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The Creek Series: Complete Set: Parts I, II, & III

Page 27

by Abbie St. Claire

  He pointed to the sides of the ring. “You see these spots, right here?”

  I nodded.

  “They are for other children or grandchildren. As our family grows, so will your treasures.”

  I cried. It was the most thoughtful gift, and he was very much right—he and Trippe were my treasure.

  I stood and placed Trippe in his daddy’s arms. “I’m afraid I didn’t do so well with yours.”

  Retrieving the box from under the tree, I placed it on the ottoman in front of him. “Let me get his bottle ready, and then I’ll take him, while you open it.”

  As if Trippe understood what I was saying, he started yelling at the top of his lungs. Dane propped him on his knee and got down to eye level with him. “Dude, your food source is coming right back. She’s a sure thing, trust me.”

  “Don’t tell our son how easy I am. Geez.” I laughed. Dane’s spirit was always so jovial. I loved that about him.

  I returned with the bottle, and Dane tried to give it to Trippe. He would have none of it. So, I sat down in the rocker and tried to nurse and that didn’t work either.

  Mr. Fussy was going to get tummy time. I spread a blanked out on the floor and laid him on his belly. He started cooing, and Layla came to lay in front of him. They were nose to nose. He reached for her face, and she nuzzled his hands. It was so cute.

  When Dane opened his gift, he was thoroughly shocked. “Does Grandfather know about this?”

  “No. Why?”

  He wiped at his eye. “Because he’s going to be just as thrilled as I am. The thought behind it is heartwarming and the planning that went into it shows how much you love me and cherish our family. My mother would’ve been in love with you, and I know you two would’ve been best friends. It’s an amazing gift that will keep on giving. I wish I’d thought of doing this years ago. Do you know how much I love you?”


  I felt his love every single day.

  We packed the car with just enough things to get us through a couple of days. Dane assured me he’d already had things delivered to the chateau for all of us, including a bed for Layla. I was giddy with excitement and didn’t even mind the thought of flying. In fact, I was looking forward to it.

  We stopped by Asher’s to spend Christmas dinner with him, and when Dane told him about Christina’s scholarship, I watched him weep for the third time since I’d met him.

  The first had been when he’d hosted our wedding reception and toasted our happy life, and the second time was when he held Trippe at the hospital for the first time.

  Seeing him full of emotion brought tears to my eyes as well as Dane’s. I’d hoped they would appreciate the thought, and they did, but it was more than that. The scholarship represented Christina in a light that would shine for generations to come. It was definitely a chance to pay it forward.

  Once we boarded the plane, I was excited and exhausted from the emotional rollercoaster of the last twenty-four hours.

  Dane handed me a glass of wine. “Drink that.”


  “The doctor said one glass and wait two hours to feed him. I’ve got plenty of bottles for the night. I want you to rest tonight, so you enjoy your beautiful new chateau tomorrow. Now drink.”

  “I love you. Always taking care of me.”

  He gently rocked Trippe’s car seat, so he’d go back to sleep. “Always, my love.”

  The wine was incredible, and I savored it. I wanted more but would have to wait to another point in time. I did want to rest, and I knew the next night probably wouldn’t bring a lot of sleep for either of us. Just the thought put a smile on my face.

  “That’s a really great daydream. I hope I’m a part of it,” he said from the seat facing me.

  “Oh, baby, trust me, you are.” I winked at him for added measure. It was no lie. He was everything I ever dreamed for a husband and then some.

  We laid down with Trippe in the back, and all of us slept most of the flight. I don’t think Dane even heard Trippe when he fussed, he was sleeping so soundly. He needed the time away as much as I did. He’d spent the last few weeks toying with the idea of buying up a small company. I knew retirement wasn’t for him and had made a wager with Karina that he wouldn’t make it a year. It needed to be his decision, and he knew I supported him a hundred percent. When the time was right, he would go back to work, and when the fall rolled around, I was going back to school.

  When the plane landed, the day was already in full swing in Paris. Even though the sun was high in the sky, there was plenty of snow on the ground, and it was cold, very cold. Not the usually mild winter climate of Texas. The car service took us through the streets of Paris, and it was as if I was a small child on Christmas morning all over again. The excitement and anticipation fueling my energy.

  When the car stopped in the circular drive in front of the house, I squealed. It was more beautiful than I remembered. While Dane and the driver unloaded our things, I carried the little man inside to his home away from home. Layla was in love with the snow and sniffing around outside. I figured she’d get cold in a moment and come begging to be let in.

  “What do you think?” a familiar deep voice asked from right behind me.

  As I stood in front of the large windows off the main room, I let the tears fall down my cheeks. Dane had given me our own hills and trees and a special place for us to get away. Our love was sealed when we wed in Paris, and our love would continue to bloom each time we visited.

  “It’s—oh, wow, perfect. Thank you.”

  He kissed me slowly, then more passionately, until Trippe started squirming.

  “My son has the best timing.” Dane laughed as he took him from me.

  “Yes, he does. This is going to screw up his sleep schedule. You know that, right?”

  “Probably, but I hope it’s worth it. The chef is going to make dinner for us before she goes home. Anything you want in particular?”

  “Um, steak and crème brûlée.”

  “Come, let’s look around.”

  Dane had purchased the chateau fully furnished and had the room next to the master suite redecorated to match Trippe’s room at home. Red, black, and white with artwork of stallion horses. The home was smaller than most in the area, which was why we loved it so much. And being that it was at the end of the street, the open hills area behind it gave a truly beautiful view. Off in the distance at night, the lights of the Eiffel Tower could be seen if you looked real close. While Paris was about seven hours from the chateau where we’d honeymooned, it was just too far to travel to. It had made sense to buy one closer to the airport and all the main attractions.

  Dane’s phone rang, and I wondered who would be calling. He walked away as he spoke, and when he returned, he had a funny look on his face. “Honey, did you have a red bag?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “It was left on the plane. They are sending it by courier, so they plane can go back tonight.”

  “Dang.” The red bag had all of my treats for Dane inside. Crap. “How long before it arrives? And why is the plane going back so soon?”

  He looked at me kind of funny. I supposed my voice was a bit panicky, but I had so many plans for the night. “They said it would be within the hour. I’m sending them back, so they can have time with their families. Jim’s kids are out of school right now.”

  “Oh, sure.”

  We got Trippe settled in his room. The decorator had done an amazing job. She’d left a note, but I couldn’t read French and neither could my hubs. We laughed.

  “Maybe we should take French together?” I asked.

  “Yes, we should. We’ll become the next poster children for Rosetta Stone.”

  While the baby slept, we ate a delectable dinner, and we both agreed dessert was the best we’d ever had. We were in the process of feeding each other when my bag arrived. I let out a huge sigh of relief.

  After dinner, I gave the little man his bath and put him on a pallet to play with L
ayla. I took pictures as they played and Daddy was on the floor coaching him. That was when Trippe rolled over for the first time from his belly to his back.

  I squealed, and when I did, I startled him and he cried. Layla cocked her head toward me as if to say, “Way to go, stupid.” I loved the looks dogs gave you. They were so very intuitive.

  Dane picked up Trippe to console him, but his fit lasted all of two seconds. It kind of looked like he was reaching out his little hand to play with Layla, so Dane put him back down on the floor. My baby was growing by leaps and bounds. Soon he would be crawling. I wanted to keep him just like he was at that very moment—forever.

  I watched the three of them play, and my heart ran over with love. The ring Dane had given me caught my eye, and my thoughts drifted to what he’d said about more children. We had talked about not waiting too long after the little man’s birth to start trying again. I wondered how he would feel about starting tonight. He’d been driving me nuts about sex, so that part I knew, but we hadn’t discussed birth control because both of us theoretically had about ten more days on our mental calendar.

  I picked up my purse and walked toward the garage. “Hey, honey, I need to run to the store. I’ll be right back.”

  “You’re going to drive—in Paris.” I heard from behind me.

  “Yes. It can’t be that hard,” I announced over my shoulder.

  “I’ll go. What do you need?” He pulled my arm to stop me.

  Condoms. But I didn’t want him to know that just yet. I needed to think fast. “Nursing stuff, some cream and pads. I don’t know what they have here, so I need to go look. I don’t think we should take the baby out.”

  “I don’t like this at all. You have no idea where you’re going.”

  “Yes, I do. I’ll be fine.”

  “The baby and I are coming with you. No argument.”

  I should’ve known getting away from him was going to be a challenge. Against my plea, we bundled the baby and headed to the garage. He’d told me he’d bought a family style car for our use, but I realized I hadn’t even paid attention to that minor detail. What woman would, right?

  He opened the door leading into the garage area, and I about wet my pants with laughter. There was a vintage Mercedes sedan in our huge garage with a ton of tools.

  “Let me guess, the fixer-upper?”


  “So…all this time you were planning to come here and tinker with a car.”


  “Okay, you win. You drive.”

  He laughed, but it was the wink that got him out of trouble.

  He drove us down a couple of blocks, but the store that caught my eye earlier had closed for the evening. We continued to drive around until he found a market open. European shopping was nothing like that of the States.

  While they stayed in the car, I ran in and found a couple of items I didn’t need, just for the items I did. And since we were staying a couple of weeks, I decided to get quite a few.

  The young man at the counter asked me something in French, but I had no clue.


  He simply snickered and looked over to the next aisle and said something in French to that employee. They shared a laugh. At my expense, I was certain.

  “Did you find everything you needed?” Dane asked, when I put my sacks in the backseat.

  “You bet. I even found a French version of A.D. Ointment.” I laughed.

  “Smartass,” he teased.

  We put Trippe in his bed and hooked up the video monitors. He wasn’t sleepy because, of course, it wasn’t his usual bed time or nap time, but I hoped he would play while I got a bath, at least.

  While I ran the water in the tub, Dane came into the bathroom already naked. “No shower?” he asked.

  God, I knew what that meant. The ol’ man was in the mood for a little somethin’ somethin’, but he didn’t have a clue about the treat he was going to get.

  “Been a long day, babe. Let me soak in here for a few minutes, and I’ll come find you.”

  He showered quickly and went to check on Peanut. I took my time and hoped he would find something to pacify himself because I’d forgot the red bag downstairs. When I passed through the bedroom, I saw the red bag. He’d been a sweetie and brought it up for me. But, where was he?

  The stairway in this home was really cool with a catwalk—either side of it was open to below. One side was to the front door and formal areas, and the other was to the kitchen and den. So, I walked quietly to the top of the stairs in time to see him standing in the kitchen, sexy as hell in black pajama pants. He was mixing a drink, and I could see the sacks from the store on the counter behind him.

  I needed to get him away from them. I couldn’t yell or I’d disturb the baby, and if he opened the sacks, I was busted. The only thing I had nearby was the hairbrush in my hand. I tossed it over the railing toward the front door, so I could sneak down and grab the condoms. He was in his own little world, or deaf as a post, because he didn’t even act as if he heard the noise, but he did walk to the den toward the fireplace.

  I snuck down the stairs and was in the middle of the kitchen floor naked as a baby, when he rounded the corner.

  “Hun, what are doing, besides trying to catch pneumonia?”

  “Just needed these things. I’ll be right back.” I kept moving toward the counter, until I had the bags within reach. When I grabbed the handle of the sacks to pick them up, one dumped, and the condoms went flying across the floor.

  All of the boxes…

  He gathered the boxes up and looked at them, lifted his gaze up to mine then back to the condoms. He was doing the math. “Sweetheart, are these yours? Or did you get someone else’s purchase by mistake?”

  “Um, looks like someone was planning an orgy, and we weren’t invited. But whoever and wherever they are, they’re either hard up or unprotected.”

  He let out a stifled chuckle, laid the boxes down on the counter, and walked away.

  That drink must’ve been really loaded.

  He didn’t suspect a thing. I snatched the boxes and put them in the sack, except for one and ran upstairs.

  I knew he was a sure bet, and I could’ve easily just called him to bed and let him fuck my brains out, but I’d been planning this night for weeks, and there was a certain way I wanted it to go down. I wanted my fantasy to play out in real life…

  With the condoms in the bedside table and my new outfit in hand, I tiptoed down to the guest room and hid out in the closet, trying to get all the pieces on. That was an undertaking. I’d never put on seamed stockings before, much less a garter belt, and I had to move out to the guest bathroom for more space. Thank goodness there weren’t any video cameras around gathering humorous evidence.

  I slowly tiptoed down the hall in my heels to the master suite, and when I peeked inside, my very own Mr. Lawrence was propped in bed reading a magazine. Perfect!

  I stepped between the French doors and leaned my back provocatively on the door facing in, until I had his attention. It didn’t take long.

  “Ooh, come here and gimme’ some of that.”

  “You like?”

  “I think so, but you need to come here for a closer inspection.”

  I sashayed my way to the edge of the bed and did a kitten crawl up toward him. “This better?”

  “God, baby, you are so beautiful. I love your new curves, and this outfit,” he touched the black lace covering my breast, “is fucking hot.”

  “There’s more where this came from.” I dragged my finger across his lips.

  “I thought we were waiting.”

  Straddling his hips, I said, “Waiting is overrated. I feel up to it, and I need you.”

  “Oh my God, that’s why the condoms.” It was his light bulb moment. “But there were so many…”

  “I didn’t want to run out. But we don’t have to use them if you want nature to take its course.”

  “Love my organic girl.”

bsp; Dane gripped my face with both hands, ravishing my lips with his. Slowly, I felt us rolling on our sides, before he had me flat on my back. With a sexy whistle, he removed my shoes, keeping his eyes on mine. One by one the stockings were unfastened and slipped from my body.

  His touches and caresses were tender and calculated. With the tip of his erection peeking from the waist of his pajamas, I knew he was just as aroused as I was.

  “Stunning,” he whispered.

  He dipped his head low and pleasured me with his many talents until the first climax left me freefalling in splendor. While I caught my breath, I watched as pajama pants went flying through the air. When I reopened my eyes, he was hovering over me with an almost reverent look on his face, silently asking permission.

  “Claim me. Please.”

  I felt the tip of his hardness at the entrance of my heat. Slowly, he did as I asked, never taking his eyes from mine. Once he was fully inside me, the sensation was decadent in every way. He kissed my lips, trailed bites down my neck, and pulled the lace aside to nibble at my breast.

  The feel of his flesh on mine left me to burn in desire. Each touch of his breath on my neck was like ice crystals exploding on the tiny cells of my skin. When he held me with his large hands, they possessed power transferring energy of ownership. I was his.

  Our night together was a whisper of love. Soft, romantic, and tender. I’d never felt more desirable or more loved. It was everything I’d imagined and then some.

  Three days later, Dane had answered quite a few calls in a row on his cell phone. At first it seemed like business, but then as he continued to walk off each time he spoke, I became worried something was wrong that he didn’t want me to know about. When he came back to the sofa and snuggled beside me, I thought he was acting a bit too collected.

  “What gives?”

  “Huh?” he answered, resting his head on my hip.

  “Is something wrong with Asher?”

  “No, but he and Evelyn said to tell you hello. He had a great checkup yesterday and has been walking quite a bit and still gained four pounds.”

  “What else?”

  “He wanted to know how Ointment was.” He laughed at his own joke.


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