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Fighting Our Way

Page 12

by Abigail Davies

  “Maya, your brother’s leaving,” Mom says.

  She lifts her hand in a wave and does a half-grunt so I walk over to her, taking her cell and holding it up in the air. That catches her attention and she's off the loveseat in the corner of the room and standing on her tiptoes in a flash. “Give me my phone!”

  “Only if you say goodbye properly.”

  “Goodbye.” She stops jumping up and down and holds her hand out. “Now can I have my phone?”


  “Mooommm!” she moans, stomping her foot.

  Mom chuckles. “It won't hurt you to be away from your cellphone for more than a minute. Say goodbye.”

  She scoffs and stomps ahead of me to the front door. “Fine.”

  When there she crosses her arms over her chest and I kiss her cheek. “Bye, Maybug.”

  She smiles and throws her arms around my middle. “Bye, life ruiner.”

  I chuckle and hand her her cell to which she snatches and looks at the screen, ignoring us all again as she walks toward the stairs.

  I shake my head. “I wasn't ever like that, was I?”

  “Boy crazy? No,” Dad deadpans receiving laughs from Mom and me.

  “No, seriously.”

  “No. But times are different now. When you were her age you were out surfing and playing sports whenever you could, there wasn't much in the way of cellphones.”

  “True,” I agree with him and give them both a hug.

  “Call when you get home,” Mom shouts as I'm climbing into my car.

  I shake my head but tell her I will. I may be thirty-two years old but she'll always try to baby me.

  I scroll through the messages from Nate this afternoon. It wasn’t until the nerves kicked in after lunch I realized I didn’t even know where we were going on our date. In typical Nate style, he wouldn’t tell me; not that I should have expected anything less.

  Amelia: Where are we going tonight?

  Nate: It’s a surprise. ;)

  Amelia: Come on, Nate. I don’t know what to wear, I haven’t been on a date for… a while.

  Nate: Hmmm… How long is a while? A month? A year?

  Amelia: I plead the fifth.

  Nate: Still not telling you where I’m taking you.

  Amelia: Fine. Just tell me what to wear then.

  Nate: Clothes?

  Amelia: Hardy har… So funny.

  Nate: No seriously, clothes. You look good in anything. ;)

  Amelia: So if I turn up in jeans and a t-shirt, that’s okay?

  Nate: Perfect.

  My finger hovers over the keyboard, the time along the top of my screen showing 7:56. Four minutes until he’ll pull up at the bottom of the driveway. Crap. I’m so goddamn nervous I think I may explode. I haven’t been able to get the feel of his lips off mine or forget how his hands felt on my waist for a week.

  He makes me feel things I never thought I could. The way my skin comes to life when he touches me, not knowing whether to be cold from goose bumps or hot from his searing touch setting fire to my skin.

  Much like my brain: it doesn’t know whether it’s coming or going. Not knowing what to think or feel but going along with it as he has the kind of affect that has me pushing everything aside when I’m with him.

  I flick my gaze to the mirror in the bathroom, staring at myself as the pads of my fingers flutter over my tingling lips.

  Dropping my arm, I adjust the light-blue bardot top skimming underneath my collarbone, making sure it sits just below the waistband of my light wash skinny jeans. Running my hands over my dark-blond wavy hair, I nod to myself and switch the light off, walking to my bed and sitting on the edge as I push my feet into my black ankle boots with a small block heel.

  Nate: I’m here.

  Shit shit shit. My breath leaves my body in a burst as my shoulders sag. Am I really doing this? Am I really putting myself out there… with Nate? What if it all goes wrong? What if he gets to know me and doesn’t actually like me? What if—

  Nate: Some woman walked past and is watching me. I think she thinks I’m a stalker. You better hurry before she calls the cops or tries to climb in the car with me or something. I wouldn’t blame her, I do look dashing tonight.

  My eyes widen as his text pings on my phone and laughter slips out. I need to stop overthinking everything and just enjoy myself. It’s one date. It’s not like the next few hours will change the rest of my life, right?

  Shaking my head, I stand up, pushing my shoulders back and grabbing my purse off the coffee table on my way out.

  I don’t walk through the main house, instead I head out of the back gate, cursing myself for not picking up a jacket as the wind whips around me on the way down the driveway. There’s no way I’m going back for it now though; if I do, I’m sure I’ll end up talking myself out of it.

  The light from the streetlight shines on the side of his Mercedes, flicking my reflection back at me as I get closer.

  My shaky hand pulls the door open before I slide into the leather seat. I count to three before turning my head and smiling softly.


  He leans over the console and sweeps me up in a soft kiss. “Hey,” he replies, grinning as he pulls back, leaving me breathless. “You look beautiful.”

  “I… thanks.” My gaze runs the length of him: his white shirt is rolled up to his elbows, the muscles in his forearms tensing as he grips the steering wheel. “You look handsome,” I say, my eyes focusing on the dark-navy jeans clinging to his thighs.

  I jump as laughter bursts from him. “I’ve never had a woman other than my mom call me handsome before.”

  Heat licks my cheeks before I turn away slightly. “Well… now you have.” I cringe at myself.

  Taking a breath, I try to pull myself together, knowing if I don’t get my nerves under control, this whole night will go to crap.

  My body is shoved back as he steps on the gas pedal, driving down the road and away from all of the big houses.

  “So…” I start when he’s been driving for a couple of minutes. “Are you going to tell me where we’re going now?”

  I raise a brow as his lip quirks up at the corner. “Impatient, aren’t we?”

  Huffing out a breath, I flatten my palms on my thighs, looking out the windshield. “I think now may be a good time to tell you I hate surprises.” My voice is flat and I squeeze my eyes shut, not meaning for it to come across like that. But the way things have been the last few weeks; a surprise is the last thing I want or need.

  “Duly noted. Can’t say I’ll do anything with that information though because I love planning them.”

  “Are you always this…” My eyes widen when I realize I get my opportunity to use my word of the day on him again. “Incorrigible?”

  “I’m a creature of habit, what can I say.”

  I make a noise in the back of my throat, narrowing my eyes as he takes the tunnel separating the two halves of town. There’s clearly no point in asking where we’re going, again.

  My leg starts bobbing up and down, my hand fluttering up to my mouth as I bite the side of my thumb. I keep telling myself I can trust Nate, he wouldn’t do anything to hurt me.

  This is a good surprise, right?

  His palm landing on my thigh and stopping the movement has my head snapping up toward him.

  “Relax,” he states in a calm voice.

  I let his voice flow through me as he pulls up to a stoplight, turning his head to face me, his gaze meeting mine.

  “Sorry,” I whisper, my voice sounding big in the small space. “I’m just…” I blow out a breath, my hair fanning out of my face. “I’m nervous.”

  “What’s there to be nervous about? We’ve known each other and hung out for six years, just think of it like that.”

  “But…” I flit my gaze between his eyes. “This is different… it’s a date. Only you and me. No…” I swallow. “Buffer.”

  “Even better, less reason to be nervous. You can just be yourself an
d let go.”

  I open my mouth to say something but he looks away, the light turning green causing him to put his foot down again.

  He drums his fingers on the top of the steering wheel, his hand still on my thigh as his thumb rubs back and forth. The sensation has me simultaneously relaxing and on edge.

  We pass a sign saying something about plants before Nate pulls into a smaller road, his hand squeezing my thigh.

  His throat works as he swallows, bringing his car to a stop and switching the engine off. I don’t move even though I know if I turn around, I’ll be able to see where he’s brought us. Instead, I wait until he looks over at me, the green of his eyes dark and intense.

  Tilting my head, I continue to watch him. His lips lift slightly, almost as if they’re not sure whether they want to smile or not before his hand reaches up and rubs along the side of his strong jaw.

  He’s nervous, too.

  That thought has my nerves taking a back seat; they’re still there, just not driving now.

  I don’t move my gaze from his as I get out of the car until I turn around, taking in the dome-shaped building glowing in the dark of the night; blues, purples, and even green lighting from within.

  “Where are we?” I ask, my voice small but full of awe.

  It’s just light enough that when I turn to look at him, I can see he’s smirking. “You’ll see.” He holds his hand out to me. “Shall we?”

  I slowly lift my arm, placing my hand in his and nodding. “Yeah.”

  He leads me up the path sitting between two grassed areas, small lights line each side, the same mixture of colors that’s in the circular domes. His dark-brown shoes create an echo along the path in time with my footsteps.

  I keep my eyes peeled for some sort of sign as to where we are but there’s nothing, and when we step inside, silence greets me. He doesn’t stop in the small area with a desk and a booth, instead he keeps walking.

  “Wow,” I murmur. My hand loosens in his when we walk through the only door, the pads of our fingers touching as I turn around, taking it all in.

  To the left are a few rows of blue seats, all fixed to an angle so you can see the top of the dome. It’s not them that have my attention though, it’s the stars and planets sitting on the dome behind them. Ah, planets, as in planetarium—not plants.

  So many colors mingle together. At first glance you can’t grasp the beauty of it, but the longer I stare, the more I see the constellations on display.

  “You...” I gasp, spinning toward Nate where he stands next to me with possibly the biggest smile on his face I’ve ever seen. “You brought me stargazing?”

  He shrugs. “That’s part of it, yeah.”

  “What? I—” He tightens his hold on my hand, pulling me closer to him and leaning forward so his lips are only centimeters away from mine. I close my eyes, hating the fact I can’t see the stars anymore when I do.

  His lips connect with mine, soft and slow. The sweet, closed mouth kiss ends as soon as it began and he’s pulling away, leading me to the other side of the dome.

  “Close your eyes.” I do as he says and trust him to lead me wherever he wants me. “Okay.” We come to a stop. “Open.”

  I open them slowly, my stomach dipping when I see a plaid blanket set out on the floor, a basket sitting next to it. “A picnic?” I ask. “Under the stars?”

  I’m sure he can hear the fast drumbeat of my heart, but if he does he doesn’t let on. “I hope it’s okay. If you don’t like it we can go somewhere else.”

  “No!” I let go of his hand, grasping his forearms. “No… it’s…” I look around me, the romantic atmosphere wrapping around us and placing us in its cocoon. “It’s perfect.”

  He nods and motions for me to sit down. “Stay here, I’ll be right back.”

  “Where are you—” My words are cut off as the room is plunged into darkness for a couple of seconds before the lights flash on again.

  My breath catches in my throat as the stars shine bright, moving toward me. I feel Nate sit down next to me as a star shoots across the dome and I lean back when I think it’s going to hit me. The images are so real as they float in and out.

  “How did you do that?” I ask, not willing to take my eyes off the show.

  “Magic,” he replies, handing me a beer.

  I snort, taking it from him and screwing the top off, all the while not taking my eyes off the sky. We float over the top of a yellow and orange planet before mixing in with what looks like rocks.

  I feel him shuffle closer, and when his legs come on either side of me from behind, I turn away, staring up at him.

  “What are you doing?” I ask as his hands grip my waist, pulling me so his chest is flush with my back. My heart rate speeds up at having him so close to me.

  “Sshh, you’re ruining the show,” he jokes.

  Swallowing against the emotion in my throat, I turn back around staying as still as I can. I try not to let the effect of his breath fanning across my neck show, but when he turns his head and places a kiss below my ear, I can’t help my eyes fluttering closed.

  “You know the stars are really old?” he murmurs in my ear.

  “Are they?” I ask, not able to concentrate when he’s this close to me.

  “Yep.” He pulls back a few centimeters and when I turn to face him, he’s watching me, his green eyes shining and flashing as the dome projects the lights. “They all range between one and ten billion years old.”

  He raises a brow as my eyes widen. “Wow… do you know a lot about stars?”

  “Only that,” he says, shrugging.

  Smiling softly, I’m rewarded with a grin from him. Neither of us look away, the show finishing behind us as the lights fade out. We’re in a trance, our souls connecting in a way I never thought possible. People talk about soulmates, but I didn’t believe in them—not until this moment.

  He clears his throat, breaking the connection before he asks, “You hungry?”

  I hate that we can’t sit here and stare at each other all night, because that’s all I want to do. I want to stay inside his arms and never come out of them.

  “Starved,” I finally manage to croak out.

  Shuffling from between his legs, I move to sit next to him. Reaching over, he pulls a basket closer, the veins in his arms dancing under his skin from the movement. God, that’s so… sexy.

  I don’t know how much time passes as he takes all the food out and places it between us because I’m too occupied with staring at his arms. I swipe my tongue along my bottom lip before sitting cross-legged.

  “Soup or salad?” he asks, not looking at me and I’m brought out of my staring session, my cheeks heating when I realize what I was doing.

  “I’ll take the soup, please,” I answer, picking up a tub filled with croutons , trying to distract myself, but when he looks up at me knowingly, I know I’ve been caught staring.

  “You’re blushing,” he says, passing me over a flask that’s still warm.

  Taking it from him, our fingers brush but I ignore it, trying to focus on anything else but his… arms. Twisting the top off, I take the bowl he hands me, pouring some into it and then giving it back to him before placing a couple of croutons on top.

  “Mmmm,” I say once I’ve put a spoonful in my mouth. “This is delicious.”

  “I’m glad you like it. It’d be a shame if you didn’t like my cooking.”

  “You made this?” I ask, my eyes wide. “Wowza.”

  “Don’t look so surprised, I’m a man of many talents.” He shrugs. “Besides, I love to cook.”

  “That’s perfect,” I reply, bringing the spoon to my mouth again. “Because I love to eat and I hate cooking.” The carrot and coriander soup hits my tongue, the flavors exploding in my mouth. “Now, baking. That’s something I love to do.”

  “See, we’re the perfect match.” My stomach dips at his words. There’s an insane connection between us I don’t think I’d ever be able to explain. “I have a huge s
weet tooth, but I can’t bake.”

  “You make me more food like this and I’ll bake you anything and everything you want.”

  He opens a container of salad and a jar of what looks like dressing. Pouring it over, his eyes flick up to me as he smiles. “I’m holding you to that.”

  I lift up a shoulder before bringing the bowl to my mouth, tipping it up and drinking the last of the best soup I’ve ever had. “Sure. I’ll message you my order and you can reply with one of your own. Call it a business transaction if you’d like.” I chuckle at myself.

  Handing him the empty bowl, he reaches for it but I hesitate at the last second. Pulling it back, I pour myself another bowl.

  “I want so much more than a business transaction,” he states, his eyes flashing with intensity. Is he feeling what I am, too?

  “I…” I swallow, my throat suddenly dry at his honest admission. The way he stares at me like I’m the only thing in the world that matters has my pulse racing.

  Not knowing what to say, I concentrate on eating the last of the soup, knowing I should really say something before things become awkward. Although, I’m not sure things can ever be awkward with Nate. He takes everything in his stride; nothing seems to rattle him. At least not that I’ve seen over the last six years anyway.

  “How’s erm… how’s work?” Did I really ask him that?

  His lip lifts at the corner as if he knows what I’m doing. “Work is work. What I really want to know about is you.”

  “Me?” Finally handing him the bowl, I lean back on my palms. “What about me?”

  He shrugs, shoving a forkful of salad into his mouth and chewing it contemplatively. “Everything. Where are you from, where are you going, what are your hopes and dreams? Tell me anything.”

  “Wow.” I feel my throat close up at all of his questions. Do I really want to open up to him so soon? What if he sees me differently when he knows the truth? “Just jumping in there with wanting my life story, huh?”


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