to Justin, he laughed out loud.

  “Some of these damn mosquitos around here are vampires. Very fitting.”

  He wasn’t good on small talk, so he used the cows as an excuse to leave. He was a sweet guy and needed companionship of the female kind. But who would want to move to nowhere land and live a boring life?


  Dr. Ainsworth was a young OB/GYN and had just started her practice which made it easy to get in so quickly. Before my appointment, I stopped by Cabela’s gun department.

  “Ma’am, can I help you find something?”

  “I want a Bodyguard 380 and a thigh holster.”

  “Little lady’s done her homework,” he snarked
under his breath.


  “I’ve got forms for you to fill out, and I’ll need your fingerprints.”

  “Not a problem.”

  “Are you familiar with the state gun laws?”

  “I’m sure you’re about to tell me.” I just wanted a damn gun to protect me and my baby. A criminal could get one in two seconds, but I was getting the third degree. Geez.

  “To carry this on your person, a permit is required.”

  “I’m aware. I’m just alone and want protection for my home.”

  “The holster?” He lifted his eyes from the paperwork and stared at me.

  “My business. But if you must know, I have a very large ranch and don’t want to be a coyote’s dinner. I’m pregnant and around my waist is a bit much at the moment.”

  He shut up and performed the sale. The next stop I made was to pick up a supply of skirts and soft pants that had room for my expanding belly, and I wanted them to all have pockets. It wasn’t as easy a task as I thought it would be, but I found a few along with a couple of maxi-dresses that would work as well.

  I arrived at Dr. Ainsworth’s office just in time to donate to the vampires.

  “So you haven’t had any care during this pregnancy?” the nurse asked suspiciously.

  “Yes, I have. But, my boyfriend is a wealthy businessman in Dallas and a threat was made on our lives on Sunday. I’ve returned to my ranch to go into hiding.”

  She looked at me and rubbed her brow before she started punching more buttons on her electronic tablet. I was sure she thought I’d been reading too many Harlequins.

  “I know it sounds like the makings of a Stephen King novel, but it’s actually true.”

  She pulled her glasses down and simply stared at me. “Well, that might explain the rise in your blood pressure. Is there any way we can obtain your records?”

  “I’d rather you didn’t request them. If the doctor thinks it’s urgent, I can contact a friend and have her pick them up.”

  She left the room without answering. Either she didn’t believe me or found that I was going to be a difficult patient unworthy of her extra time.

  A petite, young blonde woman entered the room by herself. “Hi, I’m Sarah Ainsworth. Tana, my nurse, has filled me in on your situation. I’m worried about you. Your blood pressure is very high, and to be honest, I really should put you in the hospital, unless you can give me a reason not to.”

  “I just finished nursing school at TWU and take boards in a couple of weeks. I promise to monitor myself at home. This nightmare that is my life has all happened two days ago, and to be really honest, I’m doing my best to keep my grip on things.”

  “My nurse said something about death threats.”

  “Yes, and some type of corporate espionage.”

  “Since you’re pregnant, I can’t give you anything for the anxiety. But, why don’t we do something calming and take a look at your baby? While we do that, I’ll watch your blood pressure.” Dr. Ainsworth dropped warm jelly on my tummy and turned the screen, so I could see too. She took measurements and busied herself with her routine.

  “Everything is looking good here. Heart is strong, and the baby’s development is right in order for your weeks. Do you want to know the sex or have they told you already?”

  “At first I didn’t think I wanted to know, but now, I do. I need the mental diversion.”

  “You’re having a little boy. Congratulations. He looks healthy, and we’ll do our best to keep him that way.” She looked over her shoulder at the blood pressure monitor. “I see your blood pressure has dropped considerably, but I’m making a note that you should be on fifty percent bed rest. That means fifty percent of your day should be spent reclining and resting. In addition, there shall be no heavy lifting and very light housework. Studying is perfect.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Ainsworth, for believing me and for your understanding.”

  As she opened the door to leave, she turned back to me. “You’re very welcome. Please take good care of yourself. I want to see you again in two weeks, and if there is anything I can do to help you in any way, please call me.” Then she left closing the door softly behind her.

  A little boy. Asher had got his wish.

  My drive home was uneventful other than my imagination filled with thoughts of my little peanut…my little man. I knew I had to do everything possible to keep him safe.

  I stopped at the pharmacy and picked up a blood pressure monitor and made him a promise to take the best care of him I could.

  I drove my car over to Stephan’s and put it in his barn. The hills, plus the rock road down to the barn, weren’t good for a low-riding car such as a Beetle, but I crept slowly and made it work.

  I took my new purchase from Cabela’s out of the case and loaded the clip. It had been a long while since I’d fired a gun. I walked down to the pasture and lined my selection of cans on the rocks and fence posts. I practiced taking aim and fired until I had memorized the feel of the gun and felt comfortable with my target. A sniper, I was not, but I wasn’t a wimp either.

  Justin came to give me a lift back home as promised.

  “Do you really think they’re coming after you?”

  “Yes, for some reason, I do. Why? I haven’t the foggiest idea, but I’m going to be ready for them.”

  Later that night, I cut the seam from all the pockets on my right side. I put the gun in the thigh holster and double checked all the skirts, dresses, and pants to make certain that in the event I needed to reach the gun, all I had to do was slip my hand in the opened pocket and down to my thigh.

  I practiced the move over and over, until I was comfortable moving the safety and pulling the gun out of the holster. I knew I would have to fire through my clothing or risk shooting my own leg or foot.

  From that moment on, I was never going to be unarmed. While the situation at hand pushed all of my boundaries, I was never going to let it define me.

  Chapter 30


  The hurt in her eyes spoke the volumes of words she hid from me. I had just won her love only to lose her again. But I had to let her go. I had to keep her safe. I knew she would return to the one place that made her comfortable, and I prayed it would be enough.

  The flight to China was anything less than routine. I wasn’t certain who was behind the corporate issues or the threats against my family, but I had my suspicions.

  “What do you mean she didn’t take the truck?” I asked Grandfather as soon as I had landed.

  “Her roommate says the truck is sitting out front. The keys were left on the table along with a note saying she’d gone deep into hiding.”

  “Fucking great. I had a tracker on that truck, so I’d know where she was, Grandfather.”

  “There’s more, son. She left the burner phones as well.”

  “Well, that would explain why she’s not answering. This just gets better and better.”

  Grandfather and I had discussed all day which employees we felt could be trusted and which ones would be terminated. We agreed on every person, except for two. I let him have the final call. Stella was one we definitely agreed on, and if our hunch was right, we would see her show her true colors.

  After I spoke with Grandfather, I called an emergency staff meeting and woke my team in the early hours of the morning.

  I watched as Stella rolled in at the last minute. She must have taken the flight right after mine and hadn’t gotten her beauty rest, because she looked like a warmed up corpse, pale and eyes sunken in dark circles.

  I explained to the group there would be a cleaning of the house, and each one of them would be receiving an envelope with their new assignments or their final severance. We were generous to everyone that would be leaving the company.

  There was much grumbling and even some who voiced their concerns vividly, but security ushered them out. As the team disbanded and those that were removed from their roles left the room, I studied the final six sitting before me

  “You are the chosen team. My grandfather hand-selected you to build our company, and he wants you—and I want you—to stay and make this new adventure a success. Your commitment is requested, and if you don’t want to move forward, please let me know so a generous severance can be prepared for you.”

  No one budged.

  “Great. That means we have an emergency situation on our hands for our distribution channels, but first, I need to speak with Stella. Wait for me in my office please.”

  Stella stood in a huff and jerked her handbag from the table. I watched as she exited the room and walked down the hall through the glass walls.

  I pushed play on the video monitor. “The rest of you, please watch this video and put your heads together. I need five action plans from each of you by the time I return. Breakfast will be arriving shortly and please let your families know to expect you by the normal dinner hour. We’ve got twenty-four hours to turn this around.”

  I walked out of the conference room and made my way to the large office at the end of the hall. It wasn’t just one corner office. It was two, expanding from one corner of our floor to the opposite side, with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the Dong Cheng District of Beijing.

  “Want to explain to me what you were doing at the ranch?” I asked as soon as I closed the door behind me.

  She sat up straight in her chair and picked at some fuzz on her black skirt. “I…um, wanted to speak with you and saw that you had company.”

  “Bullshit. Try again.”

  “What do you want with me, Dane? You’re toying with that little girl who you know can’t please you like a real woman.” Stella stood and started pacing by the window, like a caged lioness looking for an escape.

  “You stole the remote to the gate of my house from my car.”

  “Prove it.” Her snarl warped her once beautiful face.

  “Honey, it’s the least of your worries. I want to know what you and Carl were going to do with Wrenn.” I stood from behind my desk and pressed a very inconspicuous black button. Then I closed the distance between us. “In less than three minutes, the police will be here to remove you from my building. There will be no severance for you. You see, that check you’re holding isn’t signed. Unless you tell me what I want to know, you will not see a penny. I don’t have anything to have you arrested here in China just yet, but there are plenty of charges coming for the U.S. should you return there—including kidnapping.”


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