More Gems for the Journey

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More Gems for the Journey Page 7

by Vikki Johnson

  Journey Note

  124 Today’s Gem

  Did you know that a mirror has two faces? The first face is the real you. The second face is the you with all the makeup, touch-ups and cover-ups. But today, the question is—who do you resemble? It doesn’t matter which face you’re checking because at some point in your walk with Christ, you ought to look like Christ. 2 Corinthians 3:16–18 says, “Whenever a person turns to the Lord in repentance, the veil is stripped off and taken away. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. Now with an unveiled face, the more you read the word, the more you are transformed and transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor.” Be the image—it’s eternal.

  Journey Note

  125Today’s Gem

  Did you know that you are God’s choice? God called you to do a specific work—no more, no less. So what are you waiting for? Are you waiting on people to affirm you? Are you stuck in the place of your last mistake? Are you still struggling with habits that God has already given you victory over? Girl, there is a place in God beyond average. There is a place in God that surpasses “this is how I am.” There is a place in God that extends past “I’m doing the best that I can.” How do you get there? You must do the work. Read your word, communicate with God, establish an intimate relationship with God. Listen, when you are God’s choice, nothing else matters.

  Journey Note

  126Today’s Gem

  God wants us to want Him. When we realize that it’s Him we want, we become free to identify the longings, loneliness and emptiness inside as our signal that we need to draw closer to God. With open arms, we need to ask God to fill us with more of Himself. Psalms 62:1 says, “For God alone my soul waits in silence.” Stop availing yourself to illusions and fantasies created by living in denial. Stop managing the matters of your heart with your emotions. Respond to those cravings from your spirit as it is submitted to the Spirit of God. Galatians 5:16 says, “Walk in the Spirit and it is impossible to do what you want to do!”

  Journey Note

  127 Today’s Gem

  God is an awesome God. If you are in Him and He is in you…guess what? You are awesome, too! Too many of us base our personal worth on what we believe the most important people in our lives think about us. We are constantly looking for someone else to tell us we are significant. Your value is not based on what somebody else thinks about you. Ephesians 2:10 says, “We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” When your view of God changes, your view of yourself will change, too. Once you begin to talk right about God, you’ll talk right about yourself, too!

  Journey Note

  128 Today’s Gem

  Have you taken ownership of what doesn’t belong to you? Well, you cannot consecrate what is not yours! It’s not your gift. It’s not your ministry. The Lord doesn’t want you to present your plans or your agenda to Him. He wants you to present your body. Oswald Chambers said, “There is only one thing you can consecrate to God and that is your right to yourself. If you give God your right to yourself, He will make a holy experiment out of you. His experiments always succeed.” Today, I challenge you to a reckless abandonment to Jesus Christ. The result—you’ll become a wellspring of originality as Christ works through you.

  Journey Note

  129 Today’s Gem

  Make your habitation in Christ. The Bible says in Psalms 16:11, “You will show me the path of life; in your presence is fullness of joy, at your right hand there are pleasures forevermore.” In His presence there is also common sense, discipline, consistency, humility, love, peace, gentleness, goodness and meekness. In His presence the renewing of your mind takes place so that you can discern the will of God for your life. Outside His presence, your convictions make you a self-righteous fanatic. But there is something amazingly humbling about being submitted, devoted, and loyal to God. You become his woman!

  Journey Note

  130Today’s Gem

  God wants to fill us with Himself. Why? Because your unmet needs make you a slave to others. Ephesians 3:18–20 (AMP) says, “that you may have the power to apprehend and grasp with all the saints the experience of that love what is the breadth, length, height and depth of God’s love. That you may really come to know through experience for yourself the love of Christ which far surpasses mere knowledge; that you may be filled (through all your being) with the fullness of God and become a body completely full of and flooded by God Himself.” Now He can do above and beyond your highest hopes, dreams, and thoughts. Philippians 4:19 says, “God wants to and will liberally supply your every need.” Be who God made you. He’s satisfied—you should be, too.

  Journey Note

  131 Today’s Gem

  Matthew 24:6 declares, “And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” Take comfort, refuge, and find peace today in Christ. Peace is not the absence of turmoil—it is the equalizer of God in the midst of turmoil that causes us to rest. John 16:33 says “In Christ ye shall have peace.” Philippians 4:7 declares, “And the peace of God shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ.” The safest place, woman of God, in the midst of all that is happening today, Psalms 91:1 says, is “The secret place of the Most High God.” Here, His angels have charge over you to accompany you, defend and preserve you in all your ways.

  Journey Note

  132 Today’s Gem

  Matthew 6:12 states, “And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven and have given up resentment against our debtors”. In other words, God, treat me like I treat others. God extend to me the mercy that I have extended to others. God, love on me the way I love others. God, please bless me the way I bless others—do we really want God to do that? If that were the measuring stick of God’s release in your life, what would be coming your way right now? Examine your heart. Analyze the purity of your thoughts toward others. Do we really want God to remember as long as we do? We’ve got work to do—let’s get busy!

  Journey Note

  133Today’s Gem

  God is calling us as women back to our place of femininity. Inside each of us is the fragrance of a rose, the softness of silk and the beauty of satin. Inside us is the power to become who we really are. God wants us to live fruitful lives, therefore we must live a life of purity. Purity in our hearts, purity in our minds, purity in our spirits—purity in our femininity. The book of Psalms 19:12 declares, “Cleanse me from my secret faults.” It’s not the big things or the obvious things that challenge us—therefore, ask the Lord to prepare you, preserve you, prove you. He wants you to be His woman—God’s woman.

  Journey Note

  134 Today’s Gem

  Get up and get going! Decide to live a life that pleases God in all respects. Set your heart’s desire on giving God glory with your lifestyle—not just your lips. When the Spirit of the Lord prompts you to do something, respond to it—don’t reject it. Seek to obey God on a moment-by-moment basis. God wants all of you all the time—not just on Sunday morning. In order to be full of God, you must first empty out old ways, old habits and old thought patterns. You can do it! Yes, you can! God said so! Remember, He can’t lie!

  Journey Note

  135Today’s Gem

  God wants to form Himself in you. Yes, He wants your whole heart. But He also wants to give you His heart. Then, you’ll love like He loves; you’ll speak the truth as He would; you’ll extend compassion—even to those you feel deserve your wrath. Jesus wants to make you full of Himself. God wants you to experience the liberty of real love—God love—agape (unconditional love). Can’t you hear Him calling you? Yes, you! Jesus longs to entertain you in His secret place—for in this place you will take off religion and put on relationship.

  Journey Note

  136 Today’s Gem

  Ladies, ladies, ladies! I feel the need to remind you that we as women cannot separate our emotions from our p
hysical state. The person who touches your body in an intimate and sexual way, also touches your emotions. You cannot have sex with a person and remain emotionally untouched no matter how hard you try. You cannot give your body without giving your heart. This is not a sin issue as much as it is a heart issue. This is not about you falling, as much as it is about your lack of ruling and reigning in every area of your life. Yes, you’re wounded, yes, you’re hurting, yes, you’re broken, yes, you’re bleeding—but that is not an excuse to allow your choices to separate you from God. Now more than ever, you must press your way into His presence. If you let Him, He will make you whole.

  Journey Note

  137Today’s Gem

  We are at war! It may be a war of words, a war of emotions, a war of rumors or a war of the mind! Whatever it is, don’t be afraid because God is there—He is a very present help in your time of trouble. Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him. Be comforted today, for your warfare has ended! 2 Chronicles 20 says, “Be not afraid or dismayed at this onslaught for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” Verse 17 says, “There is no need to fight in this battle. Just take your position, square your shoulders, hold your head up, stand still and watch God.” We are empowered to prosper and be victorious in the face of the enemy because the covenant on my life is greater than the attack on my life.

  Journey Note

  138 Today’s Gem

  You are an example of God’s intent to change the world! You have value! You have worth! You have purpose! God has need of you—that’s why you are here! God wants to release you from that spirit of rejection! Okay, so maybe your mother didn’t want you and all your life you’ve been called a “mistake” so that’s how you live your life—as if it’s a mistake. Well, from God’s heart to yours, Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you and approved you, set you apart, and consecrated you.” Psalms 139:17 states, “The Lord’s thoughts toward you are precious!” He wants you to know right now—you’ve been rejected to rule and reign with Him. Now, Queen, take your throne.

  Journey Note

  139Today’s Gem

  The spirit of offense is running rampant in the Body of Christ. This spirit doesn’t come alone, either. With offense comes unresolved anger. With unresolved anger comes bitterness. With bitterness comes resentment. With resentment comes rage. With rage comes vindication and ultimately believers find themselves stuck in a pit of unforgiveness. What’s going on in you? Why are you allowing an old offense and an old offender to control your life? Unforgiveness pushes you to compromise what you know is right. Today, God wants to give you grace for purpose. He wants to empower you to release what you’ve been holding on to. He wants to give you grace to see yourself as the “victor” and not the “victim” any longer! In the words of Maya Angelou, “You may be changed by what happens to you; but you can refuse to be reduced by it!”

  Journey Note

  140 Today’s Gem

  Pain often drives people to act in ways that are comforting and anesthetizing in the short term, but negative and damaging in the long term. Often, overwhelming circumstances come to shift us into the next stage of purpose. God can and does bring purpose to pain in the lives of His children. However, He does not comfort us to make us comfortable. He comforts us to make us comforters. God wants you to realize today that you cannot be anything else to your family and friends until you become what you are supposed to be to Him. God wants to speak a word to you in the midst of your trauma. It’s never too late to begin again with God. You did not come this far for your story to end like this…get up and get moving—God has plans for you!

  Journey Note

  141 Today’s Gem

  Don’t let people disturb your peace! Others will attempt to steal your peace because they don’t have any. You’ve heard it before—misery loves company. Guess what? Peace loves company, too. Surround yourself with people and things that contribute to your peace. Determine to have peaceful conversations. Peace is a promise from God to you if you keep your mind stayed on him.

  Journey Note

  142 Today’s Gem

  There is a “little girl” in all of us. We all want affirmation, approval, adoration and acceptance. We all want to be the apple of someone’s eye. Too often, we as women continually nurse frailties that zap our energy, our confidence and our self-esteem. What we should be doing is nurturing our gifts, our value and our self-worth. In the words of the gospel group Mary Mary, God already has made you beautiful. Girl, you are just the way God intended you to be—unique! So, from today forward, when you look in the mirror—say, “I love me with all my flaws and downfalls.” Just be your best (no, not for “them”), cause to Him (no, not your man), in Him in Christ, you already are the best! You go, girl.

  Journey Note

  143Today’s Gem

  Hello there, woman of God. Great woman of God! No, you don’t have ordination papers or a missionary license, but you have been called to the Kingdom for such a time as this. You do have a Kingdom assignment. But to be effective, you must take risks and accept change. Grow through challenges—be totally honest with yourself first. Then, and only then, can you be honest with others. Correct erroneous beliefs and assumptions for they limit your potential. Respect your vulnerabilities. Know what you like, so if necessary, you know when to run. Heal old wounds and refuse to accept new ones. Wave goodbye to guilt—for if the devil can keep you guilty, he can keep you defeated. Treat yourself with respect and teach others to do the same. Sista girl, fill you cup first, then nourish others from the overflow. Take ownership of your own excellence and know that Philippians 1:6 is true: “He that hath begun a good work in you, will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.”

  Journey Note

  144 Today’s Gem

  Deception lies in the hearts of those who think reality has nothing to offer. You live in an illusion. Consequently, you live your life full of anger, bitterness, resentment, resistance, jealousy and sadness because these emotions are easier than the grief you would have to endure if you took your situation off life support. Yes, it’s alive—but there is no life. Yes, it’s functioning, but it’s mechanical—it’s the same motion over and over again. Denial exempts you from being healed. Come on, open your eyes and see it for what it is. Let God deal with the pain of your situation so that you can walk in the power of your resurrected dreams.

  Journey Note

  145Today’s Gem

  Iam a woman. I am God’s woman. I am a woman walking in total confidence of God to the praise of His glory. I am a VIP! I have Value in Christ, I have Identity in Christ and I have Purpose in Christ. This status is not about what I have—it’s about where I am. Ephesians 1:11 states that “In Him also, we have obtained an inheritance. I am sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, and In Him, I have the assurance that the Holy Spirit is the guarantee of my inheritance.” Get ready for what’s coming—resurrection, restoration and restitution!

  Journey Note

  146Today’s Gem

  Women who love obsessively are full of fear. They fear being alone, being unlovable and unworthy, being abandoned, ignored or destroyed. Consequently, they give—what they call love—in the desperate hope that the object of their affection will take care of their fears. Instead, the fears and obsessions become worse until giving love in order to get it back becomes a driving force in their life. When that doesn’t work, they love even harder and it becomes a cycle of destruction, devastation, and disappointment. Is this you? If so, God wants you to stop measuring the degree of your love by the depth of your torment. That’s not love—that’s obsession. But the good news is this—Jesus is waiting to cover you with the healing that is in His wings.

  Journey Note

  147 Today’s Gem

  Are you a woman with healthy self-esteem? If so, then you accept yourself fully, even in the midst of becoming better. You accept others as they are without trying to change them to meet your needs. When you are a fulfilled woman, you find valida
tion in God, rather than searching for that sense of self-worth in an earthly relationship. You don’t need to be needed in order to feel worthy, and you do not expose yourself to the exploitation of those who are not interested in your well-being. A woman with healthy sense of self is secure in knowing that God’s love never fails, never ends, never changes.

  Journey Note

  148 Today’s Gem

  Sis, stop running around looking for love. The only reason we as women do that is because we have not fully embraced how intensely God loves us. God is a personal God and He is deeply committed to loving each of us. He made that decision long before we failed—so repent for rejecting His love. Repent for allowing guilt to stay longer than it was supposed to. Guilt insults God’s mercy. Open your heart, unzip you spirit and hear God calling you in the midst of the very thing you’re trying to run from. Stand still and know the nothing you can do can make God change his mind about you.


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