CK-12 Biology I - Honors
Page 61
The Morphological Species Concept
Alternatives to the biological species concept emphasize the characteristics and processes which unite, rather than divide (reproductive barriers), species. We will look at just a few in order to gain insight into evolutionary thought. A much more practical definition is the morphological species concept, which groups organisms based on structural and biochemical similarities. Recent advances in molecular biology, such as DNA comparison, have strengthened this means of clarifying evolutionary relationships. Biologists probably use this method more than any other to differentiate species in nature, despite its limitations in confirming the potential for interbreeding.
The Ecological Species Concept
The ecological species concept focuses on a group’s common ecological niche – the set of environmental conditions and resources used or required by the group. This concept is based on the idea that ecological and evolutionary processes divide resources in such a way that individuals can most efficiently adapt to use those resources as a group. All members of a species, then, have a unique set of adaptations to a particular set of environmental conditions. Note that both the morphological and ecological definitions “work” for asexually reproducing organisms, and many fossils, as well. However, they do not help to explain how two closely related groups became different species, as does the biological definition.
The Evolutionary Species Concept
The last concept we will consider has the potential to clarify the path of speciation, or evolutionary history – that primary goal of classification. The genealogical or evolutionary species concept defines a species as a group of organisms with a unique genetic history – a group which shares common ancestry without divergence. A species, according to this concept, is a group which forms one tip on the branching tree of life’s history. Modern technology which compares DNA and protein sequences makes this definition workable, but still, the mechanism of speciation is not defined.
Ideally, all of these ways of determining exactly which individuals make up a species would merge; all make valid points about the idea of a species, and all seek the common goal of defining a new, unique unit of life in space and time. Practically, however, each has its own usefulness for different purposes. If we were working in the field, we would undoubtedly use the morphological concept. However, as we explore the idea of speciation mentally and through lab models, we will adopt the biological species concept as our working definition.
Figure 13.30
All humans are members of the same biological species. All races and cultures can and do intermarry, and our DNA is 99.9% identical.
Humans, One Species?
What about humans? Are we all members of the same species? According to the biological species concept, the answer is a resounding yes. Despite our differences in appearance, culture, and location on planet Earth, any human female is capable of producing fertile offspring with any human male. Therefore, all humans are members of the same biological species (Figure above). In contrast, humans and chimpanzees do not interbreed even when they share the same territory, so biologists consider chimpanzees to be a distinct species. Before we leave the “species problem” and Homo sapiens, it is worth noting that all of the various definitions of species confirm the unity of the human species. DNA sequences, cell chemistry, anatomy, ecological resources, and reproductive ability all reveal similarities which unite us as a single species with common ancestry. In fact, the most recent and precise method of comparison – DNA sequences – shows that somewhere between 1 in 100 and 1 in 1,000 base pairs differ, on average, between one human and the next. Based on this analysis, we humans are 99.9% identical. The differences which seem so great to us (skin color, facial features, build, personality) are important for recognition of individuals, and a few may adapt us to particular regions of the Earth, but overall, we are vastly more similar to than different from each other; we are one species.
Although we may not learn exactly how we came to be a separate species, we can gain some insight by looking closely at what is known of the process of speciation. What do we know now – that Darwin did not know - about “the origin of species”?
An Overview of Speciation
Speciation occurs at the boundary between microevolution and macroevolution. At what point do the allele frequency changes of microevolution add up to define a new and separate species?
Ernst Mayr, who developed the biological species concept mentioned above, also identified two essential components of speciation. For two populations to evolve into separate species, they must experience:
Genetic divergence
Isolation limits gene flow which would tend to maintain uniformity between the two populations. Physical separation by a barrier limits migration and prevents interbreeding, but differing environmental conditions may also provide a form of isolation. Isolation increases the chance that two populations will take separate microevolutionary pathways. Returning to our white and brown rabbits, even a difference in altitude and thus temperature might separate two parts of a population so that albino individuals will be favored higher on a mountain where snow frequently accumulates, but brown individuals would be favored down toward the valleys, where snow rarely covers the ground.
Although the two rabbit populations might be isolated by environmental differences, they would not become separate species unless enough genetic differences accumulate to prevent successful interbreeding. Genetic divergence is more likely if populations are small, increasing the chance of genetic drift. Even in large populations, however, environmental differences may result in large genetic differences which prevent interbreeding. In our rabbit populations, for example, selection for white rabbits might be accompanied by mate selection based on white coat color. If mate preferences were heritable and sufficiently strong, interbreeding between the brown population and the white population would cease, and the two populations would become two species.
The result of speciation is two groups of individuals, each more closely adapted to local environmental conditions than the larger parent population. Although speciation may not always result in a better fit between a species and its environment (remember that genetic drift increases the influence of chance), over time, natural selection tends to increase fitness. A species’ adaptations to both physical and living environments increase the chance that the species will survive. The millions of species which exist today are each carefully attuned to a particular niche. And, just as variation within a species ensures that some individuals will survive environmental change, a great diversity of species increases the chance that at least some organisms will survive major changes in the environment.
Isolation and genetic divergence are both prerequisites for speciation, but they are so closely related that sometimes it is difficult to distinguish one from the other. Physical isolation may encourage genetic divergence, but many evolutionary biologists believe that reproductive isolation can result from genetic divergence alone. That leads us to two major categories of speciation – one based on geographic isolation, and the other based on reproductive isolation alone. These two categories, and examples of speciation from each, are the topic of the next section.
Isolating Mechanisms
Biologists today divide isolating mechanisms into two major categories based on whether they happen in different locations (allopatric = “other fatherland”) or a single location (sympatric = “same fatherland”) (Figure below).
Figure 13.31
Two mechanisms of speciation are allopatric (other fatherland) and sympatric (together in the fatherland) forms. In both cases, a single population divides into two, and heritable differences eventually prevent gene flow between the two through reproductive isolation.
Allopatric Speciation
Allopatric speciation involves geographic barriers, which physically isolate populations. Formation of a land bridge such as the Isthmus of Panama, for example, could separate members of a ma
rine population into two groups. Emergence of a mountain range could separate members of a lowland species. According to the fossil record, the rifting of continents divided populations of terrestrial animals and plants. In these cases, dramatic changes in landforms lead to geographic isolation; however, movements of animals and plants can also result in physical isolation. Single individuals or small groups of individuals may move away from a parent population to colonize a new area, and the new colony could be isolated from its parent population. Such movements are not always intentional; a storm apparently carried a small flock of finches from the coast of South America to the Galapagos Islands. In each case, geographic barriers (the land bridge, the ocean) isolate the two populations so that gene flow stops and genetic divergence can proceed. Natural selection may lead each population to adapt to its own unique environment, or genetic drift may lead to chance differences in gene pools. If genetic divergence results in reproductive incompatibility, the two populations have become two separate species.
Diane Dodd, working with a laboratory population of fruit flies (Figure below), experimentally verified the idea that physical isolation can lead to reproductive isolation and speciation. Dodd split the population into two groups, and fed maltose to one group and starch to the other. She observed that each new environment selected for improved efficiency in digesting the available food molecule. After eight or more generations of isolation, the two populations were recombined. After isolation, “starch” flies preferred to mate with other “starch” flies, and “maltose” flies preferred “maltose” mates. Although the preferences were not absolute, they did demonstrate at least initial formation of a reproductive barrier.
Figure 13.32
If a single population of fruit flies is divided, and the two subpopulations are separated for at least eight generations and fed different foods, members of the subgroups prefer to mate with individuals from their own feeding group. Although this behavioral reproductive barrier was not complete, Diane Dodds data supports the hypothesis that geographic isolation can lead to heritable reproductive isolation.
Sympatric Speciation
Sympatric speciation involves the emergence of a new species within the geographic range of the parent population. In the absence of geographic isolation, reproductive barriers must arise in different ways in order for new species to form. Some biologists doubt the relative importance of sympatric speciation to evolutionary change, but several examples demonstrate the potential for this mechanism of evolution.
In plants, new species occasionally arise by duplication of chromosomes – a condition known as polyploidy (Figure below). Recall that our human body cells are diploid, and that egg and sperm cells are haploid. If meiosis fails to reduce the number of chromosomes, diploid sex cells result. In plants, which can self-pollinate, diploid pollen may fertilize a diploid egg, resulting in a tetraploid offspring. Although tetraploids may self-pollinate or interbreed with other tetraploids, they cannot successfully reproduce with their parents, because three sets of chromosomes (two from the tetraploid parent and one from the “normal” diploid parent) cannot successfully perform the intricate dance of meiosis. Peanuts, potatoes, and cotton are familiar crops that are tetraploid. Strawberries and sugarcane are octaploid (eight sets of chromosomes in each cell, compared to our two)! Polyploidy is a common form of speciation in plants in nature, as well as in agriculture.
Figure 13.33
One way in which polyploidy can arise is for meiosis to produce diploid (2n), rather than haploid (1n) gametes by nondisjunction. Self-fertilization results in tetraploid (4n) offspring. Strawberries (right) probably experienced two episodes of polyploidy; they are octaploid!
Two species of plants may hybridize – often forming unusually vigorous hybrid offspring. Unfortunately, despite their vigor, these offspring are often infertile due to chromosome incompatibility. However, if polyploidy occurs within the offspring, each of the previously unmatched chromosomes has a partner, offspring fertility is restored, and a new species is formed. Triticale (Figure below), a hexaploid hybrid of wheat and rye, was produced in the laboratory in this manner. Combining the high yield and quality of wheat with the disease-resistance of rye, triticale is now a successful grain crop in Europe, China, and Australia.
Figure 13.34
Triticale (large photo and grains inset, right) is a new crop species formed by hybridizing wheat (inset, left) and rye (insert, center). Reproduction of offspring for the new species was not possible until after polyploidy. The final species is hexaploid.
Polyploidy is less common in animals, perhaps because they less frequently self-fertilize. Some salamanders are polyploid, but offspring are usually sterile and “species” reproduce by parthenogenesis (development from unfertilized eggs). Human and other mammalian livers often contain many polyploid cells.
Although polyploidy is rare among animals, other zoological modes of sympatric speciation exist. For example, environmental change within a population’s range may lead to two habitats in which genetic divergence may take place. Our hypothetical rabbit example in the last section is an example of this type of sympatric speciation. A field example involves the hawthorn fly (Figure below), whose larval maggot stage feeds on hawthorn fruit. Apple trees, introduced to the US, often grow near hawthorns, and some hawthorn flies have begun to feed on apples. The two populations, although sympatric, have developed significant genetic differences, and at least in the wild, no longer tend to interbreed. This apparent reproductive isolation involves both temporal divergence (apples and hawthorns and their respective fly populations mature in slightly different seasons) and mating and egg-laying preferences (which link larval fruit to adult behavior). Many biologists consider these flies to be an example of sympatric speciation in progress.
Figure 13.35
The hawthorn fly (A) appears to be undergoing sympatric speciation. Traditionally, the species laid eggs on hawthorn (lower right), and the larvae (E) fed on the fruits. After the introduction of apples (upper right) to many of the same habitats, some hawthorn flies have begun laying eggs (B) on this species, and the maggots develop normally in the fruit. The two populations have diverged genetically, and no longer interbreed, at least in the wild.
Cichlid fish in East Africa’s Lake Victoria illustrate both allopatric and sympatric speciation (Figure below). Less than a million years old, the Lake harbors nearly 200 closely related cichlid species. Biologists conclude that adaptive radiation by a small group of colonizers into available niches explains the diversity of feeding specializations among these closely related species, much like Darwin’s finches in the Galapagos. Because the various habitats in the huge Lake (or islands in the oceans) isolate populations before speciation, adaptive radiation is often considered a type of allopatric speciation. However, nonrandom mating may have led to at least one more recent sympatric speciation. Females of two closely related species appear to select mates based on differing, brightly colored backs. Although the two color variations can still interbreed in the lab, they do not appear to do so in nature.
Figure 13.36
Cichlids appear to have undergone tremendous adaptive radiation in the relatively new Lake Victoria in Eastern Africa. Adaptive radiation is a form of allopatric speciation. At least one pair of closely related species may also show sympatric speciation.
The Tempo of Speciation
Speciation and extinction characterize all life on earth; the fossil record clearly documents both. Two startling facts emerge from careful study of the fossil record: First, the average successful species lives for “just” a few million years. Second, over 99.9% of all species that have ever lived have become extinct. The last aspects of speciation that we will consider are the tempo and pattern of species formation.
Over time, geographic changes isolate populations. Small populations experience genetic drift. Mutations alter individual genotypes and gene pools. New habitats form, and small groups colonize them. It is clear
that evolution continues to change life. However, there is considerable debate about the rate at which speciation occurs over geologic time. Most biologists agree that single mutations seldom if ever cause new species in single evolutionary “leaps.” Mutations in regulatory genes, which have major effects during development, may be an exception, but in general, mutations are more likely to be harmful, and selected against. Except for the special case of polyploidy, discussed above, speciation cannot occur within a single generation. So, what do we know about the rate and pattern of speciation?
Some evolutionary biologists consider the rate of evolution to be slow and constant, with small changes accumulating to form big changes – the idea of gradualism. Others (Niles Eldridge and Stephen Jay Gould), in response to the apparently “sudden” appearance of new forms in the fossil record, suggest that species diverge in bursts of relatively rapid change, and then remain stable for relatively long periods – a model known as punctuated equilibrium. Gould maintains that speciation and evolution occur rapidly in small, peripheral populations, whereas large, central populations remain stabilized for long periods of time. It is the large, central, stable populations which are represented in our fossil record, he argues – not the small, peripheral, evolving ones. The two models are compared in Figure below.
Figure 13.37
Two views of the rate at which speciation occurs: Gradualism (top) holds that small changes accumulate gradually to form big changes. Punctuated Equilibrium (bottom) suggests that rates of change accelerate over short periods (the horizontal changes in morphology which punctuate the tree of life) and then stabilize for relatively long periods (the vertical lines, indicating morphology is at equilibrium). To read such an evolutionary tree, keep in mind that the top represents the present: the tips of all branches which reach the top are todays species, and any branches that fail to reach the top represent extinctions.