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Dominic (The Family Book 2)

Page 13

by Angelique Jones

  Hate distorted his face, but he didn’t touch me again. The fucker learned last time that Caterina punished anyone who touched her toy that hadn’t paid for the privilege. Swirling around Vic marched over and slammed his hand down on the arm of Caterina’s chair. He pushed his face an inch from hers and spat out, “I thought I told you to kill him.”

  Amused, I watched Caterina place her foot on Vic’s chest and push him back. He tripped and fell to the floor, and she stood above him. “You tell me nothing, Vic. I’m in charge. At the moment Dominic serves a use. Each day he gives me pleasure or earns me money. You, on the other hand, were given the simple job of bringing me two small children, so why are you here and they are not? Why aren’t you doing what I sent you to do?”

  At the narrowing of her eyes Vic winced. “Caterina, it’s not that simple.”

  She sat back in her chair and ran her nails over her throat as she stared at him. “No, it is that simple. In fact it’s so simple I begin to wonder why you haven’t done it yet. Maybe Dominic’s right and you’re trying to get me to do all the work and take all the risks while you sit back and enjoy the reward.”

  “No, of course not. I need you like you need me. Together we will rule the Salvatici and Genovese families. We will create a dynasty.” He fell to his knees and took her foot into his hand, rubbing it against his cheek and spoke in an imploring voice, begging for her understanding. “It’s just that we need to be careful. Angelica is dangerous. You know this. Even you’re afraid of her.”

  She kicked out and caught Vic in the face. “I fear no one. Now get out of my sight and don’t come back without her brats,” she screeched, causing the cockroach to stand up and scurry out of the room. Enraged, Caterina rose from her chair and started her tantrum, breaking everything in sight. I knew what was coming, so I wasn’t surprised when her rage-filled eyes fell on me. I watched her approach me, steeling myself for what was to come, because I knew that no matter how bad the shit she was about to do was, it would be twice as bad if I made a sound.

  Chapter 25

  This had to work. Sitting in the car we watched the beautiful home, knowing that somewhere inside was Dominic. The call that night from Angelica had been short and brief. A list of names, a location, a time, and a single demand that I was to be there. The list of names was the list of the traitors in our family. Nero disposed of them quickly and brutally. The location and the time were where we were to meet Lucca for everything else that was to come. The demand was for me to play the part that Lucca needed that had Nero quickly refusing while I gratefully accepted.

  Salvatici men guarded the location that Angelica had directed us to. The scene we entered was horrifying in its brutality. What was left of a man was strapped to a table, moaning in pain. Body parts littered the room while Lucca Salvatici looked on, dressed immaculately in a tux with a drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Nothing about the sight of him would have said that he had anything to do with what littered the room other than his eyes. His eyes told the tale of the deeds he had committed.

  As if what we were seeing wasn’t there, he spoke in an unconcerned voice. “In case you don’t recognize my guest, this is Vic, my number two and Caterina’s informer. Vic here made the stupid mistake of touching my children, thinking that their mother and I were otherwise occupied. What Vic failed to realize was that their mother had personal alarms made for the children. My wife is no more the forgiving sort than I am, so Vic has given me all the information about Caterina and all of her allies that he knows about.” He faced Nero. “Did you take care of your list?”

  “Not as creatively as you. There wasn’t time, but yes.”

  There was no humor in the smile Lucca gave. “Vic was a special case. The others I disposed of quickly.” He turned his dead gaze to me. “Dominic is still alive, and I need to ask for your help to get him out alive.”

  Seeing where his gaze had fallen, Nero stepped in front of me. “My sister is not getting involved. Myself and my family are at your disposal, but not my sister.”

  I stepped out from behind Nero. “What do you need me to do?” I asked. There was no way I was staying behind.

  Ignoring Nero, Lucca directed his words to me. “I need you to pretend to be Caterina to get the rest of us in. If we try an assault, Caterina could escape, and Dominic could be killed. My wife believes it’s the only way.

  “Why don’t you send your wife in?” Nero snapped.

  Lucca’s eyes turned even more murderous before he spoke. “My wife has been poisoned, or she would have already gone for Caterina and my brother herself, whether I permitted it or not. What Vic slipped in her drink should have killed her. It killed your brother Enzo, but Angie had built up a resistance, treating herself with small doses through the years, preparing for the day she would use it. It’s the only thing that saved her life.” He turned his stormy orbs to the thing that began to struggle at his words. “It’s why she isn’t administering her tender mercies to my friend Vic.”

  “How did she think me pretending to be Caterina would work if she’s already there?” I asked, wanting to draw his attention back to us before he started working on the body attached to the table again.

  Eyes still glued to the table, he spoke. “Caterina’s customers wear masks to hide themselves. While they enjoy her entertainment they don’t want to be recognized. Her walls are all patrolled, but we can slip over. If you’re with us they’ll think it’s Caterina out enjoying herself instead of us sneaking in. There’s no way not to be seen reentering the house, so we need you or we’ll most likely be gunned down before we make it past the gardens.”

  “Won’t they just gun us down once they realize I’m not Caterina? I mean she’s in the building.”

  “That’s where the masks come in. You only need to be Caterina to get us in. After that you’re a faceless member of the gathering. Seven of us will go over the wall but only five will go to the house while the other two take out the guards. Once the walls are clear the rest of our force will be able to come over and begin moving out of the gardens, taking out guards as they go.” Lucca set down his drink and turned to Nero. “I wouldn’t ask this if it wasn’t necessary. Even if you remove the life of my brother there’s still Caterina. Neither of our families will ever be safe as long as she lives. You may think you’re protecting your sister today but what about tomorrow or the next day? How long do you think you can keep her locked up before she escapes for a moment of freedom? How long can you look over your shoulder wondering if the soldier behind you is the one that Caterina has turned against you?” Lucca stressed.

  “He’s right, Nero. We need to end this,” I said softly. “Not just to deal with Caterina but to save Dominic.”

  He gave my arm a slight squeeze. “I’ll be going over the wall,” Nero told Lucca.

  “I already assumed that.” Lucca looked at the two men that stood silently behind us and nodded his head. I had forgotten Chris and Marcus where there. “I placed tuxes and dresses in the other room. I already have one of my men coming over the wall, so choose yours. We need to go over the plan and be in place within two hours before the fight starts, if we have a chance of this working.”

  The ringing of the phone brought me back to the present. After a quick word Lucca placed the phone in his pocket. “It’s time,” he said, before opening the car door. All of us hurried to follow him from the car. Moving carefully to the wall we pressed against it tight, hoping our distraction at the main doors had not just drawn the attention of the guards on the grounds, but the attention of those operating the monitors. One by one we were boosted up until we were all over the wall. Carefully checking our masks, we made our way forward while our two assassins broke off to do what they came for. I could see the lights of the house when the click of a hammer being drawn back froze me in place.

  “What do we have here?” A voice asked from behind, as another guard moved in front of me.

  The feel of a hand brushing against mine released me from my f
ear and prompted me to do what I had been brought for. Forcing myself up to my full height I allowed all the anger and disappointment of my life free. The rage that I always kept carefully hidden brought the whip to my voice that was ever-present in Caterina’s. “If you don’t get that fucking gun out of my face my guests are going to have a new toy to play with tonight!” I barked, causing the guard in front of me to pale. I lifted my mask to reveal my face, and he almost dropped his gun. When he just stood there staring at me, I growled, “get back to work,” and pushed my way past him.

  Their hasty retreat caused such intense relief to course through me that I might have collapsed, had Nero not put his arm around me and whispered “good girl” in my ear before hurrying us forward. As we stepped into the light the first thing visible was a roped-off area. People milled around in and out of the house, waiting for the fight to begin. The women glittered from head to toe, decked out for the occasion, while the men were all dressed in tuxes and dark masks that covered their eyes. Barely dressed girls with collars around their necks and vacant stares, served food and drink to guests that fondled them as they walked by.

  Bile rose in my throat as I watched one man bend over a young girl and fuck her in the open. Some watched while others continued their conversations, just talking louder over the girl’s whimpers. The beautiful dress and air of money that filled this place was a joke that hid the depravity of the soulless monsters within. So lost was I in the horrors I was witnessing that I missed the excitement of the crowd. My view was suddenly cut off when Lucca stepped in front of me and Nero stepped to his shoulder. Terrified at what was there but needing to see, I went to step to my left but Chris was there then Marcus to my right, sealing me from sight.

  I was ready to push my way through when I was stopped by a voice addressing the crowd. “Ladies and gentlemen, I hope that you have placed your bets because our main event is about to begin. As always, tonight’s winner will be available to the highest bidder for your personal pleasure,” Caterina announced, earning chuckles from the crowd. The sound of shifting bodies was loud, as most tried to get a better view.

  Knowing that Nero would never move, I pressed my hand into Lucca’s back. “I came here to help your brother, even after what you said to me. You owe me this,” I said softly. The shift was slight, barely noticeable but it was enough. Between Nero and Lucca opened a line of sight. I pressed my hand to my mouth to hold back the scream that wanted to tear from it at the sight of Dominic. Even from this distance I could tell that he had lost weight. His body was lean and more muscular than before. Wicked scars covered it, marking every moment of his captivity. Cruelty played in his features, more animal than man, as he faced off against an opponent that looked to outweigh him by a hundred pounds.

  Clashing together in fury, the two warriors fought, each pounding blows into the other. Tension poured from the men that surrounded me as they were forced to hold themselves back and watch the bloodbath before them. In horrid fascination I stared as Dominic dominated the fight with a viciousness born of not caring if you lived or died, as he pounded his opponent into the ground. The crowd chanted for him to finish it, but Dominic stepped back away from the downed man. His disgust for the crowd’s bloodthirstiness was there in the sneer on his face. Caterina stared at him in fury at his defiance. Two men moved forward with a collar and leash, thinking to cage him, but he had other ideas. By the time they subdued him he had killed at least one of Caterina’s lackeys and three more were on the ground. Instead of Caterina being angry, she laughed, as the crowd called out numbers so large they were giving a small fortune for a chance at a few hours alone with Dominic.

  Sickened to my soul, I pressed my forehead into Nero’s back, unable to watch anymore when one sick bitch dripping in jewels stepped forward and took Dominic’s leash. Chained as he was, he hobbled behind her and her entourage into the house. “Nobody touch that fucking cunt, she’s mine,” Lucca snarled as he stepped forward, shaking off Nero’s restraining hand.

  “Lucca, we need to wait for our men,” Nero warned him. “We need to stick to the plan. You’re no help to Dominic dead.”

  I didn’t think Nero’s words had gotten through until Lucca, standing there with his fists clenched, muttered through gritted teeth, “I’ll wait, but when the time comes I don’t give a fuck who it is, man or woman, no one involved leaves here alive. Now let’s go. We need to get an idea of the layout of the house. Chris, you stay with Victoria. Keep her to the fringes of the groups. When our guys come in, take her and go.”

  I could tell Chris wasn’t happy with the order, but he agreed. As we moved toward the house the noises coming from it became clearer, so you would think that I wouldn’t have been as shocked by what I saw. Depraved was the kindest thing that I could think to describe what was taking place before my eyes. Staying tight to Chris, I watched the others leave, moving through the mass of monsters whipping, cutting, or fucking their prey. Forcing my eyes away, I scanned the room for Dominic or Caterina. Dominic was nowhere in sight, but Caterina I easily found.

  In the middle of the room she stood, dressed like a priestess of old as she carved into her sacrifice, hung by chained limbs splayed apart. Rapture filled her face as she worked. Those surrounding her looked on in awe at her masterpiece. Death was too good for her. I tore my gaze away and rose to the tips of my toes, until my lips almost touched Chris’s ear. “We need to look for Dominic,” I whispered. Indecision filled Chris’s eyes, so I pressed on. “Now, while Caterina’s distracted. I promise I won’t leave your side.” I stepped forward and was relieved when he joined me. He was no more able to stand here and do nothing than I was.

  Placing his arm around my waist, he pulled me close, trying to shield me from the hands that tried to latch on as we passed. When we reached the other side of the room I let out a breath of relief. We moved into the hallway. Unlike the room we had just left it was empty, as guests hid behind closed doors to hide their dark deeds. Carefully we opened the first door we found, only to be confronted by a guard on the other side. Giggling like a drunken fool, I apologized as Chris acted like he was holding me up. Whether we were believed or not, the door was closed in our face without question. I didn’t know why, and I didn’t care. Maybe it was luck or fate guiding us, but I recognized a drunken fool stumbling out of the room ahead as one of the ones that had left with Dominic. His brightly colored mask gave him away.

  Seeing my chance to get us into the room I hurried forward and threw my arms around him. Whispering every disgusting thing I could think of into his ear, I almost cried with relief when he asked Chris and me to join his party. Having forgotten whatever he left the room to do, he tugged me along with him back into the room. Once again a guard confronted us when the door opened, but this time we were let in.

  At first there was nothing. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust enough to see the double doors ahead with another guard in front of them, blocking out all sound from the room beyond. Walking forward the laughing fool waved his arms and the doors opened. Lit by candles, shadows rolled over the metallic walls, giving it a sinister feel. As soon as we were inside, the doors closed with an audible click, locking us in. A large bed dressed in black silk was the prominent piece in the room. Dominic was chained down on it. The woman that had led him away earlier now rode atop him while others lounged around the bed, playing with her body and his.

  I saw red. I blocked out everything but the tray of discarded knives and the woman that was touching Dominic. I could hear the bastard that had brought me in murmuring his wants, but I ignored him. Chris would take care of him when the time came.

  Everything that I had always feared I would become was happening. The insanity of my father I had always prayed only infected Enzo and Caterina had now taken hold of me. I slid my hand over the knives and picked up a small scalpel. Sharp, easy to wield. Palming it in my hand I stepped forward, my movements unhurried. Seeing newcomers, the ones on the bed moaned in pleasure and moved out of the way to make room.

  I climbed up and moved behind the woman on Dominic. I slid my free hand around her middle and slowly brought it up till it cupped her chin, forcing her up until Dominic’s cock slid free. I leaned in and pressed my front to her back, tilting her head to rest against my shoulder. Raising my other hand I slowly and deeply brought the scalpel across her exposed neck. Blood gushed out, painting her naked breasts. I pushed her lifeless body to the side and watched as it slid off the sheets and onto the floor. Shock held the others still, and I used it to my advantage, slicing two more before the fools, screaming in terror, tried to get away.

  There was no escape. The ones that I didn’t get, Chris did. We showed no mercy, no matter how much they begged. The very privacy that they wanted was now their doom. As the last body fell to the floor I turned back to Dominic. There was no relief in his eyes as he looked at me, and the words out of his mouth told me why. “It’s not like you to kill paying customers, Caterina. What happened? Did the check bounce?” he sneered, making me realize that Lucca was right. He only ever saw me as a job. He never saw the real me.

  Grabbing a sheet from the floor, I covered his nakedness before removing my mask and sitting down with my back to him. Blank eyes stared at me from the floor, but I refused to feel pity. They deserved what they got. Knowing the longer we stayed the greater the chance we would be discovered I raised my eyes to Chris, who was approaching the bed. “Did you find the keys?” I asked.

  He shook his head, removed his mask and stepped close enough for Dominic to see him. “You look like shit,” Chris said, causing a sharp breath to hiss out of Dominic.

  “You’ve looked better, too.” I could feel his gaze burning a hole in my back so I wasn’t surprised when Dom whispered. “Tori?” I pushed down my own pain and turned to him. A range of emotions crossed his face before it settled into anger. “What the fuck were you thinking, coming here? You have to go.”


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