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Passion Follows Pain (Passion Series Book 3)

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by Melville, J. A

  He liked Arissa and wanted to get to know her. He was drawn to her, to that air of fragility that hung over her. He was curious about her, about what made her the way she was, but he was still vampire and he needed blood but most importantly, right now, he needed to fuck. He couldn’t wait for her to warm to him. She might never warm to him, given how flighty she was.

  He could have her if he mind controlled her, but he couldn’t bring himself to do that to her. He wasn’t sure what it was about her, but he liked her too much to treat her like one of the women he usually picked up, mind controlled, fucked and walked away from, never to see again.

  Arissa deserved something better and that surprised him. For the first time ever, a woman had his attention and made him feel something besides just lust. Maybe she got his attention because she was a challenge? She was certainly a novelty. He wasn’t accustomed to women being terrified of him and wanting to run away.

  No; one thing was for sure, he was going to have to go slowly with her, but in the meantime, he needed a fuck and he needed blood. He’d find out what Damien had planned for the night and see if he wanted to go and find some women to spend the night with, maybe even bring back to the house for some relief from the sexual tension that literally had him by the balls the last few days.

  The diversion of a welcoming cunt from a woman that wanted him would help take his mind off Arissa and certainly give him the relief his body craved. Nothing could beat the hunt although it rarely was a hunt for women to fuck and feed from, they really did fall all over themselves to get to him. It wasn’t all just about the whole vampire thing. Their scent, everything about them was set up to make them as attractive to humans as possible. Still he liked to think it was his looks that helped pull them in too.

  Lucian knew he wasn’t ugly. He wasn’t as tall as his sire or Dominick at six foot but he was in good shape. Broad shouldered, or so he’d been told, well-muscled and with a six pack that the women seemed to enjoy touching. He was lightly tattooed compared to both Dominick and Damien. He had a dramatic tattoo of a huge animal paw print on his back, with the claws extended and large scratch marks extending out from them. They had a three dimensional look to them so it was very realistic looking, right down to the blood at the scratch marks, and what appeared to be muscles and sinew showing through the open scratches. He’d certainly startled a few women with his tattoo in the past that was for sure. Hopefully he would get the chance for Arissa to see it one day too.

  Other than that, the only addition to his body were piercings. He had two Frenum piercings, two barbell looking rods that ran through the underside of his cock, plus he also had a scrotal piercing. He’d never regretted getting them as the women couldn’t get enough of his cock and he was more than happy to share it around in exchange for a good fuck and some blood.

  A part of him wondered what Arissa would think of his piercings if she ever got to see them? He wanted her to see them, to enjoy them, just as he wanted nothing more than to bury himself inside her, but after seeing the sheer terror on her face tonight, he knew he didn’t have a hope in hell of that happening any time soon.

  “This woman is fucking with your mind. The only damn thing she’s fucking with.” He whispered as he let himself into the home he shared with his sire and family. When he closed the door, Damien was just walking towards him, dressed, obviously to go hunting in jeans and a tight fitting t-shirt that showed off his physique. It was all about attracting the women so they could fuck and feed after all.

  “Where did you go?” Damien asked him. “I was going to see if you wanted to come hunting with me. A couple of nice, willing women for the night brother, what do you say?”

  Briefly Arissa’s face filled Lucian’s head but he forced her from his mind. She was beautiful and he wanted her but she didn’t want him, not yet at least. He couldn’t wait for her. She already had him in enough pain as it was. He needed someone who wanted him, who wouldn’t go almost catatonic when he looked at her. He needed to fuck, urgently, desperately and he needed to do it now. “Fuck yes, let’s go then.” He said and despite having only just walked back inside, he spun around, and followed Damien out the front door.


  When the man who had startled me while I walked Milo had gone, I released the breath I hadn’t realised I was holding, and dragged some much needed air into my tortured lungs. Slowly, one by one, the muscles that had locked holding me in a rigid stance began to relax, and I rolled my shoulders to help relieve the last of the tension from them.

  With a quick scout around to make sure I was definitely alone besides Milo, I continued on with my walk which only ever consisted of me walking to the end of the street then back again.

  As I began my walk back towards Daisy’s home I heard the rumble of an engine and found myself temporarily blinded by the headlights of an approaching car and as it passed by me, I could see that the man who had called himself Lucian was in it with some other man.

  Lucian turned to me as they drove past and raised his hand in a wave, but I simply stood there, not moving other than for my eyes to follow the movement of the car, as it rounded the corner and disappeared from my view.

  I hurried on towards home dragging poor Milo with me and breathed a sigh of relief when I let myself back into the house. I removed his lead and watched as he trotted down the hall and joined Daisy on the lounge as she sat watching TV.

  “Oh bless you girl, Milo does enjoy his walks. The dear boy has quite the spring in his step now since you’ve started taking him on these little adventures, although I do have to wonder why you walk him at night and not in the day time?”

  “I like the night time. It’s quiet, there’s no one around, well not normally.” I said my thoughts drifting to the man I’d met from across the road.

  “Did you run into one of the neighbours while you were out walking, did you dear?” Daisy queried.

  “A man from over the road, Lucian Andreas he said his name was. He’s from that big sprawling house. It’s a little creepy looking.”

  Daisy laughed. “Yes, I suppose it is in a way. I haven’t met the people from there yet. I’ve seen them but they must work nights or something since they mostly appear at night. Ridiculously good looking lot from what I’ve seen of them.” She grinned at me and I couldn’t help but smile at her words.

  “I wouldn’t know but I suppose the man I met was quite nice although I don’t really have much to compare him to.”

  “A pretty young thing like you? You must have met some good looking young men surely?”

  I lowered my eyes from her inquisitive look. “Father didn’t like me having anything to do with boys. I’ve never had a boyfriend and I wasn’t allowed to have any male friends. I’m not pretty either. I don’t have makeup because Father wouldn’t allow it.”

  “You are beautiful Arissa and you don’t need makeup, you’re naturally very beautiful. Your father sounds like he was a very strict man.” I could hear the question in her voice again but I didn’t respond. I knew she was probing me for more information about my life, but I couldn’t share it with her.

  There was so much I could have said but I was too afraid. Something about Daisy, her kindness made me want to tell her about my father, but what would she think? She’d look at me in horror, disgust probably. If she knew what a dirty girl I was. I was a dirty, dirty girl. I’d had sex with my father over and over again, for years. I couldn’t say anything. Father had been clear. No one was to know. It was our little secret. I was his little girl after all. The trouble was he had been cruel too and he’d hurt me, tortured me, beaten me until I was covered in bruises and scars which now marked my body as a permanent reminder of what it meant to be father’s little girl.

  “Are you ok dear?” Daisy’s voice penetrated my dark thoughts and I blushed, turning to her, with a forced smile.

  “I’m fine but I’m tired. Is there anything else you need? If not, I might go to bed and read for a little while.” I had borrowed a book from Da
isy’s book case. Books were something I’d had little exposure to growing up and I loved them. I could lose myself in the story and for the time I was glued to those words, the world that existed in the book became my world. I could forget my real life and the pain and fear that fuelled me. Books were my chance to escape.

  “I’m ok. I’ll just watch the rest of this movie and then I’ll head to bed myself. You go and get some rest then. You look a bit pale.” Daisy’s eyes moved over my face, and I could see the concern in them.

  “I’m alright, just tired.” I stood up. “Good night Daisy. See you in the morning.” I gave her a smile and walked from the room.

  Once I’d brushed my teeth and washed my face, I climbed into bed and under the glow of my bedside light, I lost myself in the story. I was loving the Twilight saga and couldn’t believe that I was getting to read it. The romance, the love between Edward and Bella made a feeling foreign to me start up in my belly. I wasn’t sure what it was, but when I absorbed myself in their love, for some reason my mind occasionally turned to the man from across the road. There was something about him. He frightened me, not only because he was a man and men caused pain; he frightened me because despite my fear, I couldn’t ignore it or pretend that I didn’t think he was the most beautiful looking man I’d ever seen. I couldn’t help feeling guilty because Father would beat me if he knew I was thinking about a man, any man other than him. He was the only man in my life, he had told me that. I was never to have anything to do with another or I would be punished. He wasn’t here though and even knowing he wasn’t here didn’t make my fear of him any less. Still, I couldn’t help myself, I couldn’t stop the images of Lucian’s handsome face filling my mind. His dark brown eyes, the way his overlong hair fell over his forehead, the prominent cheek bones and that mouth. God he had pretty lips for a man. They were full and looked so soft.

  “No!” I cried out, my voice little more than a whisper. I wasn’t allowed to think about things like that. Men were bad, all men were bad. Father had hurt me all my life. He had caused me pain and forced himself on me so many times, and he never cared if I cried out that it hurt or begged him to stop.

  I was away from him now and the last thing I needed was to be thinking about a man. They were bad, all of them. Sooner or later they would all want to do bad things. They would hurt me. It was always the same. Eventually they would want to stick their thing in me and I bet if I cried and begged them to stop, they wouldn’t.

  No, it was one thing to read about a beautiful man, well a vampire in the book but I didn’t want or need a man in my life. They represented nothing more than pain to me. It didn’t matter how beautiful they were to look at and as beautiful as Lucian was, I didn’t need him in my life. He was pretty but he was dangerous too, something instinctively told me that.

  I must have dozed off and woke with a start when I heard a car coming at speed up the road. Its tyres squealed and I glanced at my clock to see what time it was. It was just after midnight and I realised as I listened that the car had pulled up across the road.

  I heard the sound of doors opening and voices, both men’s and women’s. I listened to the loud giggling that seemed to be coming from the women and curiosity got the better of me. I climbed out of bed and quietly slipped out of my room, heading for the front door.

  There were narrow ornate glass panels either side of the door and I stuck my eye up to part of the glass that was clear and watched as Lucian and some other man led two women towards the house. The women were still giggling and stumbling around. They must have been a bit drunk going by how they were walking.

  Just as they all got to the top of the stairs and walked towards the front door, suddenly Lucian’s head turned and he looked straight at me. My heart leapt violently in my chest, my hand rising to my throat in panic. Surely he wouldn’t be able to see me? It was dark, pitch black in fact but for just a split second, a moment in time it felt like he was looking right into my eyes.

  When he turned away, the hold he seemed to have over me lifted and I sagged, gasping as if I’d been exerting myself, watching as they let themselves into the house and with them gone from my sight, I turned and fled back into my room.

  Chapter Three


  When Damien followed Lucian into their sire’s house, they dragged the two girls they’d picked up inside with them, slipping their arms around them to hold the quite inebriated women upright.

  They led them down the long hallway and passed by the empty living room. Francesca must have been out and just when Lucian wondered where his sire Fabian was and his little witch Sirene, he heard them.

  As they walked past their bedroom, Lucian felt his fangs threaten to descend as his excitement grew when he heard the steady rhythmic sound of the headboard of the bed hitting the wall, accompanied by the soft moans and sighs of Sirene. At the sound of the obvious fucking taking place in their room, Lucian’s cock was suddenly painfully hard. His grip tightened on the petite red head by his side as his need to be in her and drinking from her became more urgent.

  They stopped at the communal bedroom and Damien opened the door. This particular bedroom was one that their sire kept for them to use when bringing women around who were there for them to use for the night. It was a room that kept their sexual activities out of their own personal bedrooms and it was big enough and the bed large enough to accommodate more than one couple. There were plenty of toys in the room too if they wanted to add to the experience including ropes, chains and shackles positioned at various points around the bed. The ceiling was covered in mirrors, there were several mirrors positioned around the room, plus it also had its own bathroom, small lounge area, mini bar, fridge and TV.

  Once they were all in the room, Lucian went straight to the bar fridge in the corner and pulled out a bottle of wine plus two glasses. He filled them and brought them back to the ladies who were wandering around the room looking at everything.

  “Will they need mind control Damien? They seem like they will be open to just about anything but we must be careful what we do. Fabian will not be pleased with us if anything happens to reveal our secret.”

  Damien held up the wine glasses. “I think this will help make them more accommodating little brother. Don’t worry. We’ll get this into them then help them out of their clothes. I’m eager to start fucking them.” His eyes dropped to Lucian’s groin.” It would seem you are more than ready to fuck too.”

  “Come on you two. What are you standing around being a pair of pussies for?” The woman with the pixie cut blonde hair asked, coming to stand before them, her eyebrow raised as she studied them before taking one of the glasses of wine Damien held out.

  “For you moro.” Lucian handed the other glass of wine to the red head, watching as she tipped a generous mouthful down her throat. Fuck, what were their names again?

  “What’s moro mean?” She asked him and he told her baby.

  “I’m no baby, my name’s Summer. Did you forget that already?” She shook a finger at him in mock annoyance but her face was teasing. “That’s Meagan. Now don’t forget our names again and when are we going to get into something good, hmmm?” She sat her glass of wine down and he watched as her fingers with long blood red nails came towards him and popped the button at the waistband of his jeans before lowering the zip.

  When his painfully erect cock fell out through the opening, he watched her lips form a perfect ‘O’ when she saw him for the first time. Lucian glanced down at himself where his dick stood up hard and ready, the light shining on the piercings through it.

  “Holy fuck, Meagan, check this out, he’s fucking pierced.” She shared a grin with her friend and when Meagan turned to him, excitement shone in her eyes too. “Fuck you know what they say about a pierced cock don’t you?”

  You don’t ever wanna go back.” They both chorused bursting into a fit of laughter.

  Damien must have been feeling left out of the pierced cock admiration society and he stepped over along
side of Lucian. “So you like ‘em pierced girls? Well, maybe you’ll like this.” He popped his jeans open and pulled out his straining cock too and both vampires turned to grin at one another when the two girls squealed at the sight of his large shaft adorned with a fairly solid metal bar which looked a bit like a barbell and a series of studs like small peas which decorated his cock just below the head.

  “Holy shit Summer, we’ve hit the mother lode.” Meagan screamed. She started tearing her clothes off and Summer didn’t waste time either and joined her. As they stripped Lucian curled his hand around his cock and began to slide it through his hand, his fingers gripping it firmly as he jerked off, watching the two women’s bodies finally being revealed to them.

  When they were naked, he pulled his clothes off as did Damien and they ordered the girls onto their knees before them which they did willingly. Lucian watched as Meagan wrapped her lips around Damien’s cock and he groaned when he felt a warm, moist mouth close around his.

  He curled his fingers into Summer’s bright red hair and hung on as she bobbed up and down on him, sucking him deeper and deeper into her mouth. Fuck he wasn’t going to last long. All the lusting over Arissa for the last few days, kissing her and having to walk away, had left him desperately in need of release. Yet the sight of Summer’s bright hair was messing with his head. As he stared down at her, he could feel his release becoming lost to him, making him ground his teeth together with frustration.


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