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Passion Follows Pain (Passion Series Book 3)

Page 33

by Melville, J. A

  He thrust once, twice more into her, his head thrown back, shouting her name as he exploded. As he emptied himself inside her, thrusting wildly, out of control, he dropped over her back, groaning with every spurt of his release into her. His fangs lowered and he bit down on Arissa’s shoulder, hearing her cry out. Her body shuddered and clenched around him again as she came a second time.

  They stayed joined together, long after Lucian had finished feeding from her. One arm on the lounge helped support him as he lay, curled over her back, while the other one wrapped around her, holding her close to him. He needed her close after three months of not being able to hold her, then nearly losing her to a weak heart. Now he had her, now that they’d fucked as vampires, he needed this intimacy for a little longer; he needed to feel her under him and around him.

  As his cock softened, he could feel their combined release trickling from her, and dripping onto the floor. The air was heavy with the scent of sex and he breathed it in, inhaling her sweet scent too, simply savouring the moment. He still couldn’t believe she was his again, that she would be his forever. Despite nearly losing her several times, she was here, she was vampire and she was his.

  As his thoughts started to clear from the sexual haze that had surrounded them, he suddenly started to worry about his sire again. What would he say when he found out that he’d turned Arissa? He could only hope Fabian understood he’d had no choice. His angel would have died if he hadn’t turned her.

  “Hey Lucian.” Her voice interrupted his thoughts. “You’ve gone very quiet. Let me up please.” She moved restlessly under him and he pulled free of her, watching as a rush of fluid poured from her and started running down her legs.

  “Wait baby.” He plucked some tissues from the box on the coffee table and bent down to gently wipe her skin. Once he was done, she straightened and turned to him.

  “What is wrong? Did you not enjoy that?” She asked, a frown marring her forehead.

  “Fuck baby, how can you even ask? My cum is running down your legs and you ask if I didn’t enjoy that?”

  She gave a tiny smile. “It’s not just you. That was incredible. Is it always this intense, this pleasurable having sex when vampire?”

  It was his turn to smile. “Hell yes. Why do you think we need it so much? It’s not just about the blood baby. I’ve told you this before, but I guess you can’t fully appreciate what it’s like until you’re vampire.”

  “So what’s wrong? I see it in your eyes.” She reached up and trailed her fingers down his cheek.

  “It’s Fabian and not knowing how he will react when he finds out I’ve turned you. No one is allowed to turn anyone without his permission, but I didn’t have time to go and wake him and ask. You were in cardiac arrest; you would have died before I’d got him back here.” He frowned. “If he’s really displeased, he may well banish us from his life, his home.”

  Arissa’s expression cleared. “We don’t need him. We can live here. This is my house now. Don’t you get tired of dealing with all the crap from Fran, and everyone walking in on us all the time?”

  Lucian hadn’t considered the idea of moving into the old lady’s house now it was Arissa’s. He’d been with Fabian since he’d turned him; he couldn’t imagine not living with him, but Dominick and Allegra didn’t, and everything was fine for them.

  “I hadn’t thought of that to be honest. I guess I’ve always lived with my sire, right from when he turned me. This house would need some work to prepare it though. Too much light gets in. It would need heavier drapes or blinds, the bedroom would need to be sealed off so little or no light gets in. We sleep in the daytime remember, so we don’t want light. We need Fabian to tattoo you and I hope he doesn’t refuse since I turned you without seeking his permission first.”

  “Would he really deny me the tattoo? Could he be that mad, he’d do that to me? It’s not my fault I’m vampire. I’m happy you turned me, and I’m happy to have you back, but I never asked for this. It would be unfair for him to punish me. I don’t want him to punish you either. You were only trying to help.”

  “I’m sure we’ll find out soon baby but right now, we should try to get some rest before nightfall. We have kept unusual hours with all that’s happened but vampires sleep during the day and are awake at night. It is not natural for us to be up in daylight hours. We need to rest because I’m sure Fabian will be here at nightfall. Come to bed.” He held his hand out to her and she slipped her small one in his.

  He led her down the hallway and into her room. There was a beam of sunlight streaming into the room so he released her long enough to go and close the curtains and blind so the sun wouldn’t burn her.

  He stripped out of his jeans, pulling back the covers on the bed so they could climb in, moving straight into one another’s arms, and in a tangle of arms and legs, they slept.


  I woke when it was obviously already dark outside since I couldn’t see any light coming in around the blind anymore.

  I stretched and then froze when I felt something hard jammed into my lower back. A smile curved my lips and I pushed back, wiggling my ass as his rock hard length pressed against me.

  Lucian groaned softly and I laughed, turning my head to look back at him. “Something seems to have come up between us.” I whispered and then giggled when he shoved his cock between my legs.

  I lifted one leg over his as I felt the pierced head of his shaft nudging against my pussy and I tilted my hips to give him better access. As he eased his way inside me, the arm which wasn’t under my head, circled me, reaching down to press against my clit.

  Slowly he began to move, thrusting into me, his movements unhurried while he rubbed my sensitive little bud. The angle although not deep kept the friction over that spot inside me and with his piercings brushing over it, I could feel the familiar climb towards my orgasm begin.

  God I loved this man, my beautiful vampire. I loved how he could make me feel, what he could do to me with his wonderful body, but most of all, I loved that we were together again and that now I was vampire, it meant we had eternity to be with one another, assuming Fabian didn’t punish us for Lucian turning me.

  Lucian began to rotate his hips, drawing my attention back to him and what he was doing to me. I gasped as the metal in his cock rubbed over me and in me until I moaned, pushing harder against him, wanting more, needing more.

  Still the pleasure continued to build in me, with every thrust, every touch, and every move he made, until suddenly I found myself teetering on the edge of my climax. With one more well aimed thrust, it was there, consuming me, surging through me. As it rolled through me in what felt like endless waves of pleasure, my fangs descended and I turned my face to Lucian’s arm that was under my head and bit down on him, feeling his blood flow into my mouth. He grunted, his body jerking against my back and his cock swelled even more inside me, just before I felt the wash of his release as he started to come. I felt his fangs graze over my shoulder, then the pain as he bit down. As he started to feed, another wave of intense pleasure rolled over me and I came again, gasping and crying out his name.

  Suddenly someone cleared their throat and we both froze our bodies rigid, except for Lucian’s cock which still jerked inside me as he continued to come.

  I raised my eyes and if it was possible to freeze even more, I did when I saw it was Fabian, and the look in his eyes was frightening.

  “You turned her?” He spat out, his voice low, but shaking with his fury.

  I felt Lucian’s grip tighten on me and he flexed his hips, like he was stretching, pushing deeper into me, holding himself like that as he finished coming. It was incredibly erotic feeling him emptying into me, all while his sire watched us.

  “I had no choice.” Lucian’s voice rumbled against my back, his voice so calm with nothing in his tone to indicate his loss of control as he answered Fabian.

  “You know you are not allowed to turn someone without my permission and I should have been here. What
made you think you could turn your back on my rules and defy me?”

  “Fuck it Fabian!” Lucian suddenly erupted, pulling free of me and climbing out of the bed. While his sire and I watched him, me blatantly admiring his naked body, he pulled on his jeans, stuffing his cock inside as he pulled the zip up. “I would never have done something like this without your permission but she was dying dammit and I couldn’t let her die.” His voice cracked and tears sprang to my eyes at the pain I heard in his voice.

  “There was nothing wrong with her when Sirene and I left you alone with her. She had survived her overdose of sleeping pills. Are you trying to tell me she had a relapse? I am not a fool son.”

  “She had a heart attack.” Lucian’s voice was subdued, the fight seeming to go out of him. “Her heart was erratic, she couldn’t breathe and then…she passed out. Her heart was barely beating anymore. Believe me, I wanted to come to you but there was no time. She had the chest pain before she passed out. I couldn’t run the risk of hoping she could hold on until I got you father. I was aware that I would incur your wrath but I had to save her. I couldn’t lose her.” Again his voice cracked with emotion.

  Fabian was silent for a moment, his eyes giving nothing away. Finally he turned to me. “You are alright with what has been done to you? Last time the idea of you becoming vampire came up, you said no, when the old lady died. Now it’s done and you were not given a choice, and I don’t need a pissed off young vampire with no control to deal with.”

  I sat up, pulling the sheet around me. “I’m not an idiot Fabian. I’m fine with being vampire. I know why Lucian did it, and I know your rules. He has been drumming them into me over and over again. I will not do anything to piss you off.” I snapped.

  “You will piss me off little one if you continue to use that tone with me. I expect to be treated with respect.” He shot me a warning look before turning to Lucian. “Has she fed?”

  He nodded. “Yes several hours ago now and I’ve fed her a couple of times while we….while we had sex.” He finished.

  “Where did you go for human blood?” Fabian asked.

  I tensed because I knew Lucian was worried that he would be in trouble for finding us blood so close to home.

  “I didn’t have time to go too far sire. I couldn’t leave Arissa alone as a new vampire for too long. “I found a young couple at the start to the street. It all went fine though and they are back in their home, unaware of what took place. She did really well for her first time.” He tried to assure him.

  Before Fabian could respond, I jumped in. “Please don’t be mad with him, sir, Fabian, whatever I’m supposed to call you. He was just trying to help me and I was so hungry and I couldn’t go out with him because of the sun. Please, we’re sorry but don’t be mad, please.” I begged.

  A hint of a smile curved his lips. “Fabian is acceptable little one. The others call me father and sire because I turned them, but as I didn’t turn you, it’s not necessary to call me anything other than Fabian. Lucian is your sire; he turned you, and now to fix the problem with the sunlight.” He walked over to me and I tensed. He brushed my hair back and I shivered at his touch. There was something about Fabian that commanded respect. He pulled something out of his pocket and pressed it against my neck. It made a noise and I felt pain and then it was over. “This is your tattoo. You will need to test it in the morning just to be sure it works ok.” He said.

  He turned to Lucian and I hoped the fact that his expression appeared calm meant he wasn’t angry anymore. “I will forgive you for breaking all my rules this time son. I understand your need to do what you did and also for taking the risk of feeding so close to home.” He smiled. “I might not have been so forgiving if it wasn’t for Sirene. To have her in my life has taught me how to love and I can certainly understand what it feels like to love a woman with the intensity that we both do. You couldn’t risk losing her and I can respect that.”

  We both breathed a sigh of relief at his words. “Thank you sire; now, there is more news that we have for you. Arissa was willed this house by the old lady and we’ve decided to live here. Your house is quite full. There isn’t much privacy, although there isn’t much here either it would seem.” He said ruefully. “I hope you understand our desire to be alone?”

  Fabian studied us for a moment. “I understand my son but are you sure Arissa is going to be ok? At least with all of us under the one roof, we can help her. Here, you are the only one close enough to watch her.”

  “She’ll be fine; I’ll take good care of her.” He replied and I grinned. This was going better than I could have hoped.

  “Now we still have one issue to address and that’s your father little one. I have grown weary of him in my dungeon.”

  “You still have him?” I asked in surprise. “I guess I thought you would have killed him or something by now.”

  “No, he’s still there. I told you his fate was in your hands but I want him gone. He’s not very appreciative of the accommodation.” He said, humour in his eyes.

  “Fine, we’ll go now shall we?” I turned to Lucian.

  “If you wish baby; come then. Let’s go and see your father.” He turned to Fabian. “If you could just leave us while we dress.”

  Fabian nodded and left the room. I scrambled out of bed and hastily dressed, not wanting to keep Lucian’s sire waiting. Once we were ready, we all headed over the road. I would be seeing the others as an equal now and finally I would be able to show my father what it was like to be on the receiving end of violence, pain and abuse. I wanted him to suffer and as a vampire, I had the strength to do exactly that now.

  Chapter Twenty Seven


  When we stepped inside Fabian’s home I was almost relieved that no vampires appeared to be home other than Sirene. She greeted us before walking straight into Fabian’s arms and they kissed, embracing one another in that way two people very much in love did.

  It was only after their lips parted and she turned to us, that she really seemed to notice us or in particular, me. She stared at me for a moment, her eyes shifting down the length of me until finally she raised an eyebrow. “You are vampire.” She said, not a question, merely a statement, but I still nodded anyway.

  “It became necessary for Lucian to change her, my beauty. Apparently she suffered a heart attack after we left and she would have died. It would seem she has taken to the change very well from what I saw when I walked in on them.” He turned to us and grinned.

  Sirene laughed. “Did you walk in on them again? You know, a more insecure woman might feel threatened by your apparent need to watch others having sex.” She smiled affectionately at him.

  He pulled her into his arms again. “You have nothing to worry about my beauty and I don’t actually go out of my way to walk in on them. Perhaps they should learn to lock doors?” His eyes shifted to us again.

  “When are we going to Arissa’s father?” Lucian asked in what appeared to be an attempt to get the conversation back on the issue at hand.

  “We will go now. Come.” Fabian indicated we should follow him. “Have you thought about what you will do to your father?” He asked me and I shook my head.

  “I thought I’d just wing it.” I said and his eyebrows shot up.

  “Wing it?” He queried.

  “You know, make it up as I go along.” I clarified as we all headed down to the dungeon.

  When we were finally standing outside my father’s cell in the dungeon below Fabian’s home a strange feeling pass through me. I looked at him and noticed immediately that he appeared to have aged since I’d last seen him three months ago. He seemed thinner, his hair had more grey and had he lost more? The most surprising thing I noticed when I looked at him, were my feelings towards him. I felt pity for what a pathetic creature he’d become and my fear was gone. Of course that was probably due to me not being human anymore. I had the vampire strength now and I was looking forward to testing it out on him.

  “I want to go in
with him Fabian, please.” I looked over at him and he nodded, unlocking the door and swinging it wide for me to step inside.

  “Baby let me come in with you in case he gives you trouble.” Lucian stepped forward, but I told him no. This was something I needed to do for myself.

  Slowly I approached the beaten down man sitting on his bed and it was only when I was almost up to him, that he finally lifted his head and looked up at me. His eyes moved over me and I saw that gleam form in his watery looking gaze. It was the familiar look of lust. “Arissa girlie where have you been? You left your poor old dad here all alone for months. You look good girl, have you done something with your hair? Come give me a kiss and a cuddle and show me how pleased you are to see me.”

  He stood up and I stepped back, just one step, never taking my eyes from him. Instantly his expression changed, and I saw that other emotion I was so familiar with when it came to him, anger. He stepped towards me again, reaching for me, but again I stepped back, still watching him, my expression not giving anything away as to how I was feeling.

  I could smell him, his sweat, and his general filthy odour from not being able to clean himself in so long. I could hear his heart beating, smell his blood, which was still strong enough for me to detect over the odour of sweat and dirt.

  I’d imagined being vampire, this moment and thinking there’d be no way in hell I’d ever drink the blood from this bastard who’d made my life one miserable existence for as long as I could remember. Yet the longer I looked at him, the more the smell of his blood tempted me. I had to control myself though. I didn’t want him to know what I was yet. I wasn’t ready for that.

  One more time my father made a move towards me, and again I stepped back. I watched his expression darken with rage and I knew what was coming, but inside I was screaming ‘bring it on.’


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