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Passion Follows Pain (Passion Series Book 3)

Page 12

by Melville, J. A

  He dropped a kiss on my head. “You do not have to pay for your drinks, you do not have to pay me back for anything baby. I invited you out. You are my date. Wait here, I’ll get you another drink.” He walked off and I stood, alone for the first time in the crowded room.

  I tried to control my nerves and watched Sirene for a little while. I saw her glance down at me occasionally and her presence helped. Knowing she was there watching over me.

  Someone jostled me and I gasped when arms closed around me, holding me tightly. The body I was dragged against was soft, not firm like Lucian’s body. Instead of the gorgeous scent that was simply Lucian, this body smelled strongly of beer and I gagged. That was a smell I was familiar with. That was a smell that could strike terror in me. That was the smell I would find filling my nostrils when my father would come to me, drunk, angry and eager to force himself on me.

  “Hey gorgeous, wanna dance?” A voice slurred in my ear and I struggled, trying to pull free of the arms that were holding me. I could feel panic rising, my heart rate increasing.

  “No, no, let me go. Please, let me go.” I cried.

  “Aw girl, give us a kiss, pretty little thing like you. Come on, give us a kiss.” His grip tightened on me as I felt his beer breath, rank and hot across my face making me feel nauseous.

  I cried out, my breathing becoming faster and faster until I was panting. “Let me go, god, no, please, please.” I cried, tears streaming down my face.

  Suddenly the man was torn off me and I heard a masculine roar before everything seemed to fade away. The music, the yells of people, the man who had been holding me, everything disappeared and the black rolled in. I vaguely heard a man’s voice shout something and I felt strong arms close around me just before everything faded away and I let myself be sucked into oblivion.

  Chapter Ten


  Lucian dropped the drink in his hand when he saw some balding, overweight man wrapped around Arissa and rushed forward, his stomach clenching at the sight of the sheer terror on her face. God that look like a wounded, cornered animal; it tore at him and he roared, a loud, angry, primal roar and grabbed the man by the back of the neck, tearing him off her.

  He just managed to restrain himself from smashing the bastard’s face into the back of his head and settled for throwing him with a flick of his wrists like he was shaking his hands dry. The man went flying, knocking a few other members of the club over but Lucian didn’t care.

  With the asshole’s hands off Arissa, he turned back to the poor, broken, fragile woman who was shaking so hard, her whole body vibrated with it. She was breathing rapidly, panting like she’d just run a marathon before the colour suddenly drained from her face, leaving her ashen. He saw her eyes roll back in her head and he lunged, catching her as she started to fall. He dragged her body close, holding her, tilting her face up to his and saw straight away that she’d fainted.

  He was vaguely aware that Sirene had joined him, the lights coming up brighter in the room as she bent towards him. “Quick, get her out of here, she needs air.” She pushed him towards the exit as he stood with the unconscious woman in his arms. “Go Lucian, I’ll deal with all this.” She waved her arms towards where a few people had gathered around the man who had attacked Arissa. He was sitting up, his head buried in his hands so he was ok. Obviously he hadn’t killed him, although It was tempting. He was so fucking angry with that bastard for putting his hands on her.

  Again Sirene urged him to leave and with Arissa in his arms, he began to make his way out of the club with everyone stepping aside to give him room. Finally he made it outside and hurried to his car. Cradling Arissa with one arm, he opened the car door and gently placed her inside, leaving the door open to get some fresh air flowing over her. Why wasn’t she waking up? He crouched by the open door and brushed her hair back from her face, bending forward to softly touch his lips to hers.

  He was so angry; the more he thought about that bastard touching her the more he wanted to kill him. He couldn’t though, certainly not in such a public area. Fabian would probably already be displeased with him for hitting the man in the club where everyone could see. He’d restrained himself a little but some people may have noticed that he’d thrown the man further than a human could probably throw someone, no matter how fit he was.

  Facing his sire’s wrath was a worry to him, but not as much as wondering how much damage that fucking bastard had done to Arissa; how much he might have set her progress back. She’d seemed like she was warming to him, trusting him and now he was kicking himself for leaving her alone while he’d gone to get her a drink, but he’d thought she’d be safe, right near the stage.

  Sirene suddenly appeared by the car. “Is she alright?” She asked. “I’ve taken care of everything inside. Fortunately a couple of people had witnessed her panic and struggle with that creep but you took a big risk Lucian throwing the man like that. I will talk to Fabian and try to calm him, but be prepared for his anger. Now go, get her out of here. Take her to our home, now, quickly, just go.”

  “But she’s unconscious. I don’t know why she isn’t waking up. How can I move her like this?”

  “I don’t know why she isn’t waking, but go anyway. I want you gone from here before anyone possibly comes looking for you. She must have received one hell of a shock when that man grabbed her. Given her background, it would have been extremely distressing to her, and I presume that’s the reason she’s not waking quickly. Physically she seems fine; mentally, we won’t know until she wakes. Now go, please Lucian. Take her to our home and make sure no one, especially the old woman sees you taking her inside once you get there.”

  Lucian nodded reaching out to fasten Arissa’s seatbelt around her unconscious body and with a nod to Sirene; he started the car and drove quickly away from the club.


  I woke to the sound of hushed voices nearby and lay there for a moment or two, eyes closed, my mind struggling to recall what had happened. A couple of fleeting images passed through my head and suddenly it all came flooding back. I remembered the club, the drinks, everything going so well; Lucian, how sweet he was, his lips, his kiss, his touch and then that man, that scary, smelly, sweaty man who wouldn’t let me go and my eyes flew open, a long scream torn from my parted lips.

  My scream was abruptly cut off due to shock, when Lucian appeared in front of me, his expression alarmed. Before I could do or say anything, he reached out pulling me into his arms. As his beautiful scent surrounded me, I breathed him in, and despite what had happened at the club, in his arms, I inexplicably felt suddenly and completely safe. When had this happened? Despite the man at the club who had reminded me of my father, this man, this gorgeous, stunning, sexy man holding me, made me feel safe.

  With a sob, I threw my arms around him, crying noisily into his shoulder. I cried for what happened tonight, but mostly I cried for what my father had done to me. I cried for what I’d lost and for the life I’d been denied because of my father. Once I started to cry, it was like a dam had burst and I just couldn’t stop. Fortunately Lucian seemed to understand and he simply held me close, one hand stroking my back while I soaked his shoulder with my tears.

  “I’m sorry baby, I’m sorry.” He murmured over and over and finally I pulled back from him in surprise.

  “Why are you sorry? What did you do?”

  “I shouldn’t have left you alone. I should have taken you with me when I went to get your drink. I’m sorry, but I’m not sorry I threw that bastard.” I watched him turn his head and glare over my shoulder. When I turned my head to see who he was looking at, I jumped when I saw Fabian.

  I lifted my head and looked around; only just realising I was in Fabian’s home. How did I get here? I didn’t remember the drive home from the club and I certainly didn’t remember coming into the house.

  “It’s not your fault Lucian. How did I get here? I don’t remember how I got here?” I frowned; my mind blank of everything after that man had grabbed

  “You fainted when that bastard grabbed you agapi mou and I brought you back here. What did that prick do to you? People said that you panicked and were struggling. What did he do to you?”

  “He, he grabbed me and he wouldn’t let go. I could smell him, his sweat, his...his breath, god his breath, it smelled of beer and I hate beer. Beer makes me think of my fath…” I broke off, reluctant to finish the sentence. God, I’d nearly slipped up and revealed something about him to these people.

  “What were you going to say baby.” Lucian’s voice was so soft and when I looked up at him, I could see something in his eyes, something knowing, something that suddenly made me realise that those thoughts I’d been having, those images in my head were not products of my imagination, they were real. He knew, Lucian knew all about my past. He knew what my father had done; he knew what a dirty, dirty girl I was.

  I stared at him, eyes widening with my growing horror. “Oh my god, you know, don’t you?”


  Lucian watched the dawning horror spreading on Arissa’s face and as she blushed, her skin turning bright red, embarrassment clouding her eyes, he knew exactly what she’d just asked him, and he knew he couldn’t pretend he didn’t know what she was talking about.

  Before he could say anything she started talking again. “I keep getting these images in my head.” She lowered her voice, her expression suddenly shy. “You ask me if you could prove that sex was pleasurable, would I let you show me and I say yes.” She whispered. “That’s not all though. I feel like I’ve revealed things about my past that I should never have revealed. Things that are so shameful, so disgusting, I don’t know how you can look at me and not be filled with revulsion. Why don’t you hate me?” Her eyes were brimming with tears again, her expression ravaged by pain. She dropped her head, hiding those stunning eyes from him and he felt his stomach clench when he heard the pain in the sob that squeezed past her lips. It was a ragged, broken sound that ripped at his heart, making him sad for her, increasing his rage that simmered just below the surface when he thought of all that fucking asshole had done to this woman.

  He watched her, his heart aching for her. She needed to understand. Gently he cupped her face in his hands, wiping the tears away with his thumbs. “God baby, don’t think like that. Yes I know about your past, we all do, but you have it all wrong. You shouldn’t be ashamed because you’ve done nothing wrong. Your father is the asshole here, can’t you see that? What he did to you for all those years? He should have been caring for you, protecting you but he didn’t. That bastard abused you, for fucking years, he beat you, brainwashed you with shit to keep you under his control and then he fucked you, that fucking asshole raped you, his own daughter. He’s fucked up your life baby and the biggest crime would be if you let him win. Don’t let him destroy your life. You’re away from him now, he can’t hurt you. You need to live, truly live and I want you to let me show you how.”

  He stared into her eyes as she looked up at him, trembling, tears rolling down her face. She looked around and saw that Fabian and Sirene were in the room too. “You all know?” She whispered. “How? I’ve never told anyone. I don’t remember telling you. Well, I do sort of but it feels like a dream but it’s not a dream is it?”

  Lucian brushed a strand of her blonde hair back from her cheek. “There is something we need to tell you about us. You talk about never telling anyone about your past, but there is something about us that we don’t reveal either. We keep it a secret because it has the potential to destroy us. In order to tell you how we found out about your past, we need to explain ourselves to you.” He leaned closer to her. “Please don’t hate me.” He whispered before climbing to his feet, stepping back from her.

  After a discussion with Fabian and Sirene, they’d decided the only way to help her, to try and make her comfortable with their knowledge of her past, was to reveal what they were to her. Fabian of course had covered all their bases. If she completely freaked out, then they would wipe her mind clean.

  She was looking up at him, confusion on her face. “Why would I hate you? What is your secret?” Her eyes moved from him to Fabian and Sirene who had stepped forward so they were altogether looking down at her.

  Lucian crouched down again by her side, taking her hands in his. He brushed his lips across her knuckles before finally raising his head, his eyes meeting hers. “We’re vampires.” He said.


  I stared at Lucian, not responding, barely even breathing as his words penetrated my brain. Over and over again they echoed through my head. “We’ve vampires.”

  I looked from Lucian to Fabian and Sirene as they all stared down at me. My eyes moved over their features, at the sheer beauty of them all. Vampires? How on earth could he say they were vampires? They didn’t exist surely?

  I tensed, maybe they were crazy? No, they couldn’t be. Lucian had been nothing but nice to me, they all were, well except for Francesca and the other one, Damien, he’d worried me a little.

  “Arissa.” Lucian’s voice interrupted my thoughts. “Are you alright? Say something, please. Do you believe me? Its true baby, we’re vampires and Sirene is also a witch.”

  I stared at him then, Sirene, a witch, now they had to be crazy? I cleared my throat. “Vamp…vampires? How can that be? They don’t exist, only in books, and witches? I…you all look quite normal to me. I don’t see any fangs and what about the sun?” I turned to Lucian. “I’ve seen you outside when it’s still light. I thought vampires burned up in the daytime?”

  “We have special tattoos that allow us to go outside in the daylight little one.” Fabian answered. “We still cannot spend too long in the sun though as it will irritate our skin.”

  “Tattoos, really? Where are these tattoos?” I sounded sceptical.

  Sirene flipped her hair back off her neck as did Fabian and Lucian pulled the collar of his silk shirt aside, all three revealing tattoos that looked surprisingly like the barcodes that were found on grocery items at the supermarkets.

  I stared at them for a while, still finding it hard to grasp the concept of them being vampires. “What about fangs, do you have fangs?” I asked, still finding all this hard to comprehend. Vampires were products of one’s imagination. They weren’t real, were they?

  Lucian lowered himself alongside of me again and leaned into me, his lips brushing mine. I gasped and he moved, trailing his lips along my cheek to my ear. He nibbled the lobe before kissing his way down my neck and suddenly I realised I could feel something sharp, grazing and pricking at my skin.

  “Lucian?” I pushed against his shoulders and slowly he lifted his head until I could see his face and as soon as I saw it, everything I’d once thought to be true in life was suddenly questionable. As I stared at him in both fascination and disbelief, he picked up one of my hands and pressed the palm flat against his chest. He held it there, his eyes never leaving mine and I was mesmerised, unable to look away until finally it registered with me, I couldn’t feel a heartbeat under my hand. Oh my god, it was true, he was a vampire.

  No sooner had I gasped and my eyes shot to his, he lifted my hand to his face, turning it until the soft skin of my wrist was exposed to him. I watched, feeling almost detached from what I was seeing, as his head lowered and it was only when he bit into the delicate skin, burying his fangs into my vein, that I realised this was real.

  I cried out with the pain but somewhere in the midst of the pain, I could feel a pull low in my belly; a spear of something intense, something that felt like a dull, but also pleasurable ache deep inside me. I could feel it getting stronger until my whole body seemed to throb and ache, with the feeling. It continued to build in me, making me shift restlessly on the lounge. I squeezed my legs together in an effort to get some sort of relief. I felt controlled, overcome, in the grip of something I’d never experienced before. I’d never felt anything like it. It was frightening, overwhelming and yet incredible. There had to be some kind of conclusion to this and suddenl
y I exploded, my body consumed by a feeling of such intense pleasure, I cried out. It was too much and as I struggled to deal with it, Lucian lifted his head. As I stared at him, seeing my blood on his lips, I whimpered softly when I realised I was rocking my hips and I could feel an unfamiliar dampness between my legs. It was more than just damp though, I felt wet, strangely wet. I shifted restlessly again, crossing my legs in an attempt to ease these strange feelings spreading through me. I didn’t understand exactly what had happened; I’d never experienced it before. I knew I wanted more, I wasn’t sure what that was, but the feeling building up inside me, between my legs, was making me hunger for something, and I was starting to suspect that Lucian was the one who could give it to me.

  “Are you alright baby?” He asked his expression concerned and a little wary. “Is it sinking in what we are? That we are vampires?”

  I turned my focus back on him, seeing his fangs, my blood on his face before shifting my gaze to Fabian and Sirene whose fangs were also showing. It was true, they were vampires. It should have been unbelievable but I couldn’t argue with the proof in front of me.

  “Are all of you vampires; Francesca, Damien and Adrian too?”

  “Yes they are but Adrian is also a warlock. There are two more but you have not met them yet, Dominick and Allegra. They have their own home and choose to live there instead. As you can see we are not like the vampires you probably read about in books. We try to live a low profile life so as not to draw attention to ourselves.”

  “Fabian isn’t really your father is he?” I asked and Lucian shook his head.

  “He is my sire. He sired all of us but Adrian is his true biological child.” I opened my mouth, frowning at that. Before I could voice my question he interrupted me. “I know what you’re going to ask, how can a vampire really sire a child? The thing is, he was not vampire at the time and that is a story all on its own. One I will share with you one day baby, but not today. You may be wondering why he is now an adult and a vampire? Again be patient, all will be revealed but not now, not tonight.”


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