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Just Like Cats and Dogs

Page 18

by BA Tortuga

  “He needs that. I have some good minerals to sell too. That will get you some primo groceries.”

  “You both do.” Mona was a kickass mom, and she sort of made him want to call his own mother, just hear her voice, have her tell him all was well. Maybe he’d call her while Sam was at the spa in Reno. He wanted to get a massage, and Gus didn’t approve of oily hands and weird towel gymnastics.

  Of course he wasn’t sure he wanted some stranger’s oily hands on his Sam either…. He’d make Sam choose a girl, maybe. His mate wasn’t even a bit straight.

  “Anyway, if someone has to patrol, make it Pete. Gray will do okay at the houses, and you ladies just need to hit the basement in mine and Sam’s place.”

  “We’re going to be fine. Will you stop it?”

  “Sure. Sorry. It’s kinda my job now.” Man, sometimes he missed when it wasn’t his job. Still, this was his pack, and the thought of it made his chest swell with pride.

  “Uh-huh. Go be mates, would you?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He could do that. He ducked back into his house and went to look for Sam, who was supposed to be packing. “Babe?”

  Two bags were sitting on the end of the bed, and his mate was on the floor, cradling five little puppies.

  “Are we spiriting them away in the luggage?” Gus asked.

  “Can we?” Sam teased. “Momma is very, very extremely grumpy right now.”

  “No kidding. She’s not looking forward to a bunch more, methinks.” Gus winked. Lizzie loved her babies, but pregnancy was super tough on her. She should have had a little more time. Not that Gus blamed Pete. They’d tried all manner of birth control, those two.

  “Your brother is a horndog. Are we ready to go?”

  “Did you pack anything for me to wear?” Gus waited for Sam to threaten to bite him, but his mate could be a prima donna when it came to suitcase space. It was a thing.

  “All leather, all the time.”

  “You’re a freak.” He knew Sam liked him best in jeans and a T-shirt, so he was confident he didn’t need to worry. There might be something for dinner that had leather pants….

  “I’m yours. Maybe I’ll let you wear glitter. Or, ooh. Eyeliner.”

  “No, Puss. You have to wear the eyeliner.” Sam looked so fine in a little smudgy charcoal. Gus hated to admit it, but that was a damned good thing.

  “I can do that. Come on, kiddos. Let’s go see Granny Mona.”

  The pups all barked and whined, and Gus picked up three. “You heard Uncle Sammy.” He couldn’t bring himself to say Uncle Sam. Not sexy.

  “They did. Granny’s got cookies, I’m sure.” Together they got the puppies over to Sam’s mom, Mona laughing as her grandchildren were dumped on her.

  “You boys have a good time, okay? Don’t worry about us.” The hint of command in her tone was all mom, not alpha, but Gus had the strongest urge to follow orders.

  “Come on, mate. Let’s go. Let’s go play.”

  How could he worry in the face of that excitement? He took Sam’s hand and headed back to get the bags. This was their time.

  The pack would have to fend for itself.

  Chapter Three

  SAM OPENED the door to their room at the Grand Sierra, laughing at the bright colors, the joyful decorations. Perfect. This one was perfect.

  The carpet was the color of poppies, with bright geometrics worked in. The bed was pristine white with one strip of crazy fabric at the foot. A suitcase liner, they called it. Or a foot thing. Whatever.

  Sam spun, a perfect pirouette. “It’s amazing, Gus.”

  Gus grinned at him, then applauded. “You picked it, Sam. I expect nothing less.”

  “I know! I wanted modern, you know? I could play in here for days.”

  “Mmm. We will play, but we have a dinner reservation.”

  “We do?” Now that was a surprise, and a welcome one. “Where to?”

  “It’s called Sterling’s. Surf and turf. Hope you packed us jackets.”

  “Oh.” He loved seafood, and he liked to dress up. Gus hated a tie, so this was a real sacrifice. “You’re good to me, mate.”

  “I try.”

  “You succeed.” Gus really did make him feel special every day. His gruff, rough-and-tumble rock hound could do the sweetest stuff. “Let me wash up and change.”

  “We could shower together. Save water. Aren’t hotels about conservation now?”

  He glanced sideways at Gus. “We start now, we’ll never quit.”

  “True. You first, then.”

  “Oh, you gave up too soon.” He grabbed Gus’s hand and tugged. “We’ll just wash each other. It’ll be an exercise in control.”

  “I like it. We’re so good at that.”

  They looked at each other and cracked up laughing.

  “We can be good at fast orgasms,” Sam said. That much at least was the truth.

  The bathroom was all clean white tile, but the shower was a square built-in thing with a seat and glass walls. They would so fit in there together, so he tugged off Gus’s clothes, wanting to scrub and use someone else’s hot water. Their well system was fine, but this was too good a chance to pass up.

  This was a luxury, and he intended to take full advantage.

  Gus stripped him down happily, his clothes going all over the floor. Sam’s neat gene tried to kick in, but this was a luxury for Gus too, so Sam tamped it down.

  Then Gus was muscling his happy ass into the shower, lips on his as Gus fumbled with the dials to get the water running. Multitasking man.

  Sam distracted Gus even more by reaching down and tugging that hard cock firmly. Gus did love him to touch.

  He knew how Gus needed it, where every single possible hot spot was, and he used that knowledge to drive his mate out of his mind.

  In no time, they had steam and slick and Gus was panting, hands sliding all over Sam’s body. This was better than any impersonal spa massage. Hell, this was better than anything. He pressed one leg between Gus’s thighs, trusting that his mate would keep him stable and steady.

  Gus gripped his ass with both hands, holding him up, rubbing his leg up against that thick cock. Hot as hell, his Gus, burning him right up.

  “Damn, Puss. I need you like breathing.”

  “Good. I want to be indispensable.” He grinned up at Gus, who laughed with sheer joy.

  “You are unique in all the world, Sam.”

  “I am. Really, really.” Sam nipped at Gus’s throat, hard enough to make it sting.

  “Uhn. Again, babe.” Gus gave as good as he got, two fingers rubbing Sam’s hole.

  “I can do again.” He bit down this time, shaking a little, demanding Gus’s response.

  That muscled body jerked against him, Gus pushing and pulling. Finally Gus looked around a bit wildly before plopping down on the shower seat, Sam straddling his lap.

  “Good idea.” He started undulating, using all his best moves as he rode Gus like a stripper pole.

  “Much safer,” Gus agreed, one hand pressing between them to bring their cocks together. He loved the calluses on Gus’s hands, the strength. He wanted them on his skin, wanted Gus to pull and push, thumb rubbing over the glans. “I know what you want, Sam. I always know.”

  “Yes.” He grabbed those wide shoulders and bounced, sliding their slick skin together. “Come on. Let’s do this thing.”

  “You want me inside you, baby?”

  “Always.” Riding Gus was almost as good as hunting with him.

  “Can you reach the slick? I put it with the shampoo.”

  Oh, shampoo could burn. He had to be careful not to get the wrong one.

  “You came prepared? I’m impressed. I didn’t even see you do it.”

  “I planned a lot.” Gus looked so smug for a moment that Sam had to bite something. A shoulder. That little curve begged for his teeth.

  Gus grunted, grabbing the lube from him and squirting out enough to coat his fingers.

  As soon as Gus was done, he struck, hi
s teeth sinking into Gus’s skin. Those fingers inside him went deeper, opening him up, really pushing him and lighting him from within.

  His back arched like someone had touched a live wire to him, and his teeth clenched.

  “Love you when you’re like this, Puss. Love it.” Gus growled the words.

  Needy and desperate for more of your cock?


  Sam laughed out loud, water splashing his face and making him gurgle. Sexay.

  Always sexy to me. Now, get up here and ride.

  “Mmm. Bossy old wolf.” He rubbed Gus’s prick against his hole, teasing them both.

  “Just keeping us on schedule.” Sam would believe it if Gus wasn’t flushed, his chest heaving, wet cock standing up tall and proud. Sam sank down on it, his mouth going dry as Gus filled him.

  “Fuck yes.” Gus stilled for a moment, letting him adjust, their heartbeats thumping together. Then Gus lifted him by the hips before lowering him back down.

  He added his strength to Gus’s, his ass slapping off Gus’s thighs.

  They were cooking with oil, fast and hard, the endless supply of hot water so amazing he wanted to yowl with it.


  “Pay attention, Puppy!”

  “I am.”

  “Not.” Sam grinned and bit his mate’s lower lip. “You’re still frickin’ huge, Gus.”

  Gus beamed. So easy. His lover did love a compliment.

  He bore down, clenching tight. He wanted to feel Gus go wild, wanted to feel his lover come inside him, hot and wet and slick. “Soon. Soon, Gus.”

  “I know. I need.” Gus touched him where they were joined, one finger slipping in alongside his dick.

  That was all he could take, and he shot, his eyes rolling back in his head. He moaned when Gus jacked his cock a few times, helping him get every bit of pleasure out of his orgasm.

  Gus chuffed softly, looking as smug as a man could get.

  “Stop it or I’ll bite your nipple.”

  “This is a bad thing?” Gus was actually pretty sensitive there, and he saw Gus’s shoulders hunch.

  “Shh. Dork.” He took a kiss, putting everything he was into it, all his love, all his need as he worked Gus’s cock.

  Gus’s eyes widened as if he’d just figured out he hadn’t come. That big body bucked under him, Gus letting out a long, low moan. Then they were off and running again, Gus thrusting up with short, hard jerks.

  “That’s right. Come on.” He wanted nothing more than to watch Gus’s pleasure.

  Gus growled, his teeth grinding, his jaw flexing. Then he felt it, the start of Gus’s hot, jetting completion.

  He blinked, dragging his tongue along Gus’s lips. Opening up, Gus gave him the kiss he wanted, arms wrapped around him, simply holding on. They sat there under the hot water, soaking their bones.

  “We could order steak through room service,” he suggested. “Soak here for a bit and then wear robes instead of jackets and ties.”

  “Yeah? They have fish and chips or shrimp, I think. Still surf and turf.” Gus kissed him one more time, a thank-you if he ever saw one.

  “Sounds perfect. You. Me. Soft clothes. Something with cream for dessert.”

  “I’m on it.” Nuzzling his neck, Gus adjusted the water, bringing out more steam. “I am so in love with you right now.”

  “Even still? Even after so many days together?” Goddess, that felt amazing, those words.

  “More so because of them. I get to see you under the moon. Free. That’s the best, Puss.”

  “It’s something I didn’t know to wish for, mate.”

  “Now you know.” They sat there until they were both pruney. Then Gus lifted him and carried him out to dry them both off and find robes. Such good care, especially when Gus ordered shrimp and steak, ice cream and apple galette.

  “This was a good idea.” Just to look at new things, just to see new places.

  “I’m glad. We’ll be lazy tonight, run amok tomorrow, and then do this all over again.” Gus scratched the spot at the base of his spine that drove him nuts.

  “Yes. Yes, that’s…. There, Gus. Right there.”

  “There?” Gus dug in, making his toes curl. All this and he got ice cream too?

  How did a kitty get so damned lucky?”

  GUS GRINNED at his mate, who sat on a low wall, gobbling a basket of fries they’d gotten to go. After his morning massage and a decadent breakfast, Gus had taken Sam to the Riverwalk, which was full of galleries, restaurants, and art on the corners. He had to admit, the place was really nice.

  Sam was having a ball exploring and touching, the kitty in his mate fascinated by everything. Sam loved sparkly, shiny, noisy, and salty-crunchy.

  Gus had to admit he’d had two macarons, a piece of carrot cake, and a banana thing with chocolate and sprinkles.

  Sam had found him a bunch of T-shirts, a leather belt, and a pair of boots that felt like heaven on his feet. For himself he’d found a soft, bright green scarf. Goofy Puss.

  Gus had picked up a few things during massage time, though. He’d dropped off his mineral samples, which had netted him nearly three times what he’d expected, and he spent a bit of the overage on a pretty or two. One was a titanium chain that would hang from the rearview or wall or something, and it bore a faceted crystal pendulum.

  The other was a little more intimate and was made of white gold instead of a cheaper metal. Jewelry usually didn’t do well for shifters like them. They tended to lose it. This was only for occasional use, though, so that worked great for Gus.

  “Want a bite? They’re perfect and salty.” Sam offered a fry over, those eyes lit up like fireflies.

  He liked salty okay, so Gus nipped the treat out of Sam’s grip. “Nice. I like.” He uncapped a bottle of water, offering it to Sam first.

  Sam’s throat worked, and Gus had to admire the little love bite that bloomed there.

  Down, boy. Sam eyed him over the bottle. No public biting.

  I do know the rules, Puss.

  Me too. Such a bummer.

  They shared a grin, and then Gus took a big gulp of water, and they moved on. One of these days they needed to go someplace where they could hold hands in public. The longing for that hit him hard for a moment, surprising him.

  “We get that at home, mate.”

  The words made him grin suddenly, because Sam was right. They did. He hated that he couldn’t be fully himself out in the world, but they did have home. He’d done that. He’d given that to Sam.

  Sam touched the back of his hand. “With me?”

  “I am. I hear there’s a metal sculptor somewhere nearby.”

  “Yeah? Let’s go look!” Sam hopped down off the fence.

  Gus chuckled. Maybe they could get a mobile for the little yard they’d carved out. A big wind chime.

  A weird welded dragon.

  Nah, the puppies would cut themselves. They wandered along, sniffing at the good smells, stopping to touch this colorful doodad or that weird yard ornament. They found the metalworker tucked in the crook of this strange little building, and his shop was like something out of a Grimm’s fairy tale.

  Sam’s eyes lit up and Gus groaned. Oh, he was in so much trouble here. So much wonderful trouble. His kitty looked like Tigger, bouncing into the shop to peer at some whirligig, then pirouetting to lean over a cat made out of nuts and bolts.

  This was his favorite version of Sam—excited and engaged, slinky and overjoyed.

  “Hey!” This big, bearlike dude came out of the back, beard splitting in a smile. “Welcome.”

  “Hello! You have a fabulous space. Amazing.”

  “Thank you! I just moved in two weeks ago.”

  Sam’s eyes widened. “You’ve been busy.”

  “I used to have this place in a ghost town in Arizona.” The guy shrugged. “Whatever you want to play with, go for it. Just make sure there’s enough space for it to really move.”

  “Move….” Sam’s eyes lit up.

“Oh Lord, man. You know not what you started.”

  “I’m Dietz. I can tell a tactile person in a heartbeat.” Dietz winked. “They’re always fun.”

  “Expensive,” Gus muttered playfully.

  Sam tossed him a raspberry over one shoulder, pink tongue vibrating.

  “I bet he’s worth it,” Dietz pointed out, and Gus barked out a laugh.

  “Indubitably.” Gus liked this guy already. When he glanced at Sam, his Puss was utterly absorbed by something, and Gus just had to go see what.

  Sam was looking at a whirligig that was three swirling circles, each one sporting a rainbow of colored crystals. In the muted light inside the store, they were stunning. In the sun they would give Sam something to chase for long hours.

  He nodded to Dietz. Yeah, they were taking that one home for sure.

  Dietz gave him that bright white smile again, the brown beard parting like the red sea. He gave Gus a thumbs-up.

  “You like?” He scratched at Sam’s back, a light touch.

  “Uh. Uh-huh.” Sam’s eyes crossed.

  “Me too.” He did. Gus knew this would amuse him endlessly. “Do you buy minerals for your whirligigs, Dietz?” Never let it be said he passed up a chance to make a new connection.

  “Of course. What’s your business, buddy?”

  “I’m a rock hound.” He handed over a card. “I’m not trying to barter or anything. I just always ask an artisan if he might be able to use what I have.”

  “Rock on. You never know when I need something unusual.”

  Sam was moving on, playing with this and that, bringing other pieces up to join the whirligig.

  Gus made the motions, Dietz did a little interpretive dance with numbers, and Gus paid for the whirligig. They could pick it up on their way back to the SUV later on.

  Sam purred as they left, rubbing against him, his mate revved up.

  “Happy kitty!” The joy was infectious, making him smile.

  “I am. Take me back to the hotel. Feed me, fuck me, and I’ll rock your world.”

  “Okay. Hold that thought for two shakes.” He had to go back and get the thing from Dietz if they were heading back to the hotel. And he wasn’t going to turn down that offer, no sir.


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