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The Billionaire's Club Trilogy: Deluxe Box Set

Page 52

by C. L. Donley

  Kim’s eyes darted back and forth looking at his as she stood still. Her chest suddenly heaved, the breath from her mouth suddenly becoming labored, as if she were about to vomit.

  Suddenly she did vomit— she vomited her anger all over his big tall body, flailing and fuming.

  He let her. The tears ran, and when she hit him with her bandaged hand, she cried out in pain. To his utter horror, she did it again, on purpose. When she raised her hand to do it a third time he grabbed her by the wrist, then the other that was still trying to hit him. He feared she might even try to headbutt him, but when she became immobile, she just fought him with all her strength as she writhed and screamed.

  “Bel, just leave me alone! Please!!” she begged.

  “I tried!!” he finally yelled back at her, meeting her eyes as he held her still, “I cant!”

  At that, she froze, frightened for a moment by his booming voice.

  All the fight left her. She could only stare at him as if under a spell, the sound of her own heavy breath filling her ears.

  He’d tried?

  But why??

  She tried to read his eyes as though the answers would be there. All she could see was that their love was real, their connection unexplainable, and that she did not know this man. At all.

  He stared back and let her examine him, let her see that he was hiding nothing, that despite his smooth, smoldering exterior he was tortured. Haunted.

  He still had hold of her wrists so that she couldn’t get free if she wanted to. She reached up on tiptoes and tilted her head as if going in for a kiss. Slowly she nuzzled her nose to his, and he moved in to meet her mouth. She pulled back to tease him, opening her mouth a bit wider at the sound of the moan that unconsciously escaped his throat. She locked eyes with his.

  “Make love to me,” she whispered.

  Forty Five

  Chapter 45

  In one swift movement, Bel swept her off her feet and in his arms, carrying her to her bedroom. Bel was in the eye of the storm now, and it was completely calm. Kim let her arms hang limply around his broad shoulders and let her head rest on one of them. Her hand was in throbbing pain.

  “My hand hurts,” she volunteered.

  “Yeah, no shit,” he replied.

  He laid her gently down and fought every impulse he had to get back up and head back to the kitchen to retrieve her pain pills and a glass of water.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’m getting your medication.”

  “Don’t give me any more of those shits.”

  “Kim, don’t be silly, you need them.”

  “I don’t need them.”

  “If you’re strong enough to get through weeks of the pain, you’re strong enough to use them,” he said on his way out of the room.

  “…This is the last fuckin’ one,” she yelled at his back.

  When he returned, she’d managed to get her pants off well enough, but her shirt was stuck over her head. She hadn’t been wearing panties. The sight of her bare bottom made his body tremble, his cock stir. He had nothing on his mind but her uninterrupted pleasure.

  “Would you lay your ass down?” Bel reprimanded her.

  She, of course, didn’t listen.

  Finally, he helped her out of her shirt and the sports bra that was underneath. He handed her a pill and a glass of water which she took.

  She was completely naked, aside from her splint.

  “Will it hurt to kiss me?” she asked.


  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I’m glad you did it.”

  She smiled a teasing smile, and his heart flip-flopped.

  “My neighbors…” she cooed.

  His hands went slowly to his belt to unbuckle it. He stepped out of his shoes.

  “What about them?”

  “They’re gonna call the cops,” she said.

  Their lovemaking had been verbal and loud the last time, and clearly, she was expecting more of the same. Slowly Bel removed his shirt.

  “They won’t be your neighbors for long.”

  “Are there thin walls in the palace?” she asked. He smiled. Her whole demeanor had changed. She was docile, almost as if she were in a trance. The only version of Kim he liked better than the fiery one was the kitten one.

  Bel was trying to wait for her pain meds to kick in but she wasn’t making it easy.

  “We will have a separate palace from the main one.”

  “Oh,” she simply said.

  “Any relief yet?”

  “A little,” Kim replied. Now they were each completely naked. Kim looked him up and down all over his body. Bel watched her face as she did so.

  She was eyeing his member that was much darker than the rest of his body and now completely erect. The tip of it was pink; the whole thing was jarring and somewhat ugly. If he ever shared the same opinion it was wholly undecipherable, which of course, made it sexy. She could never keep her eyes off it then, and it was the same way now. A dick like that got branded onto your psyche forever, along with its effects. Maybe that was the trick. Maybe there was a direct opposite correlation between penile physical appearance and performance.

  “Lay down,” he said.

  Bel climbed over her to her left side and lay beside her, propped up on his elbow. They locked eyes. Now that it was no use denying, now that the fight was over she feasted her eyes on his. With his other arm, Bel reached over and let his left hand graze her head, her cheek, down to her neck, her breast, nipple, down her belly, the inside of her thigh. She closed her eyes and let out a deep breath when he got to her center.

  “How about now?”

  Kim nodded, indicating the pain in her hand was drifting further and further away.

  She opened her eyes and pivoted her neck towards his gorgeous features. He leaned in and gave her a peck on the lips, then another. She smiled and he deepened his kiss. He caressed her cheek with a large golden hand and her chin with his thumb as they made out like two teenagers that’d skipped school. His hand moved to her slender hips and drew them close to his. The feel of his hard cock suddenly against her belly was enough to make her go crazy. She sucked in a breath as she slipped back into the suit of seductress, like a naked hand into a glove. He suppressed a thrust against her as he moaned. She bit her lip.

  “You missed me?” she asked, sleepy-eyed.

  “I missed you.”

  “You want me, baby?”

  “Hell yeah, I want you.”

  It wasn’t long before the chatter started up again, before the promises again began flowing. They stung her heart, built up in her old wounds like pus. She wanted to sink into them and let them hold her up, but she simply couldn’t and she hated him for that. She hated when people ruined words for her. She had so little trust as it was. And she hated that there was now a thread of resentment stitched through their relationship. She swiftly switched her position so that she was on top, bending over him.

  “You talk too fuckin’ much, you know that?” she gritted through her teeth.

  The eye of the storm had passed, he thought. Good. He wanted to stoke her fire.

  “I talk too much?” he goaded her.

  “Shut…the fuck… up,” she insisted as she grabbed him by his member and guided herself down. Bel was letting out a loud moan the entire way. He was robbed of his speech, his mind even, as the contours of Kim’s sex plunged him immediately into helplessness.

  During Jabari’s delivery she’d torn, but the patch job was such a work of art it was like she’d never had a baby, or sex. She’d had plenty of time to heal after all. Kim had to gloat over his reaction to being inside her again. She figured he’d been with other women since her of course, and she fully intended on giving him shit for it. She wriggled seductively as she slowly lurked over him. His eyes followed hers, mouth agape.

  “I know you been cheatin’ on me,” she teased, “how many has it been?” she interrogated him.

  He onl
y furrowed his brow, thinking she couldn’t be serious. She stopped her movements, and his brain was like a toddler’s. Make the good thing happen again, said his body.

  “How many?”


  “You fuckin’ liar!”

  “Five!” he assured her. From what he could gather of his foggy brain it seemed like the right number. Until the initial news that she’d miscarried he’d lived like a hermit. Was this supposed to be her version of revenge? Making him think right now?

  “Tell me their names.”

  “Fuck you,” he suddenly said. Not only was that impossible right now, but he also resented it. Yeah, he fucked up, but Kim didn’t corner the market on pain.

  “No fuck you Bel!” she yelled, insisting that she did.

  When she lowered herself within reach, he grabbed her and engulfed her mouth with a kiss, absorbing her moans.

  “I hate you,” she admitted against his lips.

  “You hate me?” he purred. It sent potent shocks of pleasure to her insides, and she groaned as her body continued instinctively to come to life at his voice. Her tongue wandered out from her mouth, and he slowly met it with his.

  “I fuckin’ hate you,” she chanted.

  “Show me,” he dared her.

  At that, Kim put her bandaged hand on his shoulder, the other on the headboard and rode the shit out of him.

  Bel’s glassy eyes rolled slowly upward until they were irretrievably in his head. He could still distantly hear Kim muttering threats of killing him if he tried to leave her again.

  He was supposed to be making love to her. He didn’t know what he was expecting, perhaps a recall of that first magical weekend, but this was nothing like that. This was fucking, and it was every bit as angry and bitter as it was base and fulfilling, like a wife and a soldier back from war. Never in all the history of his sexual escapades had he been so driven by need as he had at this very moment. She was incredibly tight, wet, and milking him like a peasant wench. They hadn’t used protection— he didn’t think he ever would again— and all he could think about was Jabari’s royal brother or sister they were about to conceive. He grabbed hold of her hips as if crazed and stilled her movements, then slid himself further under her so he could plunge himself again and again to the depths of her.

  This time there was hardly any sound between them. Only the sound of meeting flesh, of pounding, like a hand to a fist. The conspicuously desperate sputters of breath, each of them consumed with the same level of need for different reasons. Each was surprised at the naked wanton lust of the other, which only caused their desperation to deepen. Drops of milk were slowly collecting along the tip of Kim’s breast where he had tongued her nipple, threatening to drop on his face. Fuck, I’m not gonna make it, he thought.

  “You ready for my cum again, baby?” the words spilled out of Bel, already high on the orgasm in his sights.

  “Don’t stop,” Kim pleaded, somewhat dazed.

  Bel sunk his fingers deeper into Kim’s flesh as he let the throes of pleasure possess his movements, which only became more frantic as he climaxed.

  “Oh God!” Kim repeatedly cried as paradise was foisted upon her higher and higher. She hadn’t even known how much she needed this. As she felt every inch of his savage need, she knew she’d been wrong about him. But she still didn’t understand why. He was like a starved man, gorging himself while knowing full well the consequences. He really had missed her. His let out staggered groans as pleasure pinged through him like a pinball game, shallow breaths as he came down. She closed her eyes and let him make her high, and for the first time she didn’t have a twinge of fear.

  “Did you come?” he asked her in her ear, pulling her down to his chest and burying his hand in her tresses, curly at the roots from sweat.

  “Almost,” she answered truthfully, diplomatically.

  Jesus, Bel, he thought to himself sheepishly. He’d let himself completely lose control, and now he felt like an ass, though it felt necessary at the time. As much as he relished the break from his imposing reality, Kim was the last person he wanted to shortchange.

  Reluctantly he withdrew from her luscious warmth and laid her gently on her back. He kissed her lips, her chin, her jawline and down to her neck. He’d barely made it to one of her tender caramel colored nipples before she started writhing in exasperation.

  “Bel, cut the bullshit and fuckin’ eat it,” she sighed.

  He smiled. He had half a mind to drive her to the brink, but now she was the mother of his child, and he got a sudden instinctual impression that you should do whatever a mom asks you to do.

  “As you wish, your highness,” he said as he crawled down the bed.

  She giggled at her tentatively new title, still held at arm’s length in her mind.

  “You’re gotdamn right,” she said. He chuckled, and she felt a gust of air on her tender mound. Her mouth went dry in anticipation. This was Bel’s specialty, and she’d been denied it these 11 months.

  Feeling the intense throb inside her from where he’d just been for the first time since last June, Bel’s wicked tongue on her swollen clit was everything she needed in life right now. Her mouth was agape, her hands in an unnecessary upright position at her sides. Her head sunk deeper into the pillow as her neck craned. She felt his weight shift, and suddenly the sensation stopped. He chuckled, and her eyes fluttered open.

  “Something funny?” she said looking up.

  “Talkin’ all that shit,” he said shaking his head.

  She opened her legs wide and hiked one leg up.

  “Back to work, Belkacem,” she said, using his full name.

  He gazed at her with smiling gray eyes so that she couldn’t look away, a faint look of amusement on his face. She bit her lip trying not to crack a smile of her own.

  As he dedicated himself to the task of pleasuring Kim orally, he did his best to watch her. Kim obliged him, writhing around and feeling all over her own body as she basked in his handiwork, revelled knowingly in his eyes on her. She confessed to him how good it felt, how many times she’d fantasized about it while he was away. She started to get emotional and she had to stop. Bel worked furiously, soaking her sheets, moaning as his own passion began to grow again. Kim made him speed up and slow down until her orgasm was the size of a tsunami. She was in danger of botching the thing.

  “Don’t stop or I will kill you,” was the last intelligible thing that came out of her mouth.

  Bel kept firm hands on the base of her hips, his arms linked under her bottom as orgasm seized her body in seismic waves. Her moans and groans were more akin to madness than pleasure. He had the erection of all erections and he felt like the fucking king he was. This was what he needed, to be turning Kim inside out of for the rest of his life. He felt in tune with life’s mission once again, focused. Purposeful. He didn’t know how to run a country, but he hadn’t known how to make vaginas magically open either. And he figured that shit out.

  Fahid knows something, an inner voice suddenly echoed.

  Shit. That’s not what he wanted to think about, right now or ever. He was almost ready to deal, but he needed more of Kim.

  “Come here,” he said, pulling her down to the edge of the bed. He hiked one of her legs up near her shoulder and entered her slowly, awkwardly. He held onto her hiked leg, giving her steady, measured pumps.

  She knew what he was doing. He was trying to make her squirt.

  “Bel, not on my fuckin’ rug!” Kim whined helplessly.

  “Fuck this rug,” he countered.

  She’d already come, but soon that didn’t matter. Bel’s thumb went to her clitoris.

  “Dammit Bel!” she yelled while he looked at her, beyond her as if hypnotized.

  Her body was powerless to deny him. He’d trained it himself. “Fuck,” Kim whimpered as her back went limp. With a jolt of pressure, her body enthusiastically complied. He kept his pace until the force of her gushing orgasm pushed him out.

  If the cops were
ever called, they didn’t know about it. They filled the bedroom with the sounds of their sensual theatrics, as Bel dragged his queen under a tide of desire again and again until she was delirious. She started to wonder if she’d sealed her fate, if she was destined for a life of addiction.

  “Jabari,” she suddenly exclaimed in the middle of the night, while Bel was caressing her, his head cradled in her bosom.

  “He’s fine,” he whispered, assuringly.

  “He needs me,” she panted faintly.

  His fingers grazed her rib cage. He nuzzled one of her breasts and kissed.

  “He needs us,” he corrected her.

  “I owe you an explanation,” Bel suddenly began in the quiet. He sat up against the headboard staring at Kim, her form glowing against the moonlight pouring in from the large bedroom window.

  “It’s time you knew the truth. The whole truth.” His words made Kim instinctively want to brace herself, but she found it difficult somehow. Something in her was now trusting him again for some reason, and not just because of the lovemaking.

  “And nothing but the truth so help you God?” she finished.

  He sat up in bed, his hand found her hair as she lay with her back to him.

  “I was married. Once,” Bel divulged to her in the darkness.“I was… young.”

  She didn’t move and he wondered if she’d fallen asleep.

  “What happened?” he heard from over her shoulder.

  “She died. In childbirth.”

  At that Kim let out a sigh.

  “The baby too?”

  “The baby too.”

  Dammit. She should’ve braced herself. There was something wrong with him, but nothing that she thought. He’d been afraid. The weekend was real. The separation was not. She turned to face him.

  “You’ve kept that a secret? All this time? Why?”

  “Why did you let everyone believe you were having sex when you weren’t?”

  “That’s not the same thing,” Kim shook her head.

  “You didn’t want to burden yourself, or other people. You just let them think what they want. Maybe even helped the illusion along, sometimes.”


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