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Boys Club: How Far Would You Go?

Page 14

by Ema Bancroft

  Fuck, I was lame.

  Daisy wouldn't look me in the eye. She focused on her fingers, extremely interested in her miniatures for some reason. "I don't think that's a good idea,"she said quietly.

  My stomach flipped over. "Why not?"

  Daisy looked at the fridge... the window... back at her fingers... anywhere but my eyes. "I think it would be better to keep things professional,"she said.

  Resoplé. "It's a little late for that. " I took another step towards her, and this time I had nowhere else to go. She kept her head bowed stubbornly, and it was only when I hooked my finger under her chin that she finally lifted her face.

  "What's this all about? " I asked quietly.

  Her eyes moved wildly. "We can't talk about this here,"she replied. "Roland could come in any minute."

  I allowed myself a quick snort from her neck, brushing my nose behind her ear. Daisy shuddered and I smiled.

  Professional, my ass.

  I walked away from her. "Okay, you're right,"I admitted.

  "But I think we need to talk... just talk,"I emphasized when Daisy started interrupting me. "Your room or mine?"

  Daisy bit her lip and I was wondering if she was going to turn me down. She took a deep breath and finally said,"Mine."


  Elijah followed me down the aisle to my room, and we both watched carefully for any sign of Roland. The door to his bedroom was locked, the light was off, so we breathed a little easier, knowing that Roland was sleeping like a dead man. For all intents and purposes, we were alone in the house.

  I caught Elijah's tall figure in the corner of my eye, wondering how he would avoid throwing me into it once we were in my room.

  After the debacle at the party afterwards, he had decided that a romantic relationship with Elijah was definitely not the best idea. When I saw Jill Cox standing next to him, his arms intertwined... his almost blinding perfection practically shining from them... I knew he had no chance. Third nipple or not, Jill was in Elijah's league, while I... decidedly not.

  I mean, it wasn't that I had low self-esteem or anything, it was just the reality of life in the music world. Elijah was a big, beautiful star who could sing and dance. His options, romantically speaking, were limitless. Right now, it was interesting to him... even attractive, for some strange reason. It wasn't necessarily unattractive, but I spent most of my time as a child named Tim - flat tits, baggy jeans, hair like Elijah. Add to that the fact that once my whole masquerade - which I inevitably would - comes out, the press will focus its unpleasant attention on the two of us. I knew that everything I could have with Elijah would be ephemeral.

  And I didn't think you wanted something ephemeral.

  I fell in love with Elijah more and more with each passing minute, and that made me reckless. Hell, I almost kissed him for that stupid video game. I had taken a look at it and completely forgot that Roland was in the car with us, let alone the limo driver. I was lucky to have noticed in time, because I quickly learned that there was no such thing as a single kiss when it came to Elijah.

  I always wanted more... and that could definitely be dangerous in my current situation, both for my career and my heart...

  Because I knew that in the end, Elijah would break my heart. He didn't mean to say he was a good guy, after all, but he'd break it anyway.

  So, yes. It was definitely smart to cut things off with Elijah at the root.

  The right decision.


  But when Elijah stood before me to open the door of my bedroom, standing aside to enter, I hesitated in my decision. I walked beside him and my shoulder brushed against his chest, the heat of his body crackling through my shirt. Once again, I fought the urge to jump on him.

  I was so weak.

  I entered the room, turning to sit on the bed, and immediately I stood up as Elijah quietly closed and closed the door. I moved to the couch, posing gently on my arm. Elijah surrounded the bed and sat on it, looking up at me.

  "Now,"he said,"What's this all about?"

  "I..." My voice cracked and I cleared my throat before continuing. "I just think what happened between us was a mistake."

  Elijah's lips lifted slightly. "What…happened? "he repeated, moving to stand in front of me. "Which part? "He stretched out to run his fingers over my arm and shook me a little. "The touching…? The kissing…? The…rest? "He looked at me with a lazy, evil smile, and my stomach flipped with nerves or excitement... or possibly a combination of both."

  "Um... all that,"I babbled. "It's hard enough to keep this secret without adding you and me to the mix. "His fingers did not waver, and I could feel the trace of heat they left behind. My skin blushed, betraying my words with obvious evidence of my desires.

  "It didn't seem like a mistake,"Elijah pointed out, his gaze centered on my arm. He turned his hand so that I could feel the soft scratch of his nails on my skin and I struggled against the urge to cross my legs in the tingling sensation that his touch sent directly between them. He bowed slightly, lowering his voice. "And Daisy, you have to know that I can keep a secret. " He bowed his head and brushed his mouth along my cheek, pulling a soft groan between my lips.

  "Why couldn't I form words? Elijah's breath in my skin seemed to be short-circuiting the connections in my brain. I got up suddenly, hitting him on the head in the process.

  "Shit! " he exclaimed, his hand flying toward his forehead.

  "Sorry! "I was in a bad mood, rubbing my head as I slipped around and ran around the room. "I... I can't think when you're so close to me"?

  Elijah chased me, grabbing my arm, but when I took another step backward, his hand fell from the side. "I don't understand. What is it, Daisy? And don't give me that shit about keeping things secret, because we both know that's not what you're worried about.

  "I am..." I insisted obstinately.

  "Daisy..." Elijah's voice took on an annoying tone - which, I had to admit, irritated me a bit.

  "Elijah..." Did I imitate myself?

  "Daisy..." He looked me in the eye and his voice softened. "Tell me what this is really about. What's going on?"

  I didn't know if I'd dare tell him. It was so... humiliating. There were so many reasons why we were wrong about each other, but my traitorous body didn't care. I loved him.

  I loved him. Not only because he was handsome and talented... not just because he was in love with a fangirl... I wanted him because he was Elijah...

  I was falling in love with him... strongly. And it scared me to death.

  E. C.

  Daisy bit her lip for a second before exhaling heavily and walking to bed. She collapsed on top of her, and I tried to ignore the elbow that little Henry gave me when she saw Daisy strewn on her mattress.

  You little pain in the ass.

  She rolled sideways, leaning her head on her hand and finally looking at me. "It's just... this..." Her other hand waved, signaling both of them. "It could never work, you know."

  I crossed my arms over my chest, irritated and perhaps a little scared. "No, I don't know. Why not?"

  She closed her eyes and sighed, turning over her back. "Is it just you and me?"

  I tried to. I tried to understand what she was talking about, but I had nothing.

  "Yes... I am I... you are you...", I said.

  She opened her eyes, staring sideways at me. "Are you really going to make me say it?"

  "Say what"? I asked, perplexed. "I'm sorry, Daisy, but I have no idea where you're going."

  She covered her face with her hands, moaning aloud. I couldn't take it anymore. I leaned over to her and bowed, putting my hands away. "Just tell me."

  Daisy took a deep breath, and finally spat. "I can't... handle someone like you"?

  I suffocated a little bit, without expecting any of that. "What do you mean you can't handle me?"

  She sat, crossing her legs across the duvet, and I sat on the edge of the bed facing her, touching our thighs. I let go of one of her hands, pulling the other into my l
ap and joining our fingers. To my surprise, she came over and began to play with my distracted fingers.

  "You' ve... you've had so many women,"she started wavering. I had a moment of light and looked at it carefully.

  "Is it about Jill?"

  "No,"she responded quickly. "He blushed, his eyes focused on our joined hands. "She's so... " beautiful. " Her eyes gleamed before mine before falling again.

  "For a girl with three tits,"I joked, trying to get her to relax. She smiled slightly, but did not look up.

  "It's not just Jill,"she added. "It's all of them."

  "All from whom?"

  "The women,"she said with a small shrug.

  "Ah..." I nodded, finally understood what she was talking about. I felt like a damn fool not to see him before. I hit her leg with mine. "Move"?

  She slid across the bed and I turned around to sit next to her, my back against the headboard. I bent down to untie my shoes and dropped them on the floor. After all, he wasn't a fucking Neanderthal. What kind of asshole put his dirty shoes on a girl's bed?

  Daisy came up and stopped me, grabbing one of the black and green custom-made Nikes. She ran her fingers over my initials sewn in bold on the outer heel.

  "How much did this cost you? " she asked.

  I smiled with a grimace. "Nothing."

  She laughed and threw her shoe on the floor before leaning against the headboard.

  "There's something you should know,"I said, holding her hand again. She said nothing but wait patiently.

  I took a deep breath and confessed,"There's none."

  "Any what"?


  She finally looked at me, her nose wrinkled by confusion. "What do you mean?"

  I smiled. "It's all a bunch of lies, Daisy. Women-- the connections. Fill in the tabloids that were invented or filtered to - you know - keep my' image'. I was on the air with one hand.

  "You're kidding."

  I laughed. "You know Cecil. Do you really think it's that far-fetched? " Daisy smiled slightly and I explained:"As a group, he wants us to keep it squeaking clean - but he says that rumors and insinuations are what really make us stars. We're supposed to look safe enough for moms to let their daughters listen to our music - but possibly dangerous enough for moms to have their own fantasies.

  Daisy shuddered. "That's disgusting."

  I shrugged my shoulders. "It's worked so far."

  She turned around, biting her lip and thinking for a moment. "So, the blonde of Rio...?"

  "Just a fanatic. Her friend took the picture and sold it to the tabs.

  "The twins in London?"

  "Old friends of a friend. I don't know how that one came out, probably Cecil. That bastard's like James Bond or something."

  "That actress you took to the Golden Globes?"


  She stared at me. "No way!"

  I nodded, raising her hand to brush my lips on her knuckles. I smiled when she shuddered. "Yes. I've known her for years. She's not ready to go out, so she asked me to be a favor."

  Her eyes fell out. "Jill? " she asked in a small voice.

  "Well... that really happened,"I admitted. When she dropped her face, I quickly added:"But it was a weekend, more than a year ago. And you know I don't want to repeat myself. "I slipped a little bit so I could bend over to kiss her neck, sticking my nose through the soft skin. "I don't want Jill... or anyone else,"I muttered in her ear. " I love you"?

  "So..." She bowed her head, purring slightly as I traced my tongue over the lobe of her ear. "Umm... how long... oh... how long has it been, then?"?

  "Too long,"I muttered, extending myself to slip my fingers under the hem of her shirt and caress her soft skin. I sucked her earlobe out of her ear into my mouth, biting it gently.

  "Oh! "She screamed. "So…uh... what's…'too long'…days? Weeks?"

  I threw myself back, staring at her with a dazed look in my eyes. "Do you really want to know?"

  She nodded, biting her wavering lip.

  I sighed, passing a hand through my hair. "About a year."

  She blinked in surprise. "Really?"

  "Seriously. " I lifted her shirt up, down to kiss her stomach. I hated to talk about this shit, but I knew Daisy needed me to be honest with her.

  "There was a girl, about nine months ago. I drank too much to drink and leave her... well, she gave me a..."My words calm down."

  "I understand,"she said quietly.

  I sighed, turning my head to lean on her stomach and look at her. It was a stupid mistake, but that's the last time I was with a girl. And I haven't slept with anyone since Jill. "I hesitated, but in the end I asked,"What about you?"

  She blushed and shrugged her shoulders slightly. "Longer than you."


  "Almost two years."


  She laughed without humor. "Yes."

  I smiled at her with a smile, raised my head and slowly crawled over her body. Her cheeks blushed as I lowered my head to kiss her gently. "You know what that means, don't you? " I asked, as soon as I lifted my lips from hers.

  "What? " she whispered.

  "We have to make up for lost time. " I spilled my tongue on her lips, wanting to make fun of her, but Daisy wouldn't have it. Her hands flew into my hair and she threw me at her, moaning in my mouth as her tongue sank into it. It took me by surprise, but don't get me wrong, it was amazing. I caught up quickly, took possession of the kiss and let her feel my weight more. Being pressed against her from head to toe was fucking incredible. My dick swelled, and I could feel the warmth of her soft body burning through our clothes.


  Too many clothes.

  Daisy must have had the same idea because I felt her pull on the hem of my shirt. I stopped kissing her just long enough to throw her over my head, and she scratched my back, shivering when I shot myself through my body.

  "Shit! " I exclaimed.

  Daisy froze. "I'm sorry, did I hurt you?"

  I laughed laughing, sucking my lower lip in my mouth. "Shit, no. It feels amazing. I sat down abruptly, straddled her and put her shirt on. She bowed to help me, and the sight of her in that position made me moan out loud. I tossed her shirt over my shoulder, and then I went on a mission to take off that damn Hartmann blindfold. My fingers fell off on the elastic, but I didn't understand.

  "How the hell..." I muttered, ready to rip her chest off?

  Daisy twisted a little bit in bed, grazing Little Enrique. He liked it... very much. "Shit,"I complained, pulling the bandage.

  "It's self-adhesive... you have to find the end,"she said breathlessly.

  "I'm trying. " I scratched my fingernails on the stupid bandage, hoping it would work like I was going to find the end of a piece of Scottish masking tape.

  Of course, I wasn't very good at it myself.

  "He's over here. " She moved to her right side impatiently. I didn't know how she did it, because my hands were shaking and I loved her so much, but I finally found the end of the bandage. I fought him with a victorious scream and Daisy laughed.

  Her smile fell, however, as I lifted her to a sitting position and slowly unrolled the blindfold, releasing her incredible tits.

  "There they are,"I muttered, as they finally revealed themselves, soft and warm, the skin slightly wrinkled by the elastic bandage. I caressed them with reverence, then on Daisy's sharp breath, I increased the pressure.

  "You can't know how good that feels,"she complained.

  "It feels pretty good on this end too,"I replied quietly, massaging the soft flesh and gently brushing my thumbs over her nipples. Daisy threw her head back, leaning on her hands and bowing in my touch. Unable to resist any longer, I bent down to draw my tongue over a pink nipple before sucking it lightly.

  "Oh, God…Elijah. "Daisy's whining cheered me up. I kept squeezing her tits, licking and sucking her hard nipples. Her hips bent against me and I pushed her unconsciously.

  It wasn't enough.

  I grabbed
her around her waist, turning and sliding my knee between her legs until she was on horseback, her tits hanging mockingly over my face.

  "Hell, yeah,"I muttered before putting one in my mouth. Daisy got into my dick, making me moan out loud against her tit and grab her ass to push her even harder against me. Daisy apparently liked that very much, because she entangled her fingers in my hair, pushing her chest even deeper into my mouth, and repeated her hip movements, squeaking against me as she muttered incoherently.

  I couldn't get enough of her.

  My hands wandered over her body as she kissed, sucked and touched me and squeezed everything I could reach. I kept bringing her closer to me, wanting more... deeper... harder. My dick pounded and my balls tightened, and I knew we were getting dangerously close to a repeat of the last time we were together. I turned her around all of a sudden, sitting down and pulling the button on her pants.

  "This time, I managed to come out through my teeth clenched while pushing her jeans," we just need a penis.



  Damn you.


  I had completely lost control. My mind and my body were consumed by the burning heat of Elijah's touch, and by my life, I could not remember any of my excellent reasons why Elijah and I would never work. Suddenly, all my fears dissolved and having sex with him seemed like a really good idea.

  Like Krispy Kremes... or the Internet... or those little plastic things at the end of shoelaces?


  Elijah pulled desperately from my jeans. When I lifted my hips to help him, he snarled at the movement, his eyes closing as he pushed me erratically against me.

  I realized he was as lost as I was. Our fingers got tangled as we pushed my underwear and straps holding my packing dildo. It bounced off the floor, abandoned, as Elijah came back down to me, and now he was standing between us to unbuckle his own jeans.

  My blood jumped out of my body, hot and thick as Elijah trembles with his zipper, his knuckles brushing against my dampness.

  "Oh God,"I complained, unable to stop twisting against him... looking for the friction that would bring me to the brink.


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