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Seed of the Master (Christian’s Kisses Book 2)

Page 2

by H. N. Sieverding

  Christian looked away from Darien and over at Addison. She was sitting up on the couch, yawning as she stretched out her arms. Her sleepy eyes were barely open as she smiled at him and stood. "Are you leaving already, Christian?"

  "Yes." Christian wrapped his arms around her as she fell into his arms. A happy sigh escaped her lips as she hugged him, the strength in her hands light. "I will see you in a few days." Raising her chin with his index finger, Christian made her look up at him, admiring the tender face of his love. "Darien will take care of you until I return."

  "I’ll miss you." Addison gave him a kiss before hugging him tight.

  "Goodbye, Addison." Laying a hand on her cheek, Christian smiled at her, "I love you."

  "I love you too." Addison giggled, her arms still wrapped around him loosely.

  They slowly walked together to the front door. She followed him out to the car parked in the front drive. After shutting his door, she waved at him through the dark driver's side window as she watched him start the engine. Christian returned the gesture before driving away and leaving her standing alone.

  When his vehicle disappeared from view, Addison walked down the long drive to the mailbox at the end. Opening the large black box, she pulled out the thick stack of mail and placed it under arm. She looked through the envelopes as she made her way back to the manor, most of them for Christian or bills. However, one quickly caught her eye and she held it close to her face as she examined it.

  It was addressed to Addison Vallore and mailed from Jenson. She didn’t recognize the handwriting, but it seemed to be a man by the scribblish writing. Setting the mail by the door, she took the letter with her as she went to her room.

  She had no idea who it could be from, but she was excited to find out. Using her freshly manicured fingernail, she put it under the small gap on the back and tore open the flap. Inside was a handwritten note on a piece of paper from one of those promotional notepads businesses give out.

  Printed at the top of the page was the name Jenson Mercy Hospital. Addison gasped, covering her mouth. She knew that place well. It was where Zak worked, the hunter she had seduced for The House a year before.

  She never thought she’d hear from him again after all that had happened. But here it was—a message from the man whose heart she broke and almost killed with her hunger.

  Putting the paper back into the envelope, she placed it on the bed and covered it with her hand. Closing her eyes, she tried to find the strength to get rid of it, to stop herself from reading what he had to say.

  Shaking her head, Addison let out an annoyed grunt. She stood and moved over to the desk, setting the letter there instead. Biting her lip, she stared down at it. Her hand went to pick it up again, but she quickly withdrew.

  She picked up her nearby laptop, set it on top of the envelope, and returned to the bed. Grabbing the remote from the bedside table, she switched on the television. The morning news was on, the reporter talking about the weather and how cold it was going to get as the day wore on.

  Addison listened to it for a few minutes until the commercials. During the break, her eyes wandered over to her computer. Shaking her head and letting out a small huff of air, she jumped off the mattress and grabbed the letter, taking it with her back over to the bed. She sat down, crossing her legs as she took the note out again.

  Exhaling deeply, Addison unfolded the paper, her eyes looking upon the first line.

  What a mistake it was to trust you. You blood-sucking bitch. You almost killed me, and you stole the only protection this world has against Master Vallore.

  Addison made a sour face, her nose squishing up as she read his angry words.

  But damn it, I can’t forget how good you look in my shirts. How good it feels to see you smile, the sound of your laugh, or watching you sleep. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I miss you. I should kick myself in the ass for even writing to you, and my hope is that I will pitch this letter before I send it.

  It’s been a long day here at the hospital, and I’m feeling a little depressed. Maybe I should prescribe myself something. Like a script for Addison’s kisses. Oh god, I’m an idiot. An idiot who’s in love with a vampire. A hunter in love with his prey. That sounds bad. I’m just a man who’s in love with a beautiful woman, who I know deep down is still good.

  I may not be as romantic as the Master, but hey, I can promise to love you and protect you. From everything bad—which is hopefully any and all vampires. So if you ever want to get kidnapped, just give me a call, and I’ll come get you. I can still save you from Christian’s curse. After a few months of research, I have found a new way to make you human again.

  Addison stopped reading, her eyes watering a little as she took in the last line. Human. She quickly grabbed at her wrist, encircling it with her fingers as she squeezed it tightly. After the other day, she would give anything to be that. She hated killing, and she hated how hard Christian was pushing her to do it.

  The paper crackled a little as she held it up and read some more.

  This time it’s proven to work. I’ve seen it. It’s easy too, no side effects, just pure science. So come back to me, Addison. We can start over. You and me. I’ll save you like I did back in the church. I’ll always be here to save you. Always.

  Love, Zak.

  Addison sighed as she put down the letter. She laid down on the bed, gazing up at the large canopy over her head that hid the ceiling from her view. Closing her eyes, she sat and thought for a few minutes. She had always regretted that painful goodbye she had shared with Zak, watching his heart break. It was excruciating, and even though she didn’t love him the way he loved her, he was her friend.

  In her moment of weakness, her guilt overwhelmed her, and she quickly took out her phone, walking over to the desk. She opened her laptop, looking up the number for Jenson Mercy. Then, Addison dialed the hospital.

  "Hello, Jenson Mercy East. How may I help you?"

  "Hi." Addison pulled her feet up onto her chair, holding her knees for strength as she worked up the courage to speak. "I’d like to speak to Dr. Monroe. I didn’t know if he was working in the hospital today, or if I should call his office."

  "Hmm…let me check it out for you." The woman paused for a few seconds, the sound of people talking in the background. "It looks like he’s working in the ER today. I’ll connect you there."

  "Thank you." Addison bit her lip nervously, music playing while she waited.

  "Hello, urgent care. This is Elsa speaking."

  "Hi Elsa. This is Addison. I would like to speak with Dr. Monroe. Is he available?" She stood and paced around the room, her stomach turning.

  "Let me check." The woman started talking to someone else, the phone still in her hand, "Hey! Doc Hotty, you got a phone call."

  Addison could hear Zak laugh, his voice getting closer, "Sure." There was a pause. "Hello, this is Dr. Monroe."

  Addison tried to speak, but her words weren’t coming out. Her lips moved to form them, but she couldn’t give them life.

  "Hello?" Zak spoke again, waiting for a few seconds for Addison to answer. Then, he said something to the receptionist, and Addison heard her name and a giggle. "Addison?" Zak sounded confused.

  "Hi." Biting her lip some more, Addison plopped down on the mattress in a limp heap, her whole body trembling.

  "Wow." Zak let out a small grunt, a slight annoyance in his voice. "I didn’t think I’d hear from you again."

  "Me either." She laughed nervously, grabbing her pillow and holding it in her lap. "I got your letter."

  "Ah. That letter."

  "Yeah. I thought it was sweet." Addison chuckled, her voice lower than normal, "I was surprised you wanted to talk to me after…"

  "So, you’ve decided to take me up on the offer?"

  "I…" Addison paused, her fingers fidgeting with the tassels at the end of the pillow. "Umm…"

  "You’re thinking about it, aren’t you? Otherwise, you wouldn’t have gotten up the nerve to call me.
So when do you want me to pick you up?"

  Addison giggled, but there was sadness in her tone, and Zak could tell she was holding back tears. "I’m…really sorry about what happened. I never wanted to hurt you, Zak."

  "It’s okay."

  "No, it’s not." Addison’s voice took on a more serious note, her angry eyes staring down at the pillow. "I should’ve been more careful. You’re my friend Zak, and there’s no excuse for what I did to you. I—"

  "How about you make it up to me, then? I’m coming to Pargon for business this weekend. How about I meet up with you there?"


  "No buts. It’s a date."

  "No, it’s not a date!" Addison was starting to get frustrated, sitting up straighter as she got ready to argue with him. "I just wanted to call, and—"

  "I—" Zak cut off as someone shouted to him. "I have to go. I’ll see you this weekend."

  He hung up, and Addison gawked at the phone in her hand. Sighing, she lay back on the bed, her eyes gazing up at the ceiling.

  Chapter Two

  Bump In The Night

  Saturday came around, and Christian was still gone on his mission for The House. Addison didn’t meet Zak like he had suggested, instead she was in her room, talking on the phone to her brother Josh. It was about eleven, the sky outside her window dark, as a cool, fall breeze made the curtains around the floor-length windows dance. She was lying on the mattress, stomach down, as her feet waved back and forth playfully, the pink paint on her toenails perfect and un-chipped.

  Doodling on her sketch pad, Addison was working on replicating a photograph of Darien making a silly face. She loved to draw and could often be found sketching in bed, while Christian sat next to her reading a book. Since she was in the privacy of her own room, she was barely dressed in her underwear and tank top.

  Laughing at something Josh said, Addison tapped her pencil against her cheek, looking away from what she was doing as she concentrated on her conversation instead. "I guess that’s what you get, Josh. I told you that girl was a total slut."

  "Yeah, I guess you’re right. And Carl’s a terrible best friend. Rachel and him getting it on behind my back was not something I thought would ever happen. She’s never cheated on me before, and then—"

  "Oh Joshy…" Addison laughed, shaking her head as she crossed her legs and swung them back and forth quickly, "You’ll find a new girl. I know you will. When I—" She paused when she thought she heard the floor creak behind her, like someone was in her room.

  She looked behind her, but no one was there. Deciding it was only the sounds of the old manor, Addison continued, "Get back to Caron, I’m going to set you up with a better girl. I’m sure the Master knows a few."

  "I bet. He knows—"

  "Yeah so," Addison cut him off, putting pencil back to paper and working on shading some of the shadows in Darien’s face. "Guess what the Master said we could do?"



  "I don’t know."



  "Josh!" Sighing in annoyance, she looked up from her drawing. She let her pencil pause in her fingers as she gazed at the gigantic headboard ahead of her. "Come on. Just guess."

  "Okay." Josh chuckled, this playful banter was something the twins often did. "He said he’d meet mom and dad."

  "No." Addison giggled, shaking her head. "It’s something else. Guess."

  "I don’t like guessing, Addy."

  "Okay fine," she huffed lightheartedly. "We’re trying for a baby."

  "Really?" The sarcasm was clear in his voice. "I don’t think Master Vallore will be able to take care of two babies."

  "Two babies?"

  "I’m talking about you, Addy."

  "Very funny, Joshua Collins." Making an over-exaggerated angry face, Addison stuck her tongue out, even though Josh couldn’t see it. "Ha. Ha. Ha."

  "Well, if the shoe fits."

  "You should talk! You’re—" Addison was going to say something more, but she heard a loud crashing downstairs, and it quickly halted her words. "Umm…" Pausing, she tossed her pencil down on the sketch pad, and it bounced, making a small plunking sound. "Just…"

  She sat up in bed, her eyes going to the door as she heard a few muffled screams come from the stairwell. "As…" She shook her head before laying back down, taking the noise as just a few vampires chasing some donors downstairs. "Much of a baby as me. ‘Wah wah wah! My slutty girlfriend was cheating on me’."

  "Shut up, Addison."

  Addison laughed, picking up her pencil again and tapping it against the surface of the paper. "I was just teasing you, Josh."

  "Well, stop it."

  "Aww." Her nervous gaze turned to the door again as she heard some more thumps downstairs. Her voice was cheery, but the look on her face was anything but. "Is little Joshy’s feelings hurt?" Addison packed up her art supplies and took them over to the desk.

  "Let’s just drop the Rachel thing."

  "Okay." Opening her sketchbook, she looked through it until she found a photograph of Christian. "It’s dropped." Making kissy faces at the picture, she planted one on his face before dropping the book into a drawer.

  "So how’s the manor? Anything exciting happening there? Like Amanda getting killed by hunters?" She jumped back in surprise when she heard footsteps going down the hallway and someone running past her room. Frowning, she slammed the drawer shut harder than necessary.

  "No." Josh’s voice was a little harder to hear because he had walked outside to have a smoke. "She’s her normal, sweet self. She’s got a thing for older guys, like Mr. Samson, though. Apparently, he doesn’t feel the same way."

  Pressing her lips firmly together, Addison heard someone jiggle her door handle, but they couldn’t get it open because of the lock. "I should be getting to bed. I’ll call you tomorrow."

  "Night, Addy."

  "Night, Josh." Addison quickly hung up her phone and dialed Darien’s number. She walked over to her closet, wanting to get dressed and check out the commotion.

  "Hey, princess." Darien laughed when he answered the phone, the sounds in the background making it hard to hear his voice. He sounded like he was on a busy street outside and not in the manor. "Having a nightmare?"

  "Where are you?" She angrily opened a drawer and grabbed a pair of sweat pants out of it.

  "I’m in town getting your breakfast."

  "If you’re not home, who’s hunting downstairs?" Biting her lip, Addison slipped on a sweater, her voice a little muffled as she pulled it down over her head. "Are there other vampires here? I thought Christian—"

  "Hunting?" Cutting her off, Darien’s voice got clearer. "Someone’s hunting in the manor?"

  "Yeah." Addison was whispering now, reaching down and grabbing a pair of old, comfortable sneakers she adored. "I can hear…" She paused, the sound of a woman’s scream coming from down the hall. "People screaming and running around." Then, she heard Janette's voice begging for someone not to kill her. "Darien! It’s not vampires, it’s—"

  "Okay, just stay calm—"

  "Oh my god, Darien," Addison ran to the far corner of her closet. "You don’t think hunters…" Addison remembered what Zak had said. He was going to be in Pargon this weekend. On business. Zak was the lead vampire hunter. "Oh god, it’s vampire hunters." Addison began to cry, her fear showing in her voice. "I’m scared—"

  "Just calm down, princess. I’ll run home and see what’s going on. Where are you?"

  "In my closet." Looking to the open bathroom door, Addison could see the light on inside. "I’m staying in here until you come home."

  "Good. Stay there, and I’ll be back soon."

  Hearing Darien hang up, Addison held tightly to her phone as she looked around the spacious closet nervously. She turned out the light and hid behind Christian’s suits, the dark fabric covering her face. She moved backward so she could get as close to the wall as possible, but she bumped into something. Something warm, hard, and squ
ishy, as if it was covered in slime.

  She heard Zak laugh as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders. "Hey there, sexy girl."

  Addison turned around, but he covered her mouth and pushed her out of the closet. In the faint light, Addison could now see what the slimy substance was on Zak’s clothes. It was blood. Vampire blood.

  "Hey now," Zak laughed, as her warm tears streamed down her face and onto his cracked leather gloves. The blood on his hands transferred to her face as he pushed her along. "Be a good girl. I’m not going to hurt you."

  Addison began to sob. She didn’t bite him or struggle to get away, knowing it wouldn’t work and that he wouldn't hesitate to kill her. "We gotta get out of here." Getting close to her face, his blond hair clashed with her dark locks, "Are you going to come with me peacefully?"

  Addison quickly nodded her head. Her breaths came out quick, and her nostrils flared as she struggled to breathe through her nose.

  "Okay." Zak removed his hand from her mouth and took hers instead. "Let’s go." He yanked hard, not realizing his strength. Pulling an axe from a holder on his back, he carried it in his other hand.

  They walked out of the bedroom, Addison sniffling as she tried to slow her tears. What she saw made her want to break down, but she knew she had to hold it in. On the ground, a few vampires lay dead, some of the hunters going through the rooms and scrounging for loot. Janette was laying on the floor, headless, the small flower brooch she wore, that her daughter had made in school, still pinned to her blouse.

  Moving down the stairs, Zak seemed determined to leave with his prize, his face turning hard as he looked around the room. He wasn’t acting like the Zak Addison knew, the kind doctor with the friendly voice and football hero’s cocky smile. He looked like Christian. The look of a hunter on sat his face, the murderous rage that overflowed from his heart showing on his hardened features.

  "Did you get any of the elites?" Zak held Addison’s hand as he spoke to some of his men standing on the staircase. She felt extremely out of place as she stood next to him.


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