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CK-12 Biology I - Honors

Page 16

by CK-12 Foundation


  The organelles on which proteins are made (synthesized).

  Points to Consider

  Next we focus on cell structures and their roles.

  What do you think is the most important structure in a cell? Why?

  How do you think cells stay intact? What keeps the insides of a cell separate from the outside of the cell?

  Cell Structures

  Lesson Objectives

  Outline the structure of the plasma membrane.

  Distinguish cytoplasm from cytosol.

  Name three types of protein fibers that make up the cytoskeleton.

  Distinguish between cilia and flagella.

  Identify three structures that plant cells have but animal cells do not.

  List three major organelles found only in eukaryotic cells and identify their roles.

  Distinguish between a colonial organism and a multicellular organism.

  Outline the relationship between cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems.


  The invention of the microscope opened up a previously unknown world. Before the invention of the microscope, very little was known about what made up living things and non-living things, or where living things came from. During Hooke’s and Leeuwenhoek’s time, spontaneous generation — the belief that living organisms grow directly from decaying organic substances — was the accepted explanation for the appearance of small organisms. For example, people accepted that mice spontaneously appeared in stored grain, and maggots formed in meat with no apparent external influence. Once cells were discovered, the search for answers to such questions as "what are cells made of?" and "what do they do?" became the focus of study.

  Figure 3.14

  The structure and contents of a typical animal cell. Every animal cell has a cell membrane, cytoplasm, and a nucleus, but not all cells have every structure shown here. For example, some cells such as red blood cells do not have any mitochondria, yet others such as muscle cells may have thousands of mitochondria.

  Cell Function

  Cells share the same needs: the need to get energy from their environment, the need to respond to their environment, and the need to reproduce. Cells must also be able to separate their relatively stable interior from the ever-changing external environment. They do this by coordinating many processes that are carried out in different parts of the cell. Structures that are common to many different cells indicate the common history shared by cell-based life. Examples of these common structures include the components of both the cell (or plasma) membrane and the cytoskeleton, and other structures shown in Figure above.

  Plasma Membrane

  The plasma membrane (also called the cell membrane) has many functions. For example, it separates the internal environment of the cell from the outside environment. It allows only certain molecules into and out of the cell. The ability to allow only certain molecules in or out of the cell is referred to as selective permeability or semipermeability. These semipermeable membranes regulate the cell’s interactions between the internal cytoplasm and the external surroundings. Proteins that are associated with the plasma membrane determine which molecules can pass through the membrane. This will be discussed in the next lesson. The plasma membrane also acts as the attachment point for both the intracellular cytoskeleton and, if present, the cell wall.

  The plasma membrane is a lipid bilayer that is common to all living cells. A lipid bilayer is a double layer of closely-packed lipid molecules. The membranes of cell organelles are also lipid bilayers. The plasma membrane contains many different biological molecules, mostly lipids and proteins. These lipids and proteins are involved in many cellular processes.


  The main type of lipid found in the plasma membrane is phospholipid. A phospholipid is made up of a polar, phosphorus-containing head, and two long fatty acid, non-polar "tails." That is, the head of the molecule is hydrophilic (water-loving), and the tail is hydrophobic (water-fearing). Cytosol and extracellular fluid are made up of mostly water. In this watery environment, the water loving heads point out towards the water, and the water fearing tails point inwards, and push the water out. The resulting double layer is called a phospholipid bilayer. A phospholipid bilayer is made up of two layers of phospholipids, in which hydrophobic fatty acids are in the middle of the plasma membrane, and the hydrophilic heads are on the outside. An example of a simple phospholipid bilayer is illustrated in Figure below.

  Figure 3.15

  The hydrophobic fatty acids point towards the middle of the plasma membrane (pink), and the hydrophilic heads (blue) point outwards. The membrane is stabilized by cholesterol molecules (green). This self-organization of phospholipids results in a semipermeable membrane which allows only certain molecules in or out of the cell.

  Plasma membranes of eukaryotes contain many proteins, as well as other lipids called sterols. The proteins have various functions, such as channels that allow certain molecules into the cell and receptors that bind to signal molecules. In Figure above, the smaller (green) molecules shown between the phospholipids are cholesterol molecules. Cholesterol helps keep the plasma membrane firm and stable over a wide range of temperatures. At least ten different types of lipids are commonly found in plasma membranes. Each type of cell or organelle will have a different percentage of each lipid, protein and carbohydrate.

  Membrane Proteins

  Plasma membranes also contain certain types of proteins. A membrane protein is a protein molecule that is attached to, or associated with the membrane of a cell or an organelle. Membrane proteins can be put into two groups based on how the protein is associated with the membrane.

  Integral membrane proteins are permanently embedded within the plasma membrane. They have a range of important functions. Such functions include channeling or transporting molecules across the membrane. Other integral proteins act as cell receptors. Integral membrane proteins can be classified according to their relationship with the bilayer:

  Transmembrane proteins span the entire plasma membrane. Transmembrane proteins are found in all types of biological membranes.

  Integral monotopic proteins are permanently attached to the membrane from only one side.

  Some integral membrane proteins are responsible for cell adhesion (sticking of a cell to another cell or surface). On the outside of cell membranes and attached to some of the proteins are carbohydrate chains that act as labels that identify the cell type. Shown in Figure below are two different types of membrane proteins and associated molecules.

  Peripheral membrane proteins are proteins that are only temporarily associated with the membrane. They can be easily removed, which allows them to be involved in cell signaling. Peripheral proteins can also be attached to integral membrane proteins, or they can stick into a small portion of the lipid bilayer by themselves. Peripheral membrane proteins are often associated with ion channels and transmembrane receptors. Most peripheral membrane proteins are hydrophilic.

  Figure 3.16

  Some of the membrane proteins make up a major transport system that moves molecules and ions through the polar phospholipid bilayer.

  Fluid Mosaic Model

  In 1972 S.J. Singer and G.L. Nicolson proposed the now widely accepted Fluid Mosaic Model of the structure of cell membranes. The model proposes that integral membrane proteins are embedded in the phospholipid bilayer, as seen in Figure above. Some of these proteins extend all the way through the bilayer, and some only partially across it. These membrane proteins act as transport proteins and receptors proteins.

  Their model also proposed that the membrane behaves like a fluid, rather than a solid. The proteins and lipids of the membrane move around the membrane, much like buoys in water. Such movement causes a constant change in the "mosaic pattern" of the plasma membrane.


  The gel-like material within the cell that holds the organelles is called cytoplasm. The cytoplasm plays an important role in a cell, serving
as a "jelly" in which organelles are suspended and held together by a fatty membrane. The cytosol, which is the watery substance that does not contain organelles, is made up of 80% to 90% water.

  The cytosol plays a mechanical role by exerting pressure against the cell’s plasma membrane which helps keep the shape of the cell. Cytosol also acts as the site of biochemical reactions such as anaerobic glycolysis and protein synthesis. In prokaryotes all chemical reactions take place in the cytosol.


  The cytoskeleton is a cellular "scaffolding" or "skeleton" that crisscrosses the cytoplasm. All eukaryotic cells have a cytoskeleton, and recent research has shown that prokaryotic cells also have a cytoskeleton. The eukaryotic cytoskeleton is made up of a network of long, thin protein fibers and has many functions. It helps to maintain cell shape. It holds organelles in place, and for some cells, it enables cell movement. The cytoskeleton also plays important roles in both the intracellular movement of substances and in cell division. Certain proteins act like a path that vesicles and organelles move along within the cell. The threadlike proteins that make up the cytoskeleton continually rebuild to adapt to the cell's constantly changing needs. Three main kinds of cytoskeleton fibers are microtubules, intermediate filaments, and microfilaments.

  Microtubules, shown in Figure (a), are hollow cylinders and are the thickest of the cytoskeleton structures. They are most commonly made of filaments which are polymers of alpha and beta tubulin, and radiate outwards from an area near the nucleus called the centrosome. Tubulin is a protein that is composed of hollow cylinders which are made of two protein chains that are twisted around each other. Microtubules help keep cell shape. They hold organelles in place and allow them to move around the cell, and they form the mitotic spindle during cell division. Microtubules also make up parts of cilia and flagella, the organelles that help a cell to move.

  Microfilaments, shown in Figure (b), are made of two thin actin chains that are twisted around one another. Microfilaments are mostly concentrated just beneath the cell membrane where they support the cell and help keep the cell’s shape. Microfilaments form cytoplasmatic extentions such as pseudopodia and microvilli which allows certain cells to move. The actin of the microfilaments interacts with the protein myosin to cause contraction in muscle cells. Microfilaments are found in almost every cell, and are numerous in muscle cells and in cells that move by changing shape such as phagocytes (white blood cells that search the body for bacteria and other invaders).

  Intermediate filament, shown in Figure (c), make-up differs from one cell type to another. Intermediate filaments organize the inside structure of the cell by holding organelles and providing strength. They are also structural components of the nuclear envelope. Intermediate filaments made of the protein keratin are found in skin, hair, and nails cells.

  (a)The eukaryotic cytoskeleton. Microfilaments are shown in red, microtubules in green, and the nuclei are in blue. By linking regions of the cell together, the cytoskeleton helps support the shape of the cell. (b) Microscopy of keratin filaments (intermediate filaments) inside cells. (c) Microtubules in a methanol-fixated cell, visualized with anti-beta-tubuline antibodies.

  Cytoskeleton Structure Microtubules Intermediate Filaments Microfilaments

  Fiber Diameter About 25 nm 8 to 11 nm Around 7 nm

  Protein Composition Tubulin, with two subunits, alpha and beta tubulin One of different types of proteins such as lamin, vimentin, and keratin Actin

  Shape Hollow cylinders made of two protein chains twisted around each other Protein fiber coils twisted into each other Two actin chains twisted around one another

  Main Functions Organelle and vesicle movement; form mitotic spindles during cell reproduction; cell motility (in cilia and flagella) Organize cell shape; positions organelles in cytoplasm structural support of the nuclear envelope and sarcomeres; involved in cell-to-cell and cell-to-matrix junctions Keep cellular shape; allows movement of certain cells by forming cytoplasmatic extensions or contraction of actin fibers; involved in some cell-to-cell or cell-to-matrix junctions


  Molecular structure of microtubules.

  Keratin intermediate filaments in skin cells (stained red).

  Actin cytoskeleton of mouse embryo cells.

  External Structures

  Flagella (flagellum, singular) are long, thin structures that stick out from the cell membrane. Both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells can have flagella. Flagella help single-celled organisms move or swim towards food. The flagella of eukaryotic cells are normally used for movement too, such as in the movement of sperm cells. The flagella of either group are very different from each other. Prokaryotic flagella, shown below, are spiral-shaped and stiff. They spin around in a fixed base much like a screw does, which moves the cell in a tumbling fashion. Eukaryotic flagella are made of microtubules and bend and flex like a whip.

  Bacterial flagella spin about in place, which causes the bacterial cell to "tumble."

  Cilia (cilium, singular) are made up of extensions of the cell membrane that contain microtubules. Although both are used for movement, cilia are much shorter than flagella. Cilia cover the surface of some single-celled organisms, such as paramecium. Their cilia beat together to move the little animals through the water. In multicellular animals, including humans, cilia are usually found in large numbers on a single surface of cells. Multicellular animals' cilia usually move materials inside the body. For example, the mucociliary escalator of the respiratory system is made up of mucus-secreting cells that line the trachea and bronchi. Ciliated cells, shown in Figure below, move mucus away from the lungs. Spores, bacteria, and debris are caught in the mucus which is moved to the esophagus by the ciliated cells, where it is swallowed.

  Figure 3.17

  Left: Scanning electron micrograph (SEM), of the cilia sticking up from human lung cells. Right: Electron micrograph of cross-section of two cilia (not human), showing the positions of the microtubules inside. Note how there are nine groups of two microtubules (called dimers) in each cilium. Each dimer is made up of an alpha and a beta tubulin protein that are connected together.

  The Nucleus and Other Organelles

  The nucleus is a membrane-enclosed organelle found in most eukaryotic cells. The nucleus is the largest organelle in the cell and contains most of the cell's genetic information (mitochondria also contain DNA, called mitochondrial DNA, but it makes up just a small percentage of the cell’s overall DNA content). The genetic information, which contains the information for the structure and function of the organism, is found encoded in DNA in the form of genes. A gene is a short segment of DNA that contains information to encode an RNA molecule or a protein strand. DNA in the nucleus is organized in long linear strands that are attached to different proteins. These proteins help the DNA to coil up for better storage in the nucleus. Think how a string gets tightly coiled up if you twist one end while holding the other end. These long strands of coiled-up DNA and proteins are called chromosomes. Each chromosome contains many genes. The function of the nucleus is to maintain the integrity of these genes and to control the activities of the cell by regulating gene expression. Gene expression is the process by which the information in a gene is "decoded" by various cell molecules to produce a functional gene product, such as a protein molecule or an RNA molecule.

  The degree of DNA coiling determines whether the chromosome strands are short and thick or long and thin. Between cell divisions, the DNA in chromosomes is more loosely coiled and forms long thin strands called chromatin. Before the cell divides, the chromatin coil up more tightly and form chromosomes. Only chromosomes stain clearly enough to be seen under a microscope. The word chromosome comes from the Greek word chroma, (color) and soma, (body) due to its ability to be stained strongly by dyes.

  Nuclear Envelope

  The nuclear envelope is a double membrane of the nucleus that encloses the genetic material. It separates the contents of the nucleus from the cytoplasm. The nuclear envelope is
made of two lipid bilayers, an inner membrane and an outer membrane. The outer membrane is continuous with the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Many tiny holes called nuclear pores are found in the nuclear envelope. These nuclear pores help to regulate the exchange of materials (such as RNA and proteins) between the nucleus and the cytoplasm.


  The nucleus of many cells also contains an organelle called a nucleolus, shown in Figure below. The nucleolus is mainly involved in the assembly of ribosomes. Ribosomes are organelles made of protein and ribosomal RNA (rRNA), and they build cellular proteins in the cytoplasm. The function of the rRNA is to provide a way of decoding the genetic messages within another type of RNA called mRNA, into amino acids. After being made in the nucleolus, ribosomes are exported to the cytoplasm where they direct protein synthesis.

  Figure 3.18

  The eukaryotic cell nucleus. Visible in this diagram are the ribosome-studded double membranes of the nuclear envelope, the DNA (as chromatin), and the nucleolus. Within the cell nucleus is a viscous liquid called nucleoplasm, similar to the cytoplasm found outside the nucleus. The chromatin (which is normally invisible), is visible in this figure only to show that it is spread out throughout the nucleus.


  Centrioles are rod-like structures made of short microtubules. Nine groups of three microtubules make up each centriole. Two perpendicularly placed centrioles make up the centrosome. Centrioles are very important in cellular division, where they arrange the mitotic spindles that pull the chromosome apart during mitosis.


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