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Falling For Sakura (Falling For Sakura Trilogy, #1)

Page 31

by Praks, Alexia

  The minister said, “Peter, since it is your intention to marry, join your right hands and declare your consent. Do you take Mary to be your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day on, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?”

  “I do,” Peter said, smiling brilliantly.

  The minister turned to Mary. “Mary, do you take Peter to be your lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day on, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?”

  Mary clearly said, “I do.”

  The minister continued. “The wedding ring symbolizes unity, a circle unbroken, without beginning or end. And today Mary and Peter exchange these rings as confirmation of their vows to join their lives, to work at all times to create a life that is complete and unbroken, to love each other unconditionally. May the Lord bless these rings which you give each other as the symbol of your love and fidelity.” He turned to Peter. “Peter, take this ring and place it on your bride’s finger and state your pledge to her, repeating after me.”

  Instantly, Michael stepped forward and gladly offered them the rings. Peter took one and slipped it onto Mary’s finger. While he held Mary’s hand in his, he repeated after the minister. Then it was Mary’s turn.

  “Mary and Peter,” the minister said, “you have pledged your promises to each other and have declared your everlasting love by exchanging the rings. Your vows may have been spoken in minutes, but your promises to each other will last until your last breath. As they have pledged themselves to meet sorrow and happiness as one family before God and this community of friends, I now pronounce them husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  Peter pulled back Mary’s veil and, grinning cheekily, kissed her on the lips. Everyone cheered then, and Sakura laughed, tears in her eyes.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Johnston,” the minister said.

  “Hurray!” Michael shouted and ran to hug Sakura around the waist. “Now it’s our turn,” he said cheekily.

  Conrad stood up and yelled, “Hey, who said it’s your turn, you little brat?”

  Everyone laughed at them. Sakura ruffled Michael’s thick hair.

  “Come on,” Michael said. “Photo time.”

  It wasn’t long before Sakura found herself in the photos with the newly wed Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, being squeezed in between the brothers, mostly between Tristan and Conrad. Sebastian and Darcy seemed to stand as far away from her as possible. She understood their body language completely and told herself to get over it.

  Sakura had her camera with her as well and proceeded to take photo after photo. Suddenly, Tristan and Logan came up to her, cornering her on both sides as if they had caught their prey.

  “Time for our photos, little sis,” Logan said cheekily.

  “No, it’s time for our photos, my dear Sakura,” Tristan said cheekily, grabbing Sakura by the arm and leading her away.

  “Oi!” Logan snapped. “Sakura and I are taking our photos.” He grabbed her other arm and proceeded to lead her in the opposite direction.

  “You guys.” Sakura couldn’t help raising her voice just a little. “How about we all take photos together instead?”

  Tristan didn’t look very happy with that idea.

  Logan sighed. “Very well,” he said and took her camera from her. He called to Patrick, one of the three photographers they had hired for the occasion, to come over to them.

  Tristan took the chance and pulled Sakura to him, causing Sakura to collide against his massive chest. “Say cheese,” he said.

  “How lame,” Logan said, pulling Sakura back to him. The three stood with Sakura in the middle and the brothers on either side of her. Patrick raised the camera to his eyes and then click, click, click, click.

  “That was great, guys,” Patrick said. “More?”

  “Yeah, more,” Tristan said. Then when the photographer started clicking again, he sneakily kissed Sakura on the cheek.

  Sakura gasped. Logan saw. The brother growled and said, “You’re not the only one who’s kissing her.” That said, he kissed her as well on her other cheek.

  Oh, God, Sakura thought. She had to get out of here before this got any worse. But worse it did get as Patrick laughed and encouraged them both to kiss her at the same time. The brothers took on the challenge with enthusiasm. As the camera clicked and clicked and clicked, both Tristan and Logan kissed her cheeks with delight. They would have continued if it wasn’t for the loud command that got bombed their way by Sebastian. Darcy wasn’t far behind him.

  “That’s enough!”

  Tristan and Logan pulled back and frowned at their younger brothers.

  “What? Jealous ’cause you couldn’t kiss our sweet sister?” Tristan chuckled. He came over and slapped Sebastian on the shoulder. “Get over it, Seb boy. She’s not into you.”

  Logan chuckled then. “She’s not into you either, my boy,” he said to Darcy, who only frowned at him. Tristan and Logan walked away, chuckling merrily.

  Sakura felt her heart thundering within her chest as the two brothers watched her intently. She took a deep breath and then walked past them toward Patrick. “May I have my camera back, please?”

  “Of course,” the photographer said.

  “Thanks,” she said and started walking away.

  “Oh wait, photos,” Patrick shouted. “You guys are siblings, aren’t you? Now then, let’s have some very good photos.”

  “No, that’s fine,” Sakura said, shaking her head furiously.

  Sebastian grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her to him, causing her to tumble in her very high heels. “Take the photos,” he said to the photographer.

  He placed his arms about her waist, pulling her even closer to him as the camera clicked and clicked and clicked. Sakura felt her heart beating faster and faster within her chest, and her body began to go a bit crazy with him being so close to her. When she thought this wasn’t going to get any worse, Darcy suddenly walked to them, caught her wrist, and pulled her to him, leaving Sebastian standing there alone.

  He placed her so she was slightly in front of him. Then he wrapped one hand around her waist. He was so close that she could smell him. She could smell her Darce.

  “Take our photos,” Darcy said.

  The photographer chuckled. “You two look good together.”

  Sakura blushed. Darcy smiled. Sebastian scowled.

  The photographer continued to take picture after picture after picture. Then Sebastian couldn’t stand it anymore. He pulled Sakura from Darcy. The two brothers stood staring at each other, their eyes intense as if they were about to have a showdown.

  What were they doing? Were they turning against each other because of her? At that realization, her stomach flipped uncomfortably.

  The photographer laughed. “All three together, then,” he said. “You three look great.” Then he went click, click, click. “Stand in the middle, miss,” he said to Sakura.

  When Sakura didn’t move, he came over and guided her. When he returned to his position, Sakura was standing in the middle with the two brothers on either side of her. Then he continued to take more photos.

  “My, my.” Mary, the newly wedded bride, appeared behind the photographer. “You three do look good together.” Then she laughed. “Now then, sorry to interrupt, but I must steal my precious Sakura away for a wee moment.” That said, she grabbed Sakura by the arm and took her away.

  The brothers watched her go, their faces stone cold.

  Sakura was only too glad to be taken away because, my God, how she could feel the tension between the two brothers.

  “What was all that about?” Mary asked a few moments later once they were in her bedroom.

  “What?” Sakura asked, confused, watching Mary searching for something in her huge closet.

  “You and the two brothers,” Mary said. “Man, I could’ve sworn I felt a l
ot of tension there for a moment.”

  “Oh,” Sakura voiced, totally understanding what her friend meant. Was this conflict really because of her?

  “Now where is it?” Mary said. “Ah!”

  A moment later, she came back and gave Sakura a pretty little box, neatly wrapped up with happy birthday wrapping paper.

  “Shit!” Sakura swore under her breath.

  Mary pulled Sakura into her arms and said softly, “I’m sorry. I won’t be here when you turn twenty-four, so happy early birthday.”

  Sakura felt tears brewing in her eyes. “You didn’t have to do that, Mary.”

  Mary chuckled. “Twenty-four is a big number. Almost a quarter of a century, if you think about it.”

  That was true, but Sakura never thought about that.

  Mary took a step back. “I know your real birthday was probably sometime earlier than this, but since you were found at the orphanage two days from now, twenty-four years ago, then technically speaking, it’s your birthday.”

  Sakura chuckled. “Thanks, Mary. You remember.” Then she thought none of the brothers would have remembered. Why would they? She wasn’t important to them.

  “You’re not allowed to open it until the day, all right?” Mary warned.

  “Of course,” Sakura chuckled.

  “Now then, let us return to our photos,” Mary said, heading out the door.

  Sakura clutched the small box in her hands, a smile on her face as she, too, walked to the door.

  * * *

  The music struck loudly, causing the continuous squealing noise to echo across the great hall. Everyone covered their ears in annoyance, and then a moment later, Logan chuckled into the microphone and said, “Sorry, ladies and gentlemen. That was my bad.” Everyone laughed, including the bride and groom, who were standing in the center of the hall, waiting to start their first dance.

  After some tweaking, the music started. It was “Unchained Melody” by the Righteous Brothers.

  The moment Sakura heard the words felt her heart quickening and her pulse racing. Suddenly, Richard had her wrist and led her to the center of the dance floor. She stiffened, suddenly embarrassed. She glanced to Mary and Peter, who were dancing lovingly in each other’s arms, smiles on their faces. Then she glanced at Katherine, who was laughing and having the time of her life as she winked at Michael standing on the sidelines near his father. The boy was swaying his body back and forth as he watched his mother dance in Jack’s arms.

  Richard pulled her into his arms and started moving her around, little by little. Sakura wasn’t any good at dancing, but she moved about anyway, trying to be in tune with the slow music. Then they were on the other side of the dance floor, and Sakura felt as though someone was watching her. She lifted her head and saw Sebastian, his blue eyes intense on her face.

  Sakura felt her heart thundering within her chest as she continued moving around in Richard’s arms. She tried to move her eyes away from the handsome blond who was staring at her as if she were the only person in the room. The music was making her head dizzy.

  Sebastian gazed at Sakura—his beautiful Sakura—dancing in Richard’s arms as the man swayed her around. How he wished it was him instead who was holding her in his arms. And why not? That was when he imagined him and her together, dancing to this very classic song, just the two of them together in this very room as everyone faded into darkness. Yes, he was twisting her around now, and she was laughing and smiling up at him, her eyes bright with love—love just for him. Then very slowly he moved his head down and took her lips, kissing her passionately and wildly as they moved about the dance floor. Sakura. His Sakura. Yes, he hungered for her touch, for her love; he hungered for her.

  Oh how he ached in his heart as he watched her dance. She too was staring back at him. Yes, he noted there were confusion and pain within her dark eyes, and it caused a knot in the pit of his stomach.

  Finally Sakura was able to break away from Sebastian’s gaze when Richard moved her around to another part of the dance floor. Sakura’s heart was still thundering within her chest when she met Darcy, who was also watching her intently.

  Oh, God, his eyes… She could see the pain within his eyes as he gazed at her, and her heart ached with him, for him. Why was it so painful? She gripped her hands on Richard’s shoulders as she continued to dance.

  Darcy squeezed the stem of his wine glass, nearly causing it to break. His Snow, she was dancing with Richard, and he wanted to be Richard. He wanted to be in Richard’s place, taking her into his arms, twisting her around the dance floor, watching her beautiful face laughing happily up at him, her eyes bright with love—love just for him. Oh how he ached to be with her, how he ached to smell her, how he ached to touch her, ached to kiss her. Yes, he needed her love. He needed her love so badly it hurt. My Snow, he thought, and he imagined them alone on this very dance floor—not dancing, but just standing there kissing, kissing so very passionately and wildly like they had done back in the woods.

  How he needed her love, craved her love, wanted her love so much that he was deeply in pain. My Snow. My beautiful Snow. Will I ever get to be with you?

  Sakura wanted to take Darcy into her arms and hug him, give her all to him. She wouldn’t because he was already with someone else. He didn’t want her. He’d never wanted to be with her. Her heart cried out in anguish.

  Finally, she managed to move her gaze away from his by casting her eyes downward, tears brewing within them.

  Richard moved her around again. Then when she managed to control her emotions, she was again looking at Sebastian. She gazed at him, again feeling that dreadful pain within her heart. They continued to gaze at each other as the song continued, her heart racing within her chest, her head dizzy as she leaned more of her weight against Richard, feeling weak all of a sudden.

  Suddenly the music came to an end and Richard laughed. “There, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  Sakura slowly looked up, her face pale. “No, I suppose not,” she said quietly. She needed to decide on what to do, what should happen next. Yes, she had come to the realization that she had feelings for both Darcy and Sebastian. But how could a woman have feelings for two guys at the same time? How? How was that possible? Especially when the two guys were her adopted brothers?

  She needed to think. She needed to clear her head. She needed to decide.

  Suddenly, the song “Sway” by Michael Bublé erupted in the room and everyone rushed onto the dance floor, swaying their bodies back and forth with enthusiasm.

  Behind her Darcy stood still, watching her standing alone in the middle of the dance floor as people happily moved around them. He longed for her but knew he couldn’t have her. In front of her stood Sebastian, also standing still as people moved around him, laughing and singing along to the song. He watched her, wanting her, longing for her.

  Sakura closed her eyes, torn. What should she do?

  Conrad surprised her by pulling her into his arms and started laughing. “Come on, Sakura. Dance with me.”

  Before she knew anything, Tristan got her by the other arm and chuckled. “You’re dancing with me, sweetheart.”

  “Oi!” Conrad snapped. “I got the first dance. Isn’t that right, Sakura?”

  She managed to give him a small smile, though her head was spinning. “How about we all dance together?” she suggested weakly.

  “Yeah, why not?” Logan said, appearing out of the blue and pulling her into his arms. He whisked her away to the other side of the dance floor. Then he twisted her around until she was even dizzier. “Dance, Sakura, dance.” He chuckled. Then Conrad appeared before them again and took her into his arms. “Now you’re dancing with me.”

  She needed to get out of here. By that time, however, the music ended and she quickly escaped. She ran across the corridor, down the stairs, and into the back courtyard of the hotel. Alone, she breathed in the fresh air and closed her eyes. Oh, God, that was intense.

  Then her mind traveled back to the bro
thers. What must she do?

  She walked farther toward the swimming pool, deep in thought. It wasn’t long when she noticed a couple on the other side. They were obviously making out, and she decided she didn’t want to disturb them.

  She turned and took two steps when she heard, “Darcy, darling.”

  A knot formed in the pit of her stomach. She stopped in her spot and slowly turned. Across from her, she witnessed Darcy lifting his head from the woman’s face. Then she realized the woman was Kate Anderson.

  Kate was smiling, and before Darcy had the chance to walk away, she wrapped her arm around his neck and kissed him again.

  Sakura’s whole body shuddered. Her head still spinning and her heart still thundering within her chest, she walked away.

  She had made her decision. Yes, no matter what happened from now on, she had made her decision and she wasn’t going to change it.


  A Secret Kiss

  Darcy removed Kate’s arms from around his neck and pushed her back, his face a mask of anger. “What are you doing?” he asked coldly. “I thought I told you it’s over.”

  Kate watched Sakura walking away and smiled with satisfaction. Oh yes, Sakura had seen them all right, and that pleased Kate very much. At least that part of their plan had worked. Not so where Darcy was concerned, however. He was a stubborn old goat all right. Here she was, offering herself to him on a silver platter—all of her—and he hadn’t batted an eyelid. In fact, he was so pissed off with her that he nearly slapped her face just mere moments ago.

  Kate folded her arms across her chest and smiled at him. “I’m coming back to you. Is that wrong?” She moved closer to him and touched his arm. “I love you, Darcy. Please come back to me.”

  Darcy gritted his teeth. “How many times, Kate? How many times do I have to tell you? It’s over.”

  Kate cocked her head to one side. “Tell me one thing, Darcy. Are Tara and Alaina right? Are you in love with that bitch?”

  “What are you talking about?”


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