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Just Like Cats and Dogs

Page 16

by BA Tortuga

  “Pete. How goes?” How’s your life? I got mated, kidnapped, beaten, rescued by a stray, and formed a pack since we talked last.

  “Better than you, looks like.” Pete nodded at Sam’s mom, grabbing a cup of coffee.

  “Fuck off, fuzzy.”

  “Watch your language, boys.”

  They both ducked their heads. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Pete smiled. “My wife says hello.”

  “Yeah?” He grinned, teasing. “To who?”

  “Me.” Pete rolled his eyes. “You’re a dork. I think she caught with puppies again. Cool, huh?”

  “Yeah. You’ve been practicing for years.”

  His mom nodded. “It’s a good match. She’s a good girl.”

  “She’s the best.”

  Pete beamed, and Sam had the terrible urge to say “I mated your brother.” He settled for, “Congrats.”

  “Thanks! So, are you home to stay?”

  Sam saw his mom’s gaze sharpen, her head tilting.

  “We’ll have to talk to Gus.” There. Let them chew on that.

  “Oh.” Pete shrugged, not near as invested in the answer as Sam’s mom.

  “Gus? Why would you have to talk to him?”

  Sam shrugged. “Because I will.”

  The man in question came out from the back room, too-big sweats hanging low on his hips, scratching his belly with one hand. “Did I hear Pete?”

  “Dude! Man! Why didn’t you come home?”

  Sam couldn’t stop looking at Gus’s belly. He. That. Wow…. That belly was a thing of beauty, and he knew it was honed from years of digging, not from crunches.

  Gus blinked. “My place is with Sam now, bro. We’re mates.”

  Everybody stared. Everybody but him.

  He went to touch, which, given the way Ma gasped, was probably not wise, but it happened. He couldn’t help it. The belly was there, and Gus’s easy words started a fire in Sam’s lower half.

  Gus wrapped an arm around his waist, and Sam was suddenly bone tired, the lack of sleep and the driving and the needing to be touched catching up with him.

  He got a slight squeeze. “Good to see you, Pete. Ma’am. Sam needs some rest. You two can talk when he gets up.”

  Pete made this noise—sort of like when a puppy bit into tin foil. Gus just gave the man a look and steered Sam out of the room. None of the usual headaches that came with dealing with family and friends there.

  He was led into his old room, the scent of Gus strong there. Heady. He purred with all he was, whimpering as he did.

  “Shh. I got you, babe. I promise, from now on, I got you.” Gus stripped Sam’s shirt off and pulled him down, holding him close, warm and perfect.

  He leaned in, mouth on Gus’s skin, scenting and tasting. “Need you.”

  Everything needed those hands, Gus’s attention. “Mmm. You got me.” That bass rumble, the light in Gus’s eyes, told him that he could have whatever he wanted.

  He brought Gus’s hands to his legs as his mouth slid down Gus’s hairy chest toward a nipple. The feel of Gus’s skin was so amazing, and the taste was all salt and wild heat. Gus pulled his legs up, stretching him, rubbing them together. The muscles in his legs gave a little twinge, but it was really only a ghost of a pain. Everywhere Gus touched him felt better, so he twisted, purred, begged for more with all he was.

  Sam got what he wanted. Gus stroked and petted, kneading at his thighs, his hips.

  He twisted, bucking up, rubbing that fuzzy belly with his hips. “Warm.”

  “You got a little chilled, babe.” Gus rubbed his belly, then reached under his sweats for his cock, stroking nice and hard. Sam’s eyes rolled, and his lips parted. Oh, fuck yes. Yes. There was something about Gus’s touch that went beyond physical pleasure. This went all the way deep, drawing up pleasure he’d never felt before. This was his mate.

  His lips wrapped around one nipple, pulling hard, sucking fiercely, drawing Gus’s flavor in.

  Gus jerked against him, grunting a little, hands coming up to rest on his shoulders. “Sam…. Puss. God.”

  “Need.” He kept moving south, biting and sucking on the way, the scent of Gus making his eyes cross. It was all male, full of that tiny bit of hound smell, just a little dog. It wasn’t unpleasant. It was home. The taste was more than home. It was everything. Well, except tuna.

  He chuckled at his thoughts, the laughter shattering as his tongue found Gus’s cock.

  “Fuck! S’posed to be taking care of you.” Gus petted his shoulders, his arms, fingers digging in a little.

  “Mmm-hmm.” His lips wrapped around the tip, tongue tracing the ridge.

  Gus growled, the sound seeming to correspond with the snapping of Gus’s control. The man just let loose and started fucking his face. That fat cock stretched his lips, took him without any hesitation, anything tentative. It was like Gus knew just what he was capable of and was willing to give it to him. Everything.

  He swallowed hard, pulling on each thrust in, letting Gus feel teeth.

  “Christ!” Gus bucked, gasping, body doing that full-on ripple.

  His hands stretched out over Gus’s belly, dragged down along the strong muscles. He wanted all Gus had to give, and he wasn’t above cheating to get it. Like pinching Gus’s nipples and giving that amazing cock a little hint of teeth again.

  It was perfect when Gus arched, pushed the tip of that heavy cock into his throat for him to purr around.

  “Oh.” The sound was a loud breath, a moan that made his back arch like Gus was scratching the base of his tail. Then Gus came for him, pouring out right into his mouth.

  Salt and heat and a delicious, perfect bitterness. His mate. He purred happily, lapping up every drop.

  Gus let him have his fun, but those hands were on his skin, rubbing and stroking, then yanking him up when Gus’s tremors stopped. “I think you might be the devil or something.”

  “My tail is infinitely more attractive.” His cock slid on Gus’s belly.

  “It is. Don’t think I could do you furry, though.” Gus sounded like he was laughing. It was hard to tell.

  “Don’t make me bite you again. I’m busy.”

  “Busy getting off, huh?” Gus got ahold of his cock and started stroking.

  “Uh. Uh-huh.” His eyes rolled. “More.”

  “Fuck, yes.” Gus scraped the head of his cock with the tip of that rough thumb. “More.”

  Gus made him feel whole, made things feel like they would be right again, and that sensation was becoming more and more necessary, every time Gus touched him. Those hands just made everything make sense.

  And that mouth…. Well, Gus could go all big bad wolf and eat him up anytime.

  Like Gus heard him, that mouth landed on his neck, teeth threatening his skin, teasing him. He arched his head back, his chest pushing up. Gus kept stroking him with one hand, the other coming up to his chest, fingers pinching his nipples.

  “Harder. Fuck, Gus.” He was so fucking tired, so horny, so frustrated suddenly.

  “Soon. That might be a bit much in your mom’s house.” Gus bit him again, teeth sinking deep.

  His eyes rolled, his teeth snapping at the air. If his tail were there, it would be lashing.

  Gus shook him, head swinging side to side, the sting pushing him over the edge. He came over Gus’s fist, his scent mixed with Gus’s.

  His entire body rippled, the waves of pleasure like the best kind of morphine. Except he wasn’t so much sleepy as relaxed. And sated.

  He nudged Gus’s jaw lazily, purrs vibrating him. So good.

  So good, mate.

  Much better than fighting with his mom.

  Shit. This was better than anything.

  GUS SHOVELED hard, sweat pouring down his back. His mom had asked him to do this thing with her garden, which he didn’t get, as Pete was there full-time, but he figured it was punishment. Everyone in the pack knew about him and Sam now, after three days at home. If it wasn’t for Marina, they’d be on the road, but
she needed time to settle.

  He wasn’t sure if he was in more trouble for mating with a feline or doing it in Maine.

  “When are you going?” James’s voice was deep, low, and cut right through the air.

  “Huh?” He turned to face his pack alpha, who he’d always gotten along with. “Why?”

  James’s eyebrow arched. “There’s not room for two alphas, Gus. Not even close, and I’m not stepping down. My mate’s having our babies.”

  His mouth dropped open, and before he even thought hard about it, he started laughing, his belly hurting he cackled so hard. Him? An alpha?

  James stared him down, waiting patiently while he had his hysteria. “When are you taking your pack?”

  Sobering, he stared back, unwilling to back down. “That depends on who you’re qualifying as my pack and how far you expect me to go. We have family here.”

  “Samuel. The new female. Gray. You can take your family, if you want. This land is mine, though.” The man was serious.

  A growl built in his chest. “This land has been my family’s for three generations. If Pete wants it, it’s his. This may be your pack, but this farm is ours.”

  The alpha’s snarl was deep. “This farm is your family’s so long as the alpha allows. You know pack law.”

  Gus bristled, the hair on his neck standing up. “Don’t fucking snarl at me, James. I didn’t ask for this.”

  “I didn’t either. I don’t give a fuck. You can’t stay.”

  Everything in him drew up, his wolf wanting out. Wanting to fight James for the territory. His human side was a little horrified at the idea. “How long do I have?” He had shit to settle, people to talk to. Hell, he’d been planning to leave anyway. Just not with a little tent city in tow.

  “The moon is in four days.” James nodded to him. “I will be your ally. It’s not personal.”

  No. No, it wasn’t. It was who they were.

  He sighed, shook his head. “Okay. You have to give me a day to talk to Mom and all.”

  “You have four.” One huge hand was held out.

  “Thanks, man.” He had to fight the urge to bite that hand, but that would have been stupid. Gus shook it instead.

  James offered him a half smile. “Congratulations on your mating.”

  “It’s kinda freaky, huh?”

  “It is. I always thought you’d alpha out, though.”

  “No shit?” He was a loner. He’d always thought he’d die alone. “Well, I guess that’s good.”

  “It is.” James offered him one more nod, then left, just like the big wolf hadn’t just threatened his life.

  Staring after him, Gus kind of stood there, holding the shovel. Then he swore and dropped it, heading inside. Time to confab with his mom.

  Mom met him at the door with a cup of coffee. “What was that about?”

  “James wants me and Sam to move on.” With the rest of his pack. Lord.

  “What? Why? Where?”

  “He says we can’t have two alphas, Mom.” He waited for her response, just to see if she found that as hysterical as he did.

  She blinked, head tilting, and then she smiled, the look incredibly proud, pleased. “Who are you taking with you? An alpha needs a pack.”

  Gus blinked back but couldn’t summon a smile. “Sam. Gray and Marina. He said you and Pete could stay.”

  “I imagine Pete and Lizzie will want to go with you. Mona too.” She was not nearly shocked enough. Clearly she wasn’t leaving with him either.

  “Not you, huh?”

  “I…. Well, I have a friend. A good friend. A….” She blushed. “A male friend.”

  “Oh.” He pondered that. “Well, good on you, Mom.” He chuckled. “James had better let me come visit for the wedding.”

  “He will. We have gatherings.” She winced. “Your mate…. That’ll be different.”

  “Yeah.” He and Mom had not really talked too much on Sam. She’d always been nice to him and all, but mating with her gay son? Wow. Had to be a tough one. “I’ll make sure you know how to keep in touch.”

  “I’ll come to you. I would hate for the pack to turn on him.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” Impulsively, he reached out and hugged her, needing her mom-ness for a moment.

  Her arms wrapped around him, and she sighed, the sound soft. “So proud of you. Always have been.”

  “I love you.” It seemed important to say it.

  “I know. I love you, baby boy. Don’t move far.”

  “I’ll try to stay close enough, huh?” Maybe Nevada. He’d have to do some research, see where they’d be safe.

  She nodded, then let him go. “So, what do you need from me?”

  “I have no idea. Clean underwear?” They shared a smile at the old joke. “Maybe you could talk to Mona?”

  Her gaze sharpened. “Do you want me to encourage her to stay or go?”

  Damn, his mom was a smart lady. “James didn’t say anything about her, but he wants Gray gone, and Sam, and I imagine he’d be happy to see Lizzie go too. She should come with us. Mona, I mean.”

  Mom nodded. “She’s a good mother, one hell of a caretaker, and it’s about time everyone in a pack was on Sam’s side.”

  He pondered that, and damned if she wasn’t right. Sam deserved a home. Someplace he could be safe after all this time. Gus was going to give it to him.

  “You let me know what you need, when you know.” She took his arm. “In fact, let’s start a list.”

  Gus nodded, following his imminently practical mom to the kitchen, letting her help figure this shit out.

  He’d never been a pack alpha before.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  SAM SAT in the living room, staring at Gus, not sure what he was hearing.

  Was Gus asking Ma and all the crazies to come too?

  He didn’t want to live locked in a room alone for every full moon. He didn’t want to be the outcast. Out cat, sure. Outcast, no. His stupid joke made him smile, even though happy was the furthest thing from his mind.

  There was no way, no way at all he could do this, live in a wolf pack. He’d thought…. Shit.

  Maybe he should just go for a walk or a shuffle or whatever.

  He stood up, headed for the kitchen on his stupid fucking legs. He heard the low murmur of voices, then the pad of Gus’s footsteps following him.

  “You okay, babe?”

  “Uh-huh.” No.

  “Don’t lie, butthead.” Gus grinned, shaking his head. “I’m sorry, babe. James said I had to take Marina and Gray.”

  Wait. What?

  “What?” He looked over, moving into Gus’s arms without even thinking.

  “Alpha came today. His mate is pregnant. He told me we’d have to go.”

  “We were going anyway, weren’t we?” He shook his head. “How many wolves are coming?”

  There. Straightforward questions.

  “Me. Your mom and Gray. Marina. Pete and Lizzie. Your other sibs if they want. I think that’s it.” He heard the implied “For now.”

  He supposed that was fair. The youngest of them were on their own—everyone came and went so quickly. He wasn’t 100 percent sure he could tell some of them apart. They all smelled like pack. He guessed that would be up to his mom.

  He turned to the fridge. “Where are you going to take them?”

  Gray’s hands landed on his shoulders, turning him so fast his head spun. “What do you mean, me?”

  “I just….” He stepped back, rumbled softly. “I’m not spending my life locked in a basement or a room for the moons so that the pack doesn’t eat me.”

  “The basement….” Gus stared. “I’ll lock them up first.”

  “What?” Sam stared back, mouth open.

  “You’re the most important member of my pack, babe. We run under the moon, or they go somewhere else to live. You’re my mate.”

  Oh. “Yeah?” He stepped closer, vibrating with a mixture of relief and disbelief.

  “Yeah. If we go throu
gh the first moon, which is in like, four days, and they can’t deal? I’ll find them a safe place, and we’ll live on our own.” Gus stroked his cheek. “Dork.”

  “I just…. Shit, Gus. So many years in that fucking room, then in the loft.” He’d never gotten a moon free. Ever.

  “I know.” Gus drew him even closer. “I would never do that to you.”

  He took a deep breath, then another, another, that horrible tension in his spine dissolving so quickly that he wanted to yowl, scream with it. “Mate.”

  “You know it. All yours.” Gus kissed him then, chasing away the rest of his worry.

  He climbed Gus’s body, focused on that mouth, on letting Gus know how that had been the right thing to say. Gus grabbed his ass, effortlessly holding him up while they kissed again and again. Gus took his mouth, tongue pushing in, not giving him time to breathe. Sam dove into it, let his hunger, his cat come closer to the surface while he tasted Gus. A low groan was the only warning he got before Gus spun around and plunked Sam’s ass down on the kitchen counter, pushing up between his legs.

  He would have protested, but it was too right, too good, and Gus was his now.

  His lover. His mate. Who was opening Sam’s pants and getting his cock free.

  “Gus….” It wasn’t a complaint. If they were interrupted, he’d claw someone’s face off.

  “Yeah. Oh, Puss. Look at you.” Gus did a lot more than look. He pulled and stroked and tugged at Sam’s cock, and it felt like fucking magic, that touch. His balls drew up tight as he rocked forward, wordlessly begging for more.

  Gus gave it to him, pushing right back, giving him friction with that amazing, callused hand. Gus had strong hands. Digger’s hands.

  “Yours. Want to hunt with you. Under the moon. Want to play….” He moaned, his head slamming back against a cabinet.

  “Uh-huh. Soon, babe. Four days. We can find a place by then.”

  “Four….” He grabbed Gus’s shoulders, that thumb rubbing the tip of his cock. “There!”

  “Right here?” That touch came again, then again, Gus’s thumbnail stinging him a little.

  His spine jerked, his ass sliding on the counter as his balls tightened. That was it. That was the touch he needed. Gus did it again, then leaned to bite the still-fresh bruise on his throat.


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