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Passion Follows Pain (Passion Series Book 3)

Page 27

by Melville, J. A

  “Oh Lucian, please.” I cried as the tension built up inside me. I began to rotate my hips moaning as the metal through his cock rubbed me in places deep inside that were driving me crazy. “Oh Lucian; it’s so good.” I cried and then froze when I heard the front door slam.

  I felt Lucian tense under me and he had just pulled my t-shirt down so it covered me when Fabian and Sirene’s beautiful son walked into the room. He was wearing black leather pants, a white pirate shirt and black vest. He was a stunning looking man with his shock of black and blonde streaked hair but he was not Lucian, and although I conceded Adrian was attractive, the only man capable of making my heart flutter erratically in my chest, was this gorgeous man I was straddling; his cock still hard and buried deep inside me despite the sudden and unwelcome interruption.

  He looked up at me and under the shock at being caught literally with his pants down; I saw the glint of humour in his eyes. He could laugh about it. I wasn’t finding it quite so funny. I was poised on the brink of my orgasm and feeling frustrated and cheated out of my release by the untimely arrival of Fabian’s son.

  “Shouldn’t you be getting to bed Adrian? It’s really late after all. Where have you been anyway?”

  Adrian looked over at us and finally seemed to see us and the revealing position we’d been caught in.

  “I could ask the same of you brother dear. Why aren’t you in bed? Why don’t you go now?” His expression was filled with amusement.

  I met his eyes, flushing uncomfortably under his intense gaze. God, he had those same strange eyes at his father but they were even more intense, an unusual shade of greyish, blue green.

  Lucian shifted fractionally under me and the movement caused him to brush inside which triggered a wave of renewed pleasure. I shifted, leaning forward, desperate to get some friction against my swollen and aching clitoris. Subtly I tilted my pelvis enough to move him marginally inside me and I felt myself on the brink of my release again.

  I think Lucian knew I was desperate to come and subtly as he spoke to Adrian, he shifted his hips, teasing me with the tiny movement. When I felt his hand slide under his t-shirt I wore and his fingers brush over my clit, I had to bite down hard on my lip to stop myself from crying out. The t-shirt was large on me, the fabric spread out around me, effectively shielding what he was doing from Adrian’s eyes. I was so aroused, so sensitive that I couldn’t control my response and with my teeth buried in my lip almost hard enough to break the skin, I came, silently, mindful of Adrian’s presence, my eyes on Lucian, who was watching me intently.

  My gaze stayed locked on his as I came, helplessly unable to control my response, clenching around him as I gave myself over to an incredibly intense release. He was still hard, his eyes dark, nearly black with his own desire. Seeing him so turned on by me, from watching me come made me want to see him come too. I gently rolled my hips, tightening around his rigid length, still aware that Adrian was blatantly staring at us. I felt Lucian push into me, his fingers digging firmly into my thigh, gripping me under the t-shirt. His eyes closed, I felt his cock jerk, before he too found his release, pumping deep inside me.

  As he spilled into me, not making any sound, his eyes shot open again and I could see the frustration and desperation in his gaze. I silently cursed not only Adrian’s timing but my own impulsive need to have sex without getting ourselves to the privacy of Lucian’s bedroom first.

  “Ok I think I’ll retire to my bed now and leave you two to…well I’d say finish but given how strong the smell of sex is in here, I think it’s safe to say I’m too late for that. Next time might I suggest you go to your room Lucian?” He said, amusement colouring his voice. He gave us one final look from those pale eyes and left the room.

  Once he was gone, Lucian began to thrust, groaning as he emptied the last of his release into me. “Fuck that was intense.” He whispered his hand reaching up to caress my cheek.

  “It was embarrassing but strangely exciting. He knew from when he first walked in the room didn’t he?” I asked. “He seemed determined to have some fun with us and I can’t believe I still managed to come with him in here too.” I blushed suddenly too shy to look into his beautiful eyes. “ turned me on knowing he was there, and that knew what we were doing. Is that bad that I found it exciting doing it in front of your brother? It is wrong that I want to do it again? Oh I don’t mean in front of someone.” I said when his eyes widened. I deliberately tightened around his cock which was still hard inside me. “Can we go to bed?”

  He groaned, dragging me down to kiss me once, hard on the lips before releasing me. “You’re insatiable baby, and I love it, I love you, and no it’s not wrong to be turned on by having sex in front Adrian. There is something about doing it in front of someone that can be extremely arousing. I think because we had been so close to coming before he walked in the room, it made it hard to get ourselves under control, even once he was there.” He said, surprising me when he suddenly grabbed me around the waist, climbing to his feet, making sure our intimate connection wasn’t broken.

  I giggled, wrapping my arms and legs around him, holding on, as he carried me from the living room and down the corridor to his bedroom, all while he was still buried deep inside me. Each step, each brush of our bodies, created enough friction that I could feel my excitement mounting. By the time we made it to Lucian’s room and closed the door behind us, I was nearly writhing in his arms, my body a mass of sensation and need.

  I met his eyes, seeing the desire burning in their brown depths. “Oh fuck baby.” He breathed, obviously just as affected as I was by the walk back to his room. He turned, slamming my body up against the door, causing the air to leave my lungs with a whoosh.

  Before I could recover, he lifted me, nearly breaking the intimate contact of our bodies and paused. “I want you again.” His voice was soft, husky with his desire. “Do you want this or are you too tired?” He angled his hips, pushing his way slowly back inside me.

  I stared into his beautiful face, seeing his desire and his love for me. “I want more, I want this, I want you. I will always want you.” I whispered.

  “Oh baby.” Was all he said just before he slammed into me, thrusting me up the door with the force of his hips and I gasped, curling my body around him, hanging on to him, loving him.

  Chapter Twenty Two


  It was just starting to get dark in the room when Lucian woke. He lay there for a moment listening to the soft sound of breathing, frowning at first until his sleep clouded brain began to clear and he turned his head, smiling at the sight of the tiny blonde woman sleeping next to him.

  He rolled over onto his side so he could watch her, shifting closer, his smile growing wider at the sight of her. She lay on her stomach, her hands buried under her pillow, bunching it up either side of her head. Her hair was in complete disarray, the pale blonde strands all over her face, so much so, he couldn’t see her under it. He wanted to see her, he needed to, and he reached out with one finger, carefully lifting a few strands until a sliver of her beautiful features were visible.

  She looked so peaceful and calm, his angel with her long lashes fanning her cheeks and her full lips parted slightly as she slept. It was hard to imagine she’d suffered so much but she’d come so far too and she’d trusted him with her future. She’d trusted him with her introduction to sex and he’d shown her the way it should have been. Consensual, something she wanted with someone she cared for and trusted, not rape which was all she’d known before him.

  Gently he shifted the sheet lower, wanting to see more of her but being careful not to wake her. He got down to her waist and felt his cock stand to attention when he saw that his t-shirt she was wearing had ridden up around her hips, showing off every sexy curve of her sweet ass.

  His eyes rose from the smooth curve of her buttocks and he felt his anger rise at the sight of the raised welts on her back. He carefully lifted her t-shirt higher until more of her scars were revealed, and he felt a
nother burst of anger surge through him for what she had endured in her relatively short life, at the hands of that worthless bastard down in the dungeon.

  Checking first to see that she was still sound asleep, Lucian reached out with one finger and began to trace over her scars, feeling the slightly calloused, thickened skin for every welt, and cut. How could her father have done this to her? He hadn’t beaten her just once, he’d obviously beaten her repeatedly and on numerous occasions since the scarring looked like the end result of multiple attacks and various healing times. Some scars looked old and others still had a pinkish tinge to them as if more recent.

  Sliding over closer to her, he lowered his head and kissed her back, his lips trailing softly over her scars, using his tongue to lick his way along them. Arissa stirred, a soft moan escaping her parted lips and Lucian froze, waiting to see if she’d wake but she settled again, her breathing resuming the rhythm of sleep.

  Again he kissed her licking over the welts and wishing his blood had the ability to heal her. Not because he found her scars ugly, she was beautiful, scars and all. It was simply his desire to take away those reminders of just how much she’d suffered at the hands of her father. Still, if Fabian agreed to her becoming vampire, the change would probably heal them or reduce them to little more than faint lines.

  He shifted his attention from her scars and kissed his way down her spine until he reached the swell of her ass. Pushing the sheet lower, he continued down over the curve of one cheek and as he kissed her, he reached between her slightly parted legs, and groaned low in his throat when his fingers skated smoothly through her slick folds. Damn she was so wet already; probably from all the fucking before they’d slept, but his cock didn’t give a shit why she was wet, it just wanted in her.

  She stirred again and he watched one blue eye open, the colour so bright as she peered at him through her lashes and her tangled hair. Her expression looked confused for a moment before her eye widened, the other one popping open too and he felt his stomach clench when a big beautiful smile transformed her face. “Lucian?” Her voice sounded husky and his cock jerked in response. Dammit he wanted her again but she was human, she probably had needs, bathroom needs before he was crass enough to jump her bones and have his way with her.

  As if she’d read his mind she sat up and pushed her tangled mane of hair back off her face. “Bathroom, I need the bathroom.” She mumbled scrambling out of bed and hurrying for the en-suite door. He watched the door close and he’d just settle back against his pillows to wait for her when the door opened again and she stuck her head out. “Do you have a toothbrush? Do you brush? Do you go to the toilet even?”

  He chuckled at her little barrage of questions. “No baby, I don’t go to the toilet, no I don’t need to brush and yes in the drawers under the sink you will find toothbrushes and toothpaste. Although we have no use for those things, Fabian insists each bathroom is stocked for those occasions we have human visitors, like now. Although I’m hoping you will be more than just a visitor very soon.”

  She gave him a beaming smile at his words and the door closed again. He settled against his pillows to wait for her, his eyes descending to where the sheet covering him had formed a tent over his erection. Damn but he couldn’t let Arissa walk out and see that. He didn’t want her thinking that all he wanted from her was sex so he lifted one knee to help disguise how turned on he was.

  Finally after several minutes the door opened again and she stood poised in the doorway looking at him. She’d brushed her hair since it now lay smoothly over her shoulders and down her back and her blue eyes were bright and clear as she slowly walked towards him.

  “Do we get up now? What do you normally do? I’m not used to getting up when it’s getting dark? Are the others up yet?”

  Lucian reached out and took her hand, pulling her closer. “No one else is up yet baby, and do you really want to know what I’d like to do now?”

  She stared down at him, a questioning look on her face. “So do we just stay here until they get up? I need to go and see Daisy and make sure she’s ok?”

  “Fabian and I will take you soon but you have to understand it was a long day and night for us too. They are tired. Don’t worry we’ll go over to see her soon.” He lowered his leg until it lay flat on the bed again and he saw her eyes shift to where the sheet rose up, over his rigid cock.

  She studied him for a moment before raising her eyes to his, quirking an eyebrow at him. “Was there something you wanted to do before we go back to Daisy’s home? Has anything come up?”

  He grinned at her play on words, loving her so much, loving that she was comfortable enough with him to tease him. “Oh baby, something’s come up alright. You should never question whether I can rise to a challenge.” He tugged on her hand he still held, and she squealed as she pitched forward, falling onto him; his arms closing around her, flipping her until she was pinned under him.

  Lucian brought his hands up to either side of her face and simply stared at her for a few moments, studying her features, every lash, every one of the variations of colour in her eyes, every pore in her skin, that cute little frown that appeared on her forehead when she was thinking about something or worried. She was frowning now, so something was bothering her. “What is it baby?” He asked as he kissed the frown that marred her sweet face.

  “Nothing I was wondering why you’re looking at me like that? Do I have dirt on my face or something?”

  He smiled at her comment. “There is nothing wrong with this face.” He said, dropping a kiss on her parted lips. “I was merely studying every nuance of you, everything that makes you, you. I want to burn your image here.” He pointed to his head. “So that on those occasions when we’re not together, I will have a perfectly detailed memory of every inch of you, that I can call on to give me comfort, until you return to me.”

  Tears immediately sprang to her eyes at his words and she threw her arms around him, burying her face into his neck. “Oh Lucian I love you so much.” She said, her words muffled against his skin.

  He pulled back enough to see her face just before he kissed her, his lips moving over her soft skin, kissing away her tears as he went. When he was finished and she was no longer crying, he lowered his head, his lips closing over hers. She threw herself into it with her usual enthusiasm, her tongue duelling with his. Like a brush fire, desire rose between them and unable to help himself he began to move restlessly against her, needing that contact, needing to be inside her.

  She ripped her lips away from his, her breathing rapid, her heart racing. “Lucian.” She gasped. “Please.”

  “What baby? Tell me what you want?” He whispered, dropping kisses over her face.

  “I want…I want…you. Please, I want you now.” Her voice trailed off and he felt his cock harden even more at her needy, desperate words.

  He lifted himself off her, freeing them from the sheets and flipping her over. “Baby, please hold onto the headboard, I want to do something we haven’t done yet. I want to take you from behind.” She suddenly tensed up, her body rigid and he smoothed his hands over her shoulders. “No, not like that, not here.” He touched her tight little puckered opening. “I mean here.” He said, slipping a couple of fingers into her.

  Of course he wanted her ass, he wanted to take it, make it his but no way in hell was she ready for something like that yet. He wasn’t sure if she ever would be and then it suddenly hit him, had that bastard father ever done it to her; had he demonstrated even more what a worthless piece of shit he was and raped her there too? Anal sex was not something to be taken lightly. It required preparation, but somehow Lucian doubted that motherfucker would have been gentle with her. Hell, he’d raped her for years, why would he have gone gentle on her ass if he’d been there? He wanted to ask her but not right now. He wasn’t going to risk spoiling the mood; the sexual tension between them, when they both needed their release.

  Arissa pulled herself up on her knees and wrapped her fingers around the ir
on work on the headboard of the bed. Lucian positioned himself behind her, running his hands over her shoulders, her back and down her buttocks until he could reach between her legs and slip a couple of fingers into her hot, wet little cunt. God he wanted her, he never seemed to be able to get enough of her. Removing his hand from between her legs, he lifted it to his nostrils, breathing in her sweet scent before licking his fingers clean.

  He grasped her hips to hold her steady, pushing forward until the head of his cock parted her folds enough for him to feel her damp heat. With one swift thrust he was inside her, buried deep, feeling her close around him, holding him in her feminine embrace and he paused for a moment, savouring the pleasure of being as one with her.

  “God baby, you feel so damned good. You’re so hot and tight.” He growled softly. When she tightened around him, his growl turned into a moan and he pulled back before thrusting into her again, settling into a rhythm of long, deep strokes. Lucian could feel the drag of his piercings inside Arissa’s tight little cunt and suddenly this slow, gentle love making wasn’t enough.

  Digging his fingers more firmly into her hips, he increased his pace; driving harder and faster into her. When she pushed back against him, he groaned, low and deep in his throat, slamming into her so hard, she was forced to tighten her grip on the headboard. He could hear her making little noises, those noises he knew meant she was close to her orgasm and he changed the angle of his hips, thrusting deep, feeling her tighten even more around him.

  Suddenly she cried out, starting to come, flooding his cock with her release. The scent of her orgasm rose around them and his fangs lowered with his mounting excitement. Bending over her back, Lucian moved even faster, slamming into her, fucking her. As he thrust, filling her, butting up against her cervix with every powerful drive of his hips, he brushed Arissa’s hair aside, revealing one shoulder to him. Lowering his head, he breathed in her sweet scent, just before sinking his fangs into her, hearing her gasp his name.


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