Passion Follows Pain (Passion Series Book 3)

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Passion Follows Pain (Passion Series Book 3) Page 14

by Melville, J. A

  “I trust you, now what do you want me to do?” I asked, my voice shaking.

  “Nothing baby, I just want you to lie back and enjoy yourself. Don’t over think it; just let your body feel.” His deep voice was soothing, cajoling as it flowed over me. “I need to take off some of your clothing but I won’t strip you naked ok? Not yet, not tonight.”

  I watched as he gracefully got to his feet, looking down at me, and my eyes drifted over him, from his messy over long hair, down that black silk shirt which was opened at the neck, just showing a glimpse of hair. It was a thin covering though, not thick and heavy like my father’s and I gave myself a mental shake. I had to stop doing that, I couldn’t compare them.

  Looking at the man before me, there was nothing about him that even remotely resembled my father. He was so tall, athletic looking, muscled but not too heavily so; long legs, a nice tight ass and when I found myself trying to get a look at it, I blushed. Fighting a wave of sudden confusion and embarrassment, my eyes shifted from his butt, and landed on the large bulge in his jeans which showed quite clearly that he was aroused. When I realised I was staring at his groin, I felt another wave of heat in my cheeks and hastily dropped my head to a safer area, staring at his quite large feet. He was still wearing his boots that he’d worn when we’d gone to the club.

  I heard his quiet chuckle. “Just what is going through that pretty head of yours to bring such colour to your cheeks?”

  “I…oh god…I can’t say. It’s...its too embarrassing. You’’ll laugh at me.” I stammered.

  He dropped down by my side, his hand cupping my burning cheek. “I would never laugh at you Arissa but don’t hide from me, please, tell me what has you so embarrassed.”

  I took a deep breath and braced myself for his teasing. “I…I think that…I think you’re beautiful Lucian and you are so tall and I like your hair, your eyes, your bum, I like you.” I finished on little more than a whisper. “Plus I can see you’re hard, I…it both excites me and scares me.” I confessed, lowering my eyes from his intense gaze.

  There was silence and as the silence continued, I finally raised my eyes to his and found him staring at me, smiling. He wasn’t laughing and he wasn’t looking angry or like he thought I was crazy.

  “I like your honesty I like you too baby, very much and yes I want you but I’m not going to force myself on you.”

  He stood up but suddenly swooped down, scooping me into his arms. I cried out in surprise, but it didn’t scare me to be cradled against his hard chest. My heart began to beat faster when he carried me over to his bed and gently placed me down.

  I felt his hand at the back of my dress and then the flow of cool air against my skin as he lowered the zip. Gently he slipped the dress off both arms but he didn’t try to remove it completely. I could feel myself tensing up as unwelcome thoughts of my father invaded my head. I tried to push them from my mind. Lucian was not my father; he was nothing like him. Still, it was hard since I hadn’t experienced anything else but my father’s cruel treatment.

  “Relax baby, it’s me, Lucian. I’m not going to hurt you. Lie back, don’t think about him ok?”

  I listened to the soothing tones of his deep voice and felt my tense muscles starting to unlock and relax. It was only when I felt his hands pushing my dress up over my thighs, past my panties to my waist that I started to tense up again, my breathing becoming more erratic.

  “Relax, please.” He tried to soothe me again and I watched as he climbed onto the bed, still fully dressed and came towards me, lowering himself onto the mattress by my side, close to me, so close but not actually touching me. His eyes moved over my face slowly as if studying every one of my features until suddenly his focus shifted to my lips. I watched as his tongue appeared, circling his lips before he lowered his head to mine. Frozen, holding my breath, I watched him getting closer and closer, his features blurring, just before I felt the cool touch of his soft lips against mine.

  I gasped and Lucian took advantage of my parted lips, pushing his tongue into my mouth. I waited for the familiar revulsion to overcome me but there was none. In fact I liked what he was doing. It was nice, it was more than nice and tentatively, almost shyly, I let my tongue meet his. I heard him groan softly and he began to kiss me more passionately, more forcefully, his tongue tangling with mine.

  Gently his lips moved on mine, his tongue exploring my mouth and I trembled, caught up in the heady mix of his scent, his taste and his touch. My heart hammered frantically behind my ribs, my body trembling with emotion and when he finally released my mouth, I gasped, my lips parted as I sucked much needed oxygen into my lungs.

  As I struggled to deal with the unexpected feelings Lucian stirred in me, I whimpered when his lips touched my neck, kissing his way down towards my collarbone, every brush of them leaving a fiery trail of sensation on my skin. He moved down towards my breast, one hand pulling the cup down until he had freed it to his touch.

  I’d barely registered the cool air on my heated skin when his lips closed over my nipple and I felt the pull as he sucked at it, coaxing it into a hard peak. I cried out, as he sucked at it and licked the puckered skin. With every suck, I felt a pull low in my belly and a stab of pleasure between my legs.

  I didn’t understand what was happening and a part of me was fearful of this powerful sensation he was stirring within in me. Oh my god, I didn’t know why it felt so different with Lucian. I didn’t understand why I could feel every pull of his lips and every sweep of his tongue over my nipple stabbing through me, down there, between my thighs.

  I didn’t get time to dwell on it before he moved to my other nipple, and it was subjected to the same treatment until it too stood erect and wet from his tongue. I started shaking, my body shifting restlessly on the bed and I reached out, suddenly needing to touch him. My hands found his hair and I tunnelled my fingers into it, surprised at how soft and silky it was.

  “Are you alright baby?” He asked his voice husky and his eyes so dark they appeared almost black.

  I nodded staring into those rich chocolate coloured eyes of his. I could see his desire for me in them but it didn’t frighten me. Nothing he was doing felt threatening or frightening, it simply felt good, surprisingly good, arousing and when he turned his attention back on my breasts I arched up, reaching for something, wanting something to ease this ache building in my body. “Lucian.” I cried as he moved his lips up to my neck, nibbling gently over my skin. I shivered at the feather light caress below my ear, just before he bit down, his fangs piercing my vein. I yelled as the pain exploded in me but as quickly as it hurt, it was gone again and I felt pleasure begin to spiral through my body, building up and up within me.

  As he fed from me, sucking powerfully on my neck, it was like a dam burst and pleasure shot through me, rapidly radiating out until my whole body tingled with the amazing pleasure. I felt fullness between my thighs, a deep throbbing within me and I clamped my legs together, my hips gyrating as the pleasure seemed to go on and on.

  When it finally eased and I sagged into the mattress, panting, my heart pounding, I opened my eyes to find Lucian watching me intently.

  “You just had another orgasm baby. Did you enjoy that?” He dropped a tiny kiss at the corner of my mouth and I sucked in a deep breath, his heavenly scent filling my nostrils.

  “It’s…it’s unlike anything else I’ve ever experienced Lucian. It’s so intense,…” I fell silent unable to find words that would do justice to how I was feeling.

  He bent his head and kissed me, just a gentle brush of his lips over mine. “There aren’t enough words to describe what an orgasm feels like. It will blow your mind. It will light up your entire body; leave you feeling so sensitive, every sense heightened. You will feel boneless, momentarily weakened, sated and guaranteed you will want to do whatever it takes to feel that way again. As good as you might feel now, you have barely tasted what it is like baby. I haven’t finished with you yet. I want to show you more.”

  There was more? He was going to do more? Could I take it? Lucian moved, sliding down the bed until he was kneeling by my feet. He reached up under my dress and I felt his fingers hook my panties before drawing them down my legs until he could deposit them on the floor.

  I tried to close my legs, suddenly embarrassed about him seeing me down there, but he shifted, lying down between my thighs leaving me exposed to his brown gaze.

  He dropped a kiss over the narrow strip of pubic hair and before I could react to that, he buried his nose into me, breathing deeply. I gasped at the shock of it. How could he do something like that? I lunged, grabbing at his hair, trying to pull him away from me but he wouldn’t budge.

  “Lucian, please, no.” I cried, tugging harder on his hair.

  He lifted his head to meet my troubled eyes. “What’s wrong? Am I hurting you?” I shook my head. “You don’t need to worry about what I’m seeing here when I look at the sheer beauty of your cunt baby. You are beautiful, all of you.”

  I felt my cheeks heat at his words. “…cunt? You call down there a cunt?”

  He smiled, a slow, sexy, make my heart jump erratically in my chest kind of smile. “It is a cunt baby. It’s your cunt, your sweet, wet, beautiful cunt, but if cunt is too strong a word for you, perhaps you could call it your pussy? Pussy is acceptable and I can tell you now, I can’t wait to stroke your pussy and see if I can make it purr.”

  “Oh god Lucian.” I groaned, covering my burning face with my hands. His words both embarrassed me and excited me too. How could that be?

  “Just relax and stop over thinking this Arissa.” He nipped my inner thigh lightly making me squeal. “You are beautiful, so damned beautiful and I’m going to make you scream, you will come so hard you will feel like you’re going to die from it. It will overwhelm you and consume you and leave you wondering how you ever survived this long without experiencing it.”

  His words made me gasp my eyes wide as I met his. “Am I going...going to like that?” I whispered and Lucian laughed.

  “Baby, you’re going to love it. They call an orgasm the ‘mini death’. You will feel like you’re going to die, but it’s all good, trust me. Now lie back and don’t think, just feel.”

  I dropped my head back against the pillow but when Lucian’s tongue suddenly swept through my folds, lapping at me before his lips closed over that little bud of nerves that I was only just discovering was incredibly sensitive, I bucked up again, crying out his name in a mix of shock and pleasure. Oh my god, the feeling was amazing. How was he doing this to me? My father had only ever hurt me and humiliated me. This was intense unlike anything I’d ever felt before and I wondered how he could make it so different to all those times with my father. Why did this not disgust me? Why did Lucian excite me and what was it about him that made me trust him? Why was I, Arissa Petros, the woman who had vowed no man would ever touch me again, certainly not in a sexual way, now lying here in his bed willingly letting him do whatever he chose to do to me? So many questions I had but with this gorgeous man lying between my thighs, the only thing I was truly concerned about was, would I survive whatever he had planned for me?

  Lucian certainly didn’t give me time to think about it though as his tongue pushed inside me and I felt myself close around him, my pussy, yes, I could call it that, tightening around him. I heard his faint groan, but I felt it more, the vibration of it over my clit, sending another burst of pleasure through me and unable to control myself, I cried out, tilting my hips, pressing myself against his mouth.

  “Its ok baby, don’t fight it.” Lucian whispered before his tongue began to circle my clit, flicking over it and around it, building me up and up towards…something. Oh god, it was too much and just when I thought I’d die from what his tongue was doing to me, suddenly I felt one of his fingers slide inside me, then another. He began to thrust them in and out of me, curling them, brushing his fingertips over my pussy wall, sparking another wave of something intense, something highly pleasurable.

  I could hear loud gasping cries and realised they were coming from me. As Lucian kept touching me, licking me, sucking on me, I could no longer keep still and my hips began to circle, shifting restlessly, seeking something more, wanting more.

  “Lucian, oh god, please, no, no, oh god yes, stop, no, oh my god, oh my god.” I cried over and over as the feelings inside me intensified with every sweep of his tongue and every thrust of his fingers and just when I felt myself poised, as if on the edge of a precipice, ready to fall into an ocean of sensation and pleasure, he buried his fangs into my inner thigh and I screamed. I screamed over and over again, tears pouring down my face with every pulse and wave of my release as it surged through my body. It wasn’t just a sexual release; it was an emotional, healing release. It was a cathartic moment for me. With one intense orgasm that really did feel like a mini death, I learned at that moment that there was far more to sex than pain, humiliation and disgust. This man, this incredible, gorgeous, sexy man, no, he was more than a man, he was a vampire, had shown me what was possible; what I could feel when caressed and loved by someone who cared. As my eyes opened and the room started coming back into focus, I stared down at Lucian’s tangled over long hair and when he raised his head and smiled, that slow, heart stopping smile, his lips wet from me, I realised at that moment that I was falling in love with him.

  Chapter Twelve


  Lucian watched the multitude of emotions flitting across Arissa’s face and he smiled. She looked dazed, happy, and content, sated, and overwhelmed, a whole myriad of expressions. She was crying, her face wet with her tears but he wasn’t worried about that. She’d had three orgasms in one night, the only orgasms of her life so far, and the last one had been intense. He’d seen that, he’d sure as hell heard that. She’d screamed fit to wake the dead. For such a timid thing, she sure had a good set of lungs on her.

  Just at that moment, there was a quiet knock at his door and with a frown; he climbed off the bed, wincing at the pain in his groin. He might have just given Arissa three mind blowing orgasms but he was in agony, his own private hell with his need to fuck her.

  He opened the door just enough to see who it was, and saw Fabian standing there. Lucian opened the door wider and stepped out into the hallway, wondering what his sire wanted.

  “I heard the girl screaming, really screaming son and I got concerned. Well Sirene did and she insisted I come and check that she was alright. Is she alright? I hope you’re not forcing her into things she’s not ready for?” He asked.

  Lucian frowned. “She’s fine; you and Sirene can stop worrying.” He lowered his voice. “Arissa has experienced her first orgasms sire and yes she was somewhat vocal.” He grinned.

  “Well it is good that you are teaching her that sex doesn’t need to mean pain and she has obviously embraced you being her teacher, but I suspect you are suffering greatly in this lesson?” Fabian’s eyes shifted to the hard ridge of Lucian’s cock which was clearly visible behind the denim of his jeans. “Will you be attempting to fuck her this evening?”

  Lucian shook his head, impatient with his sire’s probing questions now. Fabian always needed to know what they were all up to but he was strangely reluctant to share everything of his time with Arissa.

  “No father. I want her to trust me; I assured her I would not force myself on her. I will be alright. I will take myself in hand later. I have fed; Arissa really comes very noisily when I drink from her. She is extremely responsive. I would never have guessed, given what her father has done to her all these years.”

  “I will leave you to get back to your woman son. Be sure to take care of that.” He cast his eyes down to the large bulge in Lucian’s jeans. ”Maybe when the girl has gone home? You know we become sick if we don’t get some sort of regular sexual release. This woman has had you all tied up in knots for weeks and you have frequently denied yourself sexual gratification. Consider your health too, not just your education of this woman. As v
ampires we need both blood and sex my son, don’t forget that.” He turned and with a final nod at Lucian, he was gone.

  Lucian stared at the back of his retreating sire for a moment while he gingerly rearranged his painfully hard cock to a more comfortable position, if there was such a thing. He winced at the discomfort he was feeling now. He needed to take himself in hand soon, he needed the relief.

  When he stepped back into his room, Arissa’s worried eyes met his and he smiled at her reassuringly, as he walked carefully towards his bed where she still lay. She watched, her eyes moving over him, colour flooding her cheeks when she saw how hard he was but then she frowned as she watched him.

  “Are you ok? You look like you’re limping slightly. Are you hurt? I didn’t know vampires could be hurt, well not that I know a lot about vampires. Only what I read.” She was nervous, Lucian could tell. Her babbling gave it away.

  “It’s ok, I’m not hurt, it’s just that I…” He stopped abruptly. “Don’t worry about it.” He smiled at her as he sat down on the edge of the bed.

  Arissa sat up, hastily slipping her arms back into her dress and pulled the hem down to cover herself up again. He felt a stab of disappointment that she was covered, but relief too because if he’d had to look at her semi naked body for much longer it would have severely tested his self-control. He had surprised himself so far with her. He liked her though, really liked her and that was why he’d been patient. His natural instincts were to simply take her and relieve his sexual frustration but he wouldn’t, he knew he couldn’t do that to her. It didn’t stop him from wanting her badly though. She was his conflicting combination of heaven and hell. It was hell not being able to fuck her and yet he knew, watching her as she’d come for him that sex with her would be the nearest thing to heaven. He just had to be patient and hope his balls didn’t drop off from being a near permanent shade of blue these days.


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