More Gems for the Journey

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More Gems for the Journey Page 6

by Vikki Johnson

  Journey Note

  99 Today’s Gem

  God has not forgotten you. He has not forsaken you. He forgives you—so forgive yourself. Stop rehearsing the past and determine in your mind to allow God to transform your pain into power. The Bible challenges us to lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily besets us. It’s time for you to get yourself together and move on. God is in your future waiting on you to say yes to His will for your life. You didn’t come this far for your life to end like this. Turn the page—it’s the beginning of the next chapter and it’s all good.

  Journey Note

  100 Today’s Gem

  God is always right! Always! His leadings are always consistent with His word. His direction for your life will always line up with who you were created to be. John 15:16 declares that “you did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain.” Stay in your lane and measure up to God’s plan for you life.

  Journey Note

  101 Today’s Gem

  Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Thus, ladies, your hope cannot be put in some dreamed-up future or fantasy. It must be in the God who knows your past, present and future. It must be in the God who loves you enough to give you the best. Elisabeth Elliott said, “Faith does not eliminate questions. But faith knows where to take them.” A woman of faith does not numb her longings and desires. Instead, she embraces God so tightly that she faces her waiting period with peace, not bitterness. If you work…God will wait. If you wait…God will work.

  Journey Note

  102 Today’s Gem

  Psalms 139:14 reminds us “to praise God, for we are fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are your works God; and that my soul knows very well.” It follows then that, that if I’m a work of art created by God, I’m marvelous and so are you! Bishop Jakes wrote in Sacred Promises For God’s Woman, “When you lack belief in yourself, you lack belief in God.” You are perfect in the eyes of He who made you. As the master composer, His song of “you” would not be anything less than brilliant. Recognize His handiwork and celebrate the incredible masterpiece of you!

  Journey Note

  103 Today’s Gem

  Proverbs 3:5 (AMP) declares, “Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.” Verse 6 continues with, “In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.” For many, God is training us to trust Him. How? With His silence. We don’t like unanswered questions or answers that are different from our expectations. God won’t tell you what you don’t need to know yet, sis. Instead, obey the last instruction He gave you—for your obedience breaks the silence of God.

  Journey Note

  104 Today’s Gem

  Don’t panic, sis—God’s got you. Trust Him to perfect all that concerns you—the bills, the children, your job, your marriage, your singleness, your ministry, your emotions, your desires. God is growing you. He is expanding your capacity to receive more of Him. The fire of God is to prove you, to purify you, and to perfect you. Psalms 66:12 (AMP) says that “after you come through—not over, not under, not around, but through the fire—God will bring you into a place of abundance and refreshing.” The trying of your faith worketh patience and proves to God that He can trust you with trouble and triumph.

  Journey Note

  105 Today’s Gem

  Philippians 2:13 says, “For it is God who is effectually at work in you, energizing and creating in you the power and desire, both to will and to work for His good pleasure and satisfaction and delight.” God is more concerned with your ultimate destiny than your immediate comfort. Your process is an indication of your destiny. Whatever God is working out of you is so that He can purify it for His glory. You already have all that you need to be effective for Christ. You are a power-packed, purpose-driven Princess in the Kingdom of God. Now walk, talk and live like you know it—the devil does.

  Journey Note

  106 Today’s Gem

  Purity comes at a high price. God seeks to purify us and all that we say we love…whether it be friendship, a spiritual blessing, a romantic interest, an intent or desire of the heart—it must be purified. How? You must pour it out before the Lord to be tried in the fire of God—just as a silversmith refines silver. This test of purity is to prove whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul. Give it, or them, to God. It’s simply a determination of the mind. The fire takes away the impurities—whatever survives the fire of God reflects Him and is given back to you.

  Journey Note

  107 Today’s Gem

  Can you lay down everything for the love of God? Jesus said in Luke 22:42, “Not my will, but always Yours be done.” He made a choice to be crucified. Addison Leitch said, “When the will of God crosses the will of man, somebody has to die.” To be crucified with Christ is to live, sis! How? Once you allow God to have your fear, doubt, insecurity, low self-esteem, unbelief, unholy appetites, neediness for attention, adoration and affection, and nail them to the cross, all that’s left is Christ. Can you imagine your life without all that self-imposed drama? Now that’s a reflection of peace that surpasses all understanding.

  Journey Note

  108 Today’s Gem

  Sis, God wants to make you a tree. Okay, like a tree…You know—that tree in Psalms 1:3 planted by the water, ready to bring forth fruit in its season. But first, you must endure some seasons that will appear to be to your detriment. You go through the Fall changing into many glorious colors in preparation for the cold, lonely and barren times of the winter—or so it seems. You see, when you can’t see God moving, you must know that He’s working. Spring comes and with it comes new life, new splendor, new blossoms and new beauty. No matter where you are in the seasons of life, always remember that God is in full control.

  Journey Note

  109 Today’s Gem

  Rainbows are God’s evidence of promise. However, a rainbow is created from a mixture of sun and rain. In other words, joy and pain produce promise. Let me say that another way—the Son (Jesus) and the rain (your suffering) produce promise, too. It’s called process. When process and promise meet—it’s your hour to shine—it’s called purpose. So be not weary in well doing, for in due season, not only will you reap, but God will turn your world from gray—into a radiance of color!

  Journey Note

  110 Today’s Gem

  Talk to God about it. Not your girlfriend, not your coworker—not even your prayer partner. Talk to God about it. Often, silence denotes discipline, patience and trust in God. David said in Psalms, “Truly my heart waits silently for God.” David said in Psalm 23, “He leads me beside still and quiet waters.” It is there—in the quietness that God refreshes and restores our soul. Waiting silently is very hard to do—but it is possible. Today, God is asking you to try Him—you’ve tried everything and everybody else and you’re still waiting. Now, wait on the Lord, be of good courage and He will strengthen, fortify and encourage your heart.

  Journey Note

  111 Today’s Gem

  When you don’t have enough, give it to Jesus! I’m talking about everything from not having enough money to not having enough compassion. I’m talking about not having enough peace to not having enough joy. I’m, talking about not having enough love coming in and enough love flowing out. In Matthew 14, Jesus took two fish and five loaves of bread: He took it, blessed it, broke it and gave it. God took “not enough” and it became so much that there were leftovers. In the words of Ruth Stall, “If my life is broken when given to Jesus, it is because pieces will feed a multitude, while a loaf will satisfy only one.” Give what you have left to God, sis—your heart, your energy, your money, your desires, your dreams, your goals, your love, your whatever. He will take your “not enough” and make it who He is�
��Elohim—the God of “more than enough!”

  Journey Note

  112 Today’s Gem

  Celebrate transition! God is nudging you to shift. Transition is not comfortable because as soon as you become familiar with where you are, it’s time to move again. The place of transition is also the “place of refining.” In this place, you encounter the fire of God. The fire of God consumes everything except your desire to know Him! In the fire of God you get revelation! In the fire of God you get inspiration! In the fire of God you get transformation! In the fire of God you get direction! So, yes, celebrate transition because transition is your friend. It comes to move you from what has been to what is coming!

  Journey Note

  113 Today’s Gem

  The Bible says in Psalms 37:4, “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart.” God is not looking for a part-time delight. He wants you to take pleasure in His presence. He wants your soul—the seat of your emotions—to be satisfied after each and every encounter with Him! God wants you to get so entrenched in Him that not even you can tell where you end and He begins. Once you and God reach this place, the desires of your heart will begin to manifest because now your heart beats in sync with His! You love what God loves. You hate what He hates. You feel what He feels. Now, you can’t be denied, because God cannot—He will not—deny Himself!

  Journey Note

  114 Today’s Gem

  God made us who we are. Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s handiwork, recreated in Christ Jesus, that we may do those good works which God planned in advance that we should walk in them.” You are unique. You are priceless—so valuable that your worth is limitless! Only you can fulfill the purpose for which you were created. So, never give up being who you are in an attempt to “be like someone else.” You are no more than or less than anyone else—just different. If God had not made you as He did, you wouldn’t be able to persevere as you have. And sometimes, you’ve just got to remind yourself!

  Journey Note

  115Today’s Gem

  Hey, woman—do you realize how intensely God loves you? When God says no, that doesn’t mean you’re not loved. Think back. Hasn’t He blessed you? Hasn’t He held you through some rough places? He’s still holding you! If He doesn’t cater to you and your self-absorbed requests, it’s love. When God says no, it’s because He knows you may get what you want—but you might not want what you get! Woman, God loves you. He’s crazy about you! You are the apple of His eye. Max Lucado said, “If God had a wallet, your picture would be in it. He sends you flowers every spring and listens every time you talk.” He’s tugging at your heart right now. It’s okay—feel the love.

  Journey Note

  116Today’s Gem

  Are you experiencing lack in your life? Then maybe you need to reevaluate your giving. 2 Corinthians 9:6–10 says, “He who sows sparingly will reap sparingly and he who sows generously will reap generously and with blessings.” Let each woman give as she has made up her mind, not reluctantly, for God loves a cheerful giver and He is able to make every favor blessing come to you in abundance so that you may always possess enough. God provides seed to the sower and will provide and multiply your resources for sowing. Your seed is anything that can multiply: love, time, money or kindness, and your harvest is what comes back to you, like joy, relationships or finances. If you don’t have enough to be a harvest, use it as seed and allow God to multiply it. Try outgiving God! You’ll love the results.

  Journey Note

  117Today’s Gem

  Iwant to remind you again of 1 John 3:1—“See, what an incredible quality of love the Father has given us, that we should be called the children of God.” God’s love for us doesn’t depend on what we say, what we do, on our looks or intelligence, on our success or popularity, on our choices or our performance. God’s love for us is not based on events or circumstances. God doesn’t say I love you if…His love is unconditional. To love without condition is not to love without concern. Don’t confuse unconditional love with unconditional approval. God doesn’t approve of betrayal, selfishness, pride or disobedience. God’s love continues even when we blow it! His love is His magnet. Jeremiah 31:3 says, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with loving kindness have I drawn you!” Girl, it never stops!

  Journey Note

  118 Today’s Gem

  God is bringing the high places down. But you must do your part. Okay—it happened. Whatever that is! 1 John 1:9 says, “If we freely admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness”—that is, everything not in conformity to His will and purpose, thought and action. Get up, get over it and get going. Ask God to help you work on the weakness that weakens you. When you change, everything changes. Submit your brokenness to God. In your weakness, He is made stronger in you. You don’t have to be afraid of success, for in Christ you can handle it. Are you afraid right now? It’s okay—do it anyway. For the truth is, if it doesn’t require faith, it doesn’t please God. Take every step—not by what you see but by what you know God sees for you.

  Journey Note

  119 Today’s Gem

  Whatever takes God’s place in your life is an idol. Whether it’s a job, a relationship, a ministry, a material possession or a lifestyle—if it’s first in your life, it has taken God’s place. Only you know in your heart who or what has that #1 spot. When God tells you to let someone go but you hold on to them, it’s idolatry. Yes, it’s going to be painful because it won’t feel good. It takes real trust to know that you can give up what you have and get back something better. God wants to wean you from the lesser and give you the greater. God’s plans for your life are so much better than yours. Whatever it costs you, sis, it’s worth the pain, discomfort and risk to make the switch. Is He talking to you? Only you know that!

  Journey Note

  120 Today’s Gem

  Matthew 23:11 says, “But the greatest among you shall be your servant.” Nobody is too great to help others. Touch somebody’s life today who can’t return the gesture. Love people—not crowds. Seek solutions—not credit. Lift somebody else’s spirit—not put them down to make yourself look better. Listen, insecure people project an image of who they want to be. It’s a miserable way to live and a facade that’s impossible to maintain. The root of insecurity is really the fear of rejection. But when you are meek, humble and lowly in spirit—meaning you project Christ, not self—you’re already grounded in love and have nothing to lose…everything to gain!

  Journey Note

  121 Today’s Gem

  God gives us a preview of what’s coming to give us hope “in the meantime.” Or maybe for you it’s “in the lean time.” Or, maybe it’s “in between” what was and what’s coming. No matter where you are, waiting can be difficult, especially if you’ve been waiting for a long time. Well, the Word of God comes to encourage you today from Habakkuk 2:3—“For the vision is yet for an appointed time and it hastens to fulfillment; the vision will not deceive or disappoint you. Though it tarry—wait for it—it will surely come on time.” Further, you won’t have to go find it—for what’s yours, my sister, is coming to you.

  Journey Note

  122 Today’s Gem

  Resistance training builds strength! The heavier the weight, the larger the muscle becomes. Isaiah 59:19 says, “When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.” This is why in our weakest moments—hardly recognizable to us—God’s strength is made perfect in us and our spiritual muscles enlarge! I know you don’t understand it right now—this “thing” you’re going through—but once you experience the joy of success in Christ, through Christ and with Christ, the pain, misery and sorrow of your struggle will be insignificant! Girl, God is up to something just for you.

  Journey Note

  123 Today’s Gem

  We must learn to love mercy. We
must become a place of refuge for one another. Become a safe place for your sister. Become a place of healing for another woman. Resist the opportunity to wound another woman. Break down the walls that provoke us to tear each other down. We must love mercy. Tap into the oil of your past experiences, past pain, and become a source of refreshing. Today, turn your misery into ministry, for when you take care of God’s business He is faithful and just to take care of yours.


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