Book Read Free

Star Bright

Page 14

by Christina OW

“We’ve never gone out on a date.”

  He tucked her hand under his arm and walked out of the firm, appreciating all the stares he got. He didn’t mind it, he was sure Carol would fill him in on the rumors when they got back. “Yes we have, but our kids were with us, Michael insisted on it.”

  “Michael? What does he have to do with anything?” Maria asked, perplexed, feeling shy at the new way his co-workers looked at her now. She could imagine what they thought of her, especially after his ex-wife just walked out ahead of them, they probably thought she was a home wrecker, but she didn’t care. Her mother was right, this was her time for true happiness and she was glad it was with Dave.

  Chapter Twelve

  Ricky picked the lock on Nate’s apartment door. He felt excited and giddy having finally found Maria. He could already hear her screaming pleas fill his ears, as her blood bathed his fists. He had a whole act planned for her and he was going to enjoy every second of it. What he wasn’t sure of, was which would hurt her most, watching him kill Michael first or making Michael watch as he killed her.

  Nate had been stupid enough to tell the town drunk about the trick they had pulled on him. He overheard the idiot laugh at him and he couldn’t control himself, he beat the man bloody and left him laying lifeless on the ground before he went for Nate. He thought of storming into his house and shooting him dead, but he knew that wouldn’t be too clever, and the fact that Nate was very capable of handling himself ruled out a beating. He broke into Nate’s house and tore the place apart until he found his New York address, he then put rat poison in his salt and sugar as his form of revenge. He wasn’t going to allow anyone to make fun of him and get away with it.

  He walked into the studio apartment expecting to find Maria and Michael asleep, but the place was empty. There wasn’t a hint of them left in the house. He threw things around in a rage, feeling like a fool for having been tricked again. He was going to make her pay for all she had done, and the months of searching he had wasted.

  Maria ran her hand down the navy blue dress Dave bought her the day before. It was a short sleeved, cotton dress that reached above the knee with a thin black belt which she matched with black pumps and a black purse. She had very little make up on and held her hair back with several pins, but let her back hair hang loose, she wanted to look sophisticated but not well beyond her years.

  She wanted to make a good impression on Michael’s teachers at his new private school. She didn’t want to come off as a ‘simple maid’ as Amy had called her. Dave expressed how much he liked how simple and uncomplicated she was, but he still took her shopping, buying her designer clothes and jewelry. She was shocked how a dress could cost the same as three months rent.

  Dave opened the door and helped her out of his new BMW, it was white and very flashy and it suited his stature as a top notch lawyer very well. Maria looked at him and smiled, “You are very loyal to the brand.”

  Dave smiled back as he opened the back door for Michael and Izzy, “Loyalty is a strong trait.” he lowered himself to Michael’s level, “Are you ready big guy?”

  “I think you should be asking mama that.” He said with a laugh, pointing to Maria’s worried face.

  Maria was scared to leave her son alone. Dave had promised her he would be safe, but that didn’t make her any less anxious, “I’ll be fine.” Maria leaned down and straightened his uniform. He looked cute in his shorts and high socks, his jacket with the school crest on its pocket, and his tie. He looked like he was going to work rather than to school.

  “Mama, you are fussing again.” He reached up and kissed her nose, took Izzy’s hand and walked to the huge building.

  Maria watched him, her anxiety building up. Dave pulled her to him and kissed her lightly on her lips, she had allowed that much the night before and he wasn’t going to miss a chance doing it again.

  “Dave.” Maria whispered as she looked away from him shyly. She had fun that night, talking and exploring more of the city. They had forgotten about work and the kids for a while, concentrating only on them. It was the first real connection she had made with a man and she liked it. She initiated the kiss and was glad he hadn’t pushed for anything more.

  Dave took her hand and led her into the building, “He’ll be fine, and don’t worry too much.”

  “Maybe I should just home school him.”

  “That’s just separation anxiety talking. He’s going to school, not the slaughter house.”

  “We’ll see if you are so cool and collected when Izzy starts school.” she looked around the bold colored building in amazement, “Are you sure this is a prep school and not a varsity?”

  “Considering the fee we are paying, it better be up to varsity standards.” Dave walked to the reception and greeted the plump woman with a smile, “I’d like to see the principal please.”

  “One moment.” She responded with a smile before she disappeared behind a glass door.

  “Dave, my son better not turn out to be a snooty brat.”

  “What’s wrong with being a snooty brat, I was one once.”

  “You were lucky enough to turn out the way you did, but Amy, not so much.” She turned and looked at Michael and Izzy staring at the tall cupboard full of trophies.

  “Excuse me sir, the principal will see you now.” The lady spoke quietly, emerging from another door.

  Dave kissed Maria on the forehead before he followed the lady, “Stay here and smother him some more before his new snooty friends tell him how embarrassing it is.”

  Maria stuck her tongue out at him then moved to stand behind the children. She wondered what the principal’s reaction would be when Dave told him the truth. They had agreed on using their true information to make things simpler for Michael in school. Michael was fine with it, he was glad they weren’t hiding anymore and they were finally going to be normal, but Maria knew better. She needed to talk to Edna again, to make sure Ricky was still in Mississippi and nowhere near New York. If she was going to play, normal she needed to have all her corners covered.

  “Maria.” she turned to Dave’s voice. A tall old man was standing next to him, his jacket matched Michael’s, it was truly a rich kids’ school, “This is principal Roberts.”

  “Hello.” Roberts said stiffly stretching his hand out.

  Maria stepped forward to shake his hand, already thinking of all the trouble Michael was going to get into if the whole faculty was as stiff as him, “Hello, this is Michael and Izzy,” pointing towards them.

  Michael stepped forward, dragging Izzy with him, “Principal Roberts.” he said seriously. Maria looked down at him, amused at how similar he had sounded like Dave when he was working.

  “Hello young Greer.” impressed, shaking Michael’s little hand.

  Maria looked up at him, then at Dave with a shocked look on her face. Dave smiled at her, amused by her reaction. He did tell her he was going to tell him the truth, but he didn’t say he wouldn’t twist it a little.

  “And is Izzy short for Isabel or Elizabeth?”

  “Elizabeth.” Michael answered excitedly. Maria was sure it was because he had been referred to as young Greer.

  “They both look remarkably like the both of you.” Roberts spoke, turning to a stunned Maria and a amused Dave, “Well it’s time for us to go. Say goodbye to your parents and your sister, young man.”

  Michael quickly hugged Izzy then waved at Maria and Dave, “Bye mama, bye dad.” Then he turned to follow Roberts.

  Maria blinked a few times, unsure she had heard Michael correctly, “Wait a minute, where’s my hug and kiss?” she asked quietly.

  Michael ran back and hugged and kissed her, then did the same with Dave before he ran after his new principal. Izzy ran after him, but Dave caught her before she got far, “You still have a long way before you join him.” He took Maria’s hand. She pulled it out of his hold and stared holes into him, “What happened to telling the truth?”

  Dave took her hand back and pulled her forward, “I did tel
l the truth, and I just added my name to his, just in case.”

  “In case of what?” Maria asked, steamed.

  “In case someone who’s not supposed to comes looking for him here. You and I are the only ones allowed to pick him up from school.” Dave felt her stiffen beside him. He was correct in assuming there was still a threat to her, “And besides, maybe in the future his name really will be Greer.” He added on a lighter tone.

  Maria took Izzy from him and put her in her car seat before she got into the passenger side, “Don’t hold your breath, and please don’t encourage Michael, he needs to keep his feet stuck on reality.”

  Dave started the car and drove out of the parking lot, “We need to talk about that particular reality.”

  Maria came out of Dave’s bathroom, changed into jeans and a t-shirt, she felt more like herself, than the rich housewife outfit she had on, “I don’t want Michael to get too attached to you.”

  “Why not?” Dave swung on his seat watching Maria as she moved fluidly around the room. She checked on Izzy in her pen before she dropped in the seat opposite him.

  “Because I don’t want him to have another disappointment.” she took the pins out of her hair and let it fall freely around her shoulders.

  “I’m not Ricky, or Miguel.” Dave said sternly.

  “I never told you Ricky was Michael’s father?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. She had that feeling again, that Dave knew more about her than he let on.

  “You implied it.” Dave answered quickly.

  Maria watched him for a moment for some tall-tale signs that he was lying, but the guy was a lawyer, he didn’t wear his cards on his sleeve, “I didn’t mean you were like either of our fathers. Izzy is going to know the love of a father, something Michael and I know nothing about.”

  “It would be weird being a father figure for you, considering what I imagine for us, but Michael can have that and much more... if you allow it.”

  Maria had sworn off men, in fact she had come to resent them, until Dave came into their lives. He was making it difficult for her to protect Michael, from whom or what he might turn out to be, once he had his hooks in her, “Not everything is as simple as you think.” She moved from the seat to the couch.

  Dave followed her to the couch, “I really like you and I really love Michael. You really love Izzy and I’m hoping you really like me too. It is that simple.” He took her hands and rubbed them gently with his thumbs.

  Maria felt uncomfortable at how serious he had gotten. It had seemed harmless and adventurous at first, but not anymore, she was going to end up hiding from him if he didn’t stop, “Are both yours and Amy’s parents coming for the party?” pulling her hands from his and tucking them under her arms.

  Dave huffed before he turned away from her, taking her cue, “Amy’s parents have been vacationing in Europe for the past six years, and I don’t see them coming back any time soon. My parents will be there.”

  “Okay, you can tell me what they like, I want to get everything right.” she felt guilty sensing the annoyance in his voice.

  “It’s a kid’s birthday party, not a cocktail dinner.” he added coldly.

  “I should never have kissed you.” She stood up and moved away from him.

  “Why not?” he asked angrily.

  “Because now you want more and I can’t give that to you. What I have left in me, I’m giving to Michael, and now Izzy. The little that is left, is split between you and me and I can’t give you more.”

  “I know you’ve been through a lot, but that’s no reason to shut yourself off and keep me at arm’s length. You are not recovering from your past, you are just letting it keep you locked in.”

  “What do you mean by that?” Maria asked, moving closer to him.

  “Nothing.” Dave answered evenly.

  Todd walked in with a number of files in his hands, interrupting their argument, “Dave we need to get these files done. Hi Paula.”

  “Maria.” he corrected, “Not now Todd.” Dave dismissed him, keeping his eyes on Maria.

  Todd shifted his gaze between the two, realizing he had walked into a very tense situation. What he didn’t understand was the change of names, but he wasn’t about to ask and risk getting his head bitten off.

  “We need to get this done Dave.” Todd added carefully.

  Dave stood up and turned to him, “I said not now!” he shouted, making Maria jump.

  She took a step away from him and clutched her shaky hands into fists, as much as she was trying, his temper still scared her. Maria took several deep breaths and leaned against the desk to keep her steady.

  “Are you okay?” Todd asked, looking past Dave at her.

  Dave followed his worried gaze to Maria, she looked rattled and he knew he did that to her. “I’m fine.” she said quietly, trying to keep her voice steady and avoid Dave’s gaze.

  Carol leaned against the door, “Maria, Your mom’s on the line.”

  Maria was relieved for the escape, she needed to get away from him for a while, just until he had his temper under control, “Thanks, I’ll take it at your desk.” Carol nodded and moved from the door.

  Maria was about to walk out of the room, but Dave stopped her and held her hand. She cringed and her whole body tightened, but she didn’t dare pull away. He pulled her to his desk and picked up the receiver, “Carol put the call through.” Handing Maria the receiver when he was sure she was on with her mother and wasn’t about to run off scared, he turned to Todd, “What is it?”

  “Yes mama.” Maria moved to the other side of the desk, soothing and rebuking herself for over reacting, she knew better than to be afraid of him, she felt safest when she was around him. She watched Dave in his element as he spoke to Todd in a rush, pointing at the documents he brought, giving him instructions on what to do. Maria wasn’t sure Todd understood a word Dave was saying, he had a blank look on his face and he didn’t seem like he wanted to interrupt Dave for an explanation.

  “Hi dear, Michael told me about his party.” Edna spoke, as she threw clothes into her suitcase. Miguel was on his cell phone rapping angrily in Spanish. His men had let Ricky slip past them. He’d gone to Nates’ house, got the information on his New York home. He had a few hours head start, but Edna was determined to catch him before he got near Maria. She was grateful Maria had moved out of the apartment, with Nate in the hospital fighting for his life and someone else already dead, she was glad her daughter moved.

  “Yes, we are having a double party, Izzy is turning two. Will you be able to come?”

  “Yes, I’m bringing someone, Michael told you right?”

  “Yes he did. You can use Nate’s apartment if you like.” Maria sat in Dave’s huge seat. She took her time speaking to her mother so that Dave could have more time to finish his work, before they finished their conversation.

  “That’s good.” Edna exhaled in relief. All she could hope for was they didn’t leave any clues behind. Miguel tapped her on the shoulder, she held the receiver away to listen to him.

  “Someone’s been digging up information on Maria. The PI got everything on her, police and hospital records included. Should I get rid of him?” his voice had a hint of enthusiasm in it.

  Edna looked at him puzzled and a little annoyed at his eagerness to kill someone. She held the receiver back to her ear, “Maria, you said your boyfriend is a lawyer?”

  “He’s not my boyfriend.” Maria said firmly. Even as she said it, she wouldn’t have minded if he was, “yes, one of the best lawyers.” She said proudly.

  “Could he have hired someone to check up on you?”

  “What?” Maria shot up straight in the seat. Dave and Todd turned to look at her.

  “There is a PI here, he’s got everything on you, and I mean everything.”

  “He must belong to Dave.” Maria got off the seat and walked towards the duo. She grabbed Todd’s arm and led him out of the office, closing the door behind him, and then turned to Dave. He looked at her,
not sure to be amused or frightened of the tiny woman.

  Edna held the receiver away from her, “Leave him be, he’s Dave’s.”

  “Damn it! I don’t need a lawyer snooping around,” Miguel turned and went back to his phone.

  Edna put the phone back to her ear. She didn’t want to deal with Miguel’s problems right now while a maniac was hunting down her daughter, “Honey we’ll see you in a week or so.”

  “Why so soon?” Maria asked, taking slow steps towards Dave.

  “I miss you guys, that’s all.” she handed her suitcase to one of Miguel’s men and rushed out of the house for the car, “Love you.”

  “Love you.” Hanging up, she turned her full attention to Dave, “A PI?”

  Dave pocketed his hands and stared down at the threat half his size approaching him, “Put down the phone, I don’t want to get hurt.”

  She threw the phone on the couch, “You said you didn’t know a lot about me?”

  “Lawyers lie all the time.”


  “I wanted you to tell me on your own, with no pressure.” He spoke in a placid tone, to contrast her furious one.

  “Oh no, let’s not pressure Maria, let’s just go behind her back and violate her privacy! You can’t keep doing back ground checks on everyone you meet!” she yelled, her rage making its way up to the surface.

  “Force of habit.” She walked to the desk and pulled open his draw, “What are you doing?”

  “The file you stuffed in here last time I was here, it’s about me isn’t it?” She brought out the black file and held it up. When he didn’t answer, she opened it and looked through it. She felt like she was going to get sick, looking at how much of her he had in that black file. Everything about her was in there, even Michael’s baby pictures, what disgusted her most was her two page medical report. She wasn’t sure what she felt strongest, anger or shame.

  She always felt humiliated when she had to go to the hospital to get her bones reset, get the wounds stitched up, or bandaged, or burns that were to extreme to be treated. Whatever Edna couldn’t fix, she had to go to the hospital. The pity stares always made her skin crawl, they felt worse than the wounds she was getting treated for, and now Dave knew and she felt ten times more embarrassed.


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