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The Cure

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  She refused to hide it or to pretend it wasn’t there.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Vampires are excellent sensors, but the design of the sewers affects their ability to find us, even living things. The scent of the earth covers our smells,” Sean said.

  “We’re protected by this.” Lucas gestured around the dirty, mucky sewers.

  “We’re hiding in sewers.” Releasing his hand, she rubbed her arms. “People out there are dying.”

  “With The Cure hyped up on wolf blood, there’s not enough of us,” one of the guys said.

  “Who are you?” Sandra asked. He was a wolf. She didn’t recognize him.

  “Name’s Malcolm. My pack was killed three months ago. We were on the run from The Cure. They found us, and now I’m trying to be part of an army that spends more time running than standing and fighting.”

  “We’re not strong enough,” Patricia said.

  Sandra watched as they started to argue, all of them giving excuses.

  Their anger kept growing louder to the point that Sandra covered her ears. The echoes of their voices must have been easily heard from the street.

  “Shut up,” Lucas said. His loud voice stopped everyone where they stood. “Listen.”

  She looked up hearing the shuffling of feet.

  “They’re here.”

  “Run!” Lucas grabbed her hand, and they all started running in opposite directions. They followed Patricia who was shooting balls of fire out of her hands. Sandra saw the vampires rushing toward them.

  “Move,” Patricia said, shouting.

  Ducking out of the way, Patricia sent fireballs behind her. Sandra couldn’t help but scream. Lucas was behind her.

  “Why can’t you teleport us?” she asked.

  “I can’t underneath the sewers. Metal affects the way I can move. We could end up somewhere in the sunlight,” he said. “Also, we’re not leaving anyone behind, and I can only teleport one person.”

  They made it out of the sewers, charging up out of the bank. They were at the edge of the park near the city, and as she was running, Sandra felt Lucas tug out of her grip.

  Spinning around, she saw one of the vampires had her man with a hand around his throat. If they succeeded in beheading him, Lucas would be lost forever. She couldn’t let that happen. Charging forward, Sandra called on her wolf, shocking herself as her wolf came forward. Shoving the vampire off Lucas, she spun around, slamming her fist into the other. Everything went silent around her as she was circled by three vampires.

  “You made a mistake, little wolf,” one vampire said.

  Sandra smiled. She wanted their blood, needed it.

  Usually the wolves were only able to turn by the full moon. Something must have happened during her mating because her wolf came forward.





  The vampires around her hesitated as her fingers turned to claws, and her own fangs came forward. Tilting her head to the side, Sandra smiled. They hadn’t expected her wolf to come out and play.

  “I don’t think so,” she said.

  One vampire charged toward her, and she struck him down with a slash across his face. His screams echoed while she attacked the next two vampires.

  When they tried to land blows on her, Sandra dodged them with a speed that took even her by surprise. Then it suddenly occurred to her, she was teleporting. Closing her eyes, she pictured the vampire’s back, and within a second she was on him. Striking on his neck, she tore his head off and threw it on the floor.

  Seconds later, Sandra stood, covered in blood, and watched as the vampires withered, died, and turned to ash before disintegrating. Watching the evidence of what she’d just done disappear, Sandra started to pant.

  “What did I do? What did I do?”

  Lucas rushed toward her, grabbed her face and held her. “It’s okay.”

  “They were going to kill you.”

  “I know. You saved me. I’ve alive. I’m safe.”

  “We’ve got the means to kill them,” Patricia said.

  “What?” Sandra asked. She stared at Lucas, holding onto his arms in case he let go.

  “They were not expecting her to change into a wolf. We’ve got the upper hand.”

  Sandra shook her head. “I can’t do this.”

  Pulling out of Lucas’s grip, she bent over and vomited.

  “Shit, we’ve got to get out of here,” Lucas said, holding her hair out of her face. She didn’t see anything else as the world started to spin.

  “We can kill The Cure and finally be free,” Sean said. “That was a close call. We’re strong enough, and we have the advantage.”

  “We’re not talking about hunting anyone right now,” Lucas said. “I’ve got you, baby.” He whispered the words against her ear, and she accepted his love and affection. When she stopped vomiting, the world didn’t stop spinning.

  “I think I’m going to faint.”

  “I’ve got you, baby.”

  At some point Sandra felt like she was being carried, and when she couldn’t stand it anymore, she let the darkness claim her once again.


  “This will be safe,” Patricia said. “I’ve placed some boundary spells. It will keep them out long enough for us to find shelter.”

  Lucas nodded, placing his woman in the bed. They were at Patricia’s old coven that had been abandoned when The Cure attacked.

  “It won’t keep them out for long,” Lucas said, wiping away the remains of the blood from his woman. She had gone feral in her need to protect him.

  “They got Malcolm, Dawn, and Indigo.” Patricia named the three people they had lost.

  The three vampires that Sandra killed hadn’t been the only vampires that had descended on them.

  “We’ve got to stop this, Lucas.”

  “I know. I’m not going to risk my woman, Patricia.”

  “This isn’t about you or her,” Sean said, coming into the room. He was wiping away blood from a split lip. “This is about all of us, and you can’t just push us aside because you found your mate.”

  “I’m not doing that. She’s passed out. I’ve just witnessed something that I’ve not seen in over five hundred years, and you expect me to do what? Just shove her toward The fucking Cure? I’m not going to put her in danger.” Lucas stepped up to the warlock, and in that moment he didn’t care if he got hurt. Sandra had stepped in to save him. He’d do the same to protect her.

  “She’s all we’ve got, Lucas. I congratulate you on finding your mate, but the moment The Cure hears about her, that’s it. Her days will be numbered, and they’re going to go hunting for her. How long can we keep her safe? We’re all dying here, Lucas. There’s not much chance of us surviving this. We’re all fucked.”

  Sean’s last words hung in the air.

  “Get out,” Lucas said, pointing at the door.

  “Man, you can’t—”

  “Get out right now before I do what I promised myself I’d never do when I turned, and kill you.” Lucas had made a pact with himself to never take a life unless absolutely necessary. The only lives he’d taken were those of murderers and The Cure. He prided himself on being the kind of vampire others could rely on.

  Sean released a sigh. “We’ve got a short window here, and I hope you take it, Lucas. For all of our sakes, so that you can love your woman for many centuries to come.”

  Lucas watched the warlock storm out of the room, knowing in his heart that what he spoke was the truth. At the moment, he and Sandra only had a few weeks, months at best, and then they’d be hunted, killed, destroyed, and whatever chance of mating they once had would be over.

  “He’s worried,” Patricia said.

  “We’re all worried. He’s right. Sandra and I have no chance of being together like this. We’ll only survive if The Cure are destroyed.”

  Patricia sighed. “She’s powerful, Lucas. I’ve never witnessed a wolf turn without
the heat of the full moon. If anyone could take on The Cure with us, and win, it’s her. She’s more powerful in her wolf form, and she’s stronger than just a mere wolf.”

  Lucas nodded. “Leave us, please.”

  “Okay.” He watched her move toward him and place her hand on his arm. “She loves you.”

  “I know.”

  “Sometimes the bond that mates us together may seem fragile, like it will break at a moment’s notice, but it’s not.”

  “How did you know I was worried?”

  “Anyone with a new mate worries. I’d worry.”

  The moment he took her, Sandra had hated him, and yet within the heat of the moment, they’d been mated, and she had killed for him. When the door closed, he moved toward the bed. He lay down beside his woman, touched her hand, and connected with her mind.

  Within a moment he was transported to the beach. With it being in the dream world, the sun couldn’t touch him. Not only that, if he had been in real sunlight, it wouldn’t have affected him as he had Sandra’s blood inside him.

  He saw her walking near the ocean line. The water lapped at her feet.

  “I waited for you to come,” Sandra said, looking up.

  Lucas had moved a little closer to her.

  “I’ll always come for you.”

  She smiled. “It’s why I knew you’d come. I heard what Sean said.”

  He tensed up. “I’m not going to put you at risk.”

  “We’re at risk either way. This way, we stand and fight.”

  “I can’t risk anything happening to you.”

  “With what happened tonight, if we don’t fight, I’m a dead woman anyway. They won’t risk a wolf having a lot more power than them.”

  Lucas grabbed the back of her neck, and pulled her in tight against him. “I don’t want to think about this now.”

  “You know it’s the truth. We’ve got to stand and fight together, united. Sean was right.”

  He closed his eyes, pressing his nose against her hair and inhaling her warm scent. “You didn’t see how scared you were, Sandra.”

  “A lot has happened in the last twenty-four hours. You need to cut me some slack,” she said, smiling up at him.

  “I can’t think of a reason to smile right now.”

  She pressed a hand to his face. “Stop it. We’re together. We’re mates.”

  “I’ve loved you for over a year, Sandra.”


  “I saw you for the first time over a year ago while you were down at the lake. It was the full moon, and I’d gone out to enjoy the night while I had a chance. I saw you, and I knew in that moment, I wanted to protect you more than anything.”

  “I didn’t know,” she said.

  “Good. I didn’t want you to know that it was me there, watching over you. I’ve been keeping an eye on you for a long time. I don’t want to lose you.”

  “You’re not going to lose me.”

  “I love you.”

  Sandra didn’t jerk away or laugh at his declaration. Tears filled her eyes. “Would you believe me if I said I loved you, too?”

  “Yes, baby, yes I would.” He tilted her head up, claiming her lips.

  “I want to wake up, Lucas, and have one more night with you,” she said, pulling away from his lips.


  Pulling her out of sleep, Lucas knew this could very well be the last night he held her in his arms.

  Chapter Five

  Sandra came awake with Lucas’s arms wrapped around her. “I love you,” she said.

  “I love you, too.”

  They had only just spoken the words in her dream, but she wanted them to be out in the open so he knew it wasn’t all in the dream. Touching his cheek, she pressed her lips against his, licking along his bottom lip before sliding inside his mouth.

  He moaned, and his fangs started to elongate. She didn’t stop kissing him, needing him more than she needed her own sanity in that moment.

  Lucas sank his fingers into her hair, holding her in place, and she basked in his touch.

  “I want you naked.” She moved off the bed and smiled down at him, wriggling her clothes off her body. Sandra ignored the blood coating her clothing and focused on the man on the bed, her mate. The love of her life.

  She loved him with all of her heart, and didn’t want to lose him. The Cure had to be stopped, and if that meant they had to die in order to stop them, she’d do it.

  Lucas stood beside her and started to remove his own clothing. Her mouth watered at the sight of his rock hard body.

  “How are you so tanned?” she asked.

  “I had spent a great deal of time in the sun, working hard like only a boy working the fields could. When you’re turned into a vampire, you remain the way that you were before. This is what I looked like when I was a human.”

  “You’re a very sexy man.”

  “I know.” He gave her a wink, and she laughed at his teasing.

  “I’m being serious. You’re a hot man, and some would wonder why you’re with me.”

  He stopped removing his clothes and cupped her cheek. “I’m with you because I want to be. We’re mated but even before that, I wanted you. Like I said, I’ve been watching you for some time. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  “You’ve seen a lot of women.”

  “So I know what I’m talking about. You’re a beautiful woman, and I’m the only one you need to worry about.”

  She chuckled. “A girl could get used to this.”

  “Then get used to it. I love you.” He took her hand, wrapping it around his cock. She moaned.

  His dick filled her hand, and he was long and thick.

  “I want to be inside you. If we’ve only got tonight then that’s what I want.”

  “Then let’s have tonight.” Silencing any other protest he might have about the risk to her life for taking on The Cure, she took his lips, plunging her tongue into his mouth. He didn’t push her away or stop her.

  Running her hands up and down his chest, she pushed the shirt from his shoulders, and Lucas started to remove her own clothes. They had one night together, and she was going to make the night count. Once she was naked, Sandra sank to her knees before him and started to unbutton his jeans.

  His cock pressed against the front of his jeans, and her mouth watered for a taste of him. Flicking her tongue over her lip, she smiled up at him.

  “You’re thinking wicked thoughts.”

  “My thoughts will give you a lot of pleasure.”

  She pulled his pants down his legs, and his cock sprang free. He wasn’t wearing any underwear to restrict his dick.

  He kicked his shoes off, followed by his pants so that they were both naked. She didn’t feel shame when it came to Lucas. In fact, Sandra wanted to show her body off for him.

  There was a tiny drop of pre-cum at the tip, and she flicked it off with her tongue, tasting him.

  Lucas cursed, sinking his fingers back into her hair, and she gasped at the pain from him tugging. She covered the tip of his cock with her mouth, taking him to the back of her throat, and she moaned as he hit the back. Before she had chance to gag, she pulled away, looking up at him.

  “You’re driving me crazy.”

  She gave him a wink and took him back into her mouth. This time when he hit the back of her throat, she didn’t stop. Sandra kept on going taking more of him.

  “Fuck, that’s so fucking good.”

  Pulling away, she started to play with his balls, trying to bring him as much pleasure as possible.

  “I’m not going to last if you keep doing that.”

  “Have some control.”

  She did the same, taking him as deep as she could to the back of her throat, and pulling up only when she couldn’t take much more.

  Sandra loved the way he held her hair, tugging on the length when it got a little too much for him. She didn’t stop though. No, she kept on doing it and giving him as much pleasure in th
e process.

  “Fuck, yes, that’s it, baby.”

  Suddenly, his grip was gone from her hair, and he pulled out of her mouth. Before she had a chance to think what was happening, she was on the bed, her thighs wide open, and Lucas was licking her pussy.

  “Lucas!” She screamed his name as the assault on her pussy took her to the peak of ecstasy and held her there. He refused her to orgasm, keeping her at the peak, shaking, and begging him to let her cum.

  “You’ll cum when I say you cum and not a moment before.”

  She whimpered and watched him lick her pussy. The sight was too much for her take in, so collapsed to the bed shaking. She shouldn’t have messed with the beast, and that was what Lucas was, a beast. He knew what to do with his wicked tongue. He was the master, while she was merely the student.


  Sandra’s taste exploded on his tongue. Lucas groaned, already addicted to her taste. Plunging his tongue into her pussy, he started to fuck her with his tongue. His cock was leaking pre-cum all over the bed. He didn’t care. He was going to be inside her very soon, fucking her, making love, and the night was going to be the best of both of their lives.

  Sliding his tongue up to her clit, he circled the bud, and then slid down to fuck her once again. He didn’t know whether to fuck her pussy, or flick her clit.

  Her cream was leaking out of her pussy, and he tried to capture it all, to taste her.

  “I need to fuck you,” he said, muttering the words against her lips.

  “Please, Lucas, let me cum.” She kept moaning and begging.

  Lucas had been torturing her long enough, and so he focused on her clit, and kept on flicking his tongue across her nub.

  She panted, and he used his fingers to pump within her pussy, letting her know without speaking that his cock was going to be inside her soon. She screamed his name, and Lucas loved hearing his name on her lips.

  “Yes, baby, cum for me.”

  Sandra came on his fingers. Her cries of pleasure filled the room, echoing around the walls, and thrilling him to the core that he’d made his woman cum.

  Before she had come down from her orgasm, he moved up between her spread thighs, smearing his cock in her cream then sliding inside her cunt.


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