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Isabelle's Mate (Shifters of the Bulgarian Bloodline Book 6)

Page 69

by Daria Wright


  “You’ll have lessons soon.”

  Abby’s heart skipped a beat as a mixture of dread and sadness filled her. She didn’t want to leave this hilltop. She didn’t want to go back to the house. She wanted to stay here forever, and make time wait for them. She wanted to sat with Owen forever and savor every moment of it, every inch of him- eventually. Abby reached out and touched the man in front of her, her fingers tailing over his muscular chest.

  “Must we go already?”


  He looked sad. As he pushed himself up off the bed it looked as if the caused him as much pain as it caused Abby. He held his hand out to her, and she took it. They had not gotten around to their meal, but Owen picked up the basket and pull out a roll for Abby.

  “I’d best feed you before you have your lessons, though we’ll have to walk and eat.”

  “That’s quite alright.” It was not something Abby was not used to. They ate as they made their way back to the house, as slowly as they could.

  “I’d like to see you later.” He said.

  “I’d like that very much.”

  They came to a stop outside the door that Owen said her lessons were to be in. But as they stood there staring at each other neither of them actually moved.


  “Perhaps we can go hunting some time, actually go hunting.” They’d spent their entire time too wrapped up in one another to actually go out and practice their shooting, which had been well worth it if you asked Abby. She reached out and touched his hand ever so gently.

  “I’d love that, m’lday.”

  A smile touched her lips. “But perhaps, tonight we’ll stay in.”

  “I can stop by your room, if you’d accept that.”

  “Yes. I’ll see you later.”

  Owen’s eyes sparkled as he ducked his head to her and turned, walking away. Abby took a deep breath, now it was time for her lessons, and that was scarier than anything she’d ever had to do in her life.

  She turned to the door and let herself in, looking around.

  “You must be the lords new wife.” A man said.

  He was short, with grey hair and a long beard.

  “His wife-to-be, yes.” Abby held herself stright as she crossed to the man. “My name is Abby.”

  “It’s a pleasure.” The man shook her hand giving her a once over.

  Abby could feel him assessing her, she could feel him judging. He circled around her, his hands clasping behind his back.

  “The mistress said you would need to be tested, and we would go from there. You have good posture for a commoner, I’ll give you thank.”

  “Thank you.” It took everything Abby had not to turn with him as he walked around her, taking everything in.

  The door opened and both of them spun to see who it was. Thomas smiled from the doorway.

  “I hope you don’t mind, I thought I’d stop in and see how it goes.”

  “You are welcome to take a seat, as long as you do not distract the girl.” The old man said.

  “Don’t worry Marvis, I’ll not get in your way.”

  He crossed over to the other side of the room, found a chair and sat down in it, his eyes locked on Abby and taking everything in.

  Abby hated it. She hated being judged, but Tom it might have been okay, but by this man she hardly knew… it took everything she had not to stick her tongue out at him. She took a deep breath.

  “Alright, we’ll start with the basics. I’ve brought your reading list, I’m sure the master of the house has most of them, if not I’ll bring them for our next session.”

  He held the paper out to Abby, then glanced over at Tom and pulled the paper away, instead crossing over to the man of the house and giving it to him. Tom looked it over quickly.

  “We have them all.” He said, tucking the paper into his pocket. “I’ll be sure that she is given them.”

  “Good. Your mother insisted that she be well read.”

  “My mother, while trying her best, is over demanding. The girl needs practice and guidance, but she does not need to be tortured.”

  He flashed a quick look over to Abby, the smile across his lips growing. Abby returned it, mouthing a silent “thank you”

  “Alright sir,” The man cleared his throat. “but if your mother has an issue with what the girl has, or has not, learnt I’ll tell her to take it up with you.”

  “I’ve many years of practice with my mother,” Tom’s eyes sparkled. “I’ll deal with her need be.”

  And with that the old man made his way back over to Abby.

  The lessons lasted longer than she would have liked, and by the time they were done she was dead tied. She wanted nothing more than to fall over right there and take a nap. She was given her reading list, and told to practice her cursive within the next 4 days, and that the old man would be back on the 4th day to give another lesson.

  “Thank you,” Abby said, not meaning a single work. “I am thankful for the work you’re doing. I cannot tell you how much it means.”

  The old man, for the first time that night, gave her a smile. He bowed his head and headed out of the room.

  “You did well.” Tom said, closing the distance between them. He held his arm out to Abby and she took it.

  “Thank you. I must admit, I’m still trying to process everything, but I hope I did alright.” She confessed. “I’d very much like to do well.”

  “I think you’re on the right track, then again I may not be the best to ask.” His eyes sparkled. As if there was something there that Abby didn’t understand.

  “What do you mean?” She asked as she realized just how little she knew about her husband-to-be.

  “I mean that I am not what most people would have liked me to be.” He paused. “I… not just my relationships, but who I am as a person is not what most people wanted from me.”

  Abby walked down the hallway, she caught Tom’s eye, waiting.

  He signed deeply.

  “I was never my mother’s favorite, I know that. And when it took me a while to find a wife, I knew that even more. I’ve always known that to her… it doesn’t matter what I do. Growing up, I was the only child in the house, but not the only child in the family. My cousin, Ruby, was the favorite. She was smart- but not too smart for her own good, like I was. She was quiet, and well spoken, she was good looking. She had a strong grasp on manipulation even at a young age. She was the one who would take this family places, at least that’s what I was always told.”

  “That’s dreadful.” Abby moved closer to the man who walked with her, in some attempt to give him comfort. She had been one of 6 siblings, but her parents had never played favorites. They’d never acted like any of their children weren’t good enough. Because we all were. She thought.

  “It was life. Owen and I became close, er… of course not close. But we were, and still are, good friends. He’s been my best friend for a very long time.”

  It almost sounded as if Tom was trying to put in a good word for his friend. Abby grinned softly.

  “Yes, he mentioned that.”

  “Yes… I forgot, he took you out to show you the grounds today, didn’t he?”

  Abby’s cheeks flushed as she nodded, looking away- suddenly finding the art along the walls well worth looking at.


  “And what?”

  “Did you enjoy yourself?” He asked as they came to a stop in front of Abby’s door. He reached out and opened it, his eyes on her. “Are you seeing him again?”

  “Who is Abby seeing?”

  His voice made Abby’s heart skip a beat. They both turned to see Owen sitting on the windowsill in Abby’s bedroom.

  “Owen,” Tom grinned. “I can’t say I’m surprised to see you in here, I just hope you’re not harassing the poor girl.”

  Abby’s cheeks flushed. Oh he’s not! But she didn’t dare say it out loud.

  Owen jumped down from the windowsill as Tom guided
Abby into the room.

  “Actually, I was just stopping by to let her know she’d gotten some new clothes. Your ma’s been busy.” He pointed towards two boxes.

  Abby’s jaw dropped. They were stacked on top of one another, and almost came up to her hips. “I…”

  “Well, I guess she won’t have to worry about what to wear.” Tom laughed softly, letting go of Abby’s hand.

  Abby stared at him with wide eyes. How would have laugh about something like this? All those clothes most have closet… She swallowed dryly. And to think just a couple days ago I owned all of three dresses. She closed the distance between her and the box.

  “I’ll leave the lady to see what my mother has got her. If it is not to your liking let me know and we will buy you something else.”

  Abby paused, dropping to her knees in front of it. “Is it safe to say there will not be a pair of slacks in here?” She asked.

  Both men stared at her with wide eyes. Abby’s cheeks flushed. She’d worn her brothers once or twice, and personally found it rather liberating. She’d heard of other girls who did it. Farm girls. She had a friend who knew a girl who worked in a paper mill, she wore slacks.

  “I believe it would be safe to say there are no slacks in there, even riding slacks would not be something my mother would get. But we can get you a pair.”

  “That would be most helpful to me.”

  Tom gave her a single nod before he left the room. And Owen came to her side, sitting done on the ground with her, he pulled a knife out of his pocket and carefully opened the box.

  “How were your lessons?”

  “They were… fine.”

  “So they sucked?”

  Abby laughed softly. “Yes, they did.”

  But Abby knew she had to take them, so there was no point in worrying about it. When it came down to it, if this was all it cost her for this life then it would be worth t. For current style dresses, for fresh meat every meal, for juice, and fresh tea. Not having to use a tea bag for a week. And for my family.

  She was not sure if they’d be able to come visit, but she’d be able to help them out. She’d be able to send money, to send things. They could live without fear, they could get medicine if they needed it. She could even try to get her siblings a job here- if she was willing to risk them finding out about her husband. She looked up at Owen as he pulled the lid off the box. And him.

  God, please help guide me.

  Had God been guiding her earlier? It had felt heavenly to be with him, it had showed her that above all, Abby did want to be with him. But would he want to be with her? Truly?

  Or was this just some game to him.

  Abby reached into the box, trying to shake her thoughts, and pulled out a lavish blue dress. Her jaw dropped as she stared at it. If Ruth were able to see me in this, she’d have a cow. Perhaps, Abby would be able to visit them sometime. She could bring a dress for mother, and a dress for Ruth. Abby smiled at the thought.

  “Do you like it that much?” Owen asked.

  “What?” Abby blinked, then she realized what he was talking about. A tear rolled down her cheek. She took a deep breath. “Oh, no it’s not that… it’s… I was just thinking about my sisters… and my mom… my family… that’s all.”

  “It’s hard to lose them.” He said, reaching out and taking her hand in his, their fingers tangled together and he squeezed gently. She gave him a soft smile, remembering that he did indeed know how she felt.

  “Do did you get through it?”

  “With good friends.” He paused, their eyes locking. His lips lowered to hers for a fraction of a second. The kiss wasn’t like it had been in the field, this kiss was softer, more caring. “You have lots of friends here, Abby.”

  Abby’s cheeks flushed. “I take comfort in that.” She admitted.

  Owen pushed himself up. “You look tired. I’m sure today has been quite the day for you. I’ll leave you to get some rest.”

  “I… I thought you wanted to see me tonight.”

  A smile touched his lips. “I’m glad you seem to want to see me, but it will be best for you if you get some rest. Here,” He stood “let me help you undress.”

  Abby’s cheeks flushed.

  “Absolutely not!”

  “I’m sorry, but it seems I’m the only one. Tom sent the staff home tonight, as a treat for everyone’s hard work this month.”

  Abby sat there, her mouth hanging open like a fish. She stared up at him, her brow furrowing as she stood up and turned around. “Fine.”

  His hands worked quickly over her garments, helping her remove them. Although she did not have as many on today as she did yesterday it was easier to have someone’s help.

  As he unlaced the corset Owen cleared his throat. “Well, I’ll be off. I suspect I’ll see you in the morrow.”

  “Yes. See you then.” Abby said, not daring to turn and look at him in the state she was in. She suspected she wouldn’t be the first woman he’d seen in that state but she didn’t want to show that much of herself to him.

  Abby heard the door close before she turned, finding her nightgown and slipping into it.

  Chapter 5

  “Morning, ma’am,” Victoria said as she stepped into the room. “I hope I didn’t wake you.”

  “No, not at all.” Abby was used to early mornings. She jumped out of bed and slipped out of her nightgown.

  “Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes, did you?”

  “I did, ma’am. The master of the house was very kind to send us all home early last night.”

  “I hear you all deserved it.” Abby smiled.

  Victoria blushed, not saying anything. Abby grinned. She had a feeling she was going to like Victoria.

  “I see you’ve gotten some more clothes.”

  “Yes! I’ll admit I haven’t gone through them much, but I’m hoping they will all be nice.”

  “I’m sure it will be. The master of the house’s mother has good taste.”

  Abby saw the look. The look of dislike.

  “I’m sure he does, but honestly… what is she like?”

  “She’s… a handful to say the last, ma’am. And that’s about all I can say.” With that Victoria crossed over to the clothing and began to sort through it.

  “She doesn’t know, right? About her son.”

  “No, she does not.”

  Victoria pulled out a dark brow dress. It looked like it might be simple, but Abby wouldn’t know until they got it on her. She took a deep breath and slipped fresh under clothes on.

  “I’ glad to see she bought you some new corsets. It will be nice to have a few handy.”

  “Will I ever be able to do this all on my own?” Abby asked as she moved, allowing Victoria to dress her.

  “Not likely. There will be some things you can do, like tying your own corset, but something you will still need my help for. Until fashion changes, that is.”

  “I’d like fashion to hurry up and change.” Abby muttered. Victoria laughed softly.

  When they finished Abby made her way to the dining room.

  She stopped in the doorway and swallowed hard. Tom and Owen sat side by side, they looked deep in conversation. I can’t turn back. She told herself. Although, that was a lie and she knew it. She could turn back, they probably hadn’t seen her.

  Instead she took a deep breath and forced one foot in front of the other. She made her way to the table and sat down.

  Both men turned to stare at her.

  “Hello!” Thomas smiled widely. “I trust you slept well.”

  “I did. Thank you.”

  Abby reached out and took a slice of fruit. She chewed softly, watching the two men, her eyes drafting to Owen. Her heart skipped a beat as his eyes locked on her, a grin spread over his face.

  “Do you have plans for the day?”

  “I… I must study.” It was hard for her to say, but she had to. She knew she must do it. She had to learn this world, a world that she never thought she’d
be brought into. She had to make sure that this was the life she could keep. She needed to, for herself, for her family- and for Thomas. “But, I believe I could make some time, if you were hinting.”

  “I was not hinting. I planned to be rather up front about it.”

  Abby’s heat skipped a beat. She tried not to let the wide grin come across her face. But she didn’t stop it as it spread across her face.

  “I’ll expect you for lunch again?”

  Owen liked a girl who took charge. He liked a woman showed an interest in him. And knowing that Abby of all women wanted him, that she was willing to admit she wanted to see him again, and even pick the time.

  What more could he ask for.

  His eyes sparkled as he watched Tom and Abby speak to one another. Get to know each other, and come to realize how much they truly had in common. He couldn’t help the happiness in his eyes. This will work. He thought. They would work. Them, as an odd little family, and eventually Abby would have a baby- it would be his but he would never be able to say so. He’d never be able to admit it, he’d have to pretend that the child was Toms, and lucky for them they looked enough like each other that they would not have to worry. At least Owen hoped as much.

  Abby was escorted out of the room with both Thomas and Owen, one man on either side of her and their arms escorting her along the hallways. As much as she hated admitting it she still didn’t know the house as well as she would have liked to, but that did not mean she wouldn’t learn it. Abby was excited about the life that was ahead of her, as strange as it was that this would be her life- that she would be a lady of the house, that she would be able to buy fine silks. After I get through my training, and the wedding of course.

  Would Owen come to the wedding?

  “Have you written your family?” Tom asked.

  Owen pulled her closer to him, a soft kiss touched her cheek.

  One Year Later

  Abby laughed softly as he and her husband walked into their home. She blew out a deep breath.

  “That was…. dreadful.”

  Tom laughed pulling her into his arms. “You did amazing.” He reassured her.


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